Chapter 138 Game
On Friday afternoon, Red Rose Manor, outside the luxurious room filled with various antiques.

Klein stood at the door and asked about the sixth maid encountered today.

The young maid was wearing a black and white servant dress with the characteristics of the times. She had a good appearance and was in full bloom of youth. Her brown hair was somewhat curly and playful.

After talking for a while, Klein smiled and said, "You seem to know more than the previous servants, and you even know how to call me Detective Moriarty."

The maid glanced around and said with a smile, "Because I took turns serving that lady, she always wanted to meet you, Detective Moriarty. After all, she and Mr. Talim are good friends, and she is very concerned about his death."

"It's a pity that she always misses you."

"Always?" Klein was very sensitive to words like "always", "just in time", and "missed".

The maid nodded seriously and said:
"The first time His Royal Highness invited you to be a guest, she deliberately lost her temper and wanted to take the opportunity of going downstairs for a walk to meet you. Who knows, you left in a hurry."

"After that, she offered to offer flowers to Mr. Talim's tomb instead of the prince, but she couldn't find you because she didn't know your face."

"And today, she happened to go to the back golf course to ride a horse to relax, otherwise, even if the housekeeper doesn't allow it, she will find a way to see you."

What a coincidence... Klein just sighed, and suddenly grasped a key point:

On the day of Talim's funeral, it was his favorite commoner woman who presented flowers instead of the prince!
And what Klein cared most about that day was the lady with a black veil on her face and a sapphire ring on her hand. The other party was probably carrying a "0"-level sealed item, or she was a powerful existence of the same level!
Suddenly, the scene at that time flashed back in Klein's mind:

The woman wearing the sapphire tail ring was wearing a heavy black dress, accompanied by a maid, and gradually went away in a carriage...

One of the maids has natural curly brown hair...

The image of the maid quickly overlapped with the maid in front of Klein's eyes, and they matched very well!

Klein's body tensed suddenly, and the sweat dripped from his vest, but his expression did not change at all.

Using the ability of "Joker", he pretended to recall, and asked with a smile, "Did you follow that lady on the day of Talim's funeral?"

The maid responded indifferently: "Yes."

... Wow, it's really her!Klein kept smiling:

"Very well, next question."

As if nothing had happened, he asked about other things step by step, and then changed to another servant to continue.

However, Klein secretly shortened the process and accelerated the progress.

He wanted to leave Red Rose Manor before the young lady returned on horseback!
At four o'clock in the afternoon, when the sky was still dark, Klein left much earlier than expected, and returned to the city in the carriage sent by the old housekeeper.

Sitting inside the car window, leaning against the wall wrapped in silk, cotton cloth, etc., he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and had the energy to recall the whole thing:
The one who cursed and killed Talim was Prince Edsac's beloved civilian woman...

Why did she deal with a descendant of a dilapidated nobleman and take revenge on Talim for trying to break up her and the prince?

However, she doesn't need to do it herself at all. Find a chance to tell this matter on the bed. Prince Edesak has plenty of ways to make Talim disappear without a sound...

Talim was completely in a state of love before his death, um... the first sign was after he successfully persuaded the commoner woman to leave Prince Edesak... They had an affair?So, in order to eliminate hidden dangers, the commoner woman who was brought back to the manor cursed and killed Talim?

It makes sense logically, but the problem is, how could a boss with a "0" level sealed item or a strong man of the same level be restrained by Prince Edsaac?Even if the Augustus family of angels has enough accumulation, they have to use huge power and adopt special methods to restrain them. This is not something a prince can do...

Moreover, how could such a character like Talim?

Why does she keep wanting to see me?Have you noticed that I use the gray fog to spy?

No, if this is the case, I was buried with Talim on the day of Talim's funeral... Besides, when she first wanted to see me, I hadn't got the flesh, hair, and belongings, and I hadn't done any divination!
Klein thought in bewilderment, and finally decided to bury the problem in his heart, not to explore, not to investigate!

I hope that "Mechanical Heart" can find out that the royal family attaches great importance to this matter with my previous reminder. Yes, their importance may not be for the reputation of Prince Edsac, but for other reasons!I hope that the royal family will continue to restrict that lady and prevent her from visiting me... After a few days, when the time is right, I will hand over this task, expressing that I can't do anything, and then use the excuse of going to the south for vacation to change my identity, Dodge for a while!Klein's mood gradually calmed down.

"This is a 'faceless puppet', a magical item in my collection, a level 1 sealed item, which is an item formed by accident by combining extraordinary materials from various sources and a puppet body, and can come as a temporary external clone if necessary , after my test, it can descend to the ability of Sequence 4 or higher."

"But once it reaches Sequence 3, there will be wear and tear. At present, the degree of wear and tear is not too serious, and it can withstand two to three times."

"The negative effect is that it will continue to radiate attraction to the people around it, or turn into the appearance of a human being fused by it, tempting others to look at it, pick it up, and mistake it for a puppet of its own appearance. Simultaneously affect up to [-] active targets, and absorb the blood of the people around. Once the attracted person has the above cognitive confusion, the 'faceless puppet' will obtain the identity of the object in a very short time And the appearance, the two sides exchanged, and tried to leave. The fastest speed I observed was four seconds, and after the identity was seized, the doll would regard itself as the person, so it was difficult to be discovered. "

"Killing the puppet that has stolen the identity can restore it, but once the identity is successfully exchanged, the victim is doomed to die."

"Before I got it, it had already fused dozens of souls, so it had a certain degree of self-awareness."

Riel finished playing the Traynor recording he had recorded, and handed an iron box to Richard.Richard swayed, and the sound of objects colliding came through inside—it sounded like a small thing, made of wood, and it should be a relatively ordinary movable doll for painting.

"The way to seal this item is to keep it in a completely sealed box?"

Riel opened his mouth, and Trainor's voice came out of its throat again: "The sealing method is to put it in a fully sealed, light-free box, and to ensure that no humans or animals stay within a radius of 200 meters for more than 5 minutes. "

"You prisoners are good at sealing and controlling, it should be easier to deal with it."

"The most important point is: Be sure to return it to me! If I don't have it, my future plans will be greatly affected."

Richard smiled and put the black box aside: "I will."

"Here's another recording," Riel said. "You didn't ask the question, but I'll play it for you anyway."

"This item is not a complete product of the Seer path, but also mixed with other extraordinary materials and... an incredible blessing. That's why it has the negative effect of devouring souls and sucking blood. In short, use it with caution, and do not use more than 10 at a time. minute."

Richard tilted his head and said thoughtfully, "I see. Is there nothing else?"


"I'll put the information about the raid you asked for here. If there's nothing else, I'll leave." Riel put the stack of materials submitted by Garland De that he found out from nowhere. On the table, seeing that Richard had no extra requests, he happily waved his tail and ran into the spirit world.

After he left, Maria, who had been sitting in the corner of the office without daring to breathe, mustered up the courage to speak: "Is that your messenger from the legend? A demigod messenger?"

mine?It seems that I have used it too many times, and there have been unreliable rumors in the organization... Richard immediately denied: "No, that is my friend's messenger. It's just that we are adjacent to each other, and it They can't beat me, so they are often recruited by me."

Maria was shocked when she heard Richard say "it can't beat me again" for the first time. The image of the leader had some wonderful elements in her heart.

As for the friend mentioned by the leader, there is no doubt about his identity. He must be the old partner who is far away from Intis, the partner who can only be known by the person in charge of the middle and high sequence.For decades, considerable technical assistance and jobs have been provided, and even the material and capital chains have not been broken.

It is said that a new craftsman from Garland De's side was also sent by him, and he has just completed a batch of high-value orders with the Aurora Society.

Richard picked up the stack of materials and reported, and finished flipping through the quantum speed-reading, heaving a sigh of relief:
"It's okay." He said, "This matter was reported urgently, not specifically to force me to go back."

"If it's the latter, Maria, I suggest you withdraw from Loen immediately. There may be serious problems with the government management here."

Maria's heart trembled: "Then what should I do now?"

"There may be a turning point now."

"However, even so, it should not be underestimated..." Richard rubbed his chin and said thoughtfully, "My whereabouts can be located through the ticket, which is also my agreement with the Northern Continent Church in exchange for aid. I just On the second day in Backlund, someone found out about my whereabouts, and used the newspaper industry to imply that I should leave here quickly, and it seems that the crisis in the Eastern District is quite tricky."

Speaking of this, Maria suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and quickly said: "Admisol looked in the direction of the 'Bell of Order' before fainting. Maybe this is a clue?"

Richard didn't answer. He lifted the spiritual wall, opened the box that sealed the "faceless doll", and took out the real body of the sealed object from the small black box—a wooden doll about [-] centimeters high. The made dolls for painting, the limbs can move.

The difference is that the general reference doll body will be specially made into a male or female figure, which is convenient for beginners to observe and learn, but this doll is quite neutral, without any gender characteristics, and has a flat face and no nose.

Maria was involuntarily attracted by the doll. At this moment, the doll also moved, and the face without facial features turned to Maria's direction.In an instant, a middle-aged man with a high nose bridge, a thin face, and light brown eyes appeared in front of her. He looked at her like a father looking at his grown-up daughter.

This person who had been dead for several years appeared vividly in her eyes. The weak and soft smile on his face was the same as when she was a child.As if he would let her pass by in the next second, he gently stroked the top of her hair with those skinny but warm hands.

However, the next moment, rays of light burst out from the middle-aged man's body, like countless bandages, instantly wrapping him into a mummy.And the gentle and weak expression of the middle-aged man immediately became ferocious and distorted, like a monster.The phantom was wrapped in a seal, and the image before Maria's eyes was shattered in the air. The little doll in Richard's hand shook its limbs and lowered its head with a click.

Richard noticed the change in Maria's demeanor, and probably guessed who she saw, but he didn't give Maria time to continue to be sad, and immediately asked several consecutive questions:
"The bell of order, order, judge? You mean that in Ademisor's induction, this disaster may have something to do with the royal family?"

Facing the leader's problem, Maria quickly returned to her normal state.But she was a little uncertain. Just when she was about to deny it, she saw Richard frowning slightly, and a low voice sounded directly in her mind:

"I think so too."

"But I can't think of... under what circumstances, the royal family, or the government, would carry out an indiscriminate attack in the East End."

Richard put the documents in his hands on the table casually, then smiled naturally and patted Maria on the shoulder:

"Forget it, don't talk about this!"

"Perhaps someone wants to blame the royal family. It's better to leave this kind of thing to the managers of Loen to worry about."

"I brought buttered bacon bread and a big bucket of mint tea for the children at noon. Now the children must have started to eat lunch, so let's discuss what to eat at noon today."

Maria quickly picked it up: "Okay!"

"This is absolutely impossible to clear the population. If this is the case, it is impossible for Intis and Fusac, or even Fenepot and Renburg to sit idly by, and they will definitely use 'human rights' as an excuse to treat Ruen's dissatisfaction. Righteousness goes to war! The House of Augustus can't be that stupid."

As they left the principal's office, and as the door closed, Richard asked her, "Would you like to try a cream of clam chowder from a restaurant outside the East End? I think it's delicious. You'll like it."

"You're right, I haven't tasted fresh food for a long time."

Maria nodded in agreement, and at the same time, another sentence sounded in her mind: "Someone doesn't want me here, maybe I really have to leave immediately. I leave this doll to you, please be careful and put it away." , Let me descend through a ceremony when necessary. Recite my full name three times in a row, and then throw this doll out, and I will act immediately."

"I have already sealed this item. There is no need to demand that there are no living things within a radius of 200 meters, as long as it stays in that sealed box."

"Ha, but taking me away in such a hurry has exposed the real danger of this incident. It will definitely not be higher than the angel level, and it will not be a disaster of the level of evil gods. In this case, the power of the saint level is completely You can step in."

"That's it, okay?" Richard said suddenly.

Maria instantly understood: "Yes, no problem."

So they talked and laughed and walked to the restaurant on the outskirts of the East District. After entering the door, Richard went to the order counter, while Maria went to the booth.The moment she sat down, Maria suddenly felt as if many eyes swept over her.She pretended to be ignorant, and sat quietly in her seat, staring at the vases on the table in a daze.

After Richard finished ordering, he stayed at the counter for a while, not as relaxed as when he comforted Maria.

King of Loen, no, Dark Emperor of Loen, are you planning something?

But what kind of decision, exactly, will allow you to do something to your own people?

Could it be that there are not enough manpower to build the mausoleum, or the number of anchors is not enough, you decided to plunder a large number of people in the East District?But how to explain Ademisor's "they are all dead"... Dead people are not effective anchors, and they can't help you repair graves, right?

Or are they likely to be cleaned out after two months?
Is this really a population cleanup with your acquiescence?But what is the point of doing this...

After thinking for a long time, Richard couldn't get the answer.All he can do right now is to take one step at a time. Since some people don't want him to stay and ruin their plans, leaving the "faceless doll" here secretly may be the last resort he can do.


There is another update at 06:30.

I'm so sleepy, I'll go to sleep first if I'm indecisive.

(End of this chapter)

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