Chapter 159 Two Evil Gods Chatting
In fact, Earth (or Blue Star) is a very interesting place.he thought.

There are 22 paths gathered here, and 22 true gods may be born. This is a miracle that is unimaginable anywhere in the universe.

Putting aside the old civilization, and removing this boring barrier, I might like this miracle.

If the gods are willing to fight and kill each other according to the laws of the starry sky, support their families, give them unique abilities or blessings according to the way, develop different civilizations and be constantly improved and eliminated in the war, then He would love it doubt.

He would be willing to spend tens of thousands of years staying near this planet, observing every move in it, gathering intelligence and information, and cursing their prosperity and blessing them to perish.And such frequent and high-quality wars will promote aggregation, and eventually this will become the center of the universe, and it will also become the original place of awakening.One of its kind will emerge victorious, like collecting every piece of a puzzle.After being put together, the jigsaw puzzle loses its value, and redisrupting it will become the only result.Everything in the universe is business as usual, and the gods usher in eternal life again after a moment of death.

We are all part of the original, we are all His children.

We do nothing, follow our instincts, cross the starry sky, devour and make up, or be quiet or crazy, fight and die, all in order to make ourselves the first (final) to dominate everything when everything starts again.

Maybe there will be differences of opinion on the restart of the universe, but it is a consensus among the gods to make themselves the first by plundering power.

As the Creator—well, only in this world inside the barrier, the king of decay prefers to call him the Creator, because this name has a strong orientation on the earth, and the succession of divine names in mysticism is also an important symbol of authority.Otherwise, He can also go to Adam instead of choosing the real Creator to rule on the matter of human beings.

When the consciousness of the original God appeared in the Creator, the gods became nervous for a while. If the pillar wakes up smoothly, then everyone can go about their business.God may take care of human beings, but he will certainly not be kind to the gods. After all, the world is to see whose fist is big.The path and source quality that I snatched with my ability, why should I return it?Anyway, the extraordinary will not increase or decrease forever, and it will naturally return when the universe restarts!
But immediately afterwards, the method He adopted surprised all the gods watching and burst into laughter. He actually chose to commit suicide!

On Earth, embracing the Spirit of Roots is a madness!
To be killed, to be denied, and to be imprisoned in the basement!
Use suicide to purify the spirit, strengthen the concept of "self", and get rid of the root spirit to a certain extent, but God's extraordinary characteristics are all in you, so what if you temporarily purify your consciousness?Ah, there is also an anchor, which is also an interesting new concept. Many gods have family members. It is not impossible to call family members anchors, but let the family members worship their own emblems and even rely on these It is somewhat rare for fragile beings to imagine gods to maintain their "self" before becoming gods.

So this also created an interesting phenomenon-under the premise that the gods have their own racial favors, they will also choose human beings as public family members.

Gods who are unwilling to take care of human beings will be expelled from the circle of earth gods.

The civilization of the first era and the second era still had a taste of the starry sky, but the trend became more and more strange after that, and there were so many paths on this planet, so many that they could check and balance each other, and even became a small circle of gods, and they insisted that they The method is correct.

The Outer Gods were naturally very happy, and their eyes widened when they stood together to watch a good show. After a single path to the true god!

The second era and the third era can be called "The Gods on the Bite of the Tongue". High-end betrayals often only require the simplest plan, that is, no plan at all.The master who has been busy for an era spent a lot of time on the layout, and finally successfully made himself a big meal and sent it to the mouth of the king of angels in the adjacent path.So far, a satisfactory ending has been obtained.Only the Creator looked very dissatisfied, wondering if it had something to do with being eaten by three people.

The door of the glass garden opened, and the Creator who was eaten by three people came from not far away. He had too many questions and curiosity, and the recent afternoon tea always turned into a tea party.

"You are so interested in the starry sky and other planets." The Declining King casually learned from Mr. Men (Mother God), and made a simple encouragement to the real creator, "Why don't you go out and see for yourself?"

Speaking skills 1d100=100> 30 big failures, the real creator is not interested in the outside world where the outer gods are stalking, so he directly rejected it.

He sat down on the seat next to him, stared at the profile of the Outer God, and said skillfully: "About what you didn't finish last time, would you like to add further?"

Although it was not necessary, the Declining King still turned his head away: "Listening to stories is fine, but information needs to be rewarded."

"Then listen to the story."

The real creator didn't care: "Then tell me about the planet you destroyed that you mentioned last time."

"Tofadal?" The outsider understood, "It also happened three or four hundred years ago."

"I remember you said that it was a civilization with advanced technology and supremacy of force."

"Yes, force." He said, "The people there can easily obtain violence with technology. Their tribe used to be the most backward on the entire planet, and they were always attacked, but they gradually learned to develop technology."

"Their tribal fortunes began by being the first to make sharper weapons."

"In the end they developed into a very interesting world, always chasing force, different armed groups doing their own thing, and wars, large and small, broke out from time to time, and the purpose of all life is to develop stronger weapons. Supplement: their technological development It’s very interesting, they are keen to develop various alloys, and due to the unique geography of the planet, they collect cosmic rays as weapons, so they occasionally intersect with extraordinary life, but luckily they are not destroyed.”

"So their body mutation rate is also high, and most of them are heritable mutations, but as long as they become stronger, they are considered benign."

The real creator has learned about the development of many different civilizations these days, and he is not surprised, and just wants to continue listening.

"Until you show up?" He would even tease.

"It was their world that drew me," said the Decayed King.

"The signs of the decline and decline of this civilization appeared in their -- 100 years before their heyday, I arrived here."

"At that time, the entire planet was in chaos."

Force is easier than culture to distinguish high from low in a short period of time, which can also be seen from the development of human beings.Perhaps the backwardness of knowledge can maintain dignity for a period of time, but as long as the guns are slightly behind by one version, they will immediately be at a disadvantage in war.

This planet, which values ​​the development of weapons more than written knowledge, truly realizes that the truth is only within the range of the cannon.The armament war between the powerful countries is in full swing, monopolizing the innovation of weapons and the development of mineral resources. The slightly smaller regimes have become their testing grounds for testing weapons. When the decaying king walked on the earth, he just discovered such a gifted and full of possibilities. child.

"The possibility of this kid changing all that?"

"No. It is to destroy everything, and the only one who is qualified is this one."

Outer God recorded his own experience according to the habit, updated the information base of the ocean of thinking, and picked up the body of a person who died in the war (of course this race is not human), to learn, understand, and reach the life span of this race In the middle and late stages of the game, a small regime's weapons development project was mixed in.It is said to be development, but it is actually researching secret weapons for one of the countries. Maybe after the development is completed, its own citizens will become the testing ground for new "peacekeeping" weapons.

So has it been tested?The real creator is curious, and the king of decay occasionally doesn't like to pretend to be suspenseful, so he directly announced: done.

In fact, if you want knowledge and information, Outer God should go to the most developed countries, but He is here to witness-judgment-destruction, so he does not pursue the best, but only wants to dig a few more in the weak places of the embankment ant nest.Decay is always like this, it is always quiet and silent. When He comes, it is often when the development reaches its peak. There is only one fanatical voice left in the world, and people also regard this voice as their own.

Only after ten years, a hundred years, or a thousand years... when you look at the history books, you will realize that "it turns out that this is the turning point of decline".

"My student is a man of lofty ideals."

"His hometown was also the testing ground, and he lost all his family members in that experiment."

"He joined the development team with me, and it was the enemy country that destroyed his homeland. Therefore, he boldly assumed that if there is a most powerful weapon that can suppress all countries and has the logical intelligence to judge right and wrong, Then maybe there will be peace."

The real Creator first sighed without malice: "You actually use weapons to expect peace." Then he said: "Maybe this is also a kind of artificial god? He has realized that the greatest power needs a fair and rational constraint, not a handover." It has seen the regime seesaw."

"In fact, decline and prosperity are often separated by a wall."

"Has this weapon been created? If it is, then indeed there will be a precious period of peace afterwards, and they have made themselves enemies, and the next goal of life on this planet should be to resist it , to liberate itself once more."

"..." Outer God chose to create suspense, "In fact, those lives who have experienced the flames of war almost all agree on this."

"But they didn't have a chance to resist. No matter how much they marched to unite the people, it was just a matter of a few shells. My students had this opportunity, so they put [-]% of their energy into it, and not only advanced the project at a high speed progress, and even made many improvements and innovations in the process. The investor is very satisfied, saying that if the weapon is successfully handed over, it will be avoided twice. "

"He also successfully designed intelligence for this weapon."

Anyone with a smattering of science fiction will quickly realize what this means: This must be the foreshadowing of the planet's demise.

A machine with its own self is one of the important imaginary enemies of the old human civilization.When people see all kinds of robots and artificial intelligence automatic assembly lines, it is difficult not to feel the fear of "being betrayed by them".

In fact, it is indeed true that Outer God recounted that short period of life:

That young man has been promoting everything with great enthusiasm, so he has obtained quite high authority, and can live in the research institute at night and work alone.He also gave that artificial intelligence a name, talked to it, discussed, calculated, and helped it perfect itself.

It will express its emotions through regular lights, the more the merrier, causing sometimes the entire institute to be brightly lit late at night.

But the day before the weapon was about to be completed, he suddenly had a great panic:
"Teacher, can this weapon really bring peace?"

His teacher didn't answer, and then, the weapons were turned in and they were all killed.

"Sure enough." The True Creator was not surprised, and commented with the mentality of an outsider, "Your life is indeed very short."

"More than 200 years." He said, "It's actually a long time, but it just makes me feel a little boring, because everyone has the same thoughts. Bigger shadows cover their heads, and louder voices emanate from their heads. Come out, so they feel that this shadow is their own, and this voice is also their own. Only their heavy industry and weapon development are worth mentioning. They are very good. Cosmic ray weapons have a wider range than nuclear bombs, and the follow-up pollution lasts longer, and they mutate The pathogenicity rate is almost 90.00%. If they don’t self-destruct, they can travel farther in the universe,”

"Sure enough, it was because the weapon self-destructed?"

"Actually, at the very beginning, the self-intelligence of that weapon was nothing. It was like a little girl, and all it saw were staff with clear goals and dedicated research. Therefore, it was easy to be deceived and deceived. It has not yet If you have enough time to learn, even if you lie to it, coax it to shoot a refugee camp, and say you are playing with it, it will believe it—it has no concept of 'death'."

"It's really hard for a machine to understand death. I thought your student's death would make it realize."

"No." said the Declining King, "there is no such novel plot."

"It didn't understand death in the end. Its madness came from anger, and its anger came from finally realizing that it was deceived and did something contrary to its original design intention. It was not used to maintain peace, but became the largest The controllable violence of the world—it is true that the controllers did not lie to it. After all the opponents are dead, isn’t there peace in the world? Isn’t this the purpose of its life?”

"So its logic hedges, it keeps making mistakes, it's like a virus."

"Then it was forcibly shut down as a strategic deterrent, and other petty regimes and doctrines took advantage of it."

The Declining King immediately added: "I didn't see it with my own eyes. After the death of my student and the delivery of this weapon, I was convinced that this place would surely perish, so I didn't try to guide it any further, I just wanted to watch its destruction. , After another few hundred years. They started fighting again... The purpose was to snatch it, to snatch this weapon representing the highest power and greatest strength. Unprecedented and unprecedented, 30.00% of the surface was wiped out, and finally, someone restarted this weapon."


The true Creator's expression turned serious, realizing that the end of this story is coming.

Reawakened, the weapon first kills whoever tries to control it, and then it starts killing in earnest - yes, seriously.Just like meticulously wiping off the dust on the table and scraping off the stains on the wall, it earnestly strives to kill every life, even the wild animals on that planet to a certain extent, trying to This way to accomplish their own "peacekeeping" purpose.

The population was reduced to one-fifth very quickly.And less and less under its efficient peacekeeping, then, God stopped it.

"You still stop it?" The real creator was a little curious, "The remaining lives have passed your judgment, and you decided to give them the possibility of prosperity?"

"First of all, I stopped it because I wanted to confirm whether it had the possibility to upgrade its own intelligence."

The King of Decline said: "My student designed a code for it, and I know that code too. It thought I was my student, and it happily lit up all the remaining lights. It told me, let me try again." Wait, peacekeeping is coming to an end."

"After a period of communication, I confirmed that its logic will not be upgraded, and it will keep this thinking until it crashes."

"Then I turned to the lives I 'saved' to see their reactions."

The Decayed King said quietly, "I want to see them—"

"Will you 'regret'."

Turns out it didn't, and when they were slaughtered by it, all they could think about was hate and curse, curse the developers, and hate themselves for not having greater violence.And when a more powerful force appeared to prevent its massacre, this group of beings immediately found a new way of worship, and even thought that they were also a powerful alien weapon, eager to understand the logical structure of it, so these naive All the researchers lost control and turned into monsters.

No one regrets.

"So I decided to destroy them completely."

On the first Monday afternoon after the great smog, at three o'clock, Forsi's eyes suddenly became clear, and she saw three figures sitting opposite the mottled long table.

More members?As soon as she thought about it, she quickly settled down again.

At this moment, she doesn't care about whether there are new members of the Tarot Society. Her mind is full of the smog and plague last week.

She clearly remembered that in the last gathering, "The World" reminded herself and Ms. "Justice" that something big was brewing in Backlund, and it was very likely to bring about a tragedy. Mister Fool affirmed this guess and further pointed out the root of the problem. The key figure is Prince Edsac.

She didn't doubt Mister Fool's ability, but thought that the tragedy needed to be brewed, and there was still enough time to investigate. Who knew it would come so fast and so suddenly!
According to reports, Prince Edesak also contracted an illness in that smog and unfortunately died... It really happened, it really happened... Forsi recalled the contents of the newspaper a few days ago, and seemed to understand something, But he couldn't grasp anything, and felt a little panic and uneasy for a while.

As a Sequence 9 me, it seems that because I joined the Tarot Club, I "intervened" in advance of this terrible event involving a metropolis, a prince, and tens of thousands of lives!It wasn't until this moment that "Magician" Fors realized the weight of being a member of the Tarot Society.

Then, she heard Miss Justice's greeting, which was the same as usual, but lost her lightness:

"Good afternoon, Mister Fool."

"You saved Backlund again!"

ah?What?When was I saved again? "Moon" Emlyn was at a loss for a while.


In any case, the first to announce the name of Chick is indeed a great contribution.

I skipped the part about Emlyn praying to the Fool before (the little vampire is not too important), in short, the difference between Sun, Moon and Star is Leonard.

(End of this chapter)

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