Chapter 160 Some changes

The few fragments of the truth behind the "big smog" and the few words that Mister Fool revealed indiscriminately made Miss "Magician" terrified, and once again made the decision to take Hugh to leave Backlund early, entering Tarot for the first time Mr. "Moon" from the meeting was greatly shocked, and he was unswerving about "this is an organization that saves the world", "and I am indeed the savior of the blood race!"

The only one who is a little proud is Miss Justice, who made a direct contribution to this incident and successfully won the award.But at the same time, she also felt the same fear that Forsi had. With the help of this incident, this noble girl realized one thing, that is, what she thought was a peaceful, normal and stable life, in the collision between the gods, would be Like soap bubbles, it bursts instantly at the slightest irritation.

In other words, the entire kingdom, the entire human society, exists only because of the balance between gods and gods, and this balance is extremely fragile... Every time similar thoughts come out, Audrey feels sad for a while.

This sadness will further arouse her desire to become stronger and protect her family.

The pre-meeting dialogue didn't last long, and you already have a tacit understanding, and you will agree that the short period of time when the Tarot Club starts is the exclusive time for Mister Fool to read Roselle's diary.

This part of the diary seems to be relatively simple. It belongs to the early days of Roselle's time travel, the early stage of making a fortune, and the face-slapping links that are often found in Earth-travel novels. From the content, Roselle is also very interested.In addition, one of the more valuable information mentioned is that "the hunter path will be forcibly transformed into a male in Sequence 4", which probably gave Russell a reason to ridicule Florent and even the entire Sauron family. But he selectively ignored (or really didn't know) that the witch would change from a male to a female in Sequence 7.

However, Sequence 7 and Sequence 4 are seriously inconsistent, which also makes Klein have a serious sense of incongruity, as if it is a strong evidence of the twisted and weird path itself.

Turning to the second page of the diary, Klein suddenly felt refreshed.

Here is finally the content of "Twilight Hermit Society" again!

"The audience's Sequence 1 name is 'writer'? It's very similar to the special made by 0-08..."

Perhaps 0-08 is formed by a Sequence 1 characteristic of the audience path, and if it spreads, it may attract high-ranking people of the "audience" path because of the extraordinary aggregation law.Sequence 1 should be enough to attract the demigods, maybe Ince Zangwill will have to accept it by then.

The next few articles are of no value, they belong to Roselle’s record of life in the manor, the whole content is about wanting to hunt, missing delicious food, hoping to obtain extraordinary power and good-looking maid.

Klein leaned back slightly, let the diary disappear from his hand, and said with a smile:
"You can start now."

"Justice" Audrey immediately looked at the "sun" diagonally opposite:
"Are you out of that cycle?"

Derrick the Sun nodded honestly first, then saluted to the top of the long bronze table:
"Great Mr. Fool, thank you very much for your guidance, which allowed me to find the key point of 'Angel of Destiny' from the mural with the text 'Rose of Redemption', and helped the chief to break the cycle of fate."

What "Angel of Destiny"... I don't know anything... The ignorant "The Fool" Klein responded with a smile:



After the Tarot Society ended, Derrick opened his eyes again and saw the arrangement of the unified isolation room in the City of Silver.

He had a disagreement with Mr. "Moon" in the older history, and in order to prove the correctness of the City of Silver, he couldn't wait to go to the library and search for historical materials to refute the other party.But he knew that this was not the most important thing, and he couldn't go out now. The exploration team that just came back always had to go through a period of observation before they could regain their freedom, even the chief was no exception.

Their residences were two larger houses far away from the living area of ​​the City of Silver, with a total of twenty rooms.The exploration team is more expensive than the overall strength but not the number of people. Two houses are enough for an exploration team to live and observe for a short time.

The observation time is about six or seven cycles, not too long.During this process, they can come out, walk and talk, but they cannot leave the range marked by the magical item, otherwise they will be treated as out of control.

Derrick lives on the second floor, and candles are lit in the house.

Lightning continued to streak across the sky, and it was still early.He looked out from the window next to the bed, and many people were walking outside, talking or simply exchanging ideas.Since the barrier defined by the magical item is transparent, there are still a few people talking to the family members outside through the barrier.

It was Mr. Scold... With silver-gray hair, Derrick recognized one of them at a glance, and the one talking to him must be his wife.She was more than three months pregnant, but her belly was already six or seven months old. It seemed that after another twenty or thirty cycles at the latest, their child would be born.

For some reason, looking at this silver-gray hair, Derrick suddenly thought of the "Angel of Destiny" Ouroreus who also had silver hair and white clothes on the mural, and immediately had a strong feeling for the name of the child who was about to be born. curious.At the same time, he was faintly troubled with worry.

The worry is that he learned from Mister Fool that the Lord did not abandon his people, but that he went crazy and became an evil and fallen creator, sealed by the gods of the outside world, and constantly trying to pass the "inverted" The "hanging man" approach exerts influence on the Land Abandoned by God, and Elder Lovia is undoubtedly the one affected.

If the Lord was mad and fallen, wouldn't His angels also be evil and terrifying?

Mrs. Scold has been pregnant for several months, will she eventually give birth to a monster that destroys the City of Silver?

But the entanglement lies in Mister Fool himself.

There is no doubt that Mister Fool is kind to Derrick.Coupled with the fact that the Tarot Society has always been disclosing information step by step, instead of telling him so directly at the beginning, Derrick finally accepted all this with an obsession beyond belief.What's more, he is also young, and his faith has not yet been integrated into his life.

But—the Lord is crazy, who will believe this matter?On the contrary, if Derrick said openly: I have established contact with a kind god outside, established contact with the outside world, there are countless people outside, there are many countries, and there are many new gods, I With the permission of God, he can still communicate with outsiders on time and on time... It is obviously Derrick Berg who is crazy, not the Lord.

Besides, even if everyone really believed it, how many people would die because of the collapse of their beliefs?And if this information is made public in the City of Silver, countless monsters and evil spirits may appear in no time, so it is not surprising that they perish.

At this time, Derrick was still somewhat childish, unable to see the chief's tacit approval and observation of him.But he was no longer the helpless boy at the beginning. He only noticed one thing, that is, the chief seemed to care about this family very much, and at the same time, he did not disclose more information about the "all-knowing and omnipotent Lord".

This attitude is very intriguing. The chief should be a believer in the Lord, and the chief must understand the "angel of destiny" far more than himself.In Derrick's imagination, if the chief finds any clues about the Lord, he will obviously publicize them immediately. After all, the City of Silver has been in a downturn for a long time, and in the days without a future, it needs a strong spiritual sustenance and hope to survive.

Maybe the chief is waiting for his family's child to be born?

Derrick suddenly felt a strong sense of guilt, guilt that he himself had been forgetting about this incident intentionally or unintentionally, and hadn't told Mr. Fool about it.

Because judging from Mr. Fool's attitude towards the Lord, they may not be hostile, and Mr. Fool is not responsible for the madness and depravity of the Lord.And Mister Fool was willing to take care of the God-forsaken Land and chose himself, which seemed to represent His kindness and some friendly relationship with the Lord (Derrick hoped so).In fact, I shouldn't have been hiding the news related to the Lord. Maybe the next Tarot meeting should tell Mister Fool the doubts between the unborn child and the "Angel of Destiny", and ask Him to point out the direction for me.

Maybe, Mister Fool had already discovered all of this, but he didn't say it... Derrick's face was burning.

Derrick came back from his thoughts and found that he had been looking out the window for a long time.Mr. Wesson Scalder had finished talking to his wife and was saying good-bye.Derrick inadvertently glanced elsewhere, and saw Chief Colin Iliad sitting on a bench at the foot of the wall of another house not far away, polishing his armor.

The eyes of the two focused on Mr. Wesson Scalder at the same time, and then they collided again. Derrick suddenly felt a pain in his eyes, as if he was dazzled by the bright sword light.

But he was unwilling to return to the room with a guilty conscience, so he looked at the chief, nodded his head as a salute, and then looked around pretendingly before retracting his head.

Colin Iliad took a panoramic view of this scene, shook his head amusedly, and sighed.

After a relatively long teleportation to the spiritual world, Treynor got down on the ground again, Riel, who was floating in the air with his shoulders grasped by his two front paws, also fell down, took a few steps back and forth on his shoulders, and then jumped into the in his shadow.

Trainor lowered his head: "Aren't you going to visit the factory?"

A white-gloved cat paw stretched out from the shadow, and waved it left and right: "I hate the smell of kerosene there."

Trainor understood: "Okay, call me after dinner."

The cat's paw retracted, and Trainor turned his head to look at Turing who had just come out of the spirit world beside him:
"Has it been notified?"

Turing bowed slightly: "It has been notified, sir."

Trainor nodded slightly, and went to a factory area in the distance.

——This is the outskirts of a medium-sized city in the Balam Empire. There are a large number of plantations, cotton, rubber, or local specialties, and large factories.

One of the munitions production lines under his name is here, and the outer packaging is a metal parts processing factory.The site was chosen on the outskirts of Feysac's colonial city, and he needed to give the Feysacs a lot of discounts every year, but this was much easier for him than dealing with the black holes of the Sauron family.Although building near the colonial city of Intis can almost exempt the rent and only pay taxes, it is not convenient to run away with the family property in the future.

The gate of the factory is written in two languages—Feysac and the local Dutan language, and the details on the metal plate at the gate are written in small Intis characters.Walking to the door, a tall young man with fair complexion and Balam's facial features approached him:

"Master Sauron?"

Trainor felt uneasy for no reason, as if a group of archbishops of the eternal blazing sun were crawling on his body.Thinking of how subtle it would be to call him by his real surname, he didn't agree: "You can call me by my first name."

"Yes, Mr. Trainor." The young man changed his honorific title graciously, and took the initiative to lead him into the factory.

"Turing told you why I came."

"Yes, please follow me."

Passing through the busy factory building and the passage in the middle, the young man led him directly to the basement, and after taking the stairs down to the second floor, the young man led him to a corner of a storage room, and put the nearest candlestick ninety After bending and straightening, the wall of the storage room suddenly opened, revealing a small room made of stainless steel.

Trainor stepped in, stretched out his hand and pressed the glowing "-4" button, and the young man followed suit, and the elevator door slowly closed behind them.

"You seem to be a native of Balam." Traynor didn't look at the young man until this moment. "The Church of Death sent someone to learn technology again? Garland has jumped over and sent someone here?"

The young man scratched his head: "I'm not a member of the Spiritual Cult, I follow the leader."

"Which way?"

"Knowledge, it's not long before you become an Extraordinary."

Trainor didn't answer. The fact that Sequence 9 is true doesn't deserve his attention, but he probably will soon have to go to the Pilgrim Sect to claim his name, so he hummed politely.

Then he asked:

"The elevator has started again, do you have a storm path sealed item?"

The young man shook his head: "No."

"Master Cosette came back to report on her work recently."

Cosette?Trainer didn't expect that this person who lived in Feneport all the year round and wrote letters and reports almost every year would come back this year. What's going on?Before he could think about it, the elevator went to the fourth basement floor, and in a relatively empty underground passage, a platform was drawn far away, with tracks below and a parked tram above.

If this very modern scene is seen by Klein, it will probably cause a sense of space-time confusion. If it is seen by outsiders, I am afraid that they will be terrified while exclaiming inconceivable, but the two people present are very used to it and walked calmly. On the platform.

Trainor approached, and the tram door opened to both sides—the height was not enough, after all, the hunter potion is still very exciting—he walked in stooped, and when he straightened up, the top of his head was only ten centimeters from the ceiling, very repressed.

He looked at the driver's seat of the tram, and his eyebrows twitched:

With short, curly blue hair, muscular arms, and light armor, the second demigod of the Pilgrim Sect sat in the driver's seat carelessly with his legs crossed, facing rows of buttons, carefully reading a booklet.

Hearing this, she put down the pamphlet and turned her head: "Why, I'm the one who came to pick you up, aren't you satisfied?"

"...You have lived in Feneport for 13 years, why did you suddenly come back this year?"

"I want to come back."

"It has been confirmed that your father was involved in what happened in the capital of Loen?"

"Conspirator is really troublesome." Cosette turned her upper body back, fiddled with the steering wheel, a ray of electricity burst out from her fingers, and the entire dark car suddenly became silvery, and the incandescent light tube attached to the roof It lit up with a swish, illuminating the carriage less than ten meters long.

"You are right. In short, the major churches have now increased the danger level of the pilgrimage sect."

"How much has it improved?" Traynor asked, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the young man sitting in his seat, fastened his seat belt, and grasped the armrest of the seat next to him.

Cosette started the tram, and said disapprovingly: "That means it has been upgraded from a third-level sealed item to a second-level one, which is fine."

"I came back voluntarily to avoid suspicion. It is estimated that Uncle Pereas will not come back. He lived happily on the bridge in Lunburg. He told fortunes on the bridge during the day and slept in the bridge hole at night."


"Sit tight!"

Trainor glanced at the young man again, and suddenly felt a bad premonition: "You haven't been back for 13 years, when did you learn to drive a tram?"

"That's it."

Cosette snorted vaguely, and suddenly stepped on the accelerator when she was unaware:

"Just learned it!"

boom!The electric car entwined with lightning ejected and started, rushing out along the rails like a missile, leaving behind a series of sonic boom-like vibrations and the sound of something falling inside.


At first, Pereas started to play badly.

He said that there must be a quilt, so there is a quilt under the bridge hole.He saw that the quilt was good, so he matched it with a pillow.

There are quilts and pillows, so he has lived here for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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