Chapter 211 is not over yet
"It turns out that it's not for me, but because I want to give birth to descendants who inherit Origin Castle."

"This is very good, safe, efficient, and silent..."

After learning the true goal of the Mother Tree of Desire, the Declining King immediately lost some interest, raised his head, and looked somewhere in the starry sky:
"...So, the current barrier can no longer prevent my kind from sending power in?"

This is good, and it will be easier to communicate with the main body in the future, and there is no need to be so hidden when doing normal prayer ceremonies.

The current He is regarded as a cluster of pollution that can accept instructions.A more popular explanation is that this figure is one of the huge branches, one of the countless air roots hanging down from the huge banyan tree, and it is a finger-level division and dependent, controlled by the decaying king himself in the starry sky, and also controlled by Edward Vaughan walking the Earth.

The Mother Tree of Desire came for Klein Moretti, not him, so he didn't need to deal with this matter himself.His mood lightened up, and he even admired the blood-red moon for a few seconds.

"That key is really interesting. Are you also paying attention to the earth?"

"Fallen Mother Goddess." He muttered to himself, "Mother of spiritual power, a symbol of reproduction and beauty, the most powerful of its kind... If she let go of her body and mind and become the mother of all things, the beginning of everything, then the earthlings In other words, it is a combat power at the level of 'turning the table'."

"Unless it is absolutely necessary, I really don't want to help him deal with Bethel Abraham."

In all fairness, the initial waking up was not too desperate for him, it was just a part of fate.Death is also nothing, the will lasts forever, the body and mind are united, and one day in the future or the next reincarnation will inevitably return.

Even if God and the Lord of Mysteries were all born in humans, it doesn't necessarily mean that they love this world or treat humans differently.Fighting, plundering, and making up are the true nature of divinity. The universe has always been like this. The decaying king thinks that as long as hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of years pass...they will all be successful. One-fifth of God and the heirs of Tianzun who are fighting for the earth will also turn their eyes to the starry sky, because that is the cradle and destination of everything.

In his view, the efforts of human beings are somewhat incomprehensible, but since he has paid thousands of years of sweat and sacrifice and is ready to continue, then he will not directly refute - after staying in the starry sky for a long time, this negotiating skill There should always be something.

Then, he turned his head to look at Klein.

See if this kid has made any progress. If not, just tell the real creator that he was beaten to death by the mother tree of desire.

At this moment, in the eyes of the Declining King, Klein, who still has 60% of his health and his attributes have dropped slightly, has calmed down.

If it were the time when he faced Megose in Tingen, Klein would definitely be affected by a similar scene, and temporarily lose the ability to react due to fear and panic.But after going through so many things, he is already a seasoned person and a senior Extraordinary in the true sense. Although he hasn't fully understood what the situation is now, he is already ready to face the mutated Cynthia.

At the same time that Cynthia's words caught his ears, the glove on his left palm quietly changed color.

A thin layer of scales appeared on the surface of "Squirming Hunger", and it turned into a low-key yet noble golden color. This meant that Klein used this Extraordinary item again to graze the soul of that "psychiatrist"!

In an instant, his pupils stood up, and his eyes turned golden, and then, an invisible wave swept around him with him as the center.

Where the wave passed by, the waiters and maids around suddenly showed panic and fear, as if they had encountered the most terrifying and terrifying thing in the world, and the rationality covered by desire came to the surface with difficulty, warning them to escape. out here.

The same was true for the people standing outside. Those who were drowsy were awakened, and those who were walking back and forth or talking loudly were also interrupted. Great fear occupied their hearts, and they ran around aimlessly, and the whole mansion was in chaos. group.

This is the "shock and awe" of the "psychiatrist", also known as "Longwei", or "group chaos"!
This is Klein's only range-controlling Extraordinary ability at the moment!
It seems that it is not a bad thing that he has not found a replacement target... Klein let out a breath slowly, and looked at Cynthia.

Even though the people around had lost their minds and fell into chaos, Cynthia did not change anything, turning a blind eye to "Longwei".

The mutated Cynthia was able to directly resist this influence... Klein's pupils shrank, and he jumped two steps sideways.

Where he had been standing, a tan branch protruded, with slimy flowers at the top.The flower was extremely huge, and when it opened, it seemed to be able to swallow a whole person.

Although Klein has never seen piranhas in the pristine rainforest of the Southern Continent, he doesn't think it will be more terrifying or exaggerated than this one!

The same branches drilled out of the walls, floors, and ceilings, and they chased Klein from all directions with wet flowers.

During this process, those flowers bit the servants wandering around in a daze, as well as the surrounding guard members and male servants.

At this time, having learned the lesson of "Longwei" being resisted earlier, Klein drew out his right hand without hesitation, holding the dark golden high-level spell tightly in his palm.

"Ninth Law"!
He originally didn't want to use this spell so soon, not because he was reluctant, but because he wanted to fight for a while, and after confirming what the monster that Cynthia mutated into was good at, he would make targeted weakening.But now Klein obviously feels that his physical condition is slowly declining. The high probability is that he was secretly hurt by the conflict with the stranger just now. Although the "All Black Eye" is on him, Klein's mental state But he was not allowed to use it again.

The current situation made Klein have no choice but to directly reveal his hole card, otherwise he doubted that he would not be able to harm the tree-like monster at all!

If the "Ninth Law" spell can't create an environment that can kill monsters, I will use it to escape from the villa immediately, lead Cynthia outside, and then find a chance to pray and go to Origin Castle... No, the last thing I do in front of that stranger It's best not to expose the existence of Origin Castle, but he seems to know me?In a flash of thought, Klein, who kept jumping and dodging among the branches and flowers, said an ancient Hermetic word in a low voice:


With the reverberation of the opening spell, the dark golden spell in Klein's palm suddenly became icy cold, as cold as losing emotion.

At this moment, Klein used this to achieve an extremely calm state. While throwing the "Ninth Law" spell, his thoughts flashed quickly, thinking about what to restrict.

His first reaction was to prohibit any desires, but he clearly knew that this was too broad, so he thought about changing it to the prohibition of reproductive desires. After all, Cynthia's wish was to have a child with Admiral Amyrius. The influence is also based on this aspect!
Just when the "Ninth Law" talisman flew into the air, turning into dots of dark golden light and spreading around, Klein suddenly thought of a question:
Cynthia was an ordinary person before!

Then why did she mutate into a monster?
Because of some cult ritual?Like Megose, who became a carrier of evil power because of cult rituals?No, Cynthia stayed in the mansion during this time, surrounded by Admiral Amyrius's people, if Cynthia participated in the ceremony and acted unreasonably, it was impossible not to be discovered, and my spiritual intuition would also warn me "Don't look She" should be because she has some special items on her body, which interacted with some corresponding powers, causing some powers to be temporarily projected over, that's why she was fine the previous two nights, but suddenly mutated today...

Moreover, this kind of sudden change is not the first time... Klein once again thought of the overeating servant, and the homeless substitute who suddenly died of overeating the day before he came.

The extraordinary ability of "magnifying desires" appeared twice, which made Klein have to think, this time the stand-in mission appeared to be a request of Amyrius, maybe it was actually a layout aimed at him!

But there's no need for Amyrius to involve his guards and mistress... Klein caught a glimpse of the stranger standing there as if in a daze. For a demigod, catching me, Gehrman Sparrow, is easy There is no need to be so complicated, and there is no need to attract such a strange and strong man.In other words, this accident may have nothing to do with Amyrius, and even Amyrius is the biggest victim!
Time does not allow for careful consideration. Klein quickly made a judgment within two or three seconds. Without hesitation, he seized the opportunity and said in a low voice:

"It is forbidden to interact with the outside world here!"

The ancient Hermes language full of mystery swayed instantly, and the scattered dark golden light suddenly interweaved into countless symbols and magic signs like laws, and merged into the void.

There was a whisper in Klein's ear, as if he saw the invisible light full of desire being repelled from the room.

Immediately, an illusory and bright starry sky appeared in front of his eyes, and a bright star appeared.

Snapped!Snapped!Klein's two eyeballs burst, and the liquid mixed with blood flowed out ferociously and horribly.

The figure turned its gaze to Klein again, and then looked up at the flickering night sky.

"Not clear enough," he said.

Although he used the "Ninth Law" talisman to isolate the external influence, but the power was extremely high, and just a normal backlash directly penetrated the natural protection of the high-level talisman and blew his eyes off!

This kind of damage was rapid and without warning, and Klein had no chance to use the paper doll as a substitute, just like the "Puppet Master" Rosago back then.

If he didn't have the "Ninth Law" spell, he would explode more than just his eyes, maybe he would turn into a monster like Cynthia!

At the same time, the tall tree-like Cynthia stood still there, her body disintegrated suddenly, turning into a pool of flesh and blood with brown-green tumors, the surrounding general guards and male waiters fell down and fell unconscious on the bed side and ground.

Cynthia's head was embedded in the mass of flesh and blood, and she muttered to herself:

"General, I want to have a child with you..."

She tried her best to stretch the remaining branches on the ceiling and the wall, entangled Klein who was in a dizzy state due to backlash, and dragged her towards herself.

Klein recovered a bit, and immediately struggled with all his strength. Whether he tried to ignite the flame by snapping his fingers, or switch to "Squirming Hunger", it was difficult to succeed because his hands and arms were tightly bound.

Seeing the brown-green tumor getting closer, Klein's heart suddenly moved, and he changed his appearance directly, from Admiral Amyrius to Gehrman Sparrow, whose eyes were full of blood. !

The entangled branches paused for a second, then loosened a little, and waved around, as if trying to grab something.

Cynthia's head was full of loss and confusion and whispered:

"General, where have you been..."

"General, where did you go..."

Klein's arms had some room to move, but it was still not enough to get out of trouble.Fortunately, he was no longer Admiral Amyrius, and he was no longer Cynthia's first target. He immediately used his extraordinary ability to transfer the wounds of his eyes bursting to his left shoulder.

Klein looked at Cynthia's head in the pile of flesh and blood with pity. While his left shoulder became bloody and bloody, "Squirming Hunger" was stained with a dark green luster. He planned to use the power of "living corpse" to break free first, and then use The power of the "Sun Priest" purifies it.

Just as he started to move, the stranger who had been watching the play until now suddenly started to move too.

The figure floated to the completely crumbled flesh and blood, and "reached out" to pick up Cynthia's still beautiful head.

Cynthia's eyes turned left and right, and finally she had to look at the blurry shadow, still whispering in her mouth:

"General, have you seen him?"

"General, where did he go?"

"Close your eyes, beautiful child." The Decayed King said to Cynthia, "Go and outline the position of the star in your dream, and go to your mother. Close your eyes, and I will send Admiral Amyrius to find him." you."

...Sir, I seem to have heard a terrible sentence... Klein's hairs all over his body tend to stand on end again.

These words seemed to evoke some memories of Cynthia. Her eyes gradually became blurred, her eyelids gradually closed, and only a dreamlike voice came slowly:
"Mother, I hope the general and I have a child..."

"Mom, I'm going to find my mother..."

Cynthia's eyes finally closed, her expression was not very peaceful, full of sadness.

Her head gradually melted, and the pieces of meat on the ground also gradually melted.The essence of those disgusting tumors is flesh and blood contaminated by extraordinary abilities. At this moment, they are gradually returning to normal flesh and blood, as if the spirituality above them is being stripped away.

A gust of wind blew by, and those disgusting, mutated flesh and blood disappeared, leaving only a messy room.

Cynthia's head melted completely, leaving behind an object gleaming with spiritual brilliance.

The figure "picked up" the shining object, and "sticked" it to his face.

The spiritual premonition appeared in the eyes of the declining king. He saw the crimson moonlight getting thicker and thicker, and finally it seemed to become a red "curtain". Then, an image appeared on the "curtain".

At the center of the scene is a mummy wrapped in yellow bandages, "it" suspended in mid-air, pierced by countless tan branches.

Its belly is bulging high, and sometimes a certain position bulges and sags, as if it is giving birth to new life.

The mummy opened and closed its mouth and kept screaming. Although Klein couldn't hear the actual sound and couldn't see the picture clearly, there was still a terrifying and strange pain resonating in his body and soul.

"The Bound God"!
Edward, who was walking on a certain wasteland in the Southern Continent, suddenly stopped, looked at a piece of sky in the distance, saw one of the twinkling stars above, and raised the corner of his mouth strangely:
"I saw you..."

"I saw you."

On the ruins of the Olavi naval base, the fallen king hangs down his hands, and the spiritual things in his hands shine.He turned his head to look at Klein, then at the All-Black Eye, and finally at the thing in his hand.

"You helped me, for his sake, let me forgive you once."

He turned and left, and the blurry figure quickly disappeared in the air.

At this moment, Klein found a drop of blood flying out of thin air on his shoulder, and disappeared in an instant.

In occultism, all kinds of evil rituals require blood, and hair is used as a medium to activate, such as a witch, no matter what, these mediums cannot be left in the hands of the witch, otherwise she will be cursed to death silently at some point.Klein didn't think that killing such a small person as himself required the stranger to curse with blood, but Klein didn't dare to think about it, and couldn't think of any reason.

Go back to the gray mist and try to see if there is a way to make the blood medium ineffective... He was in pain all over, and he stood up with great difficulty.

With the death of Cynthia and the departure of strangers, the ruins of the base returned to a deathly calm. A gust of night wind blew, making Gehrman Sparrow, who was wearing a general uniform, shiver.

"What should I do?" After the life-and-death crisis was over, Klein broke out in cold sweat, "How should I explain to Admiral Amyrius? On the third day you went out, your mistress mutated into a monster for some reason. And attracted a strange strong man, and finally the strange strong man destroyed your base, killed your mistress, and then he left?"

"What is Cynthia involved in? The Mother Tree of Desire?"

On the ruins of the base that was almost reduced to wasteland, Klein was running around like an ant on a hot pot.

How did a good stand-in mission become like this!

After ten seconds.

The drop of Klein's blood appeared on Edward's hand through a simple ceremony. Edward wiped the drop of blood in the air, wiping out dozens of bloody thin lines.

He grasped all these thin threads, rubbed and observed them carefully, and suddenly laughed:

"In the not-too-distant future, will I have the opportunity to walk on the earth with my real face?"

"This possibility is actually seen from Klein's eyes?"


There may or may not be double updates today.

(End of this chapter)

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