Chapter 212
In a certain possibility, he saw his own reflection in Klein's eyes.

The shadow was gray and white, not Edward Vaughn, nor was it any temporary image he had ever used.So the spiritual awareness says: That's who you really are.

This future has aroused considerable interest in Edward, and he even has the idea of ​​carefully divination to see when it will come true.Of course, he also knew that his divination level would definitely not surpass Origin Castle, so he didn't really try.

So now we have to face another problem -

"Do you want to go now?"

Looking at the stars in the sky, Edward asked himself, "Do you want to go now?"

The "Bound God" is there, somewhere inside the barrier, where he can't see but touch.That shining star symbolizes the origin of the higher-level mystical connection of the "Bound God", um, it also symbolizes the connection with the starry sky, the gaze from afar.

But this is not too far away, anyway, it can be reached quickly in terms of the footsteps of one sequence and one angel.

Are you going now?
The Declining King thinks he has a strong self-management ability, he is a god with faith, dreams, and lofty pursuits. He is not the kind of starving ghost who can't walk when he sees food, but he is indeed greedy now. I haven't walked the road yet.Anyway, whether you are looking for Fabuti or the "Bound God", you must fight with the pollution of the Mother Tree of Desire, so what difference does it make if you choose first?

He bit the back of his hand, took a deep breath, and tried to maintain rational analysis in the face of delicious food.

"Calm down, calm down. Alright, first of all, let me recall my agreement with the true Creator."

Edward searched according to the date and recalled the memory of the day, and then thought about it carefully, with a smile on his face:

"There is no requirement in the new covenant that you can't do anything to Farbouti and the Bound God. The criterion I agreed with him is the life and death of Richard Ernst. This kid is now happily farming in the Southern Continent , there should be no danger in the short term."

"This is definitely a good thing for the true Creator. As long as the war does not start, He doesn't have to worry about Adam's ascension ceremony."

Edward is not guilty: "Of course the allies become stronger and safer."

"If I become a dual-path true god now, it will put a lot of pressure on the earth. Maybe they will press Richard to death immediately. It's good... hey, that's not good, the child I raised so hard, It's a pity to die so hastily."

He analyzed the pros and cons with difficulty, and came to the conclusion that it was a win-win situation, and he won twice.

And then lost to Richard.

Edward struggled for a long time, walking back and forth, not wanting to give up the piece of flesh of "The Bound God", but also not wanting to give up Richard Ernst's self-destructive fate.After thinking for a while, he gritted his teeth and decided not to bite the hook.

"Let's go and play with Siah first."

He barely found a reason to convince himself: "The Mother Tree of Desire wants to control the child of Origin Castle through that human being. Now this plan has been interfered by me. I saw him again. He will definitely be vigilant now, and it is not a good idea to do it." Chance."

"Besides, blitzkrieg is the most convenient way to plunder authority, and now the Seven Gods should find out..."

The clone who had just left Oravi Island raised his head.

A dark cloud the size of dozens of football fields quickly gathered above his head, and thunderstorms fell like rainstorms.

"Determine me to be the mother tree of desire? So the choice cannot be directly attacked by affecting desire."

"It's a little troublesome to defuse an attack from the true god." Edward said, raising his hand, and Fenling also raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The thunderbolts that fell like rain really turned into rain, they quickly weakened after they appeared, and gradually turned into light spots and disappeared before falling into the air.It stretched out its hand to grab it, and it caught a gust of wind, so the dark clouds in the sky also shook.The violent wind that is not under the control of the Storm Lord surrounds the dark cloud, like a knife cutting through butter, causing the dark cloud to fall apart at an extremely fast speed.

"A tentative attack..." Edward muttered.

"Forget it, since I'm going to go to the earth anyway, I'll play with you."

A meteorite appeared in Edward's hand, the one he dropped. He looked around, saw that there was no cover, and quickly hid in his kingdom of God.

"The master of withering, the king of decay, the final journey of all living beings."

After he said his honorable name twice, he pretended to pray: "I ask for your protection, I beg for your attention, I hope you can strengthen the spirit division of Oravi Island, and help me resolve this crisis."

After pretending to be serious, Edward couldn't hold back anymore.He conveniently gave himself a spiritual revelation, looked at the star that would not shine in the hallucination, and then stared at himself on the star for a while.

Then He finished his prayers and revelations and watched the show in the kingdom of God.

On Oravi Island, after a tentative attack, the dark clouds did not condense again, but a thick silver-white lightning slid down the night sky and struck down.Outside the range illuminated by the electric light, a thick night surged in, trying to swallow this weird figure.

The figure "slightly turned away from the body", as if trying to avoid the lightning.

However, the night is closely following it, as long as it shakes slightly, it will be caught.

The figure "stretched out its hand" towards the darkness, revealing a jewel-like thing exuding red and brown spiritual brilliance in the palm of its hand.

This action seemed to indicate the opening of a certain seal. As soon as this thing appeared, the crimson full moon in the sky seemed to suddenly become larger, and countless illusory ravings mixed in the red moonlight and rushed towards the darkness.

The ravings failed to scare the darkness, but the spirituality that uses ravings as a medium to come to reality is extremely dangerous.

The tide-like darkness receded quickly, but the part illuminated by the red moonlight quickly moved, stretched out waving thin arms, struggled and swayed, and grew a head and upper body made of black shadows.As if influenced by the "mother of all spiritual powers", he became His child, a new life no longer obeying the orders of the night!
This new life grew rapidly, trying to separate from Heiye, and returned to its mother with some authority and strength.

At the same time, the red light on the gem-like spiritual thing gradually disappeared, leaving only the part of the mother tree of desire.

The figure held the spiritual thing tightly, and the active spirituality immediately fell silent again.

"The Fallen Mother Goddess is still paying attention here." Edward said with emotion, "Klein bombarded me with his ravings, and I bombarded the Seven Gods with his remaining ravings, so it will be considered that I have no trouble with him."

He unilaterally stated that the bill was paid off, and he did not owe a favor to the fallen goddess.

Anyway, it is impossible for the Fallen Goddess to come down and have a good talk with Him immediately, as long as a certain amount of time passes, this time will be over.

The sudden change between lightning and flint caught the two gods by surprise, and the thunder in the sky turned quickly.

The child was quickly divided, struck by lightning before he had grown up, and disappeared in the silvery-white lightning in the blink of an eye.

Using the residual spirituality of the Fallen Mother Goddess and the Desire Mother Tree to resolve the first joint attack, the temporarily strengthened figure did not collapse in the spirituality of the true god level.

After receiving some support from the main body, it immediately looked elsewhere, looking for those intricate "possibilities".

The power blessing from the main body is naturally the authority of the "withering" path. Originally, it is only equivalent to a powerful saint. Of course, it is impossible to survive the joint attack of two gods. The aftermath is enough to make this high-level but fragile The avatar has been shaken to death dozens of times.However, after being strengthened and the remaining pollution of the other two Outer Gods, this possibility suddenly appeared.

"Get away" possibility!
It immediately grabs this line, chooses this line as "future", and then makes an action immediately.

At this time, the thunder and darkness had disappeared together, and then the wind was strong, the waves were rushing, and the sound of the waves was getting closer.

Getting closer.

It looked back suspiciously, only to see the bottomless darkness surrounding it again, covering all senses.

Suddenly, a completely irresistible attack rushed over, directly breaking it up!
"Electromagnetic wave?" Edward in the spectator seat stopped eating popcorn, and said in astonishment and hatred, "It is under your leadership that all the storm paths have become melee mages! Electromagnetic waves are only used to attack and destroy Information creatures, but if you put in a little bit of research, the world has already played radio or entered the information age."

After obtaining the possibility of "leaving", before leaving, this clone will not really disappear.

No matter how you are beaten, you can leave in the end.

Soon, the figures reunited again, and their shapes became much thinner.It looked left and right again, and the inseparable darkness still imprisoned its range of activities.But this time he didn't stop, and walked directly into the darkness.

It opened its palms in the darkness, releasing the residual pollution of the Mother Tree of Desire.

Countless brown branches and weird flowers instantly extended from where it stood, and the icy wind blew out an open space for these weird plants to grow, and endowed these spiritual forces with stronger attack power.

These weird plants frantically extend paper strips and flower buds, showing a strong desire to attack and invade. The branches continue to penetrate the shadows, hanging the darkness on the branches like pieces of rags, and the flower buds flowing with mucus every time It can swallow a piece of black with a single opening, and quickly cleans the surrounding area.Soon, the hazy red moonlight flowed in from the dark gap, like red eyes.

Under the illumination of the moonlight, they grow faster and more, and they have extended to endless distances in an instant.

There was rumbling thunder and huge waves, and when the darkness began to recede, thunder and storm came up again.

The falling thunder blocked the path polluted by the mother tree of desire, and the dark clouds covered the increasingly weird crimson moon in the sky.

The earth trembled, the waves surged, and a tsunami that went against common sense and could not be monitored was about to engulf the island!
The gray figure stood there without moving, and the lightning that almost reflected the whole world in white would disintegrate and disappear when it got close to it. It didn't think about how to deal with the next tsunami, and its "hand" was "clenched" again. ", isolated from the interaction between the pollution and the outside world, some weird plants stopped their activities in an instant, and were taken back into its hands backwards.

With these contaminations it suddenly flashes into the spirit world.

The spiritual world immediately shook violently, and the straight seven lights of the spiritual world twisted into ribbons.

In the corner of the oil painting-like world, there are brown branches and flowers that are constantly extending and eroding in all directions. The sun with an abstract human face in the sky opened its eyes strangely, and turned its eyes to the source of the pollution.In an instant, a dazzling ray of sunlight crossed the spirit world and fell from the astral world, melting everything it encountered on the way, leaving behind the trail of Moses dividing the sea in the sky of the spirit world.

The place swept by the beam of light was immediately conceptually "completely purified", leaving a blank and scorched trace, and those plants that symbolized the pollution of the mother tree of desire were no exception.

He can burn off-products, but cannot get close to the source of pollution.

The figure walked forward a few steps casually, and books appeared out of nowhere, and all the concepts related to "books", "paper", "knowledge" and "bookshelves" in the spirit world became active at the same time, and the pages of the concepts flew around, blocking all the way ahead.

The walls and seals made of paper continue to shrink, and the gaps gradually disappear, as if trying to trap people and pollution sources in it.

The figure was still walking forward, and lost many pages in the process of walking. After breaking the seal three times in a row, it reappeared in the normal spirit world.

The next moment, the sun in the spirit world disappeared, and the world like dusk spread over, freezing everything along the way.

Only then did the figure "turn his head".Looking at the world shrouded in the twilight light, it seemed as if a huge sword of light fell down.

Its figure disappeared into the spirit world, unwilling to confront the God of War with a strong will to attack again.

The possibility of "leaving" is coming to an end, and its entry into the spirit world is only equivalent to blurring the geographical concept of "leaving", and delaying the decision point.The obstacles and seals encountered in the middle are nothing, you can use the pollution of the personality and the mother tree of desire to get over it, but you can't take the real god-level attack, because you don't have the corresponding power.

Possibilities are possibilities after all, not inevitability, and require some manipulation.

After returning to the real world, while the gods were still dealing with the pollution of the spiritual world, it quickly followed the spirituality of the Mother Tree of Desire that was about to be exhausted. When it crossed the ocean and walked through an island, it saw something that caused some spiritual things. Resonant humans.

It didn't care about the human being, but let the spirit go its own way.


Amyrius Leavitt, who was writing this action report at the garrison base on another colonial island, suddenly felt a chill all over his body, as if a gust of extremely cold wind had blown by.Amyrius looked at the closed window, and pulled his clothes a little vigilantly.


Suddenly, a pleasant and familiar voice appeared behind Amyrius, calling him affectionately.

Amyrius's movements paused slightly. He had encountered too many things recently. Under his mental tension, he didn't immediately remember who this voice belonged to, but he subconsciously sketched out the image of that person in his mind:

She was a beautiful girl with shiny blond hair, a delicate and beautiful face, and clear sky blue eyes.


The voice sounded again, with some reproach, as if complaining that he still refused to look back at himself.


Amyrius read out the other party's name, looked back instinctively, and what caught his eyes was a puddle of strange flesh and blood with green tumors and brown branches. Above the puddle of flesh was Cynthia's head, faceless. Bloody, incomparably penetrating.

A shy and happy smile appeared on Cynthia's still beautiful face that had lost her blood color, and said sweetly:

"General, I found you."

Admiral Amyrius' eyes widened, his eyes widened, his seven orifices bled, and he was finally covered by those wriggling branches and flesh.

After killing Amyrius, these spirits did not spread, but just disappeared.Only the lifeless corpse was left lying on the desk, slowly releasing extraordinary characteristics.

Soon, Edward felt that he had completed the deal, the "I send Amyrius to you" and "You give me your spirituality" deal with Cynthia.


Somewhere in the Southern Continent, in a hidden temple, Siah's spiritual perception suddenly started to frantically call the police.

In his spiritual revelation, he saw that the "bound god" opened his mouth wide and kept yelling something at him.In the past, he could rely on the words of the "Bound God" to judge his next move, but now he couldn't hear anything, as if there was a wall between them.

Siua could only vaguely feel that something extremely dangerous was about to happen.

Just when he was about to leave immediately and find a safe place to hide for a while, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a gray-white shadow approaching at high speed, holding a spiritual thing that resonated with him in mysticism.

The figure didn't give him any time to react, it just took a step forward and merged into his body.

Siua turned pale with fright, and immediately checked himself, but at this moment, the sky above his head suddenly brightened.

The sun has risen in the city.

A huge beam of light crashed down, and the whole earth trembled violently!

In another city far away, feeling the slight vibration of the earth, Edward whistled and went to sleep as if nothing had happened.


Let me draw a cake here: From now on, every day will be a quantum superposition state of single and double changes.

(End of this chapter)

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