Chapter 245 Death Sentence

In the Spiritual Cult, on the island of the Mad Sea where the "Artificial Death Sect" was hiding, in an upside-down mausoleum, a coffin in the deepest part suddenly exploded with a bang.

Shards of the sarcophagus were scattered everywhere, and a pair of huge white wings covered with yellow oil smeared like a butterfly reborn from a cocoon!

The current leader of the "Artificial Death Sect", the former High Priest of the Death Church of the Balam Empire, Haitel, got up and knelt down in the wreckage of his own coffin with a frantic expression, kowtowing in the direction of the southern continent.

The High Priest, who was corrupted during the worship of the "Artificial God of Death", somehow awakened the spiritual imprint of the "Death God" due to bad luck, got up alive and well after the God of Death really returned!

The entire mausoleum was shaken by his actions, but this was nothing compared to the changes in the outside world.

"Lord, the great Grim Reaper!!"

"Great God of Death! Please forgive your ignorant servant for your blasphemy!!"

Haitel raised his head, the smile on his face was so frenzied that it made people feel horrible:
"Follow my compatriots, believers, many stupid people like me!"

"Get down on your knees and pray!! For our folly and blasphemous arrogance!"

"Our god is back!!! Our emperor is back!!!"


The dark clouds over the Southern Continent are getting bigger and bigger, almost covering the entire sky.

In the city of Aldera, 10 minutes ago, members of the Spiritual Cult led a large group of spirit bodies and living corpses to build two huge four-sided flat-topped pyramids in the center of the city square like building blocks, dedicated to the Queen's sacrifice already started.

Near the pyramid, members of the Lingjiao group and the people from the northern continent who were guarded were sitting around.

All members of the entire city of Aldera participated in this sacrificial ceremony. They knelt and sat on the ground round and round according to their status and status, crowding the city square to the brim.Civilians who immigrated to Aldera can also participate, but they must stand outside the square.

Therefore, on the stairs, on the window sills and on the roof, there are many eagerly waiting people.

Time was running out, and the two demigods occupied one of them and presided over the sacrifice at the same time.

The sacrifices offered to the gods, and the pale emperor equivalent to the gods, often do not lie in the quantity, but in the sacrifice itself.Before the start of the live sacrifice session, the sacrifices that were too ordinary had already been screened out, leaving the noble ones, such as the nobles, descendants of nobles, and priests of the Northern Continent.

Mirella wore the robe of a priest of the Church of Death, and threw the fresh life into the fire, and the members of the Spiritual Cult shouted the honorable names of gods and emperors.

The next sacrifice came, a neatly dressed young man. He looked at Mirella's blood-stained hands with a blank expression on his face.

"Young man, what's your name?" Mirella asked.

"I am the second son of Viscount Meyers of the Kingdom of Loen, Milson of East Tucker. I fought your troops on the battlefield and gained the status of baron. After I die, I will go to the land of stars and peace! " said the young jazz proudly.

"You are a brave young man, rest assured, your wish will be granted."

In the culture of the Southern Continent, people who are not afraid of death are respectable, and Mireira also praised his courage.

The young man took a step forward and stood on the aisle of the priest without changing his expression.

Under the eyes of everyone, the young man seemed to be stepping on time. He walked towards Mirella in front of the fire step by step. His face became more mature and deep. Wrinkles crept up his forehead and the corners of his eyes, and the back of his hands began to dry up. , His body slowly bent down.

But life cannot be turned back, and death is doomed.

When he walked in front of Mirella, he was already a twilight old man. After taking the next step slowly, his body was wiped out under the eyes of countless people, leaving only a living heart that fell to the ground and was still beating. with.

Mirella picked up the heart, held it high to the sky, praised the name of "Pale Queen" reverently, and then threw it into the fire.

"Fearless soldiers go to the kingdom of God!"

The Spiritual Cult group cheered, and the spirit bodies hovered in the air, dancing frantically, and playing sacrificial music dedicated to the warriors.

In such a high-profile and cumbersome sacrifice, one sacrifice often takes one to two minutes, so the priests will choose to act at the same time.

On another pyramid, a stumbling sacrifice was also ushered in.

Under the majestic but icy gaze of the demigod, the bloated sacrifice shed tears, closed his mouth, and almost wailed, but he couldn't say a word, the spirit body covered his mouth, Picking up his shoulders, he walked towards death step by step stiffly.

"The merchant from Intis is going to the kingdom of death."

The demigod spoke concisely.

He randomly made up an identity based on the other person's clothing and appearance.

The people of the Spiritual Cult also showed disapproval. Cowards who are afraid of death are not worthy of respect.

The next sacrifice was a clergyman wearing a blue-black robe, and the corners of the robe were embroidered with dark patterns of waves and storms.

"I am the bishop of Aldera's Church of Storms, Brar Bron!" The bishop of Storm stared at the demigod of the Spiritual Cult in front of him, and spat in disgust, "I will go there by myself God's side, to the sea where lightning and storms howl!"

The demigod of the Lingjiao group said, "Maybe."

Bishop Storm stepped on the obsidian road of offering sacrifices in stride, with a resolute and unwilling expression on his face.

His pace became slower and slower, and death eroded step by step, and he also turned into dust and scattered, leaving only the extraordinary characteristics of sea blue and a fresh heart.

"Pious believers in the storm, go to the kingdom of death."

The demigod announced somewhat gloatingly.

There was a burst of cheers, and the spirits still played joyful songs for the pagans who were not afraid of death.

The holy sacrifice continued.Whether it is brave, calm, or crying, death favors everyone equally.


The sky and the earth were gloomy and gloomy. Starlight flickered in the pure darkness above the Loen colony. The church in the Intis colony began to shine brightly. Then, with the church as the center, the scope of sunlight gradually expanded, but it only created a light source. Could not dispel the cloud.

The dark clouds in the sky entangled and swayed, and slowly condensed into a virtual image of a feathered snake the size of a mountain range.

Only by looking down from a very high place can one see this huge mythical creature hovering over the Southern Continent clearly. If one looks up at the sky from the ground, one cannot see even its claws!

Swipe, two pale flames ignited in the sky, like a pair of eyes, staring at those hateful outsiders in their own territory!

Through the descendant who volunteered his memory, identity and soul, the god of death knew that his country had already been destroyed, and his belief was also in jeopardy.In the world of mortals, the gods from the Northern Continent destroyed the documents of the Balam Empire, took away various cultural relics of the Balam Empire, and then claimed that the Southern Continent had never had a real god, and the so-called Death God was just fabricated by the royal family of Eggers. tools of domination.

In the extraordinary world, the gods worked together to erase the history and existence of the god of death, reduce the traces of mysticism as much as possible, control the backhand of the resurrection, and let the "Death Consul" Azik Eggers wander in the northern continent for more than 1000 years , So far I have not been able to recall my mission!

A figure appeared above the head of the huge Feathered Serpent, with pale eyes watching everything under its feet.

The death sentence went straight to these cities!

The gate of the underworld opened, roaring spirits violently invaded the real world, and the dark clouds in the sky gradually condensed into a terrifying and deep darkness.

In the colony, the believers of the god of death who were anxious in the past fell to their knees and cheered loudly, worshiping, but the police officers and garrison soldiers who maintained order had no spare power to stop them.Everything was reversed at this moment, the believers of the Seven Gods trembled, and the believers of the Death God cheered!

In Intis Colony, a church disappeared!

The only source of light and warmth that could comfort the residents was swallowed up by the darkness, the gas street lamps burst one after another, the candlelight turned a gloomy blue, and countless flying spirits were reflected in the candlelight.

The coldness of death came, and the city suddenly turned into a paradise for the undead.

The windows and doors were rumbled by the wind, and there was a sound like a baby crying. Countless vines with baby faces and pale arms protruded from them, pounced on the fleeing people, and dragged them equally to the underworld. the depths.

In the corners of railways, mines, and cities, countless dead bones stretched out from the ground, grasping the ankles of people on the ground involuntarily, pulling them into the soil, and keeping company with the dead who had been dead for an unknown amount of time.

The cold breath of death was overwhelming, and a city disappeared into the world in an instant.

Death slowly turned his head.

The starry night sky was reflected in the eyes burning with pale flames.

The star-studded night sky suddenly faltered, and the light of the stars rapidly weakened, receding and disappearing. At the same time, lightning and thunder rumbled, barely maintaining the receding trend of the stars.

Death was still watching there.

With just a look, the thick darkness rushed over in an instant, swallowing the lightning like a silver snake and the stars like eyes without any explanation, and plunged the city into absolute silence.

Help from the Evernight Goddess did not come.

Because, the God of Death learned from the memory of "Sia Eggers" that the Feysac Empire, the God of War, did not have a colony in the Southern Continent.

Then, God of War must be happy to see Evernight's anchor greatly reduced.

Those who don't kneel will die, those who don't surrender will die, those who shout the names of the seven gods will die, those who have evil intentions will die, and the heretics will die too.

The anchor of the god of death grows rapidly, and shallow believers become devout believers in a very short period of time. Even ordinary people who are let go by good luck will quickly become believers of the god of death after escaping from birth.

After a long time, when the sun's rays penetrated the haze of death, the god of death who was walking forward finally stopped.

There was no expression on His sharp and beautiful face, and the people who managed to escape the catastrophe cheered loudly, and the death slowly receded.

In the sky above Aldera, the aura of coldness and death suddenly intensified. A white feather fell into the fire on the altar. Suddenly, a voice appeared in everyone's mind.

"Praise the great god of death! Praise the great god of death!!"

At the same time, the faces of the Lingjiao group and all the people from the southern continent showed obsessive joy. They stood up and performed a crazy and chaotic spirit dance in any place in the city.

"You are the essence of death!"

The two demigods fell to their knees and shouted loudly!

"You are the ruler of the dead!"

The dead shouted for joy, and the living shouted in unison!

"You are the final destination of all living beings!!"

In the frenzied atmosphere, Mirella took a deep breath, and shouted out each other's name with his companion!

"Great Grim Reaper! Noble Underworld Emperor!!"

"Welcome to your return, the wings of death cover everything in the world!!"

Azik slowly let go of the hand covering his head, with a trace of doubt in the pained eyes.

"I was rejected..."

He seemed to have finally settled on something, suddenly relaxed, and even smiled.

"He gave up on me, He rejected me, He's back, but he doesn't even want to deal with the incomplete me now."

Klein listened in bewilderment, but from Azik's tone, he heard a sense of happiness and ease.

"Mr. Ards, what happened?" he asked.

Azik heard this, rubbed his temples, and smiled at Klein:
"It's a long story, and I may need to talk to you for a long time."

"To put it simply, my father... father wants to use my body to resurrect, which is why I have been losing my memory all this time."


Azik looked at the pure black cloud gradually dissipating in the distance, felt the fog and pressure on his body all the time dissipate, and let out a long breath.

"...He returned, but the plan to resurrect in me failed."

"I was abandoned by him, but maybe I'm used to the life I live now... This seems to be good."

Azik glanced left and right, and continued:

"I can say that I am free now, but there are still things to be busy, not to mention that I will continue to live like this."

"I'll come to you again when all that is over."

"Next, you'd better go to metropolises like Backlund and Trier. Places with the protection of gods are always safer. Of course, the best choice is the headquarters of major churches such as Pasu Island, but That creates another danger."

Azik finally made a joke, just like a normal Loen gentleman.This life experience seems to have left the deepest mark on him, no matter how much memory is restored, there are obvious traces left.

In the case of retaining memory, decades of time do not have much influence on thousands of years, but starting from the state of forgetting everything, two to thirty years is enough to reshape a person... Wait until Mr. Azik completely restores his memory , Will his different experiences lead to different personalities?It’s really a profound question. I have to let Miss Justice think about it later, and ask the Psychological Alchemist Association for advice... While thinking about it, Klein saw that Mr. Azik didn’t delve into the contradiction between himself and the Rose School of Thought, so he secretly let go. Taking a breath, he turned to ask:
"Mr. Ards, what do you know about the 'Mother Tree of Desire'?"

Azik shook his head:
"I didn't even know he existed until I saw the letter you sent me."

Don't know "Mother Tree of Desire"?Klein was startled for a moment, then asked:
"What about the 'Bound God'?"

Azik shook his head again, sighed and said with a smile:

"In ancient times, he or they may have another name."

That's right, Mr. Ards started the life cycle of losing his memory and recovering his memory at the end of the Fourth Epoch, and has been "wandering" in the Northern Continent, while the Rose School of Thought was born in the Southern Continent at the beginning of the Fifth Epoch... Klein nodded , no more questions.

And Azik was still busy, so after a few more instructions, he took him through the spirit world again, until he came to a certain place on the east coast of the Northern Continent, and left him by the sea.

Klein didn't stop there either, and directly found a hidden and uninhabited cave nearby. He planned to go to "Grossel's Travel Notes" to see if "Admiral of Blood" had already fallen into the travel notes. But a rare Secret Puppet.

"Who is the father that Mr. Azik is talking about?" Klein thought for a while, "Judging from the previous changes in the Southern Continent, I am afraid it is an extraordinary existence, the king of angels in the 'Reaper' pathway? Or just" Death' himself?"

"If such a person has been resurrected, I should indeed consider returning to Backlund as soon as possible."


Azik: That's not bad.Klein: Great.

Goddess/Adam: ………

God of War: Isn't it just living a 2+1? It's not like you can't beat it. Why do you have the same expression as if you lost your parents?

(End of this chapter)

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