Chapter 246 New Changes
Loen Kingdom, Backlund.

At this moment, inside St. Samuel's Church, the red gloves were nervously surrounding the affected Daly Simone.

The mutation lasted about 15 minutes.Kneeling on the ground, lowering her body, Daly Simone, who was always pressing her forehead in pain, finally slowly lowered her palm, rubbing the ring on her ring finger with her fingers, and said with lingering fear:

"Those voices stopped, and it seemed to be back to normal."

"Normal?" Leonard asked in surprise.

He looked up at the distant sky again, and felt that the abnormal cloud still existed and had not subsided.

"Maybe, it's intermittent?" Soest hesitated and gave his guess, "What are those voices you're talking about?"

Daly rubbed her temples, frowned and said:

"It's like the prayers of a group of people... It's like someone is talking to me... The voice formed an illusion. I saw a building complex in the style of the Balam Empire, praying people, and there was a voice that kept me kneeling I surrender, I have no choice but to chant the name of the goddess..."

Leonard had an idea, and quickly asked: "Could it be the work of the Spiritual Cult? You mentioned the Balam-style architecture, and as far as I know, there is a very strict hierarchy in the 'Corpse Collector' pathway." , combined with Ms. Daly's approach, I suspect that you may have been influenced by a certain high-sequence in the Spiritual Cult."

Soest, who was just about to speak, swallowed the speculation on his lips, and praised: "You make a lot of sense."

"Such cases are rare, and the church will definitely investigate deeply. Perhaps, we will get an answer soon."

The old parasite laughed.

Leonard immediately pricked up his ears, waiting for a few words that the other party was willing to reveal.

Pallez Zarathustra said slowly, "A big thing happened."

"I'm going to get a glass of water." Leonard stood up, took his water glass to the lounge next door, and asked in a low voice while pouring water, "Old man, do you know what happened?"

"Well, I probably guessed it."

Pallez said: "Maybe the artificial Death God of the Spiritual Cult was successful, or it may be for other reasons. In short, they succeeded."

Leonard frowned slightly: "The man-made Grim Reaper has become a real Grim Reaper?"

"It should be." Pallez said ambiguously, "The Church of Evernight will give you a conclusion. Of course, you can also find it yourself."

Leonard's eyebrows furrowed, and then quickly stretched out again.

Since the church can give them an official answer, then of course there is no need to worry about this matter.

The parasite, who had stolen the idea, snorted unsatisfied.


On the outskirts of Backlund, Faye Manor.

The true Creator stared at the distant sky suspiciously, watching the sun's rays reappear before withdrawing his gaze.

"Azik Eggers?" He murmured to himself, then shook his head uncertainly, "No, if it's Azik Eggers, the resurrected God of Death should carry a Sequence-One characteristic and the only The angelic king of sex, but much stronger now..."

"A unique containment ceremony? It doesn't seem like..."

"I didn't use my instincts to kill and strike with purpose and precision. I'm not a man-made god of death..."

The real Creator rubbed his chin: "Then there is only one answer left. The Grim Reaper was probably resurrected on the 'Pale Queen' of the Spiritual Cult. Now the Grim Reaper is the unique king of angels in the two sequences."

The True Creator fell silent.

The real creator slapped his thigh hard: "How did things become like this!"

"Although I don't expect the old days of these three paths to be the main force to deal with the doomsday in the future, they can't be in bulk at the end of the day like us, right?!"

Medici, who was standing next to him, immediately fanned the flames: "That's right, Lord, let's declare war! Kill the nerds, sissies, and octopus heads! Becoming gods with these cowards who eat vegetarian food will not save the world! "

"...don't talk yet."

Hearing this, the True Creator immediately calmed down. He stomped back to the office, took out a few pieces of paper from a black folder, and spread them out on the table.

It contained Ince Zangwill's arrest warrant, the record of Lanwusi's participation in the divine drop last September, the reward offered by Azik Eggers, and some minor details investigated by the Aurora Society.

Medici leaned over: "Are you doing case analysis?"


The real creator patted the reward offered by Azik, who had appeared in the Eastern District for a while: "It is known that this is the resurrected hand of the God of Death, but since the beginning of the Fifth Epoch, every period of his life began in the Northern Continent."

"Before Roselle opened the violent sea route 200 years ago, the Northern Continent was limited to 'Southern Continent blood', and the bloodline had been multiplied for 1000 years. There were very few people from the Southern Continent who were as standard as him. And when the route was opened Afterwards, the number of people in the Southern Continent increased, but they basically appeared in the form of servants and slaves. Even if Azik Eggers could leave noble status and money to himself every time he died next time, in the world at that time , it is unreasonable for a race of 'slaves' to appear rich and noble."

Medici nodded.

The real creator looked through some records, and with the ability of the Aurora Society, it is relatively simple to search for the history of a person whose appearance does not change.

"Adzik's life has an obvious irrational trajectory. He was able to live a relatively happy and even affluent life in the North Continent as a slave race or slave blood in the pre-dangerous situation of losing his memory and being unable to use extraordinary abilities. Combined with his identity..."

Medici walked away quickly and then came back: "Script?"

"Yes, maybe there is his manipulation."

The True Creator said: "Let's talk about the pen of 0-08 Al Suhod..."

"I remember this, I hacked it to death." Medici heard the familiar dragon's name.

"Well." The True Creator said again, "Then do you believe that this thing can be taken out of the heavily guarded church underground by a Sequence 5?"

Medici rubbed his chin, and asked straightforwardly: "Is it Al Suhod's pen who escaped with Sequence 5?"

"That's right. Then it's worth thinking about why Al Suhod's pen suddenly had the intention to escape." The real creator said, "0-08 who fled, the Bishop of Night who carried 0-08, and the writer wrote a life Azik Eggers of the script..."

"...These all make me have a very interesting guess."

Medici touched his chin again: "You mean that there may be some ulterior transactions in it."

"Yes, and as far as I guess, it has now failed."

"Because the god of death has returned? Oh, so that said, your eldest son should have already fallen into a disadvantage in the deal with Hei Ye. In the future, he may take action against 0-08, or he may do something to restore it."

The True Creator felt the subtlety in a flash: "That's right, the next task of the Aurora Society is to track 0-08, track Ince Zangwill, and be on guard for his appearance at all times."

The current situation is beginning to tilt in the direction of the true Creator.

The decline that has been falling behind because of madness, seems to finally have the opportunity to continue to catch up!
"Are you going to take back the dreamer first?" Medici smiled, "Exactly! I have long since disliked him! Lord, he is your son of God, so please say first, let's beat him to death on the spot , or leave a life?"

"...Medic, now is the time to tell you the secret knowledge."

The True Creator suddenly turned serious, and Medici couldn't help pressing his hands to the seam of his trousers, only to hear the True Creator say:
"After the 'Banquet of Betrayal', my divine part has been awakened in Adam's body..."

Medici frowned.

Medici looked up and down the real Creator.

Medici thought about it and lit a cigarette.

Medici suddenly realized while smoking a cigarette: "The co-author said that your divinity killed me, and your humanity brought me back? Lord, why do I feel that your schizophrenia has not been cured, but is getting worse and worse? Is it getting more serious?"

"It's being cured now."

"I see. No wonder that kid keeps muttering about resurrecting you on his body. We treat him as a paranoid. It turns out that you play your own son when you have nothing to do. You probably want to pave the way for you to take back your power by saying this all the time. "

"... That's right." The True Creator had the urge to twist his five sense organs together, but he held back and changed the subject, "What are you still doing here? You can go to prepare, let the Aurora Society and the Iron Blood The intelligence services of the Crusaders are in full swing."

"Aurora will have a brain that can run an intelligence department?"

Medici was thrown out of the office with his mouth curled.

Illusory thin black threads extended from Senor's body and fell into Klein's palms, reacting differently with each leap of spirituality.

In fact, manipulating the "spiritual body string" does not necessarily require both hands, but Klein is used to doing so, which makes him feel that he is really controlling the marionette.

"From the current situation, colleagues in the same industry can find each other's puppets, and the abnormalities on the spiritual body line cannot be hidden from their eyes. Therefore, we must be cautious enough in this regard." Klein summarized the initially discovered problems, and soon Turned his thoughts back to Senor himself.

Of course, the method of finding the type of corpse is still useful. Klein plans to let the "resentful soul" go through the gray fog to "sterilize once", then wrap the mirror-like thing possessed by him with a "paper angel", and finally put it in the Inside the iron cigarette box sealed by the wall of spirituality, do triple interference.

In this way, Klein believes that it is almost impossible for the angels of the Rose School of Thought to use "Admiral of Blood" to lock their position through divination, prophecy and other methods.

"The 'Mother Tree of Desire' or the 'Bound God' tightly controls the personnel of this organization, relying on methods such as vows and contracts that go deep into the soul. This can be seen from Miss Sharon's description, state, and my own contact with the corresponding characteristics. Inferred from experience..."

"Maybe the 'Mother Tree of Desire' can still be vaguely positioned through oath contracts, etc., but it doesn't matter, anyway, he can detect the gray mist traits on my body, and sense me within a certain range... Moreover, such a puppet may be something Then I used it as a shield and destroyed it..." Klein was like a jobless vagrant who owed a lot of debt, and felt that he had nothing to be afraid of.

Klein withdrew his thoughts, and turned his gaze to the silver necklace with the ancient coin-like pendant.

He immediately used divination methods to roughly grasp the origin and function of the necklace:
It originated from a Sequence 5 "winner" of the life school. After this gentleman died in the hands of the demigod of the rose school, his Extraordinary characteristics, his own spirit and an ordinary silver necklace he carried with him combined to form a magical item.

Then, he once again turned his attention to the "Admiral of Blood" Senor who stood respectfully beside him, and carefully studied the abilities of the resentful soul.

Forcibly possessing, controlling the enemy, screaming resentful souls, flickering mirrors, penetrating obstacles, death-like spells, "invisibility" that will not be discovered by most middle- and low-sequence people... Klein identified them one by one, and talked with Sha What Lun and Maric have said, and the comparison of what I experienced in the battle is confirmed.

He ended it all quickly.Back in the cave, Klein packed up the scene, put on formal clothes, carried his suitcase, and found an inhabited place along the beach, and found that he was actually near Pritz Harbor.

He didn't return to Backlund immediately, but changed his appearance, took the steam train, headed for Conant City in Disey Bay, and planned to circle around from there and change his identity.


The strong breath of death and decay engulfed the tea table and sofa in front of Edward.

The "Magic Wishing Lamp" on the corner of the coffee table grew two thin legs and jumped onto the sofa where Edward was sitting.

Edward sighed: "Do you want me to live in another place? I paid for the room for three days here."

He raised his leg and kicked the coffee table with only a quarter and two corners left, and the glass top fell to pieces on the ground.

A pair of closed huge wings appeared out of thin air like a cocoon. With the wings spread out, the Grim Reaper, who had successfully resurrected with the appearance and identity of his own descendants, appeared on a intact floor tile opposite Edward. The surrounding space suddenly filled with lifelessness, everything All dimmed.

"Salinger", "Pluto", the god of death with many nicknames in history. Even the eyes can kill everything. This king of angels stared at Edward Vaughan and the wishing lamp, and spoke abruptly :

"You blessed him."

"It's a foreign god." Edward corrected, "Yes, I gave some blessings to Sia Palenque Eggers, and at the same time, he also made some deals with me and owed me something, so you will pay me This image was resurrected successfully."

The Grim Reaper was indeed as silent as the dead, without any emotional fluctuations, and seemed neither happy nor angry about the result.

"Who are you?" Death asked.

"This question is an extra price." Edward shrugged, "I originally wanted to exchange the answer for your reward, but unfortunately I can't seem to do it now."

God of Death didn't answer, it didn't matter who the Outer God was, because they came here for nothing more than two purposes - the extraordinary characteristics of the adjacent path, or the source quality of the adjacent path, as long as they know these two.

And it's too early to start worrying about the Outer Gods now. If the God of Death ranks his threats, the two adjacent true gods, the Goddess of the Night and the God of War, will be ranked first, followed by the Northern Continent, and then Eternal Darkness. Zhihe may only consider the doomsday and the Outer Gods at the end.

In the same way, only by solving these few things can there be any meaning in worrying about the end of the world.

"Our cooperation is win-win." Edward said, "If you are not satisfied, you can come and kill me now."

The god of death looked at Edward, and he concluded that this was a trap, so he left without paying attention.

"It's really inhuman."

Edward pulled the wishing lamp out from behind his back, stood up and patted the ashes, and sighed, "The god of death has reduced the service life of my clothes by at least three years, and I have to make new ones."

He patted the lamp god: "Let's go, let's go to the territory of Katami, and start early so that they can fish in troubled waters during the war."

The front was originally a wall, but it was completely decayed.Edward jumped out of the hole in the wall and jumped into the spirit world.

With this hotel as the dividing line, there is an empty city behind, and in front, the road walked by the god of death has turned into a dead place without life.

In the spirit world, in front of the Calderon ruins, a piece of space suddenly distorted.

The Grim Reaper walked out of the bright colors and stepped into the city that originally belonged to the phoenix Gray Carrie.

Da da da.

He spiraled down the stone steps and reached the bottom of the city, where the spirit wandering in Calderon knelt down.

Walking into the sealed hall, under the bird-shaped bronze statue, the surface of the stele is engraved with Gregorie's warning to future generations.

"Even the gods can't get rid of it;"

"Even if you die, you will be detained."

The Grim Reaper's gaze swept across the words that seemed to be made up of abstract birds and tiny snakes, bypassed the stone tablet, and went down the gray-white stone steps again.After an unknown amount of time, a dark, unreal stream of water suddenly appeared under His feet.

Its surface can't even stay with light, just like flowing black mist.

With the arrival of the Grim Reaper, waves appeared in this quietly flowing river.

It rolled up a vortex at the feet of Death God, as if it wanted to drag the dead person into the water, but Death God was not affected, and instead induced his own spirituality to merge with this tributary, trying to control him.

Due to the dereliction of duty of the resurrected Azik Eggers, the God of Death slept in the River of Eternal Darkness for a full 400 years, and almost became a part of this source quality.

Now, His return from the dead was a blessing in disguise.

The vortex of the river of eternal darkness is getting bigger and bigger, but it still can't bring the god of death standing by the river back to sleep.

In the end, the violent vortex gradually shrank and returned to calm, and the black mist-like river water surrounded Death, like a veil for the dead.


Maybe after today, I will be able to see the comments... I guess.The past few days have been dreaming that the comment ban has been lifted.

It seems that some readers can't accept Shia's death, and hope to have more he characters... I don't want to comment, please express your opinions,
(End of this chapter)

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