Chapter 284 Coincidence
"First of all, inform Your Excellency 'Goddess Sword' of this information, and she will contact the Holy Church. Ince Zangwill who is carrying '0-08' is not something we can deal with with 'Red Gloves'."

"Secondly, follow this clue, hoping to find out where Ince Zangwill is currently. If he has almost completely lost his reason and basically acted on instinct."

"Finally, from now on, always pay attention to every coincidence that happens to you, and report it to me no matter what the reason is!"

Before entering Enmat Port, Soest said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Captain!" As the "Red Gloves" members responded in unison, Leonard remained silent. He glanced sideways at Daly Simone and found that the "gatekeeper" who claimed to be a psychic also did not speak. , with deep eyes.

At the same time, the slightly old voice of Pales Zoroaster echoed in his mind:

"Hehe, it looks like I'm about to witness an interesting drama."

What do you mean old man?What is he implying?We just decided to investigate Ince Zangwill's purpose, and "0-08" knew about it?Leonard withdrew his gaze, and suddenly had an idea:
If a person who is already dead secretly conducts related investigations, can the perception of "0-08" be avoided?


In the dense fog, Alfred, who had completely lost contact with his friendly team, kicked open the wooden door of a private house and hid in an empty room.The crunching sound of half-decayed planks hanging in the air was disturbing.

He is the leader of a small team in the mid-rank, and he is also the key target marked by "War Red". When they walk together, they will inevitably be attacked by more than one mid-rank hunter.The hunters can strangely borrow the ability of a higher sequence. As long as there is a Sequence 5 in the team, it is equivalent to half of the team having the extraordinary ability of the Sequence 5. The Loen soldiers who have been fighting all night cannot fight against them.

In the beginning, he still had the strength to fight, but the cunning hunters ran away with a few hits like a knife cutting flesh, and after slowly wounding all the soldiers he carried, they jumped out to give a fatal blow—if not His condition is not bad, he can't escape.

He and his only two soldiers hid vigilantly in a corner where windows and doors could not be seen. According to the smell in the house, it could be judged that it belonged to the poor area of ​​Behrens.

This is the downstream of the port, where garbage and waste are piled up, and it is impossible for soldiers to come here no matter what.

"Praise the goddess."

Alfred spoke hoarsely, the fire burned his throat, and there was a sharp pain when he spoke and swallowed.

Another team member imitated his example and tapped the crimson moon on his chest, while the remaining one hit his chest hard with his fist and said sullenly:

"The storm is upon us."

They were silent for a while at the same time, mourning for the comrades who died in the battle just now, and praying for themselves, praying that they could go back alive.

The boards were still hanging on the door frame, creaking and shaking with the wind.It swayed disturbingly, so the believer in the storm flew up and kicked off the remaining half of the door panel, revealing the scene outside the door with white mist flowing.

On the entire battlefield, the sound of a door panel falling to the ground was not loud, but now the existence of the fog greatly weakened everyone's five senses and spiritual intuition, and isolated the sound from a certain distance away. These crisp sounds made Alfred His eyelids twitched and twitched.

The storm follower belatedly realized that something was wrong with his behavior, and his companion elbowed him, and he hurriedly walked to Alfred with his head down, pretending to admit his mistake.

At this time, a series of footsteps came from the street outside, from far to near, and the ears of the three officers pricked up at the same time.

Alfred gave the other two a wink, and the three of them immediately went into a dark corner to hide, but the small house was only a few square meters in size, and it was stuffed to the brim by three grown men.

A few minutes later, the footsteps stopped near the house, and then, someone pointed in the direction of the window and asked in Loen language:

"Excuse me, is there anyone?"

The Loen language has a somewhat Dixi County accent, and the voice sounds like a middle-aged man, maybe someone who has not had time to enter the evacuation zone and the shelter... The three officers exchanged glances, and the disciple of the Evernight Goddess shouted outside:

"Who are you? Put your hands up and stand by the window!"

His words had an immediate effect, and the sound of footsteps began to shift from the corner facing the outside of the house to the place with windows.A man from the Southern Continent first appeared on the edge of the window with his hands raised. The officer who believed in the night saw the brown skin, raised his gun almost instinctively, and pulled the trigger continuously at the man with the appearance of the Southern Continent.

Unfortunately, the gun in his hand misfired, and not a single bullet was fired.

Then, the man who looked like a servant from the Southern Continent hugged his head, and a middle-aged man from the Northern Continent who was dusty and grizzled came out from behind the Southern Continent man, raised his hands to his temples, and spoke in a mellow voice:
"I'm from Loen. I brought Colonel Calvin's handwriting to deliver supplies to the Loen garrison in Behrens."

Hearing Calvin's name, the gun held high in the officer's hand moved down a bit, and he still shouted in disbelief:

"Stand still and let your servant bring the paperwork!"

The grey-haired man from the Northern Continent nodded, reached into his arms, took out an envelope with a sealing seal, and handed it to the servant.

The servant walked up timidly, not daring to look directly at the officer holding the gun, lowered his head and let go of the letter.

"Go back, go back."

The officer drove away the servants and stared at the two of them. Alfred reached out and took the letter. He held his breath under the anxious eyes of the subordinates of Faith Storm and opened the letter. He carefully read the words on it and confirmed that Seal seal and final signature and seal.

"It is indeed Colonel Calvin."

Alfred pointed to the signature and gift on another page, and said in a low voice: "The last time Behrens came, he brought letters. My family told me that there will indeed be a batch of supplies sent."

He took the initiative to look at the middle-aged man standing outside, and asked, "It's been hard work for you all the way, what's your name?"

The middle-aged man slowly put his hand down and said with a smile, "Dawn, Dawn Dantès."

After confirming his identity, the officer of the Storm of Faith hurriedly said, "Are you from Loen, right? How much did you bring? Do you have any letters? I'm from East Chester County..."

His voice became smaller and smaller, he looked at the surnames and signatures of the nobles on the letter, and fell silent.

"You are from Loen, why didn't you go to the shelter?" Alfred looked at Dawn, who was very handsome and exquisitely dressed.

"I've only just come to Behrens."

Although it was full of dust and dust, Dawn still maintained his demeanor: "It's really dangerous here. My servant and I lost our way. After hearing the voice, we walked over boldly. Fortunately, it was a few officers."

"You just came to Behrens?"

Alfred froze for a moment, his expression became serious in an instant, and a majestic aura emanated from him. The other two officers involuntarily looked away, and Dawn and his servant even took a few steps back, as if they dared not go straight. look at him.

"Don't lie! The rest of the entrance to Behrens has been blocked, where did you come in from?"

The power of the law fell on others like a whip. Dawn pressed his temple with one hand, and said with a painful expression:
"I came in from the east...there is a loophole..."

The eyes of the three officers widened at the same time, and they looked at each other in disbelief, and Alfred's tone became imperceptibly hurried:

"Is there no man stationed on the east side? How did your goods get in?"

Dawn frowned, organizing his language with difficulty:

"There are only some militiamen in the east..."

"My goods arrived ahead of time...the enemy's high-level officials found me and said..."

Dawn fell silent, and then slowly opened his mouth: "...Some nobles in Loen are willing to use ransom to redeem captives..."

"He is also...willing to cooperate..."


The two officers looked at Alfred at the same time, with too much emotion in their eyes.The latter frowned again after a moment of stretching, shaken in the choice of honor, dignity and life.

"So the east side was reserved for us on purpose, yes?"

After Alfred stopped using his extraordinary ability, the believer in the storm immediately said in a hurry: "This is not a surrender, it is a heroic resistance that was unfortunately captured in the end, Alfred, we should go back to the headquarters, others will Those who need this information, don’t you want to go back? You haven’t been back for almost a year, isn’t your family still waiting for you at home?”

Obviously this back road is only prepared for noble children, but he said "we".His tone was quite urgent, but his eyes were fixed on Alfred. He hoped to spread this information as much as possible rather than saving only noble children.

Even if it would cause chaos, as long as those who want to escape can rush to the east and disperse those militia teams, then maybe they have a greater chance of survival, even if they don't... But what if?
"Don't talk nonsense!"

Alfred didn't speak, and the believer in the night scolded him in a low voice, but his fingers kept scratching the hem of his clothes unconsciously, revealing the struggling and tangled emotions in his heart.


After a full minute, Alfred ended his silence and struggle. He looked at his two subordinates solemnly:

"Don't tell anyone about this."

Then, he looked at the middle-aged man from the Northern Continent who had been silent and quietly observing them, and waved his hand:

"Where are the things you brought stored? Take us there."

"Sir, it's here."

Klein led them to a locked warehouse. There was already some dust on the lock, and it seemed that it had been locked for some days.In order to prove what he said, he took the initiative to take out the matching big key from his pocket, and asked Secret Puppet Enyuni to open the big lock.

Klein found this warehouse with good luck. When he came, the door of the warehouse was open, and the inside was empty. The old caretaker died in his own residence, and the bullet pierced through the thin wooden boards.

Klein found the key and lock from his residence, and after opening the door and carrying all the items over, he randomly found a corpse that could be seen everywhere and fed it to Creeping Hunger.

The ground was shaking, and there were cannons rumbling nearby, and the warehouse was shaken from time to time, causing some dust to fall.Alfred, who was blond and blue-eyed and looked very similar to Audrey, signaled two subordinates. One stared at Klein and his Secret Puppet, and the other walked ahead and entered the warehouse.Seeing several huge boxes neatly arranged inside, the officer walking in front checked for a while with some unknown method, and then made a "safe" action.

"My name is Alfred Hall."

The blond-haired and blue-eyed officer immediately turned to Klein, with anticipation in his calm tone: "Is there anything for me?"

"Yes, Mr. Hall."

Klein nodded, and said to Secret Puppet Enyuni: "Box No. 3."

Then, he controlled the secret puppet to nod and bow to himself, then walked towards the No. [-] box tightly wrapped in linen, and opened the side cover.

Alfred walked over at a faster pace, instead of looking at the brand new clothes, money and daily necessities, he eagerly opened a small box and saw a pen and a bottle of ink inside. Pressing a few envelopes with the Hall family crest.

A smile appeared on his face, suppressing his excitement, he took out the letters, and couldn't wait to start reading.

The other two looked at him eagerly.

At this moment, Klein suddenly felt his spirituality move slightly, and there was a vague prayer in his ear, so he took the initiative to say: "Sorry, sir, I may need to leave for a while."

"Okay, you go."

Alfred spoke, he took a badge from his body, handed it to Enuni by his side, and asked to leave the list in Klein's hand:

"I'll take over these items and send them to the right person. You take my badge and go to the shelter with your servants."

Is it because I don't want me to go to the headquarters and spread the news that "you can leave from the east" to disturb people's hearts... But this is exactly what I want.Although he was relieved in his heart, Klein still had to act reluctantly and silently. He couldn't directly sell favors to noble children. It would undoubtedly be a huge loss for a rich man who came here for this. After standing for a long time, he reluctantly left.

After walking a long distance, Klein flashed into a house, activated his spirit vision, and blew his harmonica. Not long after, he saw Miss Messenger walking out of the void and delivering a letter.


While Klein reached out to take it, he asked Reinette Tinekerr, "I want to go to Calderon for an exploration recently, and I have obtained its spiritual world coordinates. I wonder if I can hire you?"

The four blond-haired and red-eyed heads of the messenger opened their mouths one by one:




Unable to enter... Is this Calderon City's restriction on higher-level creatures in the spirit world? The specific reason can only be known by asking "Red Light".However, how does Miss Messenger know that there is such a restriction? Has she been there before? ... Or, her spiritual intuition told her so? While thinking about it, Klein breathed out slowly and silently.

"I see, thank you for letting me know."

Seeing that he had nothing else to say, Reinette Tinekerr turned and returned to the spirit world.This made him confirm that Leonard Mitchell had paid for the postage, so he took his other hand out of his pocket and unfolded the letter:
"Ince Zangwill is suspected to be contaminated by the 'demon' pathway, and may have appeared near the port of Enmat in the Kingdom of Loen..."

Ince Zangwill... Klein chewed on the name, and slowly leaned against the wall.

In the letter, Leonard hoped that he could conduct some investigations secretly to confirm whether the other party was Ince Zangwill.

"But the problem is that it was mentioned last time that '0-08' has a feature similar to 'everything that is said must be known'. If you know it, you will be known by it at the same time. Moreover, it is good at arranging coincidences, so that people don't know it. Just follow its baton without realizing it... Under such circumstances, it is difficult to investigate Ince Zangwill without being noticed by '0-08'. Not only is there no possibility of success, but it is also easy to expose yourself... ...What's more, the 'demon' has anti-divination characteristics, if he has been polluted, he may also acquire this characteristic..." Klein sat on a chair while thinking, and the secret puppet walked behind and squeezed lift his shoulders.

He read Leonard Mitchell's letter again from the beginning, hoping to find more clues and possible investigation entry points in those few sentences.But just when he had no idea, a new prayer suddenly echoed in his ears.

With the mentality of giving it a try, Klein boarded Sefirah Castle and looked up. The new prayer came from "The Hermit", while the previous one was reported by "The Hanged Man", made using the extraordinary characteristics of Siatas The Extraordinary item of has been obtained and can be sacrificed at any time.

Klein looked at "The Hermit". In the prayer scene, Cattleya half-kneeled on the thick carpet of the familiar captain's cabin, her eyes closed.

"Dear Mr. Fool, please tell Mr. World that I have obtained the 'Sun God Bird' and the 'Holy Shining Stone', and I can trade with the blood of mythical creatures at any time..."

This matter... Klein nodded. Just as he was about to respond, he heard Cattleya make a second report:

"'Undead King' Agaritu seems to be attracted by something unknown, and he is approaching the direction of Enmat Port. The reason is unknown, but his path is a 'criminal', which may bring some danger to the local area..."


Klein's pupils contracted, the "criminal" is the "demon"!The "Undead King" of the demon path is attracted to approach Enmat Port. If this is caused by the aggregation principle of Extraordinary characteristics, it means that there is at least one medium-high sequence thing related to demons in Enmat Port!
"Is it really Ince Zangwill..."

These two news came by such a coincidence that Klein committed "0-08PTSD" almost immediately.

"Or, is this the instinct of the 0-08 hard-coded holder to start?"

Klein thought quickly, and almost made a plan to go to Enmat Port to investigate immediately.

——But it's too early, too early, he is only Sequence 5 now, and before he has the ability to kill demigods, Ince Zangwill appears!
However, this is also a good opportunity... Even if it's not a matter of doing it yourself... Klein was touched by his own powerlessness, but he quickly walked out of it, and immediately responded to Mr. "The Hanged Man"'s suspension as a fool Pray and prepare to complete the sacrifice of "Words of the Sea".


There is another update at 06:30.

(End of this chapter)

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