Chapter 285 Aggregation
On the boundless gray mist, Klein first responded to the prayer of "The Hanged Man" and brought the "Word of the Sea" cane to his side.

Then, Klein discovered that this cane also had the hobby of singing a song every six hours and causing some small stumbling blocks for the holder.After having a friendly exchange with the magical item by normal means on the gray mist, he made an agreement with "Words of the Sea" in three chapters, and successfully stipulated the time and frequency of the magical item's singing every day.

He brought this cane to reality, handed it to Secret Puppet, and used the good luck of "winner" to neutralize the bad hobby of "Word of the Sea".I still hold the hardwood inlaid gold cane that is used to show my status, is valuable, and has no other use.

Afterwards, he began to prepare for the ceremony, summoning the "red light".

After lighting three candles, placing the prepared essential oils and various spiritual items, and leaving a paper man for "Red Light" to descend upon the spirit, Klein has practiced perfectly and quickly completed the first part of the ceremony.

He took a step back, opened his mouth, and recited in ancient Hermes:

"I pray in my name:"

"I pray to communicate with 'the eternal light of the spiritual world, the embodiment of endless knowledge, the red of power and will'..."

From the perspective of mysticism, the seven lights of the spiritual world do not belong to nor serve any gods.Therefore, the honorable name of any god cannot appear, otherwise the ceremony will fail.

As words that could communicate with the spirit of nature were uttered one by one, Klein saw the three candles expand at the same time, connecting together with a slight crackling sound, as if a door of light had been opened.

The surroundings of the altar suddenly became silent and dark, and pairs of inexplicable eyes looked at them from different places.

The cold wind blew violently, and except for the three candles, everything on the altar floated into the air. Among them, the paper figurine wobbled and stood upright, and its surface was stained with a rich, clear and not at all bloody red.

"Hello." Klein said according to the correct interaction model he summed up while recalling the things related to the seven lights of the spiritual world described in some occult books.

He acted like he was confronting a teacher.

The bright red paper figurine moved its head lightly, and let out an illusory but majestic voice: "Hello."

Quite polite... Various thoughts flashed through Klein's mind, and he said sincerely and respectfully:
"Your Excellency Al Moria, I have something to ask you."

"You can directly call me Al Moria, please tell me." The paper figurine floating in the air seemed to be more polite than Klein.

Klein didn't change his attitude because of this: "I want to know information about Calderon City."

The bright red and almost transparent paper figurine pondered for two seconds and said, "May I know your purpose?"

Klein didn't hide anything, and said frankly:
"Hunting spirit world predators."

The head of the paper figurine moved slightly and said, "This is indeed only easy to find in Calderon City. In other places, the predators of the spirit world are like a drop of water entering the sea. It is very difficult to distinguish. Even I can only find it occasionally, and I can't grow it." Time lock. Under normal circumstances, some of them are active in the core area of ​​Calderon City, and a small amount are scattered in the outer layer. In the past, as long as you don’t try to go deep, there is actually not much danger.”

"In the past?" Klein asked.

"Yes. With the return of Balam's god of death, Calderon City has changed from a ruin to a city-state of spirit creatures and undead creatures, and there are constantly spirit creatures approaching there instinctively, worshiping their "death" Emperor'. The creatures of the spirit world were affected, resulting in a hierarchy, and began to arrange from the outside to the inside based on their own strength. If you want to hunt the predators of the spirit world, you only need to be slightly closer to the core area."

"You don't need to enter the core area, it seems less risky, but you have to go through a lot of low-level and mid-level spirit world creatures." The paper figurine talked eloquently, "Unfortunately, some special things there prevent us Qiguang from entering, otherwise we It can also provide some practical help.”

"So that's why it's because that's the kingdom of the ancient god Gregory?" Klein was sure and asked a confirmation question.

Minghong Paper Humanity said:
"Yes, the ancient god of death hoped to use this 'city of the dead' to be resurrected, but he failed completely, and his authority was occupied by that god of death, Balam. Now, since the latter has taken over there again, the arrangement left by the ancient god of death should be It no longer exists. Balam's 'Underworld' does not often appear in the spirit world, and every time he comes, he is very powerful."

That's it... Klein nodded indistinctly, and asked multiple questions from different aspects, all of which received relatively satisfactory answers.

After politely ending the summoning ceremony and saying goodbye to the "red light", Klein first left Behrens temporarily with his secret puppet, opened the door, and found a safe place where he would not be disturbed.Then he returned to Origin Castle again and began to think about matters related to the exploration of Calderon City.

Between the cards of blasphemy "Dark Emperor" and "Tyrant", Klein pondered for a while, and finally chose the latter.

"With the 'Sea God's Scepter', after containing the 'Tyrant', my power is infinitely close to a Sequence 4. The weird negative effect of the 'Sea God's Scepter' 'makes the soul and flesh of the person in contact quickly collapse' as long as it is used properly. The 'Lightning Storm' can quickly clear up a clean area in Calderon City. Don't worry about Extraordinary Convergence, if there is really a high sequence of storm paths attracted, it can be used instead."

As his thoughts fluctuated, Klein stretched out his hand, and the "Tyrant" card placed on the long bronze table flew up, fell into his palm, and merged into his soul body.

Suddenly, an aura of extreme majesty and terror emanated from the position where The Fool was. A deep triple crown was added to Klein's head without a sound, and his clothes became religious robes.

There was a whistling wind, and the pope's robes suddenly unfolded. Klein raised his right hand, and the bone scepter that flew by itself hung in the air.

The "Sea God's Scepter" was lifted by the swirling wind, but it didn't touch Klein.At the beginning, the Sequence 6 self couldn't even get close, but now even in Origin Castle, there is still a layer of "tyrant" separated, Klein dare not personally taste how long the current self can last under that weird effect.

Then again, Klein always felt a little familiar with this weird negative effect, but he couldn't figure out where he had seen it before.

On the top of the scepter, gemstones suddenly emitted a dazzling blue or silver light, and surrounded the sitting "tyrant" like lightning.

The "Word of the Sea" cane crawled to the ground with a snap, and crawled to the side of Klein, who was holding a scepter and dressed as the Pope.

"First of all, we need to clarify a premise, that is, until the 'Pale Calamity' of the Fourth Epoch, in fact, the church did not have the concept of 'the dead must be reassured before being buried'. Suicide. Due to economic conditions and social system restrictions, many people were buried hastily after death. Then, the "pale disaster" let the unrequited dead walk out of the grave, and let the wandering spirits obey the orders of the emperor of the underworld. The Northern Continent has brought great disaster."


"Therefore, this matter made the gods vigilant, and the steps of 'requiem-cremation-burial' were logically carried out."

Edward put down the small blackboard in his hand, met the eyes of the real creator, and asked curiously and curiously:
"Can I understand 'Requiem' as a sacrificial ritual?"

"I think the essence of the requiem ceremony is a two-way special ritual magic. Through the requiem ceremony, the church 'sacrifices' the soul of the deceased to the kingdom of God, and borrows power from the gods to pollute the body of the deceased , so that the dead will no longer be affected by other extraordinary powers."

"If you explain it this way, I can understand why the church prohibits suicide, because in a sense, the suicide is dedicating his life and soul to other things, and the sacrifice of time has been completed, so naturally there is no spirit body to pass through. The requiem ceremony has been dedicated to the Kingdom of God."

"Similarly, corpses and spirits that have not been polluted or 'baptized' are still without any protection. They will also be affected by the power of necromancers and crawl out of the tomb." Edward clamped a pencil to his ear Finally, after thinking for a moment, he said, "Oh, they are promoting cremation now, but this can also be freely chosen according to the wishes of the family members and the deceased."

"So far, your guess still has logic."

The true Creator is noncommittal, and he hasn't read the latest report from the Aurora Society's sacrifice yet.I only saw Medici saying that the Southern Continent doesn’t need him now, and he went to the corner to find trouble with the Witch Sect.

Although the Primordial Witch was equally troublesome, the True Creator was less worried about Medici than the frisky Outer God in front of him.

"Is there no spirit chosen by you in your own kingdom of God?"

"Yes. But as you said, I will only take away the souls that I have chosen and have passed my test."

Edward said: "They were chosen by me, and I greeted them personally. I don't need other people, and I don't need so many useless souls, even if their souls are indeed a very good resource. Your heaven—I Let’s just say it’s called the kingdom of heaven. God has said since ancient times that the souls of believers can enter the kingdom of heaven. Your five paths can also check and balance each other without bias, and create a world that may indeed allow spirits to live. So practically Is that the case?"


"I see. Can you tell me the reason?"

"Faith and prayer are the means to establish a connection between man and God. Prayer that can be received by the gods is itself a kind of ritual magic, the simplest ritual magic." The true creator replied, "Prayer is the easiest way to establish a connection, and Piety is used to stabilize the connection. But the piety of mortals has its limit after all, and it is difficult for their voices to truly reach my ears. The anchor of a thousand mortals is not as good as a saint, let alone an angel."

"That's why such a requiem ceremony is needed to ensure that the soul can go to the Kingdom of God through mystical connections."

Edward covered his mouth with his hands, and frowned for a while thinking.

"Then, I think 'merging with the gods' is the most accurate description of this situation compared to 'ascending into the kingdom of God'?"

"Tell me what you think."

"To be honest, it's also hard for me to imagine what the kingdom of God of the Eternal Sun and the Lord of Storms looks like, although I occasionally hear their believers describe that the former is a palace with blooming flowers, and the latter is always filled with thunder and waves the vast seas of the world. But their paths themselves seem to be..."

Edward considered for a second:
"Not so friendly to the undead."

"For example, the Land Abandoned by God is your kingdom of God, and your authority is depravity. Then we can clearly see what the people living on it look like. Obviously, their disasters are not entirely caused by you after fighting. The main responsibility for those residual forces is yours."

True Creator: "Yes."

"Then you want me to imagine a group of undead that can live normally in a place illuminated by the power of the sun, and I can't imagine it. The closest I was to the requiem ceremony was outside the Cathedral of Light in Intis 150 kilometers to watch the funeral with binoculars."

Edward smiled: "So, after the sacrifice, the spirit is restored to the basic spirituality, contributing to the kingdom of the gods, right?"

Before the real Creator could speak, Edward made a conclusion for himself: "This is the current speculation. If I have the conditions, I will try to be a guest in the kingdom of other gods."

He stood up, paced around the sofa and coffee table, around the manuscripts and chessboards piled up on the floor, walked to the wall, and tore a page of the calendar.

"It's already the night of the 28th, and no one has informed me to go to the southeast coast? When did your divine side become so tactful?"

"There are only 6 days in June. Now it's not enough time to go to the southeast coast by boat. What are you gathering for..."

He suddenly stopped talking.

The real creator noticed something, frowned, looked at the demon who suddenly stood still, and asked, "Is there a reason?"

A stick figure's eye swam to Edward's side from the shadows, seeing that the other party ignored it, it naturally blended into the other party's shadow.


Edward's expression became very exciting. He opened his eyes wide at first, then frowned, and finally scratched his head in some puzzlement.

"...I know why your divine side is sure that I will definitely go." Edward seemed to understand something, showing a slight smile, "He hangs the 'blasphemy card' on the bait. Maybe there are other things, But now I hear a lot of random prayers, some demon families have reported to me that they have seen this card, and some have provided me with information, and some people are even praying for me to give me the power to help them find this card. See There are a lot of people who come to be attracted to it.”

The True Creator asked back, "Then why are you going?"

"Because this thing is very important to me."

Edward jokingly said: "Perhaps Roselle deliberately disgusted me. The opening spell of this card is my name, so it naturally has an extremely strong mystical connection with me. You see, I am about to be cited now." It's over.—I can't leave in someone else's hands a thing that could at any moment have a converging effect on me."

"It's just grabbing a card, it won't be a big deal." Edward picked up the suit jacket on the back of the sofa, walked into the spirit world calmly, and waved goodbye to the real creator, "Then I'm leaving."

Ah.Recalling how the other party had swornly told him that all the people on the southeast coast were dead, it was impossible for the real Creator to believe his words.Following the opening of the opponent's eye, the real creator decided to watch what was about to happen along the southeast coast at any time, in order to decide whether to stop it in time or keep the believers away before doing it.


The double update is over!

(End of this chapter)

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