"really interesting."

Edward stepped out of the spirit world and put on his coat.She turned her head and confirmed that the real Creator did not follow, and then she blended into the crowd in Enmat Harbor very naturally, like an ordinary gentleman who went out for a walk after dinner.

She didn't limit her field of vision with a top hat, and looked around casually, with a smile on her face.

"He saw the defected Bishop of the Night in Enmat Harbor..."

"I haven't been caught for so long, 0-08 is still on him. It shouldn't be 0-08 who brought me here, I'm here. Does 0-08 dare to write? ——It has no reason to write about me, Unless there are higher-level narrators."

Long before the Great Smog, Adam or her "Twilight Hermit Society" had tried to provoke the fragile international relations in the Northern Continent, using the "Devil Card" as a bait to lure Jason Beria to assassinate Duke Negan.

But from Edward's point of view, this is a scam at all. After all, it should be the unspoken rule of the extraordinary world's upper echelon not to allow "demons" to be born with high-sequence and powerhouses. Even if Jason Beria completes the task, there are nine out of ten It was resolved on the spot and completely silenced.

Believe in those gods and gods who are superstitious about "the trend of the times" and "the choice of fate", it is better to believe me, at least I will really give something when I am in a good mood-not to mention the "trend" and "choice" after all They are all self-directed and performed by Adam, the leader of the magic stick. She has written everything hundreds of thousands of years ago.

"Means nothing."

"If it's the theory of the past, 'the fate of everything is doomed at the birth of this universe', I'm still interested in learning about it... Adam is throwing out the 'devil card' to attract me now because he feels that the current The 'trend of the times' has completely shifted, so why not open a new chapter, or do you think there is still a chance to change the trend of the times after killing me?"

Edward thought for a while and then gave up. She didn't intend to learn the way of thinking of the magic stick.

In addition to taking back the "devil card", even if it is to touch 0-08, it is worth a trip by yourself.

"It would be a good thing if I could die by the way—" She looked at the eye hidden in her shadow, and didn't say this, but she believed that the real creator would definitely think of this.

Edward was not very worried about Adam appearing beside him, and if she did come, he would beat her with his fist until she left.It is impossible to have a high-level sequence that can kill her in the entire Port of Enmat, and the audience's set of mind fanning and hypnotic hints are useless.

"Anyway, how about eating first?"

The weather is getting warmer, and the sky in the North Continent is not yet dark.

Fish and dragons mixed together on the street, showing a chaotic color in the eyes of the devil.

With just a glance, Edward could tell the general biography of those worth eating—for example, the lady who ran a tailor shop seemed to be an excellent pirate, and at least ten people died by her hands.The man who was carrying goods for a ship was a fugitive. The bald man who passed by was a usurer and seemed to have killed many people. Resentment and guilt hung on him blatantly.It's not bad in terms of the degree of crime and desire, but the appearance is too bad to be served on the table.

In addition, there are thieves and petty murderers who don't look down upon, and nobles who can only eat occasionally... nobles are born with their own logos, which is easy to see at a glance, because few people can identify themselves at such a young age. With so much resentment.Except for the more vivid black, most people are more ordinary gray, and they are all ordinary people who are not completely good or completely bad.

These messy ordinary people gather together, bustling and bustling, walking like pieces of colorful haze.

The number of villains around seems to be slowly increasing. The demons are here, and ordinary people will also be affected to subtly produce evil thoughts.

If Edward stayed here for a few more days, the law and order in Enmat Port would be in vain.

The devil's gaze casually glanced at the nearby people, thinking with great interest whether to eat a few people for tooth-beating sacrifices or just wait for the holder of the "devil card" to come to his door.She looked at the people who could be put on the table one by one, and suddenly met a pair of eyes in the crowd.

Edward only looked away by chance, and walked towards the street.But the other party seemed to be staring at him without blinking, and there was always a line of sight falling on him.

So she turned her head back again, and greeted the owner of those green eyes with a smile: "Hello?"

The young man with green eyes doesn't seem to think it's impolite to keep looking directly at others in Ruen. person?
Considering that he would not remember any victim, Edward didn't think too much, nor was he in a hurry. He smiled and waited for the other party to take out some weapon from his arms to hit him, or take out some signal flare and throw it into the sky.After all, this young man looks like a mid-sequence Extraordinary, with guns and spiritual Extraordinary items on his body. He is either a member of a secret organization, or—she noticed the hand in his pocket—oh, it turned out to be The "Red Gloves" of the Church of Evernight.

To arrest the defecting bishop?

Just when she was bored and ready to leave, the young man with green eyes suddenly spoke, his voice was low, and it was directly conveyed to her ears.

"It's you," he whispered. "Who are you?"

Edward raised his eyebrows, then nodded approvingly: "It seems that you know me, and there are people around you who know me—someone told you that you can't remember my face and name, because you are worried about being noticed by me?"

The young man was silent.

"Then how did you notice me? Is the person guiding you nearby?" Edward looked around casually, but he didn't feel any special emotion, and there was no reaction to the premonition of crisis, so she turned her gaze to Turning back to the young man, he said with a smile:

"Also, don't recite the honorable name of the Evernight Goddess silently in your heart."

Leonard Mitchell was horrified. He immediately stopped thinking of recruiting reinforcements, and he didn't foolishly try to use his spiritual bullets and weapons to irritate the other party. He never expected that when he was searching for Ince Zangwill To run into each other by chance - when the old man suddenly disappears is enough to prove the problem.Even facing the note "Amon is coming", the old man just gasped.

From this perspective, Leonard confirmed that the unknown black hand behind the scenes was somehow more dangerous than Amon.

He clenched his sweaty palms tightly, feeling cold and damp in the gloves.


Anyway, there is no such thing as a safe distance in front of such a strong person, and he doesn't know if the other party will directly silence him on the spur of the moment. Leonard simply took a step forward, stood directly in front of the opponent, and gritted his teeth. :

"Do you remember Tingen? There you killed..."

"Four thousand three hundred and fifty one."

Edward added: "So? Are you here for revenge? For someone of yours, family, friends, relatives?"

Four thousand 350 one?so many people?Leonard suddenly got stuck on this number. The church gave a statistic of more than 800 people, and the exact number cannot be estimated... Are there still so many people?Are there so many people out there that the church doesn't even notice?
"...You killed so many people, but you don't have any emotions at all?"

Leonard quickly came back to his senses, temporarily put aside the matter of numbers, and said angrily: "The heir of the real Creator was born there, and it takes a huge amount of negative emotions to mature, and you sacrificed 4000 Many people!"

Edward touched his chin in doubt, and said:
"So? What the hell are you here for?"

"If you're just here to express dissatisfaction, there are pens and paper at the newsstand next to it, and you can leave after you finish writing."

Leonard was stunned again.

The other party's reaction was within his expectations, and completely beyond his expectations.His understanding of divine creatures is only the old man. The old man would sneer, ridicule himself, and point him out, so Leonard always felt that even if he became a divine creature—he should still retain some of his own humanity and emotions , just like the madness brought about by potions, it needs to be vigilant and confronted at all times.

Facing this high-sequence powerhouse who blatantly cut seats with humans and talked about humans in the same tone as animals or insects, Leonard was speechless for a moment—many people would not use boiling water because of their curiosity. Burning ants, or stomping on an ant colony, but so what?Will someone feel that he is an ant, and will be furious at this behavior and even want to avenge the ant?
In this situation, Leonard suddenly felt that his anger was meaningless. Others didn't even bother to kill him. Looking at him was like watching an ant waving its tentacles at his feet.

But I am a human being, I am a member of the ants that were trampled to death, how could I not be angry about it!
"It's okay, I understand you, you are a human being, and it must be very sad to see your compatriots killed so casually."

The devil was very gentle and said to Leonard very understandingly. A few words quietly transformed the anger in Leonard's heart into blankness like Tai Chi. Then, without waiting for Leonard to speak, she spoke again. said:
"Who are you here to accuse me of? Your significant other?"

Leonard was led to think, he found the opportunity to speak, and immediately said:
"I died for over 4000 innocent people in Tingen."

"Is there anyone you know in there?"

ah?Uh... Leonard thought carefully for a long time, as if he knew only two people who died in the Tingen disaster, one was the captain, but Dunn Smith who had returned to them seemed to be the same as Same as when alive.The other is his companion, Klein Moretti, but the other party is a member of a secret organization, so he escaped by death, and joining the Nighthawks may have another purpose...

Leonard frowned:
"...Even if not, isn't their death worth my anger, sadness, and hatred for you?"

The smile on Edward's face widened. She stroked her chin and thought about it seriously for a while:
"I remember that most of the people I killed were in the lower streets, that is, the slums."

She looked at Leonard, as aggressive as a snake showing its fangs: "Then did you care about the people I killed before they died? Do you know their names? Since you don't know, since you don't care at all , why do you want to question me with fake mercy?"

"No! I've been down the street, I..." Leonard was speechless for a moment.

She looked at Leonard and suddenly smiled:
"You must have killed someone important by me, right?"

"Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to say the name of a single victim among the 4000 people."

"Since this is the case, then don't use the 4000 people who have never been cared about by you as a shield. If they don't die in my hands, they will die in disease, hunger, pain, and poverty. Why don't you say that I gave it to you?" What about their merciful death?"

"How dare you say that they don't want to die? How do you judge whether they are living in pain or dying in pain?"

Who is more painful, death or life?

That... should be... death, right?

Leonard wanted to open his mouth to refute, but he seemed unable to make a sound no matter what.

He suddenly thought of the family down the street that he and Klein went to investigate a long time ago. The hostess earned a few pennies by collecting matchboxes from morning to night. She would lose her eyes after doing this kind of work for a long time. How long can she do the matchbox job?So what can she do with her eyes broken? …They didn’t have a job, and even if they died, they couldn’t get compensation. Instead, they still lacked another source of income. What happened to them after that… There are also those in the East District, who were killed by the smog, among them How many people feel more relief and relief than pain when death comes?
Why on earth did he think death must be painful?
Because I grew up in the orphanage of the church, but I have always lived happily?

After saying these cold, sword-like words, Edward put on her most skilled warm and gentle smile again. She approached Leonard who was a little stunned by the huge impact step by step, and patted him on the shoulder. Speak softly:
"You are the 'Red Gloves' of the Church of Evernight, are you here to arrest your traitors?... Then do you know that from the very beginning, 0-08 was released from the underground sealing room by your goddess?"

Leonard's childish hole suddenly shrunk, and he raised his head suddenly, looking in disbelief at the pair of pure black eyes that were close at Chi Chi.

The devil laughed softly: "Otherwise, how could a trash who failed to advance to Sequence 4 calmly leave with a level 0 sealed item from the underground sealed room of the cathedral where you are heavily guarded and where angels sit in command?"

After speaking with a smile, she shook her head again, as if she was really sighing:
"How pathetic, you stupid, righteous people, how much manpower and material resources were spent to bring back 0-08? How many church members and innocent people died because of it? If they knew, their tragedy was God from the beginning How sad it would be if you acquiesced!"


Leonard was almost terrified to the point of anger, he didn't believe it, of course he didn't believe it!This is the devil's bewitchment, which is tempting him to degenerate, blaspheme, and betray his own beliefs!Leonard almost jumped up, he said angrily:

"Stop saying these words! Don't blaspheme the goddess in front of me!"

"I can't believe you!


After erupting, he suddenly realized that his voice and reaction were a little too much. He quickly looked around, but found that all the people were walking and living normally, as if they couldn't see the small area he was in.

If I'm killed, no one will find out.

Such an idea suddenly popped up in Leonard's mind.

She could kill me directly, but she still talked to me so much, just to deceive me?
"Haha, I admire your faith, because I am a cold and cruel person, and I will not trust anything without benefits."

The devil praised Leonard casually, and then once again dispelled some of the anger and hostility rising in Leonard's heart with words:

"I don't expect you to believe it. Well, let me tell you a story."

She lowered her voice and said, "0-08 is an important item that a high-sequence Extraordinary needs. Your Evernight Goddess has cooperated with her before, so as a reward, I will give 0-08 to this high-sequence powerhouse. "

"This is impossible."

Leonard shook his head firmly: "Everything in the church belongs to God. If the goddess wants to bestow something on others, there are many ways to do it. There is no need to use this method at all! She also found a defector The bishop came to steal it? It’s really troublesome! You even found a defected bishop to steal the sealed item, and after such a long circle, hasn’t the item been delivered yet?”

"Because this is their private transaction."

Edward smiled slightly, and made a good analogy: "It's like you and I both fell in love with the goods in a store. Your financial resources are not as good as mine, but you happen to have something that the boss needs, so you are willing to sell it at a low price. Here you are—under such circumstances, would you be so stupid as to come to the shop to bid with me? What if my bid is too high and the shopkeeper changes his mind? Of course, it would be better to deal with the shopkeeper in private. "

"That's impossible." Leonard still didn't believe it.

"It doesn't matter whether you want to believe it or not, anyway, that strong man is about to come to take 0-08." Edward disagreed, "You just watch it when the time comes, and see if Ince Zangwill will be taken by 0-08." -[-] killed, see if someone else will take this item away."

Even if Adam doesn't come, I can still pick it up!
Besides, how could Adam not come?They have been preparing for so long.

Seeing what Edward said so firmly, Leonard couldn't help feeling a little suspicious, but his doubts were thrown out of his mind after only a few seconds, and he even felt ashamed to ask the goddess for believing in the temptation of the devil. Confession and atonement.

"Speaking of which, are you hating me? Are you hating me, or 'existence that can knead human life at will'?"

What's the problem?
Leonard replied without thinking: "What I hate is that you kill innocent people for your own purposes."

"Well, then the Seven Gods are the same."

"Don't spout blood! The gods have repelled the monsters and sheltered mankind through disasters for thousands of years!"

"Then this is too strange. Why is the history of the Fourth Era broken? Why did all the people in the previous era die? All the ruins will be destroyed?" Edward replied casually, "Because the people of the previous era Don't trust God. God is afraid of them."

nonsense!Just as Leonard was about to refute, the underground ruins of the Pound family suddenly appeared in his mind.

The current academic research on the Quaternary Epoch can be said to be pitifully little, and it was hard to find a relatively well-preserved relic of the Quaternary Epoch in Backlund City.Just when he thought he was going to go in for archaeological exploration, the church completely destroyed it.

How can God be afraid of man?

Obviously, it is God who maintains the normal operation of society, and it is God who brings people a normal life and dignity. God loves the world!

"...This doesn't mean anything. After all, people who don't respect God will bring danger to society." He insisted.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter, I don't need you to believe my words."

Edward glanced at the wall clock in the distance, then at Leonard's red gloves, and said again with a smile:
"Wait until the 0-08 is taken by the pre-ordered customer, and you can think about it again."

"Think about it carefully, do you hate me, or do you hate the innocent strong man, and hate yourself who is not strong enough? Otherwise, according to your logic, let 0-08 out to make people lose their lives, the Evernight Goddess— —It’s the same existence, too.”

"You! You..." Leonard was almost exasperated, but before he could finish his words, Edward pushed Leonard aside, walked into the distance by himself, and disappeared into the crowd in a blink of an eye.

Of course Leonard would not be so stupid as to catch up. He stood there for a while, then walked in the opposite direction. After walking for a long time, he heard an old voice coughing in his mind.

"Old man, the devil's words are really terrifying."

Leonard was angry and thoughtful: "It's full of lies, you can't believe a single word, you are right, next time I will definitely, never get close to the devil again!"

Hearing Leonard's self-hypnotic words, Pallez sneered lightly.


I dove, I pretended.

A long time ago, the decryption of "Guess who will be bumped into by an old love and listen to the devil's reasoning to doubt life" was deciphered. Everyone basically guessed it was Audrey, but it was actually Leonard.

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