The appearance of the "future" unfolded before Medici's eyes, at this moment, in this scene.

He is aware of what has happened and what is about to happen.

The answer was so flat and without any thrills.

He once thought about his own mood at this moment, or Medici already knew what would happen when the real creator decided to go to the Eastern Continent.After being told the specifics, when the dust settles, the War Angel guesses that he will get emotional, roar, and maybe even feel a slight loss of control or self-destructive rage, but when he really knows this, his reaction is very calm.

That is not the Creator of Man's Creator;
An all-knowing and omnipotent being who is equal, benevolent and indifferent.

This is a terrible and true answer, and what is even worse is that the real creator has exchanged everything for that appearance, and exchanged everything for eternal and ethereal goodwill—clearly knowing that he cannot trust the benevolence of the superior ——But this is the ending and long-cherished wish of the people He has followed for thousands of years, which makes Medici feel restless when he wants to smash something, but he doesn't know where to use his strength.

He clearly felt that some connection between himself and this world was suddenly cut off, and his perspective rose to look at the sky.

"...the gods who asked me to guard this land are gone, so what am I still doing here?"

"Because you still need a base camp and a nominal backer, otherwise you will be a walking conqueror with Extraordinary characteristics."

Edward replied casually and pointedly:

"It seems that His attitude towards you is not bad. You are not currently under any restraint, and your spirit has not changed."

Medici raised his eyebrows: "In the future, do we have to speak in such a secretive manner?"

"Of course not, unless you want to say something about him, and you don't want him to notice immediately."

Medici tapped the table lightly with his hands, and glanced at Trier outside the window. The Cathedral of Light is surrounded by the residential area of ​​devout believers. Buy a house nearby.

In the far distance, there is a newly built port on the criss-crossing river.

The port finally took shape, and it looked busy. People from Intis gathered near the port to do business, using money or bartering, and some foreigners could be seen in the crowd.At noon, those who would leave collectively to go to the church to receive relief food were the Intis people.

Now Trier lacks everything, even if the international situation in the Northern Continent is so strangely tense that no one can understand it, and the war is about to break out, no one cares about it. After all, life has to go on. Will bring simple pleasures.

Medici watched them, watching the ant-like humans living on the ground.

"The world originally depicted may indeed be beautiful, but this beauty is only for His believers and Himself."

"He will also let his believers fight, die, promise heaven, and compete for a larger parish. The essence is not that the world becomes better, but that believers give up thinking and let God think for themselves."

Medici talked to himself in a low voice.

"Oh, you are right. I believe that as long as Yuan Yuan shows his position, countless people in this world will suddenly fall to him. The standard of happiness that he gives has surpassed the lives of more than half of the people in this world. Standards, if you want to fight against such a happy and ignorant world, you need people to have their own beliefs and their own spiritual world... But most people are not even people, and resistance is just a dream."

War is the plunder of the strong against the weak. No matter how just the name of war is, its fundamental purpose is plunder.

Plunder others, trample on order, and let yourself be happy.

Medici has heard too many wishes of fighters. Only a few people want to be successful and famous. Most people are just pushed forward, struggling in the flames of war, wanting to get a chance to breathe, and then try their best to fight. survive.

The more he understood God's mind, the more he felt his heart heavy.

The heart was beating violently, the voice was clearly discernible, and the flesh and blood were also agitated due to the tension. Medici was now extremely irritable.

This made him think of Klein, the boy who had an unusual background and owned Origin Castle. Like the real creator, he is embarking on his own destiny in different ways, but some people have just started or just arrived. Halfway, some people are about to reach the end.

"It's really boring to think about it carefully. A peaceful world without wars... Humans have no ambitions, unite by the side of the only God, will no longer fight each other, and become true compatriots and relatives without blood relations..."

Medici clenched his fists, thought for a while, and finally laughed out loud.

"Although I don't like it, it should be very beautiful, right? It's like a dream, a dream that I can never wake up from."

Although as an angel and a born mythical creature, he has no empathy with human beings, but the wars he leads have always been accompanied by human beings.

The joy, anger, sadness, despair and various emotions of the soldiers can be shared with him through the soul link. Because of the close connection between the war angel and the human being, he has a heart similar to that of a human being, so he will make all kinds of other angels unimaginable Behaviors such as eating and living with soldiers, sharing stew cooked in a pot, and participating in soldiers' discussions about the future, victory and love with great interest.

But this favor is quite stingy, Medici values ​​his subordinates, but he will not feel sorry for the arrangement of the death squad.

He cares about his subordinates, but he doesn't care about his connection with other humans.

"Speaking of which, I have a question—have any important people died in the cultivator's path?"


Although Edward didn't care much about the origin of a sealed item, he was still a little curious.This sealed item was hidden in the depths of the City of Silver, possibly underground, or after numerous seals. He could not touch it directly, but he could stand outside the seal and watch for a while.

So he found that the sealed item had a level 0 level, and the black-faced grass growing in the entire Silver City was already partly suppressed and sealed. If it was not controlled, this sealed item would make this plant grow wildly, And the curse of "must kill relatives" has been continuously expanded, at least to the two Silver Cities - and the sealed item looks like a female (this is not surprising, the cultivator and the high sequence of the moon both symbolize feminine), accompanied by Strange howls and ravings.Judging from the negative effects, it is either witnessing relatives killing each other, or being killed by relatives.

"... Has anyone died in that way?"

Medici thought for a while, then waved his hand casually: "I have no impression, death should also be the dead moon, such as that Lilith."

The Mother Earth and the God of War have been allies since ancient times, corresponding to the mother-child relationship between Omebela and Badher in the myth of the City of Silver.

"But I heard that the blood race can occasionally get a response from the ancestor Lilith, and she may still exist in the form of a spiritual brand."

"Who knows, the Blood Moon Queen is also dead. If it is snatched back, it is normal for the blood race to have a Sequence One. Or maybe the Mother Earth is answering instead, plundering in advance to point to the anchor, after all, the man-made God of Death It can also respond to the Spiritual Cult."

Medici lost interest in the topic, and it took a few seconds.Thinking of something, he asked again:

"What about the big snake? What does the big snake say about the Lord's affairs?"

"Did He not contact you? Oh, maybe he didn't want to bring up this topic." Edward was taken aback for a moment, then nodded again, "The Angel of Fate accepted this fate because He couldn't afford to change, there is no second Redemption Rose and the Eastern Continent."

War Angel's fist was clenched suddenly, his veins were exposed, and then he relaxed slowly, the same as before.

Medici hissed, and his expression and body movements returned to the former ease and comfort. He leaned on the back of the chair, crossed his legs loosely, his voice was lazy, but concealed a bit of seriousness that cannot be ignored.

"If the Lord these people praise is not the guy I follow, then these people mean nothing to me."

"However, no matter where these millions of people are placed, they are a considerable amount of anchors. I can send them to other gods in exchange for some help. The bid does not need to be too high. At this time, I believe no one will refuse That amount of anchors."

He doesn't really want to do that because the True Creator wants them to be treated well.But the current moment is very important, and if necessary, Medici thinks he will do so.

Edward nodded approvingly:

"What a coincidence, I think the Hidden Sage also has the idea of ​​sending the anchor out. You two are really suitable to stay in the same country."


Medici didn't hear the sarcasm from the devil's words, so he realized that it was just a joke and a small piece of information—if the hidden sage didn't want to stay in Intis, where would he want to go?What does he want to do?However, there is no need for Medici to think about the matter of hiding the sage. Medici thinks that this small sequence of his own does not need to think about the matter of a dual-path true god.

Medici feels that he should focus on the moment:

"Among the original evil gods, the Lord has already sacrificed his life. Although the hidden sage will not become a righteous god, no one will dare to regard him as an evil existence. The power of the original moon and the mother tree of desire has also been somewhat restricted. The original witch Isolated."

"It will cost more," Edward said.

"Hehehehe, entrusting you to kill a true god? I'm not out of my mind. Don't mention me at this price. If you pull out the big snake and sell it together, you won't be able to get it together." Medici sneered and knocked on the table, "Come on! Come, let me give you some more information, where does the hidden sage want to go?"

"I'll give you information, what can you give me in return?" Edward asked with a smile, "Tell me the exact location of Klein."

Medici also laughed: "See off!"


Traynor was fishing by the river, beside him sat Tang En, and other hunters who were on vacation today.

A boom hangs in the air, and the fishing line falls vertically into the water. The hunters stand or sit, waiting for the water buoy to shake without blinking.

Strong spirituality has changed the ecology of Trier's waters, and also changed the state of Trier's groundwater. Now there are all kinds of miscellaneous mutant aquatic creatures hidden in the rivers in the city. They are larger in size, more aggressive, and smell Also better.The hunters' camp was near the main river, and during this time, low-sequence Beyonders sneaked out at night to catch fish for tooth sacrifices, but were defeated by crabs and had to call for help.

Tang En was furious at this disregard of discipline, and formulated extremely severe punishments - he ordered the violators to redouble their training, and the others cooked delicious fish by his side.

These fish are so aggressive and ecologically destructive that ordinary residents are helpless, so fishing has become the official activity of hunters.

In the previous tsunami, many marine extraordinary creatures were directly thrown into the city and the plains outside the city. It is said that the members of the Church of Steam had just come out of the refuge when they saw a giant ten-meter-long giant on the Church of Gears. Squid, several survivors fainted from shock on the spot.

Trainor yawned and kept his eyes on the line.

There were some clouds in the sky, and the sun fell a little at noon, making people lazy.

He was thinking about going back to sleep, but at this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he saw the front end of his fishing rod bend suddenly!
The strong fishing line specially prepared for these spiritual aquatic creatures tightened instantly, and the eyes of the people around also turned their attention.Amidst the creaking sound, the big guy in the water pulled the whole fishing rod into a parabola.The enthusiasm of the fish to take the bait immediately dispelled Trainor's thought of wanting to sleep. He grabbed the fishing rod and prepared to compete with the big guys under the water.

At this moment, his back suddenly felt cold, as if something very dangerous suddenly appeared behind him.

This extremely dangerous thing looked down at his unsuspecting back, showing a malicious sneer—then reached out and touched his head twice vigorously.

Treynor's expression twisted all of a sudden, he forgot to use his hand hard, and the hooked fish sank into the water with his fishing rod in the blink of an eye.

The hunters immediately yelled and stood up to chase the fishing rod in the water, but he stretched out his hand and rubbed his neck, finally suppressing the goosebumps on the back of his neck, and turned his head hesitantly: "I It's almost 240 years old."

Edward arranged the big hair into a beautiful chicken coop with great interest:

"Yes, if you live another 200 years, you will be able to catch up with my fraction."

Trainor had nothing to say, talking about age with mythical creatures was his problem.He managed his facial expressions, coughed uncomfortably, his eyes wandered, he didn't know what to say to his father whom he hadn't seen for more than 100 years.

"Have you eaten yet?"—feeling that he will get an answer that he doesn't want to hear, such as "Yes, no one eats meat."

"What have you been up to lately?" - There's no need to ask about things you can know from the newspaper, and he doesn't want to know the details at all, as if the devil has nothing to do except do bad things and prepare to do bad things.

"People from the Sauron family are contacting me."

Treynor felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, so he coughed again, and casually brought up a topic: "But I don't want to go back, and now it's quite free to work for the Red Angel. Every day is fishing except for fishing. When I get busy, I play three games a day." , I can play cards all night when I’m free.”

"Sounds good, are you satisfied with your current life?"

Edward walked to another fishing rod nearby, grabbed an earthworm from the hunter's bait box and threw it into the water. The next moment, the front end of this fishing rod suddenly bent down.He threw the rod to his son:
"Then there is still a separate option now, convert to the Creator, and then live a peaceful and good life without worrying about food and clothing, would you like to?"

"Sounds like Richard would like it."

Trainor answered casually.He took the fishing rod, and suddenly felt that the bottom was surprisingly heavy, bigger than the one he had hooked just now.He concentrated on paying attention to the condition of the fishing rod, and then remembered Richard's attitude, and became a little nervous again.While controlling the fishing line, he carefully observed his father's expression: "I don't care, my life is pretty much the same now, it's the same everywhere I go."

Edward nodded, thoughtfully: "Then do you want to leave Earth?"


"Oh, Blue Star." Edward looked at him, "I remember you were very interested in astronomy when you were young, but you couldn't remember the star trails and traces of astronomy, and you were sleepy when you saw it. Caterpillars in clothes, but you do like those."

"...how come you are now interested in those things before..."

Traynor was forced to recall the events of his childhood. Although there was not much embarrassment, when he thought that his father was a mythical creature, it still felt a bit uncomfortable to be ridiculed by the mythical creature: "...it is very strange for children to like stars. It's normal, Bei... Actually, I have no interest in things in the sky, maybe the apprentices of the Abraham family like it more, I don't want to go outside."

Edward didn't give up: "There are many interesting things in the starry sky, which you can't see in Blue Star all your life."

"But what does that have to do with me? I'm just a human living on Blue Star, and I want to live like this forever."

"You think so? Well, blame me for not educating you well before."

"Why are you so lively now..." Traynor wanted to cover his face with his hands.

Edward touched his chin and sighed:
"Then I will exercise the temporary dictatorship of the parents and take you away forcibly. You can also bring some things or human beings you like, but you must also be prepared for them to die... But now you don't have to Worry, you are busy, I have to leave beforehand."

Without giving Trainor time to answer, Edward waved his hand and disappeared as suddenly as he had appeared suddenly.


Although he could understand every sentence, he didn't seem to understand everything together.Whether it was the taciturn before or the lively and cheerful look now, from Sequence 9 to Sequence 3, he always felt that he still couldn't keep up with his father's thinking speed.

Trainor's face was strange, and the coil was still spinning in his hand.

Later, a five-meter deep-sea anglerfish was dragged ashore by him from the river in Trier.


Suddenly pinched, Trainor: (benefit)
Old Love: Go chat with Klein.

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