Chapter 414
"I have a bad feeling."

Klein sneezed and sat on the high-backed chair in the "Fool" position, frowning as he looked at the gray mist floating around.

"It's a very strong, bad feeling... I'm in Sequence 3 now, and I'm on Origin Castle again. I can't go wrong with such a strong feeling... But I'm already on Origin Castle, and I still have such a strong sense of crisis. It would be best for me not to venture into the source of the danger."

"Well, first of all, I have to confirm that there is one more resurrection left for me."

Klein covered his face, a little dumbfounded, because he couldn't help but think of this when he encountered a strong crisis—Master of Miracles' resurrection skills are not bad, and the most important thing is that he can advance through Origin Castle. Advance these resurrections.

It's a bit funny to say, other ancient scholars worked hard to get four resurrection chances after climbing up to Master of Miracles, and he estimated that there was only one left when he became a Master of Miracles, or there would be none left.

"Secondly, although I've only been promoted to Ancient Scholar for half a month, I can start thinking about the 'Master of Miracles' potion..."

"Well, let's go back and ask the red angel, maybe there are related records in the secret society."

Regarding the promotion, Klein is still in a good mood. In the past two days, he encountered Zaratul's three attacks, but fortunately, the other party's body didn't come. I ran out with all my might.

Zaratul might still be somewhere hidden.

But going on like this is not an option, Red Angel and Mr. Ards cannot respond to his reply anytime and anywhere.Although I don't know where Zaratul's real body is now, and the other party just chases and beats me, as long as I stay in Backlund, I will stay under Zaratul's nose, and my every move will be watched It's clear——Besides, Klein can't leave Ruen rashly, because he knows that "Angel of Time" Amon is afraid to approach due to the deterrence and power of the God of Thunder, but at the same time he also feels the breath of Origin Castle , just hovering in other countries.

Even Zaratul could find him. The king of angels estimated that he had just stepped out of the Loen border before his back foot appeared in front of him!
Thinking of how many times he had pretended to be Amon, Klein still felt a little guilty.

"Finally, if I want to leave Backlund without telling Zaratul, I need to make some preparations, such as marionettes and substitutes, as well as erase my own mystic connections and prepare a false identity... The false identity is second , a substitute who can hide from Sequence One..."

A person's face suddenly flashed in Klein's mind.

"The 'puppet' extraordinary ability and transformation curse of the prisoner path may be worth trying! But what do I need to use to move him? A substitute that can hide from Sequence One must require enough energy and strength to make, and it is impossible to just do it casually." I can get it out."

Richard Ernst's honorable name... Klein closed his eyes, did a simple dream divination, and quickly recalled the corresponding sentence, and unexpectedly recalled that this honorable name was actually provided by Miss "Justice" passed.

"Since when did Miss 'Justice' intersect with the temperance faction?"

Klein was a little curious, but he didn't think too much about it. He had already predicted that there would be no danger in the contact between Miss Justice and the Temperance of the Rose School of Thought.

Moreover, he has met with Richard Ernst several times, and has also discussed business with the other party's related parties and affiliated organizations. After divination, he did not find any evil behavior in the other party's foundation. From this, it can be seen that the "angel of temperance" is A person you can trust.

"Knowing Zaratul, how can I escape from the 'Angel of Time' who appears directly in front of me with a high probability..."

"Although that Amon will help me cover it up, that kind of blindfolding method can at most deceive the clones of Sequence 3 and Sequence 4, interfere with their sight, and change their perception of me... At present, there must be a clone of Amon in Backlandry , However, no Amon avatar has found me yet, proving that his fake information has indeed blocked some people... But Shi Angel himself can find me directly through aggregation, so it can't be stopped."

Use Origin Castle to divination, find a good day and auspicious day... forget it.

Klein thought wildly in his mind for a while, facing a king of angels who was staring at him, he really couldn't think of anything.

"Well, that's the first thing to do for the stand-in, and then the planned destination. The Northern Continent is very dangerous. I give priority to the Southern Continent... If it is the most suitable place to play the role of an ancient scholar, it should be the church's archives. A place like that, or the Eastern Continent."

The Eastern Continent is the best choice whether you want to play the role of "scholar who explores history" or "scholar from ancient times".

The most important thing is that Klein's soul itself comes from ancient times, and he plays the "scholar from ancient times" anytime and anywhere.

Even according to the current digestion speed of delving into some ancient history from time to time, I believe that in about half a year, most of the remaining ancient scholar's potions will be digested.

"To the Eastern Continent?"

Mr. X, the incumbent sage of the Aurora Society, stopped knocking on the table, feeling that this idea is very good!

"Well, Aurora will have a road to the Eastern Continent, but the 'Black Saint' who opened the way did not touch the city-state. Now that there is sunshine there, the degree of danger is greatly reduced, and I have enough self-protection ability! However, there After all, it’s dangerous. If I want to go, I’d better make an appointment with the people in Silver City or Moon City first, and say, one of my loved ones is coming to visit?... Hey, this might be an opportunity, if I pass through Aurora The road that will be opened up will find the city-state and the locals who will support it, and then the people in Silver City and Moon City will be able to leave!"

The more Klein thought about it, the more feasible it became. He almost couldn't help sending a prayer to Derrick Berg immediately, saying that a favored person of "The Fool" was going to investigate the City of Silver and was going to take them away... Chara It is impossible for Tu to know that he is still connected to the Land Abandoned by God. Even if he can think of it, it will be difficult to enter the Land Abandoned by God without the help of the Aurora Society.

After all, it has maintained a dark and dangerous extreme situation for more than 1000 years, and it is completely isolated from the world.

The belief in the true Creator is the only communication medium between the Land Abandoned by God and the outside world.

Mr. X's heart skipped a beat.

Bringing out the survivors that can be found in Moon City, Silver City, and the Eastern Continent is something that Klein has written in the plan for a long time.

At least he had this idea when he first learned about the situation of the Land Abandoned by God through the "sun", and the expectation of the real Creator made Klein really start to put this matter on the plan.It's just that at that time, it was just to obtain some resources of the City of Silver and a historical delay. Now, Klein has the strength to cash this empty promise without knowing it.

Hide in the land abandoned by the gods, digest the potion quietly, so as to avoid possible wars... wait, wars...

An expression of excitement froze on Klein's face.


He suddenly remembered that he now has a lot of social responsibilities.

He is not only the individual human being Klein Moretti, but also one of the powerful saints of the Aurora Society, the "Fool", and the rich man Dwayne Dantès—in short, he is no longer a person, but an important person. A patron of people, a high-ranking person with his own territory.

And the situation in the Northern really disturbing.

"...The war hasn't started yet, maybe, alas." Klein said to himself, a little wanting to escape reality, but several major conflicts and city-level disasters within this year were in his mind A flash in the middle made Klein not evade success.He suddenly felt that his plan was somewhat disrupted, but he couldn't get any answers for a while, so he couldn't help but feel a little irritable.

I can speed up - I can contact people in Silver City and Moon City, and it shouldn't take long to lead them out from the path of the Aurora Society.At that time, "The Fool" will have a group of subordinates in a real sense, a group of well-trained Extraordinary and demigods!

The great priest of Nim in Moon City and Colin Iliad, chief of the City of Silver, are absolutely top-notch existences who can lead the people to persevere in such an environment, and have fully displayed their knowledge and strength in all aspects.

Klein quickly threw out the "angel of abundance" that suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Whether it's to replenish combat power or something else, I must go to the Eastern Continent..."

"The question is, how can I run to the Eastern Continent smoothly under the premise of Amon's existence, and not be parasitized after I come out?"

After thinking for a long time, Klein couldn't come up with a solution. His "Great Network Technique" did have connections with many angels, but the king of angels still didn't have any.


An extremely bold idea suddenly popped up in Klein's mind.


"German rushed up at that time. Do you know about the creeping hunger? Yes, it was used by 'Vice Admiral Hurricane' Qilingus before. Whoever gets it will have the strength of a pirate general! With that Extraordinary item, Like a divine soldier, Gehrman knocked 'Steel' Maveti flying with one punch, and I, the great Lord Danitz, saw the timing and controlled Squall who wanted to help, Squall That guy only has a good brain, I easily put him on the ground, controlled him, and joined forces with Gehrman to kill..."

Beside the bonfire at night, Master Danitz, the envoy of the gods, was bragging with the people around him while holding a wooden bowl with barbecue and dipping materials.Alger ate the local bread with raspberry jam in silence outside the crowd, while listening and thinking about how much water was actually in it, analyzing the "world" Gehrman Stella a few months ago. Paro's strength.

The Gehrman of a few months ago is obviously not comparable to the current Gehrman. Alger just has nothing to do and has an occupational disease.

It is true that there is nothing to do in the small colony of Blue Mountain Island. Mr. "Fool" made him the pope when he promised to create the Church of Sea God. Of course, Alger didn't think that the majestic gods would deceive him. A half-god is not a little Extraordinary, but The reality is that they have something to do.

It is impossible to build a church. On the premise that there is no church to take the lead, a complete church needs at least a small town’s residents to spend more than 100 years steadily. Towering columns and domes, painters and craftsmen carved reliefs on and around the zenith, and finally the church was slowly capped. Everyone was used to such a slow-paced life-this was taken for granted, but the Rorsted Islands Rebels had no money.

If you don’t have money, you don’t have to think about the church. Don’t you think the Rebel’s cave is very spacious?
This impoverished small colony has nothing to do with the prosperous and prosperous Rorsted Islands. No matter how generous the "City of Generosity" is, this small island and small place will not get any glory.

Alger has been here for a few months, and the only thing he can do now is to spread the word—but this place is almost originally a believer of "Sea God", and because of several successful guerrilla attacks and miracles, the belief in Sea God is still stable Expanding outward, there is nothing to spread at all-other than finding ways to participate in local construction.

That is to say, but Alger's main job at present is to use his words and go to every place where people gather.

Get into the bar, get into the black market, shuttle through the slums and dilapidated shacks, investigate the situation, count the population, spread the belief in the sea god, and then sneak out one or two leather children with stinky hands and feet and stuff them into the school.

Then he will continue to talk and talk with the leaders of the rebel army to discuss the empty rules and regulations of the "Sea God Church", which is like a shell; talk to the people of "Vice General Iceberg", hoping to get through the relationship with God Envoy Danitz Need more aid and funds... Occasionally, I have to talk to spies from other organizations who come to inquire about the situation. Alger has already become familiar with the spies by virtue of his eloquence. There are people who really care about a small colony, but their colony really has something.

In short, Alger kept the secret of "Sea God wants to build a regular church" like this, and quietly expanded the saying "Sea God will send miracles, and Sea God will save believers" to inconspicuous corners, Use food to convert more people.

Anyway, what he said was true. As long as the leader of the rebel army, Katla, offered spiritual materials to the altar, he would be able to obtain spells and weapons baptized by the gods. Neither the nor the fishermen think they have too much faith.

Alger was prepared to be severely punished by the church at first, but nothing actually happened. One is because the belief in Sea God has existed since ancient times, and the other is... not many people will really verify the authenticity.In this day and age, people with real ability and status will not care about the rumors of these mud-legged people in the streets, and those who will believe the news and spread it to each other... will not think too much.

"Hey! Why did I lie to you? Don't you know how capable that lunatic Gehrman is? Let me tell you, when he planned to assassinate 'Vice Admiral Disease', I was right next to him! Not only that, I return--"

Danitz suddenly got stuck.

Alger was alarmed by the abnormal situation. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the envoy Danitz tremble, and his face began to turn pale.

Under the light of the fire, everyone didn't notice the change in Danitz's face, and they even coaxed the envoy to continue talking, don't stop whetting people's appetites.

"Shit! Don't rush, I have a stomachache!"

Danitz reprimanded a few words in a not too harsh tone, put the wooden bowl on the table and walked away with his waist bent and his stomach in his arms.He winked at Alger, who immediately understood, stood up, and walked together to the dark place outside the campfire.

"Any news?" Alger asked in a low voice.

"That guy Gehrman, you want me to help you." Danitz heaved a sigh of relief, but then murmured in his heart—could it be that this guy really knows everything, so he would blow some bullshit out of his prestige To be caught on the spot too? ——He looked around, his expression was not very serious. After all, this is not an oracle from "The Fool", but an acquaintance of his own who came to ask for help, "Gehrman wants some materials from the Storm Domain, prepare some silver, tin, and related algae Essential oils, pearls, as well as shells and corals, if they are in good condition, they should be delivered tonight."

Alger, who is good at underwater activities, immediately understood why Danitz found him, and he nodded:

"I know where there are valuable coral reefs and shells."

Alger decided to go directly to the sea to salvage, after all, talking about money would hurt the hearts of everyone in the colony.He went through the distribution map of seafood near Lanshan Island in his mind, and asked insincerely, "What does Gehrman want spiritual materials from the Storm Domain?"

"do not know."

Danitz shook his head, he wouldn't think about these things, Alger had no choice but to give up, turned around and disappeared into the night.


A few hours later, Klein, who was waiting in his room after dinner, received Danitz's prayer.

Suppressing his excitement and nervousness, he went to Origin Castle, accepted the sacrifice to the "Sea God", and brought back spiritually rich and fresh materials from the Storm Domain.

Citrine pendulums spin merrily clockwise, signifying that these items are suitable items to please the gods.Even Klein, who knows nothing about the materials in the Storm Domain, can tell that these items have been carefully selected, at least of high quality.

Then, he returned to reality, laid down the spiritual wall, sorted out a clean place, and arranged the ritual materials, essential oils, shells and metals according to the prayer requirements, and then he lit the candles and prayed in a low voice:
"Great god of thunder and truth, you are the king of the sky, the emperor of the sea..."

Klein originally wanted to use the historical projection to pray, but he was worried that the gods would feel that he was not dignified enough, so he stood in front of the table with a nervous heart, ready to switch places with the secret puppet at any time.

But he read it twice in a row, and the candle burned halfway, but nothing happened.

"The God of Thunder doesn't seem to want to talk to me?" Klein was a little puzzled, but he wasn't too disappointed. He reached out to clean up the table, but when his finger touched the silver, he was suddenly shocked.

Immediately afterwards, shallow traces gradually appeared on the surface of the smooth silver as if corroded, turning into a word in Loen language.




 TM, I went to sweep the grave today, just in time for the cemetery to have remembrance activities. A group of people who read manuscripts for the activity drove the grave sweepers to burn paper on the small grass next to it. What the hell.

(End of this chapter)

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