Chapter 432 Just like a human being

Amon knocked on the long bronze table in front of him, and the table turned into gray mist and dissipated.

At the end of the response, the connection between him and the crimson star was gradually disconnected.When Klein threw Origin Castle to Amon, several people happened to be praying to Mister Fool.Among them, "Derrick Berg" from the Land Abandoned by God aroused Amon's interest.

He casually looked at the "Silver City" with the vision of Origin Castle for a while, and found that not only was that place far from the Silver Country in his memory, but he also found that he didn't seem to have carefully observed the former Silver City. country.

After cheating the other party with a few words, Amon threw him aside.

The huge Origin Castle was empty, except for the high-backed chair Amon was sitting on, and the black veil and cross thrown into the distance by him.

He doesn't like the combination of a long table and several chairs, which reminds him of the "Rose of Redemption" and those shameful traitors.

The sign on the high-back chair has changed from the "Seer" path sign composed of "eyes without pupils, lines of change" to an "error" like an irregular clock. Amon stayed on the chair for a while and found A little bit of the feeling of being an "Angel of Time", but this freshness and feeling of nostalgia quickly disappeared, because no one prayed to the "Angel of Time", and no one prayed to the "Fool".

People have always had some weird fears about the "God of Mischief". In the third era, there were always legends among believers that "if you pray to the angel of time, what will happen?" It doesn't make sense that "God of War" must be invincible.At that time, Amon was not always bored enough to play games with believers. After all, there were very few who were willing to pray to him. No matter how curious he was, he would make them return to normal after playing for a while.

After a while, Amon felt a little bored. He waved his hand, and the gray mist floated up, but it didn't condense into a shape for a long time. It hovered in this empty "castle" like a gray tornado.

The excitement when he first got Origin Castle passed quickly, and after wandering around in it, Amon suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

Because he realized that no one could share this with him.

If Adam is still there, he can at least suddenly appear through the vision of Origin Castle to the paranoid who has been hiding in psychological invisibility for many years, and then suddenly appear in front of the other party, or arrange a circle of secret puppets and clones around him , and put on the monocle together and smiled at him, laughing that he found the source quality one step faster than him.Adam did not dare to touch the Chaos Sea, but someone sent Origin Castle to him.

If the real creator is still there, he can also go to the Eastern Continent to show off his power for a while, or to find anger for the traitors.

But the traitor Leo Secus is dead, and Herabogen is half-dead in hiding. Leodro frequently searches the spirit world, persistently looking for traces of Origin Castle, which frightens the Seven Lights of the spirit world to tremble. Dare to speak loudly.

Amon found that he couldn't find anyone to convey his mood and thoughts. Although mythical creatures don't rely on emotions to live, and they don't have the instinct to share and get feedback, he, who was educated by the ancient sun god, still embraces it. With a rather "human" personality on the part.No one talks, it's no big deal, Amon can also communicate with himself, although he knows what the avatar wants to say, but a thousand or ten thousand praises to the main body can get him a few minutes in a pretty good mood.

Thinking of this, Amon suddenly regretted erasing the abnormal clone, at least he might be able to say something different.

He helped Klein cover it up, so what kind of expression would he show if he knew that Klein took the initiative to give Origin Castle to him?
He likes ordinary objects that are fragile and worthless, so what if you give them to him?Give him, give him some precious freedom, and then take everything away from him, and he will definitely give him some very pleasant feedback.

After thinking for a while, and then dazed for a while, Amon jumped off the bronze high-back chair and walked into the depths of the gray mist.

The high-back chair also turned into mist and disappeared. Amon trekked alone in this world constructed of endless mist. He looked up at the six steps in the distance—he had already gone up and saw some things he had never seen before. He suspects that this is the secret "before the first era" that he has been pursuing. At that time, human beings lived and civilizations existed, and his father was one of them.

He randomly grabbed a few souls from it, put them on his avatar and the marionette he had just made, and read their memories.

Amon walked past the steps and entered the depths of the gray mist. Dark mist surged in, and the fog of history slowly unfolded before His eyes.

The first time Angel had the authority of "history" with the help of Origin Castle, he looked around curiously, and then entered the mist purposefully.

He walked in, and not long after, countless flowing flames appeared in the mist.

The dogs of Fulgrim emerged one after another from the fog of history, and they approached the new "Origin Castle Master" curiously, wondering why he was different from last time.Seeing that Amon did not show the appearance of allowing them to approach, he cautiously followed him from a distance.

Amon didn't care about those gray mist creatures who were only half of Sequence 3. He walked straight into history, and countless historical fragments lit up like bright lights one after another.Where He walked, almost every piece of history was lit up.

The fifth era quickly reversed, and the fallen four emperors reappeared, majestic, and then the madness in the eyes of the blood emperor faded away, and he became Arista Tudor, who was still the consul, and became the "entropy" under the command of the black emperor. the duke".The magic wolf returned to the Honakis Mountains, the three conquerors reappeared and gathered in Solomon's empire, the Black Emperor sat on the throne and wore the crown of God, and the era of human beings officially began.

As he walked further, the sky suddenly darkened, and the Eastern Continent in the midst of the cataclysm came into view. Everything was the same as that day that he least wanted to be remembered. Amon paused for a while before continuing forward. When evil returned to the gods, the sun broke through the haze and darkness of the sky, the brilliance of the Creator enveloped the earth, angels surrounded him, and heaven and earth were overflowing with praise.

Amon stopped in his tracks.

He saw himself in that fragment of history, and saw himself who was more immature and naive than now.At that time, I stole the roof of the creator's temple on a whim, and hid in the dark watching the kings of angels and my father who were in a meeting shaking their heads and sighing.

After being silent for a while, Amon opened his legs again, slowly walked over, and entered the fragments of history.

Among the fragments of history, the former Wind Angels, Cherubs, and Pure White Angels were all sitting at the table, arguing about what the next policy of the country under their jurisdiction should be.Medici tried to get some military expenses from them, so as to drive those giants and dragon remnants farther away, Adam was trying to find a way to get Amon back, and the ancient sun god shrouded in brilliance looked at it with a smile All of this, Ouroreus held a pen, lowered his head and drew impromptu on the table, turning this picture full of life into a religious masterpiece.

Amon walked into the historical fragments, and the Him hiding in the corner disappeared naturally.

At this time, Adam seemed to have just found his brother. Psychology appeared after stealth and lurking beside Amon, and said in a low voice:
"Amon, you shouldn't be pranking at this time, father and the others are in a meeting, return the roof of the conference hall quickly."

Amon looked at this beardless brother, and thought of the "paranoid" who wanted to resurrect his father after his father's death. He suddenly felt a little funny-we ​​really don't need family affection, but in this world now There are only the two of us left who can trust each other, but you are so persistent that you want me to lose you?What's more, is it your father who you exchanged for? ——He didn't speak, but Adam's brows stretched out, and he breathed a sigh of relief:

"Okay, you can return it quickly, and don't do it again next time."

Amon didn't say anything or do anything, but the roof came back all of a sudden, covering the original sky.

The ancient sun god sitting at the end also noticed his second son at this time, or he had always known that Amon was hiding there, but he still let the other party's harmless little prank.

The ancient sun god nodded to him: "Amon."

"Well, father."

Amon responded subconsciously.

Immediately afterwards, he was stunned, and suddenly realized that he had not heard this person's voice for two full epochs.

"Since you're back, let's sit down." The ancient Sun God said again, and he raised his chin towards a certain position beside the table. Of course, there is also a place for "Angel of Time" in the temple of the gods.

Amon squeezed the monocle on his right eye, turned a corner, walked to the place that belonged to him, and sat down casually.Anyway, the kings of angels basically wouldn't talk to him, and Adam just preferred to observe rather than whisper to his brother.

At the same time, a little crow with white eye circles jumped up as if there were springs in its claws, jumped out from under the seat of the ancient sun god, and jumped up with a strong purpose.

It flapped its wings, flew up the handrail, jumped onto the father's arm, finally jumped onto the father's shoulder, and squatted down comfortably.


After another afternoon of work, Leti Orr stretched his body in the corner of the hospital, and heaved a long sigh of relief.

Then, she walked to the small hospital bathroom and routinely scrubbed a bloodstain on her white coat under the faucet.

She only has such a piece of overalls, but after being blessed by Taufik, it has strong defense and bulletproof functions, and can also resist the spiritual pollution of some indulgences. It is still a very practical mid-order Extraordinary item.

Whether it is effect or meaning, it is irreplaceable.

If it gets dirty, although many patients are willing to help her clean it, Audrey doesn't want to bother them.

It was almost dinner time, and there was no one else in the bathroom, but it smelled of disinfectant and blood.The hospital was built and delivered just last month, and a living corpse who worked as a folk architect before joining the indulgence faction to embark on the extraordinary road completed the full set of construction work.Taufik, who was in charge of the hospital, inspected it and found that this person was quite popular in the small town where she lived before joining the indulgence faction. After finishing the whole project including design, the appropriation will be approved.

So, the architect led his several living corpses, and successfully made the whole hospital out within a week like a child playing with clay sculptures. Not to mention how good the design is, at least it is enough.

In the process, she seems to have recovered her former self and her former life, without any indulgence or out-of-control behavior.The work effectively alleviated her madness, and she received a certain degree of commutation because of this. The number of years of labor reform service was reduced from 50 years to 48 years.

Richard Ernst valued this group of people very much, and selected this architect as an advanced model of the month. He hoped that all members of the indulgent group who were not so seriously ill would actively learn from her, and get rid of the never-ending madness and Break away from the idea of ​​​​bloody revenge, recall the life I really look forward to, what I really want, and use my expectations for life and future to fight against the madness brought about by indulgence.

After the hospital was built, Richard quickly purchased a batch of [-]% new medical equipment and hardware facilities at an unbelievable speed, and then Extraordinary and ordinary people worked together to replace the hospital beds, quilts, curtains, All necessities such as medicine bottles are ready.

"I worked as a special psychiatrist for 27 days this month, and I worked about two hours a day."

"Counting the subsidies, the monthly salary is 7 pounds 16 soli and 5 pence."

The small piece of red blood that had begun to darken gradually faded under the clean water and scrubbing, leaving only a light red outline. Audrey walked out of the bathroom with the wet corner, ready to borrow a piece of soap use.

The seven banknotes and some silver coins walked around in Audrey's hands, and she gave them to a poor girl she knew in the hospital who wanted to go to school, but her family had no income and was sick and disabled.

This girl can only work in the hospital when the charity school is not in class, learn some simple nursing skills, and earn a few pennies.

"Kajia's father and elder brother joined the rebel army of the indulgent faction and have passed away. Her mother was also hit hard by this incident and became mentally ill. She had to take care of her mother and her younger siblings by herself, and worked odd jobs. , only a few soli a month."

"However, the gold in the Southern Continent is very valuable, and the consumption level is also very low..."

If it was normal, Audrey would not be interested in the small money of less than 8 pounds. Even now that the Hall family lacks a lot of property, 8 pounds is still not worth Miss Hall's second glance.

However, this is less than 8 pounds, which is the income that the little girl can earn for nearly a year.

Audrey was very happy to be able to help others and use her earnings to help others, and decided to look for opportunities to donate some clothes and food to hospitals and other families in the future.

Just when she was humming happily and was about to find soap, she suddenly saw Taufik walking towards her.


Three or five meters away, Toufik greeted her familiarly: "It's time for you to get off work, I'll take you back to the leader."

Audrey shook her head, stood on tiptoe and glanced at a certain ward behind Taufik, and whispered, "I'm waiting for someone."

"Waiting for Katya?" Taufik was also familiar with the little girl, and said with a smile, "Katya's younger brother is also at school age today, and she won't come to work today. If you don't want to leave for a while, Ms. Alley will do it. Do you want to try the fresh stew?"

"I'm waiting for Pula."

Audrey thought of the indulgent Extraordinary who couldn't control his appetite, and said to Taufik hesitantly: "I heard that he will be sent to the village today for labor reform, and he won't return until at least 50 years later. Waiting for him here, sending him off, is this okay?"

Taufik was taken aback for a moment, apparently not expecting Audrey to say this, and then a smile appeared on his face: "Of course! I believe he will be very happy to see you too... Count the time, The person responsible for taking him away should have arrived."

Before he finished speaking, a third person's footsteps appeared in the corridor where there were only the two of them. Audrey glanced back, and her eyes widened immediately:
"Mr. Ernst?"


"Yeah." Richard raised his hand, motioning for the two to be quiet.Then he looked at Taufik first, and asked without hesitation, "What do you think of Miss Leti Orr's work this month?"

"Didn't you ask me this question?" Taufik was puzzled, but he didn't find it strange. In front of Audrey, he generously expressed his appreciation, "Miss Letty is very good. We trust her very much, whether it is the professionalism of the doctor, her patience with the patients, or the way of treatment, she is the best doctor we have ever seen, and the patients are very grateful to her."

Audrey was a little embarrassed for a moment, she slightly turned her head away, and Richard asked again:
"Then do you want Miss Orr to continue working in our hospital?"

Taufik was taken aback:
"Huh? It depends on Miss Orr's wishes, but personally, I hope very much, and I believe everyone also..."

"Okay, you guys wait here first." After Richard asked, he didn't say anything, and then turned to look at Audrey, "I have something to ask you to help, to treat a patient. It may be dangerous, but please Don't worry, I will never let you get hurt."

"No problem." Audrey nodded.

After getting Audrey's affirmation, Richard didn't delay for a second. He entered the ward, and quickly brought out the Extraordinary who was lying in layers of restraint.Compared with the tall angel of temperance, although suffering from the mental illness of "crazy eating", Pura still looks haggard and old, with dull eyes, staring blankly at a certain point on the ground.

But when he passed by Audrey's side, he stopped suddenly, and looked at the orange-haired Leti Orr with his cloudy eyes.

Taufik subconsciously wanted to pull Audrey aside, but Audrey stopped him with eyes and movements.In reality, it is very dangerous to rashly contact the mentally unstable indulgent members, but considering that the leader is here, Taufik had no choice but to hold back.

Audrey looked at this haggard old man who devoured and killed countless people without fear. After a few seconds, the middle-aged man lowered his head slowly, gurgling a few times in his throat. The sound is like the prelude of a wild beast preparing to eat and hunt, but it abruptly makes up a vague Australasian word:

"……elder sister……"

Taufik was stunned, and Audrey was also in a trance for a moment, then she blinked vigorously, and after getting Richard's permission, she stretched out her hand cautiously, at a speed that would never arouse the other party's vigilance. Lifting up, like in a dream, gently and slowly stroked the gray hair of this haggard middle-aged man.

"You've done a great job...keep doing this, keep trying to control yourself like this. I believe in you, Pura, and always have believed in you."

Audrey spoke softly in a sleepy voice, feeling that the unstable spirit of the other party gradually became calm in her comfort.

But she also didn't know if this indulgent member who had almost no rational existence could understand her own words, because until he was brought into the spirit world by Richard, he didn't answer Audrey's words, but just read vaguely "Sister".

Soon, Richard went back and forth, reached out and stroked Audrey's hair skillfully, with a smile on his face:
"You are better than I thought."

"No, sorry, I still haven't been able to cure them." Audrey's mood was not very calm.

"It doesn't matter if they can't be cured. It's enough to give them a little peace and a chance to breathe in their madness. That's what I want you to help us with." Richard let out a brisk breath, and then Showing a big smile, "Okay, Audrey, now we are going to treat the next patient."

Audrey froze suddenly when her name was called.

The next moment, "Letty Orr"'s appearance changed.

Her orange hair quickly faded to bright gold, and her eyes went from sky blue to jewel-like dark green.In just two seconds, the appearance of this container was changed, becoming exactly the same as "Audrey Hall".

"Trust me, Audrey, you will be fine."

After whispering in the ear of the bewildered Audrey, Richard walked behind her, facing Taufik's astonished expression, said in a low voice that seemed to be seduced by a demon:
"Taufik, I remember your illness. You crazily hate everything in the Northern Continent. The hatred exceeds your reason. You cannot judge."

"Then, let me tell you—Miss Letty Orr is actually a noble lady from the Northern Continent. She is kind and enthusiastic. She came to us purely to help our patients and our children. , you should know better than me."

Audrey's eyes widened suddenly, and she saw that Taufik's figure standing two or three meters in front of her suddenly twisted, and the wide black robe seemed to be propped up by something.His body began to become illusory, and the two red lines symbolizing the eyes on the mask with black background and red stripes opened, like a pair of red eyes flowing out blood and tears.

Immediately afterwards, Audrey suddenly felt that everything around her seemed to have life, and everything around her frantically wanted to kill her!The roof of the hospital seemed to split suddenly and fall, smashing her into a meat paste, while the steel bars on the ground seemed to explode and penetrate her heart in the next second. Even her clothes began to tighten, trying to squeeze her Her body was twisted off like a rag doll's limbs and head!
There was only one sequence difference, but there was a huge difference between a divine existence and a mortal, and Audrey couldn't even say a word.

Just when she thought she was going to be killed, there was a sudden "bang", Taufik turned around suddenly, and his head hit the wall of the hospital heavily, cracking the entire wall.

"Take her away!"

There was an extremely shrill sound from his throat, almost like the scream of a resentful soul, and the aftermath was enough to make Audrey dizzy:
"Take her away!!"

"Take her away!! I'm going to kill...Take her away!!"

Boom!Boom!The walls of the hospital vibrated violently. Taufik crazily hit the wall and tore his body. His black robe sometimes floated in Audrey's direction, and sometimes it turned into a bondage to wrap himself tightly. Caught bloody.

Audrey was stunned and couldn't look away at all.

She felt that she should comfort him, but she could not speak.

"Destroy public facilities, right? I'll deduct it from your salary later." Richard muttered, and continued, "Taufik, you should wake up from your madness and revenge. Is she Audrey or Letty O? It doesn't matter if you are from the Northern Continent or the Southern Continent, the important thing is that she is our friend!"

"No!!" Taufik, who had begun to transform into a giant puppet, screamed, "She is from the Northern Continent! She should die!"

"They ruined my family, killed my daughter and my father, made me eat my brother and took my wife! They all deserve to die! Men, women, old people and children! They all deserve to die! I want all the people of the Northern Continent to—”

In extreme anger and frenzy, he recalled Audrey's help to the hospital this month, and his voice suddenly stopped for a second, and he struggled to find a trace of his humanity in the gap of madness:
"No! Take her away! I don't want to kill her!"

Richard sighed, and finally had a trace of anger: "Taufik, control yourself! Can you control your malice? Can you distinguish who really needs to be killed? Are you a human or a beast?!"

Audrey stared blankly at all this. She watched her "patient" break her own arm, gnaw her own teeth, and twist her whole body as if it had been wrung out in order not to hurt her. rag doll.The demigod's blood flowed to her feet, staining her boots, and she suddenly shed tears when she looked at the "patient" who was exhausted and fell to the ground dying.

"Thanks a lot."

Richard touched Audrey's hair again, and told her to remember to comfort herself a few more times, then he stepped up on the ground with broken meat and blood, and dragged the inhuman Taufik up from the ground .

Towfik had wrung his own arm off himself and gnawed his own teeth so he wouldn't try to tear or bite Audrey into pieces.Demigods don't die that easily, but he's dying now, and even the black robe looks like a body bag.

"You did very well."

Richard was half-kneeling on the ground, not at all disgusted with the blood all over the ground, on the contrary, he was suitable for such a scene, as if there was a bloody halo above his head.

"You're doing well, Towfik."

He hugged his bloodied compatriots and said with relief:
"You have controlled your malice, regained your conscience and humanity, and you have earned yourself the qualification to be promoted to Sequence 3."



In His arms, the blood-covered demigod screamed, blood mixed with teeth and flesh and blood from the corner of his mouth:
"...Is becoming a human being such a painful thing?"

"Yes, that's it," said the angel.

"We were originally humans, but we just became beasts."

(End of this chapter)

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