"Do you have to be human?"

"Can't you just be a beast all the time?"

"No need to think, no need to make judgments, just follow your instructions to bite..."

Richard sighed, rubbed Taufik's hair, and said in a regretful tone: "I know everyone wants to be lazy, but I'm sorry, there are enough beasts, and we can't handle them all. Our school A high-sequence can't be brainless, you have to be talented."

He snapped his fingers, and all the bloodstains on the ground and things that shouldn't be there disappeared, blending into the sunken ground and the almost collapsed walls, repairing them as if they were brand new.At the same time, the invisible seal was lifted, as if a film had been torn off.Such a big commotion just now should have attracted the entire hospital and the surrounding people, but Richard sealed off the tens of cubic meters of space, not letting any spirituality and vibration affect the outside world.

No matter what happens inside the seal, no one outside will know... Taufik also realized this, a small corner of the black-bottomed red-grained wooden mask on his face was cracked, revealing a covered area underneath. Burn scarred skin.

He moved the corner of his mouth and let out a miserable smile:
"If I don't get myself under control, are you going to get rid of me too?"

"Well, but it's not that exaggerated, it depends on your situation."

Richard admitted without hesitation, he stood up, dragged Taufik up from the ground by the way, and hugged him like a big black and red sack.It's just that the sack is dripping blood continuously, like a large body bag just picked up from a murder scene.

"It's the best if you can resist attacking Audrey."

"I am here as a deterrent, helping you reduce the difficulty, because you know that I will not hurt Audrey, and you know that if I do, I will definitely beat you severely, so, as long as you are not completely Lose your mind and you'll control yourself."

"Reason will make you seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, but you are better than I thought, and you don't need me to help you."

"In the end, if you go completely crazy, I will definitely deal with you quickly."

Richard took a breath, sighed again, wiped the blood on his face with his fingers, and helped Taufik stop the blood by the way, increasing his self-healing speed, and at the same time he was released from the slightly uncontrolled mythical creature form Re-twisting back into a human body:
"Don't worry, if the worst happens, then I'm sorry that I won't give you a chance to say your last words, but as long as there are no accidents, I will cremate your body and send the ashes back to you after recovering the Extraordinary characteristics." Hometown, buried with your family and friends."

Taufik was silent for a while, and suddenly the corners of his mouth raised, showing a smile, as if he was comforted by these words.

"When I took the first sip of the potion, I was ready to die without a place to die." His tone became more relaxed, his body gradually relaxed, and his mental state became calmer. I am very satisfied with the chance for human beings to live, to see our country gradually return to the right track, and to return to their side... I am luckier than countless people, thank you, leader."

"Finally, congratulations. Once you stabilize your state, you can wait for a chance to advance to Sequence 3."

Audrey, one of the parties involved, was still standing there. She had regained her composure and was thinking about something silently.

She pursed her lips with a determined expression, showing that she wanted to get closer, but she didn't dare to get close because of the psychological state of the wounded.


She saw that Richard Ernst snapped his fingers again, and the black body bag turned into a black sunny doll, and the blood was stopped, but the black robe of the sunny doll was still heavy, and it could be squeezed out with a light twist. The scarlet of the hand.

Watching the Temperance Angel holding a bloody indulgent demigod skillfully calming the patient's emotions, and watching the other party turn the demigod into a harmless and cute puppet, Audrey suddenly found it interesting. She remembered the first time she When I met Richard Ernst, I saw him turn the falling rocks and building debris into chocolates, candies and soft little dolls, so that this ability brought Audrey a huge favor, even Makes her a little fascinated—even if it's called the "curse of shapeshifting."

"Why do you..."

After what happened just now, Audrey felt that her "psychologist" potion had been digested supernormally. Although the treatment process had nothing to do with her, she appeared as a medical tool and received normal feedback.

She adjusted her mood and felt that her psychological quality was getting stronger and stronger, and she was able to accept the terrible reality of "a demigod wanted to kill me, but he hurt himself in order not to kill me", and she still maintained her rationality.She forced a smile and asked to ease the atmosphere:
"Why do you always make an action of snapping your fingers before using 'Curse of Transformation'?"

"I mean, if this behavior is very obvious during the battle..."

As obvious as some of the story characters shout out their moves and extraordinary abilities during combat!Although, it is indeed very imposing and interesting... Audrey secretly thought.

Richard stopped when he heard the words, thought for a while, and then said:
"This is a little habit of my master."

"You should have noticed it? Well, our Rose School, or the Church of the Bound God more than 200 years ago, is a master-apprentice system. Teachers will select their own disciples through different methods. Pass it on with the sealed item."

He thought of something and smiled:
"When my master found me, I was not yet ten years old, I was not very sensible, and my temper was not very good. Sometimes he would use his extraordinary ability to perform magic tricks in order to coax me."

"like this."

Richard reached out his hand and took out a handkerchief from his pocket. He clenched the handkerchief tightly in his hand, and then rubbed out a small wooden toy car. There were even old traces on the small wooden car. It seems to have been used and played by children for a long time.

I didn't expect such a thing to be conjured up in the usual magic link. Logically speaking, shouldn't it be a flower, or a bird that spreads its wings and flies away?Audrey curiously took the small car, looked at it for a moment, and politely returned it to Richard.

"What a magical power."

She laments, and feels that she still needs to learn more about the pragmatism within the School of Roses.

Temperance angels can let resentful souls farm the land, let living corpses build houses, let werewolves and prisoners do simple repetitive exercises that don't use their brains, and even let angels work. One's limited life is devoted to the infinite construction.It can be seen from this that Richard will not conjure up useless things. A small toy that can make children happy is of course much more useful than a flower or a bird.

Richard looked at Audrey, touched his chin, and suddenly showed an evil smile to the black sunny doll on his hand:
"I've helped you stabilize your condition, but you still need to rest. How about it? Would you like Audrey to send you to the ward?"

Audrey hesitated to speak. She looked at Taufik, but she couldn't say anything. She could only watch helplessly as the large sunny doll seemed to look away, and then fell silent.Richard held his neck, and he slowly twisted his head back 180 degrees, and there was a very realistic wooden click sound in his neck, and then slowly twisted his body back .

"Don't be so resistant, you still need psychological treatment." Richard the devil whispered, "You shouldn't do anything to her again, you have already defeated yourself, the only humanity is the curse you gave yourself, you You must accept this curse and treat it as a blessing to you... Toufik, you must get used to this kind of life, after all, you and Miss Audrey still have many opportunities to cooperate in the future."

The black sunny doll trembled as if being blown by the wind, showing slight signs of loss of control.

"Ah, ah..."

Audrey clenched her hands in embarrassment, and took two steps back, trying to appease Sunny Doll:
"Please don't be nervous, sir, I will keep a distance from you, two meters, no, do you think the safe distance of five meters is appropriate?"

I don’t know if it’s the comforting effect, or Audrey’s words that have an effect, or whether the sunny doll has started to control her emotions. In short, Taufik’s out-of-control symptoms have improved slightly, but he has started to make the puppet’s joints twist continuously. click sound.

Seeing him like this, Richard had no choice but to stop the devil whispering:

"Okay then, take a good rest and go back to work after you've adjusted. I'll take care of the hospital affairs during this time."

After finishing speaking, he threw Taufik into the spirit world, and a friendly spirit world creature who was unlucky but could be driven floated over, caught the sunny baby, and sent him to a prepared single room in the hospital. The empty bed in the ward was lost.

Bang, there was a soft sound.

The puppet, about twenty centimeters high, fell onto the white sheet, and the mattress was lightly dented in the shape of an adult. .

Sunny Doll "closed her eyes", her breath gradually became weaker, and she fell into a sleepy sleep.

"Okay, then I'll take you back too, Audrey."

Sending Taufik away, Richard blinked at Audrey and said apologetically, "I'm so sorry, I didn't tell you when I made this plan. To be honest, it was just a whim on my mind. I hope we I'm really sorry that your style of behavior didn't scare you."

Facing the angel's sincere apology, Audrey was also stunned for a moment, then she pushed back a lock of sideburns from her ear, and lowered her voice:

"No, no, I didn't take it to heart, Mr. Richard, you made me realize one thing."

"Mr. Taufik is usually a very good person, gentle and approachable, and his acting progress is also very stable. I never thought that he has such a crazy and bloody side, let alone that he still has a residual conscience. And humanity, to be able to hurt myself in that situation rather than kill me... Thank you, Mr. Richard, for making me truly realize that we have been living with madness."

"There was only one time when I almost lost control because of taking the potion, and it has been very smooth since then, and I have never encountered any danger again..."

Audrey sighed, recalling the bloody scene, she still couldn't bear to lower her voice:

"You remind me that the law of this world is madness."

"Is it because my method of judging whether he is qualified to advance to Sequence 3 is too simple and rude? Sorry, I still scared you."

Richard understood Audrey's words a little bit, but he didn't understand a little bit. He smiled apologetically, and wiped his nose with his hand:

"Well, in fact, I also have a safer and safer method, treat him step by step, and then arrange him to contact people from the Northern Continent little by little, and slowly alleviate his mental illness, but... I don't want to wait any longer, he himself He has extreme resistance to people from the Northern Continent, and it is almost impossible to arrange for him to have normal contact with others, and most importantly, if he is not promoted, he will only live for less than ten years."

"He was too crazy when he was young, and the price was his own life."

Audrey was touched by a certain sentence, and she was about to say something, when suddenly out of the corner of her eye, she caught a flash of red on the street outside the window.

She turned her head subconsciously, and couldn't take her eyes away, only to see a tall and handsome red-haired young man who had never seen before in casual clothes walking on the street in front of her, stretching her limbs as she walked, as if Active body.

And beside the young man with long red hair, there was an ascetic monk in simple clothes.

As if sensing Audrey's gaze, the red-haired young man raised his head and looked at her precisely.

Then he smiled, and even winked with interest.

Audrey quickly looked away, her cheeks warmed up rapidly, and she felt her heart pounding. Richard strode over and drew the curtains, closed the windows, and kept Medici out of the room who still couldn't stop teasing the little girl.

"Leave him alone, he's just like this." Richard immediately opened the spirit world, "Hurry up and go home!"


"Is it time to go?"

Another night, Klein suddenly felt something in his dream.He raised his head, just in time to see Hermes appearing in front of him.

"I've inspected that passage."

Hermes nodded slightly:
"It's safe until you enter the Eastern Continent. I'll let you know first, and then I'll come to the real world and take you away."

While speaking, Klein lowered his head and saw that the figures of himself and Hermes became transparent at the same time, and then the surrounding environment changed. They seemed to have entered the spirit world in a dream, but Klein knew that this was just a demonstration by Hermes. It's just the process he watched.

After passing through countless indescribable spirit world creatures and overlapping dense color blocks, Klein appeared above a sea.

There is a huge gap under their feet, where the azure sea water is cut off, and it rushes vertically into the bottomless "darkness" like a waterfall, but it can never be filled.

This is the entrance to the Battle of Gods Ruins.



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