Chapter 434 Two People

"This is the land of God's War, the legacy of the 'Great Cataclysm'."

Just as Klein was scanning the surrounding illusion, Hermes suddenly said: "Back then, the gods who participated in the war chose the sea as their battlefield, but as soon as they reached the edge of the continent, the situation began to deteriorate rapidly. In the end, the gods had no choice. No fighting broke out along the coast of the Eastern Continent."

"In the end, the aftermath of the disaster destroyed the entire Eastern Continent, but fortunately, the Southern and Northern Continents did not suffer much damage."

Hermes sighed and said in a low voice:

"It's obviously not a good thing, but it's not the worst bad thing either."

not the worst...

Klein was silent. He remembered that the original body was also a student who was very interested in the history of the Quaternary, but the history at that time had been packaged and changed too much by later generations. After the relevant buildings were discovered, what was waiting was not archeology and excavation. , but destroyed and buried.

However, the Aurora Society still preserves a considerable part of the history, cultural relics, classics and sealed items of the Fourth Epoch. After all, the real creator was the only righteous god at that time.Klein obtained quite high authority, so he was naturally able to borrow almost all materials and books to help him act as an ancient scholar.Therefore, he knew that in the extraordinary world, that era was too exciting and dazzling, and it was simply shocking.

"I know what the Eastern Continent looks like. It's dark, dangerous, terrifying, and it's not a place where humans should live at all."

Hermes walked in front, his back straight, and he didn't look like an old man.

"The angel of the word who walked there instead of the true Creator is my junior, but his spirit has already fallen into madness in the fourth era. He thinks that the suffering of the people in the land abandoned by God is atonement. The reason is that the Creator cannot make mistakes. The destruction of the Eastern Continent must be because the people of the Eastern Continent did wrong things first. I think He has a brain problem, after all, it is easier to accept 'I am guilty' than 'The Lord is not perfect'."

"Oh, what is their crime? He himself is not guilty. The law should prohibit fanatics from spreading such negative and wrong ideas."

Klein coughed to hide the corners of his mouth that started to rise.

Hermes sneered:
"Later, Adam said that he had the ability to resurrect the sun god, and he seemed more reliable than the real creator, so I helped him."

"Later, the real creator returned to normal and recruited me again. Adam had an accident at that time, and I saw that he did not take revenge on the believers of Eternal Blazing Sun when he took back Intis, so I decided to come back to help him."

People rely on extraordinary power to build a splendid and extraordinary world civilization.However, in the historical records, nobles are omnipotent, and commoners and low-rank Extraordinary are just sacrifices that may be put on the altar together with animals at any time. The narrator truthfully recorded every sacrifice, and also recorded every event in the empire. During a celebration, Klein was horrified and torn apart.

"Black Emperor" is not the title of every emperor of the Solomon Empire, but the name of a god;
Emperor Solomon cooperated with the real creator, and even used the power of the two gods to work together to deter the six gods at that time.However, the god of death in the southern continent still exists, and the six gods can only go to the borderlands of the northern continent to preach, which is unprecedented.

When looking through these documents and records, Klein always tried his best to ensure that he had a fair and objective attitude.

After all, the writers of these records were members of the Solomon Empire at that time, or high-level members of the Aurora Society. It is inevitable to bring personal touches in the narrative, to overly belittle the gods, or to overly praise Emperor Solomon and the real creator.

——But the facts have proved that the power of the great emperor and the fallen creator is still limited. When the six gods stopped the meaningless behavior of intrigue and dragging each other down, and found a breakthrough in the empire, the two of them were also inevitable. The earth ushered in failure, and Solomon died.

After that, there was the betrayal of two subordinates belonging to Solomon in the same sequence.

The two angels of the "Lawyer" path, Arista Tudor and Trenthoster, together with the Six Gods betrayed and killed Solomon, took away His Extraordinary characteristics, was promoted to Sequence One, and started the two ruling The era of coexistence of officials.

Before Solomon returned, Tudor and Trunsost, who felt that the Sequence One characteristic was about to leave him, made different choices.

Trunsost chose to join the camp of the six gods, safely transferred to become the true god "judge" of the "arbiter" path, and won the support of the blood clan for himself by means of marriage, while Alista Tudor However, he united with his angel king dukes to kill three conquerors, and became the sequence 0 of the hunter path, the first "red priest".

The Black Emperor has returned from the dead to take over the North and start the Second Empire.

Then came the mighty Battle of the Four Emperors, and three of the Four Emperors fell.

The crazy "Blood Emperor" fell, and Trunsost, who was sheltered by the six gods, did not escape, and died together with the Blood Moon Queen.

The only survivor and the biggest profiteer, the "Pluto", devoured the sequence one and uniqueness of the "Red Priest", and then drove the "Pale Calamity" to crazily death. The history of the Fourth Epoch finally came to an end.

However, there is no such thing in the official history. This period of retrograde history is described as "the normal sequence of the three empires of Solomon-Tudor-Trensost", and there is no duke betrayal. Solomon, who is also the emperor, seized power, and there is no world where extraordinary forces intervene. Even these empires have been under the protection of the six gods in history, and beliefs have existed since ancient times.

Klein kept in mind that he was just a researcher of history, a scholar who studied ancient history.I didn't condemn the gods for rewriting history, and I didn't complain about these fallen empires. I just felt that those ancient buildings that were destroyed were a pity.

From the perspective of a scholar, he is just a bystander.

"I have been to the ruins of God War."

Klein scanned the sea below, remembering every abnormal location marked by Hermes, and observing the residual divine power there.

Hermes laughed: "Are you looking for the mermaid?"

"Yes." The trip back then seemed to be just yesterday, and Klein couldn't help feeling a little emotional when he recalled it—at the same time, he felt that his current state of mind was a bit funny. It was only the first half of the year, and it was already time Use the word "memory".

"Well, after Zaratul's promotion sequence got out of control, the aggregation devoured many sealed items and Extraordinary in the secret order, and the mermaids were also turned into secret puppets by him. Before he returned to normal, no one dared to use those secret puppets Mermaid promotion... Besides, some of the mermaids in the breeding area are followers of the Evernight Goddess, but I don't know why that Goddess is so interested in the 'Seer' pathway."

Klein didn't answer. He noticed that there was a small sea forest in the ruins of God War, and couldn't help asking:

"Life, plants, growth, is that the residual divine power of the Mother Earth?"

Hermes glanced down and nodded: "Yes."

"The Mother Earth was also in the 'Banquet of Betrayal' back then? Then the God of War..."

"I never told you, you can guess how many people there are in the 'Rose of Redemption'." Hermis said jokingly, and he led Klein forward, without directly revealing the information, but guiding Klein. Ryan thought, and unearthed the secrets of history by himself, "You should know that the original sun god, the omniscient and omnipotent Lord, was not a single-path true god, and it could even be said that he had gathered all the five adjacent paths... In addition to the Chaos Sea, This has already caused a qualitative change, you said, if you want to kill such an existence, how can the kings of angels be enough?"

Klein's eyes widened, and the blurred image of the "Rose of Redemption" gradually took shape in his mind, and the angels and gods gathered around the long table.

He quickly followed Hermes' footsteps and expressed his guess in a scholarly manner:
"So, the participants were almost all, no, all the gods?"

"At that time, there were no six gods. In addition to the Mother Earth, the God of War and the Goddess of the Night, the other three were also the King of Angels, as well as the Dark Angel, War Angel, and Destiny Angel. Besides, did the Death God of the Southern Continent also participate in this? a murder?"

He clearly remembered what the little "Sun" said to the phantom of the clergyman Colin Iliad met in Afternoon Town. An existence whose name cannot be named tempted Saslier, and the kings frequently came to the palace Gathering in the center, the huge disaster will start from there... The kings have gods besides the king of angels. Combined with the truth about the suicide of the ancient sun god, Saslier, who symbolizes his half body, is not so much tempted, it is better to say that this is the truth. His real thoughts, the two of them conspired to kill themselves, and passed on the illusion of "the gods plotting to murder the Creator" to later generations.

Unexpectedly, the ancient sun god was really killed and eaten.

The plan exceeded the creator's expectations, and the murder that was supposed to save him became a reality.

When making this guess, Klein had some vague sensations. He seemed to see a dark historical fog approaching him. In one of the areas completely shrouded in fog, there was a corner emitting a faint light. The light is about to be lit by him.

But it didn't light up after all.

The corners of Hermes' mouth raised slightly:

"You're very smart, but you're not close."

Still close?Yes, I don't know what the name of the person who was erased is, he must be among the gods, but I don't know who it is, and why he only erased his own name...

Klein felt the fog and felt the connection between himself and it, but he couldn't light it up for a long time.He had no choice but to temporarily give up the idea of ​​inquiry and suppress it to the bottom of his heart.After all, the answer is likely to lie in the Eastern Continent.

He followed Hermes as he walked in mid-air, passing through lush sea forests, lifeless seas, and some seas flickering with lightning storms. Suddenly, when he was exposed to bright sunlight, Klein's ears suddenly rang. A raving with a strong hint of madness.

It was like a thin steel needle, piercing his eardrum and piercing into his brain, making him feel a huge pain that filled every thought while he was familiar with it.

And the "spiritual insects" that make up his mythical creature form are gradually changing, as if they are about to give birth to a fallen consciousness that does not belong to him.

The ravings of the "True Creator"!

Do dreams also contain the ravings of the real Creator?Mr. Hermes, isn't your dream a bit too realistic?
Sometimes the ravings are disorganized screams, and sometimes it is all kinds of knowledge spliced ​​together in a mess, which makes people feel dizzy in the physical sense.In this regard, Klein was able to barely resist, but it was difficult to last for too long, and he couldn't go too far in the "Remains of God's War".

At this moment, he suddenly saw Hermes stop, coughed, and smiled narrowly.


"We've arrived at our destination," said Hermes.

The raving didn't abate, but Klein somehow felt relieved. He was dragged forward by Hermes and landed on an unknown small island. The small island was wrapped in thick darkness, and he could hardly see his fingers.

"The darkness here is very dangerous, very similar to the Eastern Continent... There are elements of 'secret' and 'shadow'." Hermes introduced him solemnly, as if they were really walking on this island , "The power of the two gods mixed together, causing the night here to change. Only this road is safe, which is the path opened by the Aurora Society."

The raving in his mind weakened a bit, Klein raised his head, and saw a door suddenly appear in front of him.

In dreams, the appearance of doors and boundaries has more symbolic meanings.

Hermes pushed open the door first, and the door was filled with orange light like dusk.

Klein widened his eyes and looked inside, only to see the magnificent giant-like building he had seen in his dream appear behind this door, but the surroundings of the door were still surrounded by a night that seemed so dense that it couldn't be melted away.He followed Hermes into the door, like "teleportation", the surrounding environment suddenly changed, he stood in the magnificent "collective dream", the sky above his head was gray, but the distant The sky is enveloped in the light of dusk.He looked up and saw the Black Monastery and the projection of the epic and mythical "Royal Court of Giants" on the other side of the cliff.

"Your 'Black Saint' once passed through this monastery and went on a pilgrimage to the Eastern Continent."

Hermes thought he had never been here before, so she gave Klein a brief introduction:
"He once deeply believed in the Creator, the one in the scriptures and the Bible, and because of his piety, he won the opportunity to lead a pilgrimage."

"It was the time when it was compiled into a handbook."

"But that trip caused some damage to his spirit. Seeing the remains of the city-state and the tragic situation of the voters, Leomaster doubted his own belief. Coupled with the fact that the Eastern Continent was full of His ramblings, he Mental problems soon occurred."

"Afterwards, he was attracted to go again, but an accident happened before he entered the monastery. He was trapped by an extraordinary item in the monastery, so that the other believers he led suffered heavy casualties. Fortunately, he finally got a certain passing angel With help, he returned to normal."

Passing by the envoy, enduring the ravings of the real Creator, Klein figured out the meaning of this sentence, looked towards the black monastery in the distance, and asked in surprise:

"Is that the entrance to the Land Abandoned by God?"

"This is the entrance to our road."

This, that is to say, if I wandered around at that time, maybe I opened a certain door of the monastery in my dream at random, I might suddenly appear in the land abandoned by the gods... As I was only Sequence 6 at the time, I would definitely have nothing to do. Died suddenly in suspense... Klein sweated for himself.

"Don't you have to enter the dreamland at a specific place to open the entrance?"

"Generally speaking, it is like this."

Hermes nodded, and pulled Klein directly towards the Black Monastery, and stepped onto the square in front of him with traces of fighting:
"If it's the normal way to open it, after you leave this monastery, you still have to take a boat to reach the core of this sea of ​​relics, which may take more than a month, and you will experience many dangers that you can't bear at the moment .”

"You can't take it."

After Hermes finished speaking, he suddenly changed the topic: "I can't either."

Klein was stunned.

"So we need to wait for a guide here." Hermes blinked at Klein, and suddenly pushed him hard.

A strong sense of weightlessness came suddenly, and Klein suddenly fell, waking up from his dream!

Immediately afterwards, he found that he was not lying on the bed in his own bedroom, but was carried by someone on his shoulders in his own pajamas. The black armor with spikes and corners almost directly pierced his face. His ribs hurt.

Startled, Klein first waited and watched. He first realized with extreme astonishment that he had appeared in front of the black monastery in reality, and then he saw that the person carrying him had red hair.He looked again and saw Hermes with thick white hair standing not far away, admiring the surrounding scenery with an "I don't know anything" look, and nonchalantly began to dig around, as if he was doing archaeology.

Medici threw him to the ground, Klein reflexively turned over and stood firmly, the red angel clapped his hands and smiled:
"Are you surprised, are you surprised?"

"In order for you to go in, I specially prayed to the big snake several times. It just so happens that he is still awake. I think it's just right, so don't waste time. You have to know that the 'just right' of fate is very precious!"

So you moved me here while I was dreaming?Klein simply found it incredible.The raving I felt just now was not imitated by Hermes, but the corresponding dream that I was really passing through that sea area?Can you angels discuss it with me in advance?
"Okay, let's go."

Medici patted Klein on the shoulder and dragged him directly towards the Black Monastery: "Don't waste the precious time of the big snake!"

Hermes followed quickly from the side, and gave Klein an apologetic look.Immediately afterwards, Klein felt refreshed, and the world around him seemed to suddenly become gray, as if the pixels and saturation were reduced together.

They entered the world of dreams again.

"This monastery is made up of dreams."

Hermes explained to Klein: "These are the dreams of different beings from the God War Relics, including past and present."

Medici, who was walking in the front, quickly approached the monastery's gate that seemed to be prepared for giants. On the black gate that Klein personally pushed open last time, there was an extra tail at some point. bas-relief of the white serpent.

"Yo! Orochi, how are you doing?"

Medici walked up, stood on tiptoe and touched the head of the giant silver snake vigorously. The giant snake did not resist the warm greeting from his colleagues. He turned his head slowly, and Klein's figure was reflected in his ruby-like eyes.

Klein became nervous, but nothing happened.

After only a moment, Ouroreus looked back, he let go of the tail he was biting, and his relief-like body swam around the gate flexibly, and the gate opened naturally, as if welcoming the long-awaited Guests who have made this pilgrimage again for decades.

"I really miss it."

Medici's face became serious, and he made an inverted cross on his chest, and then reached out to greet the two people behind: "Okay, let's go!"

"It's been a long time indeed."

Hermes whispered to himself, pointing out a positive cross.

Klein looked left and right, bit the bullet and randomly scratched his chest a few times, then followed the two angels into the gate.

A silver-white giant snake came down from the gate, its body was getting bigger and bigger, from a python with thin wrists to a giant snake that looked weird and shocking in the dream, with four people in its body Surrounded so thickly, he glanced at Klein again, then came to the front of Medici, twisted his body, and turned into a long, spiraling upward silver-white staircase.

The stairs extend to a high place, but the sky in the dream is not real, only endless rays of light are seen.

And the body of the giant snake makes people dizzy. Looking at it, it seems to have really turned into a staircase, and the golden sunlight has turned into a rotating corridor wall. There are blurred paintings hanging on the corridor.

Klein was intoxicated by these grotesque dream symbols, and the high part of the corridor seemed to be decorated with religious stained glass windows, through which the sunlight brought a rainbow-like holiness.

Walking in such a dream, even a person like Klein who has no faith will feel the shock of his heart.

It wasn't until Hermes pushed him kindly that he came to his senses and quickly followed Medici's pace.


"This plan is indeed safer for us." Edward said, "But I don't want to help you. I can share some of my memory with you. For the rest, you can find a dead person with extraordinary characteristics by yourself. .”

"Plans? Do plans mean anything to you?"

After a few seconds of silence, Edward said angrily:
"Keep in mind that our purpose is to survive, and other things are up to you. If you don't cause me trouble, I will be satisfied."

"But I have to say, your proposal is very interesting - I still won't choose to have a good relationship with him, human beings can't trust each other, I will never bet that he can treat the real Outer God as a colleague. If I If I had known that the fate of the Lord of Mysteries would stick to Klein like a dog's skin plaster, I would definitely, definitely leave the earth early, and I would not come down at all. This is a farce from beginning to end! And it is a very bad farce! "

(End of this chapter)

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