Chapter 436 Walking in History
Klein was pushed for a few steps, and suddenly thought of something, and quickly said to Medici:

"The City of Silver has a camp outside the Giant King's Court!"

"I know that they have a stronghold in Wuxia Town, which has been stationed for a long time. We can go straight from here to contact them."

"Afternoon Town?" Medici thought for two seconds, then turned to look at Hermes, "Do you remember this place?"

Hermes also recalled for a while before saying:

"I remember that it seemed to be the nearest town to the Giant King's Court. After the Giant King's Court became part of the Creator's temple, the giants who originally lived here were driven away, and the people who settled here were worshipers, equivalent to ascetic monks. and a meeting point for devout believers.”

Medici touched his chin:

"...the gathering place of pilgrims, I don't know, so, afternoon town is the nearest town during the 'Great Cataclysm'?"

Klein nodded after thinking:

"When the team in the City of Silver explored Afternoon Town, they saw a phantom of a clergyman left over from the age of the ancient sun god. The phantom would repeat a sentence, saying that someone tempted Saslier, and the kings frequently gathered in the palace. Great disasters will start here."

"Let's talk about it later, we can't touch them now."

Medici waved his hands casually, and continued to push Hermes and Klein forward:

"We just passed through the 'gate' in the symbolic sense, not just outside the Giants' Court. It's just because the Giants' Court symbolizes the only gate in the Land Abandoned by God, so we seem to have come here directly .”

"We're actually still on the road held by the Aurora Society. Even if we go out from here, we won't be able to see the Afternoon Town and the City of Silver."

While speaking, the surrounding world fluctuated.

The sky filled with orange light gradually dimmed, and the surrounding blurred scenes gradually became real.

Having arrived at the Eastern Continent, Hermes ended his dream walk.The orange-red sky above their heads went from dusk to late night in a few seconds, and they walked from dream to reality. The sky was almost black and dark blue, and lightning and thunder exploded at a relatively low frequency. Light up this endless wilderness.After nightfall, the temperature dropped sharply, and the cold wind blew the unknown plants on the ground askew.

The illusory waves and beaches disappeared one after another, Medici breathed out, and the flames ignited, illuminating the surrounding environment.

The pure darkness here is no longer dangerous, but you still have to be vigilant against the lightless environment, that is the best time for lurking monsters to attack, and it is also the place where hidden "dreams" and "secrets" still exist.

The phantom of the King's Court of Giants disappeared, and Klein looked around a few times in astonishment. Everything just now seemed to be just an illusion.

At the same time, the moment he set foot on this land, Klein felt that he had a deeper and more specific understanding of the Eastern Continent and the Land Abandoned by the Gods. Sure enough, scholars still have to personally investigate, archeology, and reality. The ruins confirm what I have learned.

"When we go out, we want to go from the Giant King's Court. We must visit the Silver City and pass by the afternoon town with them." Medici turned half a circle and pointed to the north. It’s settled, otherwise none of us will ever think about going out again.”

"Can't we go back the same way?" Klein felt that the way he came here was relatively safe.

"It's best to be able to go back the same way, but you have to make a lot of plans."

Medici's words made it impossible to refute: "Who knows what kind of changes will happen? And you have also seen that it is difficult for a saint to survive in the Lord's dream. He needs the protection of angels and even a big snake to guide the way. It is impossible for the survivors in the mainland to all be Extraordinary of the middle and high sequence, right? Only by opening the giant court and opening the real door can the world inside and outside be unified and a normal path be formed."

"Ordinary people can also leave this way, this is what your ceremony will do."

Most of the "Land Abandoned by God" does not have roads in the normal sense, but it is not difficult to walk, because there are large areas of barren wilderness here, and deep black is the main color of everything.

On the wilderness, occasionally stubborn plants can be seen. They are grotesque and extremely distorted. Klein has no way of distinguishing what the prototype of these things is, and the classics of Silver City and Moon City also remind future generations with blood lessons. Don't rush into this kind of stuff.

All around, where the firelight cannot reach, the shadows seem to have a life of their own.

The dreamland floats in the sky, and the shadows in the corners are deep, seemingly wriggling silently, trying to devour everything covered.

Of course, Klein didn't think there was anything wrong with Medici's thoughts. He took a hard-covered letter from Hermes. The cover didn't look like cowhide. It has a very good protective effect in itself.

He took out a leather map made of the same material as the book cover from it, and glanced at a vague road drawn on it, and the sixteen red forks scattered like stars around the road, and then he picked it up from the ground A branch quickly used the simple "divination stick" to divination the current approximate location, the distance from their location to the nearest town, and the location of the east, west, north, south.

The Eastern Continent is basically isolated from the spirit world, but divination does not require the help of the spirit world.

During this process, Hermes observed the actions of this "ancient scholar" with great interest, and after glancing twice, Medici took out a cigarette case from his pocket, rolled a cigarette that was strong enough, and On the side, he began to swallow clouds and mist leisurely.

"We are now in the southwest of the Eastern Continent..."

Klein's fingers moved on the leather map for a while, his heart was pounding, and he felt the excitement of entering myth and history.

This is not only because his "Ancient Scholar" potion is actively resonating with him, but also because Klein realizes that he has finally come here, and finally has the opportunity to cash in the empty promise he gave to "The Sun" a long time ago!
The current mood is more than joy. Klein even wants to stretch his body vigorously, stretch his waist, and then smile.

The plain in front of him was uninhabited, but at the end of his field of vision, there seemed to be something raised, like a wreck or a hill.The lightning in the sky illuminates the unnatural traces on the endless wasteland, all of which prove the existence of human beings, and the people here have lived.

"According to my divination results, and the approximate directions reported by Moon City and Silver City before, it turns out that Moon City is closer now."

Klein said to himself.

I have seen the huge gray fog seal near Moon City on Origin Castle before, and now I have the opportunity to get close to that fog and see what it has to do with Origin Castle.And Moon City is one of the largest towns I know in the Eastern Continent. After dawn, they will definitely actively look for other survivors outside under safe conditions, so as long as they can find survivors, they must have gathered in Moon City. Along the way, there should be no other towns...

...I just don't know if there was any connection between Silver City and Moon City during this period of time.

Logically speaking, the leaders of the two towns are only at Sequence 4 at the highest level, they have not obtained Sequence 3, they have no honorable name, they cannot summon messengers, and they are too far apart. If they kept their pace, barely communicated with each other, and completed some maps of the Land Abandoned by God, then their communication should have completely stopped during the half month I disappeared.

Klein flipped through the pages of the letter and found a blank and yellowed piece of paper.

He took out a pen from the historical projection, and the tip of the pen moved along the route in his mind, drew a long curved line, and then stopped.

"This location is almost where Yuecheng is, and the error will not exceed two kilometers. It should be our first stop."

Klein looked around and saw that neither of the two angels expressed any objection, so he continued:
"It's about two days' journey from here. If there are no accidents, we will stop here for a while, have a good rest, and discuss with the priest Nim of Moon City about leaving the Eastern Continent, and then head northeast. Go to the location of the City of Silver."

"Then the unexpected situation is that His Excellency 'Angel of Time' may have taken over the city instead of 'The Fool', expelled us, and even launched an attack on us?" Hermes thoughtfully completed what Klein didn't say.

He is like a caring butler who always thinks of everything.

"Moon City... I haven't been there in almost 2000 years, and I don't know what it looks like now."

Hermes looked into the distance and said slowly.

Then, he turned his head and looked at Klein, with a flash of light in his eyes:
"You know more about the Land Abandoned by God than I do. Are you from the City of Silver? Or from Moon City? Or a remnant of another city-state?"

"Pull it down."

Medici took a deep puff of the cigarette, and smoked a third of the cigarette in one puff. The smoke and a small flame drifted out from the corner of his mouth.He pointed at Klein, and said with a half-smile:

"He's not from Silver City or Moon City, he didn't come from here, he's..."

Medici smiled, and took a puff of smoke at Hermes. The smoke slowly dissipated in the air, forming a blurry picture.War Angel made a fool of himself, as if he himself didn't know how to explain Klein, so he said vaguely:
"He is a fellow countryman of the Lord."

"I'm afraid he won't dare to say it, so let me tell you—there are less than 3 people left in the Eastern Continent."

The atmosphere between the three became tense for a moment.

"...Compared to the Eastern Continent in our memory, the current Eastern Continent indeed has a lot fewer people, no, it is already deserted."

Hermes didn't seem to be affected by this sentence too much. He looked into the distance, which happened to be in the direction of Moon City, and explained: "I can see it, and it happens to be night... I can see it, the Eastern Continent There are only tens of thousands of dreams belonging to living people."

Klein explained in a timely manner.

"People in the Eastern Continent have exhausted all their energy to survive. The situation in the two cities has improved. In addition, food and sunshine have been found, and the population should increase slightly."

He had been with the people of the Land Abandoned by God for about a year, and knew more about the affairs here than Medici and Hermes.

"Compared to hunting and deformed death, the most harmful thing to them is... the ancient sun god who no longer responds to them."

Klein said bravely, but fortunately, neither of the two angels are fanatics whose faith trumps reason. They have seen and even experienced the "big cataclysm" and "the banquet of betrayal" with their own eyes. Land, their perception is more than Klein's.

"Tell me." Medici raised his chin, motioning for him to continue.


Klein paused for a moment. He scribbled the new map in his hand, then stood up and patted the dust.

He could feel it, and they all wanted to hear it.

Ouroreus is not here, and Klein is the person who knows the Land Abandoned by God best. They all want to hear and are willing to hear Klein's views and ideas.Perhaps it wasn't what Klein said that moved them, but some of what he said coincided with their thoughts.

"This is also what I learned when I communicated with people in the Eastern Continent."

Klein settled down, Medici walked forward, and they listened to Klein talk about some of his experiences while walking:
"The Aurora Society believes that the Eastern Continent is a sanctuary, and the people in it were later guided by the 'Angel of Destiny', so they are called voters. But in fact, the voters live in such an environment, and the polluted land cannot be planted. The food, the plants that grow and the water that flows are also inedible. The living environment is already very difficult, but living without hope day after day will make them give up their faith."

"Actually, I think the people in Silver City and Moon City are very nice, very nice."

Klein followed Medici, walking in the wilderness of the Eastern Continent.

In the process of entering the depths of the Land Abandoned by God step by step, Klein was under the gaze of pairs of eyes in the dark depths.These eyes are afraid of the power of the angels and dare not approach, but they still hide from a distance, coveting Klein, he is like a ham carried by the angels.

As an "ancient scholar", Klein just glanced out of the corner of his eye, and saw one after another "spiritual body lines" extending out of the surrounding darkness. They are illusory, dense, and innumerable, indicating that Lots of monsters lurk.

These monsters were extremely quiet, just staring at Klein, watching them walking in the barren wilderness.

Klein didn't take those dangers to heart. He resonated wholeheartedly with the "Ancient Scholar" potion, watching himself step by step into history and becoming a part of future history—this brought him a kind of Extraordinarily wonderful perception.

"People were able to bring all their strengths together and work out the most efficient system that would keep everyone alive..."

"Faith became their pillar, a symbol of their unity, but they did not blindly believe in God like the outside world... The simplest example is when the 'fool' showed his friendliness and position, and gave the two People were quick to convert after the city brought tangible benefits, but at the same time still cherished awe and respect for the ancient sun god."

"Such a city, such a nation, and such a concept are unique to the Eastern Continent. It is impossible for them to exist in the outside world."

As Klein spoke, he felt a burst of sadness.

"Sometimes I can't help but think... Is it possible that in such an extreme situation, people can abandon their stereotypes and unite together."

"And after these people leave here, will they be gradually corroded and assimilated by the outside world?"

"It's like frictions between countries lead to wars, like Ruen's actions against the allies for their own interests. I want to help them leave here and go to the outside world, but I'm afraid that they will gradually change after they really go out and become beyond recognition."

Before he could finish his sentence, Medici suddenly pushed him hard.

"What are you thinking about so much? Are you free?"

The war angel looked confused, so he rubbed Klein's head vigorously:
"People have desires, and they should have desires. Do you think they would be more willing to eat bread and eat monsters in this backcountry, or go out to eat and drink well, without trembling? Also, you should not be hostile to war, war It is the most straightforward way for human beings to express their feelings!"

Klein was rubbed and shook from side to side, and it took a long time for Medici to let go of his hand.

As if he had untied a certain knot in his heart, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and laughed: "You are right, I should be optimistic about that side."

Hermes watched them from the side, always with a gentle smile on his face, and the lightning flashed in the sky. He occasionally introduced Klein to the wreckage of the surrounding facilities and the customs of the Eastern Continent.

After about a dozen lightning strikes, Klein suddenly turned his feet and almost tripped over something.

He lowered his head, only to see that it was a small half protruding stone slab, with obvious traces of artificial carving on it.

They continued to move forward, and in the shadow of the hill less than 100 meters away, there were a few half-shaped buildings scattered on the top of the minaret, and a dozen huge stone pillars only Klein's knees protruded from the surrounding ground, and a small amount of weeds came from them. It grew out of the cracks, and the tip was dark red like blood.

"People used to live here?" Klein rubbed his forehead again and asked.

"Perhaps so," said Hermes.There were countless large and small cities in the Eastern Continent when it was at its peak, and he didn't fully remember it.

Even if you remember all of them, the changes in topography and landforms over the past 1000 years have made most of your memories inconsistent with reality.

"Perhaps, this was originally a large city-state. When the catastrophe came, the earth split open, flames and thunder fell from the sky, and the entire city was swallowed up. There may have been survivors, but they gradually disappeared in the subsequent disasters. , and that is all that remains to prove that it ever existed."

The destruction of civilization... Klein suddenly had such a thought in his mind, quickened his pace, and arrived at his destination in the strange grass.

After entering a half-collapsed building, Klein instinctively looked around and observed the place.

On the gray and white stone walls with gaps, there are murals that have been washed away for thousands of years. They have long been blurred, and it can only be vaguely seen that the people of this city-state are proud to enter the kingdom of heaven after death.

On one of the ruins of the wreckage, Klein grabbed a bunch of Seville chrysanthemums from the history and gently placed them in the center of the ruins.

This is the last condolences given by the latecomers to the victims.

Then they moved on, into the darkness and wasteland.


"Pull me."


(End of this chapter)

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