Chapter 437 Tracker

"His Royal Highness the Red Angel is really generous. He directly entrusted Mr. Dwayne Dantès's property to me."

At two or three o'clock in the afternoon, it was the time when the afternoon sun was at its best. Mr. Dawn Dantès didn't have any schedule during this time, and all the neighbors and friends were very considerate of him—after the attack that night, the whole The servants in the mansion are all confused.

The housekeeper, Walter, has some extraordinary experience and relevant knowledge, and once planned with the witch Triss to take revenge on the person who betrayed the third prince, so he did not panic because of the sudden disappearance of his employer and the disappearance of the roof of the house. The disappearance of the building is explained by the fact that the building has been in disrepair for a long time, and the materials were pocketed by construction businessmen, and it was accidentally struck by lightning during a thunderstorm night, causing it to collapse.

Although, this reason can be self-defeated just by looking at the smooth cut marks on the second floor, but the roof has been smashed to pieces, and the servants also want to find an excuse to feel at ease.Working for Mr. Dawn is a good job, Mr. Dawn is a good employer, and they don't want to lose that kind of life.

So the butler managed to calm the servants down again, and waited until the next morning when Richard brought his "Stand-In Dawn" to see the situation.

This was the third day since Klein was sneaked in by Medici in the middle of the night and taken away. Richard opened the door for him when he was leaving.

Richard is now fully accustomed to life at 160 Berklund Street, and has skillfully and joyfully begun to "save money" for the mansion and the servants.After all, Mr. Klein hasn't paid him [-] pounds yet, so this mansion must be taken good care of, right?

So, Richard stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looked at the garden outside, looked at the busy gardeners and maids in the garden, and began to think:
Does this family need so many servants?
The answer is definitely not necessary, servants cannot produce any economic value, they exist purely for the dignity and comfort of the rich.

Richard is indeed thinking about whether to reduce a few servants. These servants for rich people with requirements and taste will spend more training time and naturally require more salary.

However, this idea only appeared in his mind for a few seconds before being discarded. He has no ill feeling towards servants, everyone is just working to make money to make a living, not to mention this turbulent era——and it is open to servants. My salary is not the big head of expenditure.

The real big head is the daily expenses.

Mr. Dwayne Dantès only hired "no more, no less" servants. This rich man who wanted to become a nobleman did not pursue the same ostentation as the nobility, and "one servant per house, one servant" who wasted human resources. One servant at a time."

And the servant, Richard would not have any thoughts.

If he was a demigod and before the demigod, he might still have some complaints about some of the Southern Continent people and the mixed blood of the Southern Continent, such as Richardson whose knees and neck are too soft.

200 years ago was also the time when all the uprisings in the Southern Continent were the most intense. Regardless of their purpose and standpoint, the people who resisted were always the majority.How could it be possible for people living in that era to be the same as the mixed-race people now?

Therefore, even though every time this young man will inevitably look at him standing behind "Dwayne Dantès" with nervous and tentative eyes, even though this young man who has no other talents besides being a servant will be afraid, Be wary of yourself who is better and more capable than he looks, even though Richard tried to chop off the opponent's bent waist and bowed head countless times...Richard also did nothing.

Richardson was a half-breed born on a plantation in the southern continent, a standard slave that the northerners wanted.

People from the Northern Continent who really need servants can cultivate them directly from their own plantations, just like selecting breeds for animals.

He is afraid of the Temperance Angel, but there is no reason for it. He is simply and habitually afraid of everyone around him, everyone who looks higher than him, and is ready to be bullied by these people at any time. .

Young children, those who never know what freedom is, what dignity is, what human rights are, what is standing up and not kneeling down, are more able to accept the Northern Continent and noble lords and that they are masters, they should be masters, They have an outlook on life that should serve others.These selected servants kneel naturally and serve them comfortably, aren't they better than rebel terrorists like them who are naturally rebellious?

The funny thing is, after the "Slave Act" was abolished, almost all of these excellent servants lost their jobs in a short period of time. No matter how much the lords like your service and respect, they are not willing to pay you salary.

So the Angels of Temperance have nothing to ask of Richardson, nor anyone else.

"Heh, when Taufik recovers from his mental illness, if the Red Angels haven't come back, I'll catch him to play Dwayne Dantès for a while."

"It will surely cure him soon."

Taufik's situation has been quite stable these days, and he has basically returned to normal, but he still resists working with Audrey.

However, compared to going crazy on the spot that day, it was much better.

Richard admired the surrounding scenery, and poured himself a glass of plain water with the exquisite tea set bought by Klein.He took a sip, and his mind had already started to think about the appearance of Taufik who was almost out of his wits after he came.

The other party either became a "silent disciple" in silence, or went crazy in silence, and was captured by him to allow Audrey to continue treatment.

"The tea in Dawn's family is too expensive, there is absolutely no need to drink tea like this."

Richard took out an account book from his pocket, which should belong to Dawn's housekeeper, but since he came, the matter of closing the account has been seamlessly transferred from the lady housekeeper to him.

Anyway, demigods can't drink tea well, and they don't need to drink tea, so why buy tea?With a wave of his hand, the Temperance Angel crossed out the necessary expenditure "Senior Marquis Black Tea". Seeing the reduced expenditure of 20 pounds this month, Richard showed a satisfied smile.

There will be no guests visiting this month, only Master Richard will search other people's banquets, and the servants will eat the snacks left over by the employer, but they will not drink the leftover tea, even if there is no tea, it will be fine. won't be detected.

"Clothes, suits and accessories? The tens of pounds a month is unnecessary. When you go out, you can use the transformation curse to change the clothes for the double. Go back to the bookstore to borrow two books on fashion design. Guaranteed Dawn You don’t look the same every day, Mister.”

"Maige Manor? Oh, Meige Manor, the best red wine produced will be dedicated to the nobles, and the rest can be kept for personal use or sold. Let me see...there are so many in the wine cellar? Sell Come on, no, if you sell too much at once, it will be traced back to the flow of large sums of money. If I don’t get caught, I can still get some more money... Then sell all the ordinary ones first, and then sell some Moderate."

As for the middleman, Richard directly thought of the Demon Family.

"It seems that the manager of the demon family has been promoted to a demigod, and he plans to marry the daughter of a poor nobleman and get a title."

"Haven't they saved enough for the minimum standard of nobility in the Kingdom of Loen after so long? ... No, they should have already saved enough, but now that the king has exploded, and Pope Gad II of Thunderbolt is temporarily acting as emperor, they don't want to. Dare to make mistakes, for fear of being caught by the gas meter."

Richard has never had any psychological burden on harming people from the Northern Continent.

When Backlund West District and Hillston District were bombed, He stood on the big clock and occupied a best viewing position, and served it with a glass of lemon black tea sparkling water. He happily drank the whole glass before Jump down and go for a walk in the affected area.

It is most convenient for the Demon Family to be a middleman to help him sell things. First of all, the other party has connections and a platform, and secondly, the other party must not dare to make a difference.

Don't even dare not give more.

"As for the rest . . . I turned down the ball and the invitation and the afternoon tea. Don't expect me to spend money on such insignificant places."

"But in the next half month, I will more or less participate in other people's activities once or twice... It's really troublesome, just take two handicrafts from the highlands and send them to them, and then go in to pack some food and valuable utensils, Anyway, if they can’t finish it, it’s a waste.”

"Repair the roof... The housekeeper did a good job and didn't let the workers ask for a lot of money, but the price is still too high. I'll fix it myself."

Why would it cost a hundred pounds to move your fingers?

Of course Richard was willing to pity the workers, but he would not spend unnecessary money.

After a strong round of revisions and rejections, Richard looked at the one thousand pounds reduced in this month's expenditure, and the joy of harvest was written all over his face.


Klein felt an inexplicable feeling and rubbed his hands.

But he didn't think there was anything strange, and continued to bring in delicious food from the historical projection in a good mood, filling the table.

At this moment, more frequent lightning and endless darkness alternately ruled the land. In places where the surrounding light cannot be seen, one eye after another is watching here without any emotion, and the twisted weeds with dark red tips are blowing past from time to time. The breeze danced gently.

And in the half-collapsed building, a glass lamp that shouldn't appear hangs strangely in the half-collapsed house, and the dim yellow light coats the extremely artistic coffee table and exquisite tableware with warm colors.

The aroma of fried steak in butter permeates vaguely, which is completely opposite to the external environment with almost no gap.

Under the watchful eyes of the terrifying monsters in the darkness, Klein enjoyed the food elegantly and gracefully on this desolate and gray land where great terror was brewing.

After eating the steak, he brought a small glass of ice wine from Manor Maison and drank it in one gulp.

Medici knocked on the table pulled out from the historical projection, and Klein brought another glass of Ormere wine.Seeing that Medici smelled it and showed a disgusted expression, Klein had no choice but to find another glass of Sonia blood wine produced in Feysac.

Medici smiled with satisfaction, took the blood wine, and strolled leisurely to a distance, not grabbing food from the little ancient scholar.

During these three days, Klein used this method to recall normal human life and food from time to time. Medici felt bored, but he would not refuse to come over for something to eat, and Hermes’ psychology and thoughts about Klein Very interested, always eat and chat with him.

Hermes sat opposite Klein and chatted.Then, creamy soup, pan-fried cod, tender lamb stewed with peas, baked potato skins, and various wines were summoned in turn, and entered the stomachs of Klein and Hermes.

During this process, the steak that he ate earlier exceeded the maintenance time and disappeared out of thin air, but Klein's stomach and body were paralyzed by the subsequent food, so he didn't notice this.

"Do you need me to give you a psychological hint?" Hermes said with a smile, "This hint will make you feel that you have really eaten these. Although you are already at Sequence Three and have no need to eat, you still feel full. It makes us feel happy and relaxed."

Klein dipped the crispy garlic bread into the mushroom soup, thought about it, and nodded.

Of course, the coffee table and tableware must be supplemented, otherwise it will not be able to last.

At the end of the meal, Klein continued to reach out, and took out a cup from the void, which contained a scoop of vanilla ice cream.Then he scooped out the ice cream with a dessert spoon and stuffed it into his mouth, feeling its melting and sweetness.

After eating one ball, he was still unsatisfied, and summoned another ball from the historical hole.

Just like that, Klein ate five scoops of ice cream with different flavors in a row.

With the help of Hermes, he successfully "filled his stomach" and regained his energy.Otherwise, if he wanted to replenish his physical strength normally in this place, he would have to eat those monsters hiding in the dark, and eat those poisonous meats.

Medici wandered back from nowhere again. The Sonia blood wine with spherical ice cubes in his hand had long since disappeared. He glanced at Klein and waved it to the distance:

"Continue to go?"

"Continue to go."

"Let's go." Hermes said, "I can already see dreams in the distance. People are praying to the gods, and Moon City is not far away."

"Then we might meet Yuecheng people who have been deceived by the angel of time... I will be prepared."

In the memory, Klein followed and stood up, took the packaged dry food, carried the leather lantern, and walked to Hermes' side.

One person and two angels bypassed the hills and continued on the undulating plains.

After walking for a while, Medici suddenly stopped, made a gesture, and then pointed in another direction:
"It's hard to go ahead, let's change direction."

Not easy to go?The two angels are in the Eastern Continent, is there any place that is not easy to go?

Klein froze for a moment, then turned around following Hermes. Immediately afterwards, he felt that the surroundings seemed to be a bit cold, abnormally cold, as if to freeze bones and spiritual bodies—this reminded him of the "Reaper" approach.

Looking into the distance, he seemed to see a dark depression, which looked like a road or a dry river.

Then, he heard the sound of water.

"Is there a river here?" Klein was surprised. This was the first time he saw a river still flowing in the Eastern Continent.

The water here was rushing, but when the dim light of the lights shone through, and when the high-altitude lightning lit up this area, Klein discovered that there was no water in the riverbed at all, and the sound he heard just now disappeared.

"The invisible river..." Klein took a deep look at the river, and followed Hermes to the distance.

Moon City is in the distance.


The ruins of God War, the black monastery in reality.

Footsteps suddenly appeared on the gray square full of battle marks.

Someone came here quietly through the ruins of God War, and walked to the gate of the monastery along the correct route. Immediately afterwards, the gate of the empty monastery opened automatically, as if welcoming a distinguished guest. went in.

The visitor entered the monastery, walked to the bottom floor with almost no pause, and pushed open the dark wooden door.

Behind the door is a secret "darkness".

"Looks like I have to quicken my pace." The visitor said, "This Sequence 5 body is a little hard to use...very hard to use!"

(End of this chapter)

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