Backlund, Queens, in Hall's study.

After getting permission, Audrey pushed open the door and walked in. Her father, Earl Hall, and elder brother Hibbert were discussing something.

"Oh, baby, you don't seem to be looking well?" Earl Hall turned his gaze to the door.

Audrey was useless to act, she smiled sincerely and said:
"There is a big shortage of food in the poverty relief fund. I want to raise some more. I visited many nobles today, but they all told me that there is no more food, even if they are bought with gold pounds."

When saying these words, those nobles were either in the small living room or in a place dedicated to afternoon tea, with high-quality black tea and a variety of exquisite desserts in front of them, asking Audrey to comment on the words of the pastry chef at home from time to time. cooking.

Their servants had ruddy faces and walked very lightly, barely making a sound so as not to disturb the distinguished guests.

"The current situation..." Earl Hall sighed upon hearing this.

Audrey thought about it, and said seriously:
"Dad, I remember that there should be a lot of food at home, can I buy some of it with money?"

"Audrey, you've already done too much, you don't need to do this anymore." Hibbert Hall frowned slightly, and said, but Audrey just looked at her father and didn't respond to her brother's words. respond.

Earl Hall's expression, which was relaxed a lot due to the arrival of his daughter, gradually became serious again:

"Audrey, the premise of charity is not to affect the lives of yourself and your family. This is a principle I hope you will keep in mind."

Audrey, who was wearing a gold and white long dress, frowned slightly and then stretched her brows, and said sincerely:
"Dad, the grain stockpiled at home is enough for everyone in this house to feed for a whole year, or even more, and there is also a lot of grain in East Chester County."

Because Winter County has not yet completely fallen, Feysac's army has retreated, and now the God of Thunder is protecting the battle situation at sea. The situation of Loen has not deteriorated, but has stabilized, but it has not improved.

Earl Hall looked at his daughter's emerald green eyes for a few seconds, then suddenly sighed and said with a smile:

"Audrey, you have really grown up, you have your own ideas and you have persisted.

"However, none of us know how long this war will last, or what the final outcome will be. We must reserve a lot of food to deal with all this.

"I can live with two less delicious dishes per meal to help those who are in need, but I don't want my table to be like the middle class that the newspapers say, which will completely lose us as aristocrats decency, which is what we have been clinging to every generation.

"Do you understand what I mean? I just made a metaphor. The essence of the matter is that I pay more attention to the survival and future of the family, and to our identity and status. I only show my love and kindness.

"Audrey, what I said may be cruel, but you have grown up, it's time to listen. Everyone is selfish, but to different degrees. In my heart, the importance of the entire Hall family is More than me and your mother, more than you, more than Hibbert and Alfred, beyond these, there are firstly beliefs and good friends, followed by acquaintances, and finally people who need relief all over Backlund.

"I don't mind helping them if it doesn't affect the previous ones, but unfortunately, I have to think about more things now."

Having said that, Earl Hall shook his head mockingly:

"I'm sorry to let you know that your father is such a selfish person."

In the process of listening to her father's words intently, Audrey's expression changed slightly at first, and then disappeared. Until the end, there was no additional emotion displayed.


After a brief conversation, Klein, who had already gained the trust and respect of the people of Moon City, bid farewell to them, took the animal skin lanterns presented by his team members, and walked into the gradually darkening east alone.

In their eyes, this envoy is alone, just like the missionary who spread the glory of the gods across thousands of mountains and rivers in ancient books.

But where they couldn't see, Hermes, who was standing next to Klein, had already visited each of their spiritual islands to help them relieve their mental stress, adjust their mentality, and treat their past mental illnesses and shadows.The whole hunting team felt relaxed physically and mentally after talking with the envoy, and naturally attributed the credit to the light and treatment just now.

Hermes smiled and waved at them, and followed Klein to the east, towards Moon City.

When they completely disappeared from the sight of the exploration team, a flame suddenly rose in the night ahead. Medici, who was wearing more everyday clothes, walked out of the flame, looked at Klein, then at Hermes, and smiled. With a cry:
"It made me wait for a long time."

The red angel's expression was very relaxed, and after witnessing everything just now, his evaluation of Klein became a little higher.At the same time, he was still a little worried about what Klein said to the Moon City team:

"Although I know you're trying to distinguish Amon from you, isn't it too early for you to tie yourself to that 'Lord of Mysteries' now?"

Klein also sighed, and shrugged helplessly at Medici.

"I have no other choice, Your Highness the Red Angel." The young and ancient "Fool" said, "As soon as I woke up, I found that I was inseparable from Origin Castle. The Lord has chosen me, what can I do?"

"Even so, you shouldn't..."

Medici paused, and his voice became a little low: "You are about to be promoted to Sequence 2, which is a watershed for becoming a complete mythical creature. During this time period, you will increase your connection with the Lord of Mysteries, and even fabricate a second Honorable name, no matter how you think about it, it won’t be a good thing.”

That's the way it is said...but what can I do?Klein resisted the desire to sigh:

"In my opinion, the honorable name of the ancient sun god is also completely consistent with the 'God' of our old era, and the 'incarnation of the Chaos Sea' of this era, and it can even be said to be completely consistent, so what does He have? Method? Has He successfully changed? Since He, who has continent-level believers and multiple angels, chooses the most extreme method, I have no other way to go."

"I have already received your concern for me, but this is the price for me to gain strength as quickly as possible."

Talking about the banquet of betrayal back then, not only Medici, but even Hermes' expressions were momentarily sad.For the ancient angels who have lived from that era to the present, this is the most unforgettable meaning.

"So what? Will it hasten the loss of my humanity?"


"Will it increase my chances of losing control?"

Medici pauses: "It depends on how you define out of control."

Klein gave a standard answer as if endorsing: "The loss of physical control means becoming a monster under the influence of the potion, while the loss of mental control means gradually becoming indifferent, ruthless, or being too deeply affected by the potion. There has to be an 'anchor' to stabilize."

Medici nodded perfunctorily: "Do you think that the so-called physical loss of control means turning into an incomplete mythical creature form, and mental loss of control means gradually becoming less human? This is the inevitable result of power. It is also the standard of judgment for human beings. ——It seems that to me, the big snake, or some high-ranking beings you know, we are born mythical creatures, how can there be any talk of being out of control?"

"Just tell you a story... You are a fortune teller, did I tell you about Antigonus?"

Klein nodded: "Yes, I have also been to the Hidden Land, the Kingdom of the Night, and the out-of-control Antigonus."

"As long as you know."

Medici and Hermes glanced at each other, and the former took the initiative to say:
"Antigonus is a born mythical creature, an eight-legged magic wolf. In addition, he shelters his followers, which is the Kingdom of the Night. There is no problem here until one day, Antigonus Nus developed an unreasonable understanding and love for his believers, and his mental state and thinking began to be close to a human being, and later he even formed a big family in the Tudor Empire."

"You said that the originally inhuman creature gradually became like a human being after possessing an anchor. Is this a kind of loss of control?"

Klein was taken aback.

Yes, there are many races in this world, giants, elves, and vampires are similar to humans, and giant dragons, demon wolves, and phoenixes are completely different from humans, and the "mythical creature forms" brought by potions are basically all It is beast.

For humans, the "beast nature" of other races is a kind of pollution, so why not "human nature" for these non-human creatures?

Once he removed his perspective from being a human being, Klein suddenly felt a lot of new things in his mind.

"However, you don't have to think so much."

As soon as the subject changed, Medici quickly brought Klein's attention back:

"What is the form of mythical creatures of your fortune tellers? Oh, it seems that the mythical creatures of your three paths are all bugs, so this is indeed a bit difficult to handle. You must not think that you are a little bug."

"In the final analysis, the meaning of 'out of control' is that you have lost control of yourself and your awareness of yourself, but before you lose it completely, as long as you can still control yourself, then you are not considered out of control. For example, Ann Tigonus, although he was polluted by human nature, he still didn't get into the ant nest and lie with the ants, or think he was an ant."

"He is still a demon wolf, but from the perspective of humans, he seems to be more benevolent and understands humans better."

Klein thought for a moment, and suddenly felt that he understood something:
"Not all the gods are human. According to what you said, even if the gods are human, they will gradually have the recognition of other races because of the potion. The human mind?"

Medici nodded: "This is the meaning of anchor."

"In addition to being stable, it can also make non-human creatures appear human out of thin air..." It turns out that "anchor" is not only the familiar meaning, but also has such an effect... After solving all the problems, Klein Some can't laugh or cry.

Therefore, gods generally tend to let their own races believe in themselves, because the changes brought about by mythical creature forms are troublesome enough, and adding some "humanity" of other races is even more troublesome-but now humans have become the race with the largest base , the gods have no choice.

The extraordinary world is so distorted and weird.

As long as they drink a bottle of potion, ordinary people can immediately become outstanding talents in a certain field. In the early stage, the price of potion is too small, but in the middle and late stages, even if the price of gaining power changes to gradually losing self, and gaining In comparison, it is still acceptable.

Of course, this also varies from person to person.

"So I don't approve of your behavior."

After an in-depth analysis of the role of "anchor", Medici brought the topic back to the beginning, and brought it back to exhorting Klein:
"Your time as a human is still very short. Becoming a complete mythical creature form is itself a spiritual baptism and change. But... the premise of persuading you to change is that I have a plan. You have said that you have no choice, and I also There is no better way than to wish you luck."

After finishing speaking, Medici reached out and grabbed Klein's hand, and took away the cross held tightly by the latter.

"I'll give it to you in Moon City."

Medici stopped talking about divinity, humanity, anchors, and other grand things, and instead asked, "Are you planning to go directly to Moon City now?"

"...I have seen the gray mist seal that separates the eastern and western continents from Origin Castle."

Klein thought about it, and told the two of them this secret that no one had ever known—Hermes had already accepted with difficulty that "an ordinary person who wakes up from ancient times in modern times has obtained the recognition of the source quality as soon as he opened his eyes." After all, there are lessons learned from the ancient sun god, but this also made Hermes even more worried about Klein's future——

"Origin Castle seems to be made of that kind of gray fog."

"The Eastern Continent is unable to communicate with the spirit world, and has a seal of gray fog. This must be related to Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun, the Lord of Mysteries."

But before he finished speaking, Hermes seemed to suddenly realize something. He looked at Medici in astonishment, only to find that Medici was also looking at him.After making eye contact for a moment, the two realized the conspiracy at the same time.

No, it's the conspiracy of the Lord of Mysteries!

And Klein looked at this, and then at which, showing confusion and longing for ancient historical knowledge.

"There is more than one source quality, all of which are separated behind this seal."

Medici explained to Klein succinctly: "In other words, if you want to communicate with the source, you must open the seal, and you must have a master of mysteries. But at the same time, it doesn't matter if you don't have one. Anyway, these won't The dead spirit will return sooner or later..."

Klein froze for a moment, then stopped talking.

He already understood something, and carrying the animal skin lantern, he walked towards somewhere in the east—although he had lost contact with Origin Castle, he could feel that a certain place that attracted him was there.

Time passed by, and Klein finally stopped.

It was already night now, and with the help of the lightning across the sky, he saw a gray mist solidified a few hundred meters away.

This mist connects the earth and spreads to the sky, as if there is no top.

At the same time, the fog extended to both sides, boundless.

He stared at the soundless gray mist without moving for tens of seconds, as if he had turned into a statue in place.

Klein watched intently for a long time. Even though there was a dark partition in the middle, he kept raising his head slowly, and only looked away after the second lightning flash subsided.

After or in the mist, is the disappearing "Western Continent"?
The location of this fog is the Asian part of Eurasia, the location of my hometown?

Klein thought solemnly, and couldn't help but slow down his breathing.

Holding the animal skin lantern, he continued walking in the flickering light until the dim yellow candlelight could illuminate the solidified mist.

Without making any other attempts, Klein's "Seer" instinct told him that the gray mist was an invisible barrier that could not be passed by conventional methods.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a broken sound as if coming from his body.

His "Ancient Scholar" potion was completely digested.


"Well, in this way, the deciphering of the lingua franca derived from the ancient phoenix and the feathered snake clan's long-term intermingling has been completed, and I will ask Death God if my deciphering method is correct. If it is completely correct, you can consider contacting Let's apply for a patent at Qiguang..."

In the ancient city-state ruins, a certain Outer God who hadn't moved for four days since he started studying archaeology contentedly put away the stacks of tall manuscripts around him, stood up and stretched himself.

Suddenly, his eyes glanced to the distance, and he noticed that there seemed to be a small fluctuation somewhere in the seal.

He froze for a moment, slapped his head, and immediately opened his legs and ran wildly.

At the same time as he got up, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed somewhere in the darkness, and there seemed to be a figure slowly approaching there.

The Withering Lord's feet suddenly made a sharp bend. He looked at the black figure, and his light green eyes seemed to suddenly become a giant net made of countless threads, but this scene only lasted less than a second, almost It was a moment of distraction, and he returned to normal.

"Servant of Mysteries?"

No, not the Servant of Mysteries.

"How could the Servant of Mysteries walk swaggeringly on the land favored by God? What is this?"

"A thing that has completed the ritual but has not become an attendant of mysteries?"

He looked in surprise at the huge creature that should be running fast in the distance. Because the distance was too far, the high-speed movement of the other party was only moving slowly in his eyes.But despite this, he still saw the appearance of the other party clearly - a giant wolf, a demonic wolf that should have been extinct long ago, and the body of the giant wolf was covered with a strange thing. In his eyes, that thing was the real wolf. The "Servant of Mysteries"!
"What does he have on him?"

"Origin Castle's breath!"


Haha, I thought I was sweating because I was hot, but it turned out to be a low-grade fever.Watch out for seasonal flu!

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