Chapter 445 Welcome
It was already dark.

After perfunctory God, seeing that it was getting late, Edward packed up his things and planned to take a stroll back.

Now there is nothing to do all day long, the gods are busy with their own things, each guarding their own one-acre three-point land, the demon of knowledge safely absorbed some fugitive believers of the god of knowledge and wisdom, and improved Trier He raised the compulsory education to ten years, and I heard that He wants to raise it further, but unfortunately, in this era, there are too few people who can afford to go to school and have time to go to school.

So the Demon of Knowledge began promoting night schools, encouraging adults to work during the day and spend a few hours at night learning arithmetic and grammar.

Considering the current state of Intis where you can find a job as long as you have a hand, night schools are widely popular with workers.

At the same time, the Demon of Knowledge has also followed the examination system of the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, and has absorbed many exiled believers to serve as teaching directors and test paper teachers. The dark circles under the members' eyes are getting deeper and deeper.

The countries in the southern continent are struggling to recuperate, and the highlands are fine except for extreme poverty, but Balam is facing the annoyance of soaring death rates.

The policy that the god of death didn't think about before has some bad trends, but it doesn't have much impact on the god of death. After all, the living and the dead are his anchors-only he will worry about it His son Azik Eggers, who is still heartbroken.

Ruen's situation has basically stabilized, and the shortcoming of binding relief and belief will not be manifested for a while.Unlike Intis, whose people's lives are getting better and better, the Feysac Empire is now in a state of tension. They have not benefited much from the previous wars, and now they have to be wary of whether the God of Thunder will send troops to retaliate against their previous wars. Attacks, domestic conflicts have intensified a little.

But what does the disturbance of the gods on earth have to do with Edward?

The highlands are his own territory, and the angels and demigods on it have also learned to ignore Him. Edward is just fishing for fish every day. The life of an unemployed god is so simple and boring.

At this moment, another voice suddenly came from my mind.

His half body, who was doing nothing in the Land Abandoned by God, took the initiative to contact him, saying that he had discovered a big event.

"What's the big deal?" He was also a person who had been to the Land Abandoned by the Gods and even lived there for a long time. Edward felt that he had no curiosity at all, but he still asked out of respect for himself.

"I saw the servant of mystery that I have been missing in the Land Abandoned by God."

Half body's tone was slightly ups and downs, and it sounded high-spirited: "What's more interesting is that the state of this 'Secret Attendant' is still very interesting... He seems to be in a state where the ceremony can be completed at any time, but he has not been promoted successfully. Let me have a guess."

The first sequence of "Seer" is "Servant of Mysteries". This sequence is not easy to play. You can't praise Tianzun in your heart every day, or burn incense and offer sacrifices to Tianzun, right?Combined with the title "Master of Mysteries" at the top of the sequence, there is a strange feeling of turning over to be the master.

Edward felt that his patience had also improved: "Say it."

"What is the biggest difference between Land Abandoned by God and the outside world? Now that there is sunlight here, the only difference is the 'spirit world'."

"Mystery is also the master of the spirit world. The high-sequence promotion ceremonies of the three pathways all require interaction with the spirit world. I remember that the 'gate' pathway has long been walking in the spirit world and leaving its own coordinates. The fortune-teller's High-sequence rituals also need the spirit world, isn't that reasonable?"

Edward already wanted to yawn a little, but in order to express his respect and importance to himself, he asked back:

"You mean that he is in a special state because the part of the ritual requirements related to the spiritual world has not been fulfilled. As long as he comes to the outside world, he can immediately be promoted to become a 'Servant of Mysteries'? Then why didn't he come out earlier, Worried about being targeted by Amon?"

"I don't know that."

Half body was full of interest, and said as he walked: "Earlier, Amon's body was in the Land Abandoned by God. Wouldn't it be more dangerous for him to stay here? I'll catch up and ask."

Edward sounded a little strange, not to mention that he didn't call until the fourth day after entering the Land Abandoned by God. This attitude of rushing up to ask about the situation when he saw a "Servant of Mysteries" who was about to be promoted was also very strange. He couldn't help asking road:

"What's Klein doing these days?"

There was a sudden silence on the other side.

Immediately afterwards, the information channel was unilaterally closed, and no information was transmitted for a full five seconds.Edward was silent for a moment, then covered his face with one hand, and sighed heavily, gnashing his teeth.


"The lady of the Hall family wants to buy some food in large quantities?"

The spinning dice in the cup stopped, and sitting around the gaming table, a fair-looking "devil" with flaxen hair raised his head and looked around excitedly: "We don't have a lot of backlogs... ..."

"Those things—those things were originally intended to be sold to Loen at a low price as military rations."

The other demon looked at the cards in his hand slowly, took advantage of the companion on the opposite side not paying attention, and secretly made a thousand, and said calmly: "The owner of the house originally planned to attack the food on the front line during the war, but As a result, Fusac's gang of idiots retreated in fear of the God of Thunder after only a few months of fighting, and almost threw all our food in their hands, and there was no chance to sell it."

"I remember those dry rations made according to the military system were added..."

The purple-eyed demon lady who bet against him quickly made a silent gesture:
"Shh...don't say it, it won't kill you quickly anyway, and that kind of virus will take time to accumulate and attack. If it is used on the front line normally according to our plan, at least 10 people will be infected, and it will directly become a dementia of the walking dead. .”

"It's a pity that the big head was hit in the hands. Only a dozen people were infected, and hundreds of thousands were lost, but the Patriarch is very angry."

The flaxen-haired North family member nodded and asked in a low voice:
"Then do you want to consider reselling these foods to Miss Hall?"

"Miss Hall's family also drank the potion, and it's probably a low-medium sequence. I talked to that little maid who liked to gossip a few days ago when she was sleeping. She swore to me that there was a maid who went crazy and wanted to attack her." Miss Hall, as a result, Miss Hall's eyes suddenly turned golden, which directly frightened the crazy maid to her knees, and she was also frightened half to death, fortunately, the lady didn't notice."

"Golden eyes..."

The demon lady of the North family frowned, thinking of something:
"Audience? Ms. Hall is also a hidden stake of the Psychological Alchemy Association? Well... it is reasonable in her capacity. The Psychological Alchemist Association has many eyeliners at the upper and middle levels. A noble lady wants to be promoted safely and quickly. Contact The Psychological Alchemist Association is the best choice."

"Psychological Alchemists?"

The Psychological Alchemists seem to have angels in charge, and there is one of their high-ranking saints in Backlund. The patriarch has not been promoted yet. According to his grandfather, he originally planned to cause more than a thousand deaths indirectly and directly in the war, and then he was promoted along the way. Yes, it turned out... Ms. Devil racked her brains to recall some information that the family had circulated privately, and felt that this business was a bit hanging.

Moreover, the development speed of the Demon Family this year is a bit fast, and if you don't pay attention, it will attract the attention of the Loen Taxation Bureau and MI[-].

Now we still need to worry about the God of Thunder, maybe this irascible God of Thunder will chop all his filthy demons into ashes if he is not happy... Therefore, the North family has put all their energy into giving Thunder and all levels of the Church of Truth Giving bribes and shrinking his power, he donated some shares on his own initiative, and tried to find a daughter of a nobleman who believed in the God of Thunder to marry to show his goodwill.

"I'm afraid we can't control these things."

The devil lady shrugged, not wanting to get involved in the struggles of different Extraordinary organizations at all: "We just look at the warehouse."

Fortunately, the managers on the bright side of the factory are all normal human beings who know nothing about the extraordinary. These human beings are promoted from the workers, and they are grateful to the leaders for their insight. But if something happens to the factory or needs to be rectified, They will be pushed out as scapegoats.

Demons who have just been promoted to Sequence 6 obviously don't know much about the information of these organizations, but they still know a lot of basic information circulating in the extraordinary world.He reached out to touch the cup containing the dice, and asked in a low voice:
"Psychological Alchemy Association seems to be an old organization, right? Then... the idea of ​​buying food, is this Miss Hall's idea, or is Psychological Alchemy Association planning to continue to buy people's hearts? It seems that we can't find a way to get rid of the backlog of goods. Dumped out?"

Ms. Demon scolded her companion for being stupid in her heart:
"That batch of food is not something we can decide."

"But to take a step back, it would be better to dump them to His Royal Highness Temperance Angel... Temperance Angel will definitely be able to make food harmless. I'm afraid that he will use it to beat us if he sees something wrong."

In the end, she made up her mind: "Let me report this information, and we will not be able to decide what will happen afterwards."

"If it's a trick of psychological alchemy to attract people's hearts, then we will pay back. If this innocent and lovely noble lady wants to buy food alone, then dump the leftovers of cakes and bread that are about to go bad in the warehouse."

As she said that, she grabbed the cup first, opened it, and saw a 3 and a 4 facing up, and the points were higher than the numbers just now.

A smile appeared on the face of the devil lady:
"I won, so how about it, I don't need money, I want to find me a young girl from your factory who will be a street girl."

The flaxen-haired young man who was worried about his fellow lion opened his mouth, heaved a sigh of relief, and nodded with a smile.

Now the demon family doesn't have much else, only money, wealth shares and workers.Many of the workers were recruited from the East District. They had no identity certificates, and their family members also worked in the factory. "Accident casualties" were easy.If you don’t want to lose money, you can also let the whole family be injured or killed by a machine accident, or just find a hidden corner to clean it up-other workers also work fifteen hours a day and don’t care about the flow of people.In a large factory like theirs that needs to operate machines, it is not surprising to see new faces every day.

"I'll find you a good candidate within this week." He said briskly.


"Since you said, the gray fog that seals the Western Continent is almost the same as the gray fog that flows over Origin Castle."

Hermes speculated based on the information provided by Klein: "So, can this seal be regarded as a part of Sefirah Castle, as a part of the master of the spirit world? We can try to pray to the gray mist, or even sacrifice... However, I don’t know whether it will make the person on Origin Castle get prayers, or make the people on the other side of the seal feel the change.”

"It's more likely that this seal has been separated from Origin Castle for tens of thousands of years, and there has been no contact for a long time," Klein said.


Hermes nodded, and looked at Medici again: "About what the war angel told you just now, I still have a small detail to add."

"What is it?"

"The Lord of Mysteries is not the only one who can open this seal, as long as it is an existence at the same level as the Lord of Mysteries, such as that God, or even... someone in the starry sky." Hermes said. , "So, the Lord of Mysteries is not necessary."

"I see." Klein nodded.

Afterwards, he was going to try to interact with this seal that was almost exactly the same as the gray mist on Origin Castle. The "cane of life" has long been put back into the fog of history, and the cross carried by Medici is not suitable for the current situation, so Klein reached out in the fog of history and took out a small book the size of a palm, "Lenorman's Travel Notes.

Judging from the name and function of this notebook, Klein thinks it should be left over from a "Recorder", but it has not been confirmed.

The notebook still kept the ability to record when it was obtained by Klein. He flipped through it, and quickly found the place where "open the door" was recorded.

For an "ancient scholar", this is the best way to use daily sealed items that will not be carried around for a long time, but the time limit is limited, currently it cannot exceed 3 minutes, and the effect is somewhat different from the original version.

Of course, Klein wouldn't do it if he fought preparedly, because it would occupy one of his three precious summoning spots, which was extremely uneconomical.Moreover, a sealed item with an excessively high sequence has a very high personality. Klein can't summon it successfully in one go, and usually needs to be summoned three to six times. In a fierce battle, this requires enough opportunities, which is not so easy.

Clutching the special-textured "Open Door" page, a scene of the illusory door slowly opening appeared in Klein's mind.

He whispered in the ancient giant language, and soon, an unreal door was quickly outlined on the surface of the gray mist.

The door opened silently, and there was still gray fog behind it.

"Open the door" doesn't work... Klein wasn't surprised by this result, but he was still a little disappointed.

He thought about it, and prepared to change his method.

However, just as he was thinking, this illusory door suddenly fluctuated.

When Klein was thinking about the solution just now, a picture naturally came to mind:
The sea of ​​clouds between the two peaks "boiled" sharply, and separated to the left and right, revealing a dark gap where the bottom could not be seen, and the orange-red evening light filled it, forming a real road.

This is the scene created when Ouroreus brought them from his own dream into the dream projection of the "Royal Court of Giants".

And just when Klein felt that he didn't have enough understanding of the corresponding ability and was about to change a method, the "door" suddenly fluctuated again, and then the solidified gray-white mist also "boiled", but not so violently.

They are rolled upside down and separated to the sides, but the front is still boundless gray and white, with no end at all.

Klein sighed in his heart, while paying attention to the control of his thoughts, he made other attempts.

In 3 minutes, he made at least ten attempts, seven of which were voluntary, and three of which were due to stress, but none of them were able to break through the invisible barrier.

"It doesn't seem to work now." Hermes comforted Klein, "It doesn't matter, there are still many opportunities in the future, maybe there are related ancient records in Moon City... By the way, it has been so long, the one on Sefirah Castle He hasn't cast his sight yet, so it can be seen that He doesn't pay attention to this place."

Klein nodded, and didn't feel too disappointed, but just felt helpless.Just when he turned around and was about to continue to the Moon City, he saw a little bit of fire lighted up in the dark depths in the distance, quickly moving from far to near.

The leader was an old man wearing a dark brown animal skin. His hair was gray and drooping in a mess, and there were real dimples on his face.

"High Priest..." After seeing the other party's appearance clearly, an indescribable emotion suddenly rose in Klein's heart.

The person who came was Nim, the high priest of Moon City.

When he was still "The Fool", he looked down at each other countless times from a height, but only now, they stepped on the ground and were at the same height.

Nim walked ahead, looked at Klein Moretti, and Medici beside him, crossed their hands and saluted:
"Dear guest, I am Nim, the high priest of Moon City."

"Moon City used to be a city of vampires, but that civilization has been destroyed in ancient times.

"Afterwards, we accepted the command of the great sun god, the Lord who created everything, and moved here to watch over this gray mist and make corresponding attempts. Even though this land was cursed later, the Lord no longer responded to us, nor did he give up. .

"To this day, three thousand seven hundred and twenty-two years have passed."


I had a low fever for a day and thought it was going to be better, but suddenly it was 38 degrees, so I was so scared that I hurried out to hang a water bath.

(End of this chapter)

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