Miro Blue Scroll

Chapter 377 The Way of Heaven

Chapter 377 The Way of Heaven

"Not in Beichen, where is it?"

The eunuch Taoist's face showed an obvious unwillingness to believe. The star map composed of nine stars around him kept flickering, and the starlight danced, making the comrades beside him secretly worried.

To his doubts, thousands of planetesimals are flying above the vast galaxy, flowing into the 28-star pattern constructed by Mi Luo.

The galaxy rolled, and layers of ripples appeared in the void, and the water and light surged, and the future scene emerged little by little.

The onlookers of the Beichen Xianmen monks only felt that their consciousness seemed to have passed through some kind of thin barrier along with the Milky Way, and entered into a vast and boundless, vast and boundless mysterious realm.

"This feeling is like the first time I entered Ziwei Palace..."

Wang Ximing's eyes were complicated. He looked at the future he had deduced, and he couldn't believe it.

He felt like an ant entering the palace, saw the vastness of the surroundings, felt his own insignificance, lamented the luxury of the surroundings, was ashamed of his own simplicity, shocked civilization and order, and felt barbaric and backward.

Everything around me seems to reflect my own shortcomings and help point out what's wrong.

In the dark, there is another kind of idea to affirm his efforts, like a generous elder, watching the younger generation groping forward on the road of life, giving advice, but never ridiculing.

That kind of shock made people feel emotionally shaken, and Wang Ximing felt a little bit moved from the bottom of his heart.

And more shocking than moving.

Under the sky, wind, rain, thunder and lightning surged, mist and auspicious energy surged, and the stars in the sky were shining brightly and flickering violently. The original three-element, four-element, and 28-constellation pattern, which was not simple at first, gave rise to an infinite river of galaxies rushing out. Thousand stars roll up countless giant currents of energy in a spiral way, and build more complicated nebula clusters and galaxy vortexes.

Countless concepts of the Way of the Stars are constantly splitting and changing under the sky, interpreting various changes from prosperity to decline, from nothing to existence.

Birth and death continued, and the way of stars gradually faded away, leaving only the vast and boundless void. Wang Ximing felt the unparalleled horror, and also felt the magnificence and vastness far surpassing himself...

Just when his mind was shocked, soft light suddenly appeared under his feet, and when he looked down, he saw countless golden lamps. Under the lights, there were continents suspended in the void.

Most of them are vague and hazy, making it difficult to see clearly. Only three are relatively clear.

Standing in the air, Wang Ximing looked intently. Among the three continents, he saw rivers, lakes, mountains, grasslands, swamps, plains and hills and other topography and landforms. Divide each unique microclimate environment.

These small-scale climate environments formed by the influence of mountains and rivers, the interference of rivers, and even the pull of stars, each look so natural, and have bred countless birds and beasts, and the flowers and trees are also luxuriant, just like the thousands of families on the plain. The lights together construct the entire grotesque human scene.

Wang Ximing's pupils were completely covered by shock. He never thought that Mi Luo's future would have such a possibility.


A scold sounded, Wang Ximing looked back, and saw a god surrounded by nine heavens of clear air, ten precious wheels hanging behind his head, and wearing 33 colors of rays of light looking at him among the heavy golden temples.

The moment the two sides looked at each other, Wang Ximing knew that this was the phantom of the future. He sensed his own calculations, the galaxy broke instantly, and the deduction dissipated, but at the moment he withdrew from the deduction's spiritual sense.

Wang Ximing also knew about Mi Luo's future path: "My God..."

Compared with Wang Ximing, many elders of Beichen Xianmen whose calculation speed is much slower, most of them are still in the stage of nebula clusters and galaxy vortexes, where the evolution of the stars is more complicated, and some of them have seen the vast sky behind the stars.

Only the two elders, Tian Ji and Ming Tang, saw the continents suspended among the countless golden lamps.

They looked at the dissipated Milky Way, and turned their heads to look in the direction of Ziwei Palace. Some of the elders who were highly cultivated and able to use the power of astrology to project into Ziwei Palace heard Wang Ximing's last words.


Hearing this, Ming Tang and Tian Ji looked at each other, then looked at Mi Luo again, and the same was true for the elders who were also whispering beside them.

"That's right, the wind, rain, thunder and lightning, the sun, the moon, and the stars, as well as the sun's light and mist, seem to be able to accommodate the earth. Compared with the simple way of the stars, Miro's way is indeed closer to the sky."

"If it's the sky, it's not easy to let Qiqiang stay with me and wait for Beichen. Compared with the Emperor Ziwei created by us, Hanxia needs a high-ranking immortal who can support the system of gods..."

Taoist Tianji and Taoist Mingtang didn't know whether to tell them to themselves or to persuade other comrades, so they read them softly on purpose and formed a question and answer.

The elders who didn't know what happened were stunned for a while, but the eunuch Taoist, who was the most unacceptable at first, laughed lightly this time: "That's right, with the Ziwei star as the core, build the way of the Ziwei system with three walls, four images, and 28 constellations. The emperor Ziwei, whether it is in our calculations or in the records of many illusory realms, is the sub-lord of the Three Realms."

"But in the past, we have forgotten that Emperor Ziwei is second only to the sky in the illusory realm, so he is dominated by the stars, but we Hanxia's Emperor of the Three Realms has never changed, he is the head of the gods , the sect of ten thousand immortals, the teacher of one hundred saints, His Majesty Jin Hong, the first ancestor of humanities, so even if Mi Luo walks on Ziwei’s Way of the Stars, he will be promoted to the Way of Heaven..."

Between the words, the aura around the eunuch Taoist changed slightly, and all kinds of auras appeared on the four bright, five dark, and nine stars in turn, which could faintly drive the atmosphere of the surrounding sky, and the aura was completely connected with the corresponding stars of the eunuch star official Successfully crossed into the realm of Tianyi.

"Congratulations, fellow Daoist!"

Taoist Tianji stepped forward to congratulate him, but Taoist Zongzheng frowned slightly and asked, "Listen to what you said, do you mean to let go?"

"how is this possible!"

The eunuch Taoist looked in the direction of Mi Luo, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and said softly: "Although the sky is above the stars, the stars must be the core of the sky. We worship Emperor Ziwei, why can't Emperor Ziwei be the sky?" As for the wind, rain, thunder and lightning, our Beichen Immortal Sect does not only have the three walls, four elephants, and 28 constellation systems!"

During the speech, the nine stars around the eunuch and Taoist flickered, and the sun, Taiyin, Taibai, Suixing, Chenxing, Yinghuo, Zhenxing, Jidu and Rahu's ninefold glory emerged in sequence.

"Jiu Yao?"

"Seven Lights!"

Two voices sounded from Taiweiyuan and Tianshiyuan in turn. The two looked at each other and didn't say much, just thinking silently.

Also because of their words, Wang Ximing, head of Beichen, fell into thinking.

 Wait a minute, there is another correction being written and released before midnight.

(End of this chapter)

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