Chapter 378

'Let Mi Luo's way of heaven take my way of Beichen and stars as the core?It seems that the feasibility is not low, the most important thing is that I also need a heaven for Beichen Xianmen...'

Wang Ximing looked at Mi Luo in the Emperor's Star Palace, because of the previous calculation, he had a slight connection with Mi Luo's treasure scroll.

Although this connection has gradually faded as Baojuan and Baojing continue to analyze the traces of power left by him, in a short period of time, he can still temporarily rely on the special environment of Beichen Xianmen to feel the extra strength on Baojuan. The names of nearly a hundred star officials and star envoys.

"Has it been condensed to this extent?" Wang Ximing's eyes dimmed, and with a gesture, he took a volume of "Seven Luminaries and Five Latitudes Fu Tian Ren Yuan Jing" and "Fu Tian Jiu Yao Tong Yuan Li Cheng Jing" from the side.

After looking up and down for a moment, Wang Ximing's eyes stopped on the "Nine Luminaries Sutra".

"Compared to Qiyao, which is more purely the way of the stars, Jiuyao removes the stars, and also corresponds to the blessings and misfortunes of the sky. What I need is to make Mira more suitable for the stars, rather than soldering it to the stars. I still use this volume as the guideline. Lord."

As he said that, Wang Ximing took part of the contents of the "Seven Luminaries Sutra" as attachments and incorporated them into the "Nine Luminaries Sutra", and at the same time imprinted the surface star map in Ziwei Palace.

Looking at the book that exudes a little bit of starlight, Wang Ximing left a message on it again, hoping that after Mi Luo cultivated, he could do him a favor and help him stabilize the stars around the Beichen Xianmen, and then he threw the "Nine Luminaries Sutra" away, Enter the Emperor's Constellation Palace.

Originally because of Wang Ximing's previous deduction, Baojuan and Baojing crazily absorbed the power of Zhoutian stars, and Mi Luo, who derived many names, had not had time to catch his breath when he felt another starlight fall from the void.


Mi Luo stared wide-eyed, looked back at the accumulation of vitality that had consumed more than [-]% of his Miaoyou territory, and stood there dumbfounded.

Don't look at how quickly and happily he gathered his name before, but the consumption in it is also not small.

Mi Luo, who has always been relying on Taoist body and Miaoyoujing, has never lacked vitality, felt for the first time the so-called feeling of being drained when some monks overcast.

But Mi Luo couldn't and was unwilling to refuse. He knew how good his current state was, and Beichen Xianmen didn't know why. , quickly improve the star system, there may not be such a good opportunity next time.

He stretched out his hand and accepted the "Nine Luminaries Sutra", glanced at Wang Ximing's message, nodded, and opened the book in his hand.

With just a glance, the little accumulation left over from the three thousand kalpas he experienced in the past was triggered again, and at the same time, the Jiuyao system hidden under the three-element, four-element, and 28-constellation system of Beichen Xianmen also emerged.

Inside these stars are the traces of sacrifices and practice of generations of disciples of the Beichen Immortal Sect. Mi Luo has contact with them, that is, to use their insights to perfect his name.

From the position of the seventh rank, the Baojuan directory emerges in turn the names of the sun, the moon, Taibai, Suixing, Chenxing, Yinghuo, Zhenxing, Jidu and Luohu, the envoys of the nine obsidian stars, and also constructs the [Shinto Zhengqipin Nine Obsidian Envoy].

"Seventh grade? Not bad..."

Mi Luo looked at the bottomless Miaoyoujing vitality pool, and was secretly heaving a sigh of relief, and saw the stars gathering, and a little bit of starlight hanging down, pouring into the Emperor's Star Palace where he was.

"This is... wait..."

Mi Luo didn't even have time to react, the power of the stars falling continuously from the void had already flowed along the acupuncture points all over his body and among his limbs and bones. The bright starlight, like liquid, drove his blood to tumbling.

Recorded in the treasure scroll, the condensed names also appear in the acupuncture points of Mi Luo's body one by one, standing one by one, layer by layer, to protect his mind.

About one-fifth of these changes originated from Miro's own accumulation, and the remaining four-fifths were the power of stars accumulated by the entire Beichen Xianmen for thousands of years. A close connection has been made.

With the formation of the Dao of Nine Luminaries and the consumption of more than half of Miro's internal mana, after revealing the essence inside, it is to make the formation of the entire Beichen Xianmen feel that they have found an important connection node, driving thousands of stars in the Beichen Xianmen. , and the laws and principles that guard this place began to operate.

Master Xuanshuang, who was visiting the Yang family, the head of the military family in Youzhou, was discussing countermeasures against the ancient northern country, stood up abruptly, walked outside the door, and looked up at the void. Like him, there were other military monks present.

In their eyes, a majestic qi rises from the position of Beichen Xianmen, runs through the sky and the earth, and the rising part turns into thousands of vast brilliance, blending into the stars of the sky, making the stars shine brightly in the daytime. It is also shining brightly. Between flickering and flickering, the stars seem to have shifted slightly, and the starry sky shakes slightly, driving the vitality of the heavens and the earth to turmoil endlessly...

"An accident happened to Beichen Xianmen?"

A military general frowned. Beichen Xianmen was guarding the Xianmen in Youzhou. Apart from stabilizing the ground and sorting out the sky, its duties were to a large extent to assist the emperor and sort out the stars.

Once there is a problem with this sect, the entire Hanxia Starry Sky will be affected.

As the real person Xuanshuang, the patron saint of Youzhou, the divine light emerged in his eyes. With the help of the statue near the Beichen Xianmen, he observed the changes at this moment, and said softly: "It doesn't seem like there is a problem, but it is similar to the Beichen Xianmen's mountain guard formation." Fixed."


The head of the Yang family was an old woman with white hair, she was overjoyed when she heard this.

The old woman, who knew some of the majestic power of the Beichen Xianmen in the past, and the military monk who looked at the side, said: "If the mountain guard formation of the Beichen Xianmen can be repaired, we can counterattack the Northland."

"Is the old lady's words too much? Although the power of Beichen Xianmen is strong, it is still much inferior to that barbarian country in the north, and its way of stars is still very powerful in our Hanxia. After Hanxia The supernatural power immediately dropped by [-]%, it is really..."

Faced with the doubts raised by a general, the old woman opened her mouth to explain.

In her mouth, in the heyday of Beichen Xianmen in the past, it was able to arouse the power of Zhou Tianxing. It seemed that it was guarding a state, but in fact it was guarding the Hanxia Starry Sky. In the most intense period, Beichen Xianmen can also maintain the top three positions.

It's just that after some disciples betrayed and joined the Northern Devil's Sect, Beichen Xianmen's vitality was also severely injured, and the mountain protection formation was also incomplete. Although it could still assist the emperor to sort out the stars, the old ability to mobilize the stars could not be reproduced.

"Even if the repaired formation cannot restore the ability of the stars to fall, destroy the world, or change the stars, and control the day and night, it will certainly be able to restore the former disciples of the Beichen Immortal Sect to sense the stars and maintain their combat effectiveness in the North."

The old lady's final summary reassured the generals a lot, and the coping strategy that had been stagnant for a long time was also able to go further.

Only Taoist Xuanshuang looked towards the direction of Beichen Xianmen, frowning slightly.

"Really, what's the matter?" The old woman looked at Master Xuanshuang and asked softly.

Xuanshuang thought for a while, then responded softly: "It's nothing, but I always feel that the change of Beichen Immortal Sect this time may have something to do with a friend of mine. But thinking about it carefully, it is unlikely, after all, Beichen Immortal Sect has not succeeded for so many years. Repairing, it is impossible for him to repair the formation as soon as he goes."

As Xuanshuang said, he got up and walked back with the old woman, but what he didn't know was that Mi Luo, whom he thought impossible, was currently taking on the important responsibility of repairing it.

Miluo is a very useful brick for the entire Beichen Xianmen's mountain protection formation. It is suitable for all nodes that have problems. With Luo's side, with the help of his breath, complete this step, and wait for the next step to have problems before performing the fight.

 A total of four chapters are now owed.

(End of this chapter)

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