Full-time Mage, I am Mo Fan and his sister

Chapter 806 The base city plan, Shao Zheng's visit, guarding the name, looking for the totem...

Chapter 806 The base city plan, Shao Zheng's visit, guarding the name, looking for the totem.
The land of Beiyuan, with the help of this emergency migration, simply let all the people live in Feihuang City, expand it into a big city in the north, reach the level of a human city base, and form the Central Plains and the north of the Central Plains together with the ancient capital. Two great cities!
In troubled times, those towns and villages scattered everywhere will gather towards the big cities. This is actually an active defense posture, shrinking the vitality and gathering more magicians.

But this also means that the scope of human activities will be reduced. A place without people will naturally become a land of demons, the security will be greatly reduced, and the resources obtained will become tense.

The most basic thing is the food problem. With the security world gone, there will naturally be a lot of land that can grow food. It is impossible to really ask all the plant magicians to farm the land, right?

Even a plant magician can't conjure something to eat out of thin air, not to mention that human beings still need meat to survive, so is it possible to let the summoner raise livestock?

It can only be said that this world is about to become difficult, but fortunately, the situation is good so far. Feihuang City is also a chance meeting. Or those places along the coast
On the [-]-kilometer coastline to the east, those incomparably prosperous cities are also implementing the base city plan, and the urban security has shrunk countless times.

"There are only five base cities left on the east coast??"

Mo Yinge took Ding Yumian to Donglai and visited Lu Yi.

"That's right, Donglai and Bincheng watch over the Bohai Sea, Demon City and Asuka also watch over each other, and the last one is the Demon City, guarding the south alone." Lu Yi pointed to an old national map hanging on the wall.

"Is there no base city in the southeast area?" Mo Yinge asked puzzled.

"The southeastern sea is not directly in contact with the ocean, and there are many mountains there. The base city is not just a matter of bringing people from several cities together. There are many things to consider, and it does not mean that other than the five base cities, other The cities are about to be completely abandoned, and the situation has not yet reached that point.”

Lu Yi shook his head and said, while taking off his reading glasses.

Yes, the full name of the base city is "Human City Base". It is the thickest human base they stick to by the sea. It is a super heavy city that can survive alone even without outside help!
After bidding farewell to Lu Yi, Mo Yinge returned to Shanghai.

Mu Ningxue heard the news and hurried to pick him up in person.

"Long time no see, little Xue'er!" Mo Yinge directly hugged Mu Ningxue, who had silver hair and a shawl, and talked about serious business after a kiss.

"Sister Mo, where have you been during this time?" Mu Ningxue took them to the villa she built. Fanxue Mountain has already seen its scale.

"I went to the north of Beiyuan, but I didn't expect such earth-shaking changes to happen in the east!" Mo Yinge sighed.


Mu Ningxue was keenly aware of the words in Mo Yingge's words.

Mo Yinge waved his hand and said, "There was an accident, don't worry, it's been dealt with now."

While speaking, Mu Ningxue had already turned on her phone. Although it didn't say what happened, the information that Feihuang City will be used as a base city is public.
"Okay, Yumian, tell her a little bit."

Mo Yinge spread his hands, this matter will probably be made public at that time, after all, Mo Fan also captured a red-clothed archbishop of the Black Vatican alive by the way!
This matter has been handed over by the Supreme Court to the Holy Inquisition Court. Mo Fan's contribution is huge, and it has not been covered by the brilliance of Moyingge.

Mu Ningxue listened to Ding Yumian talk about the northern Xinjiang, the little girl was stunned
At this moment, Moyingge received another call.

It was actually sent by the Great Speaker Shao Zheng himself, saying that he wanted to meet.

Mo Yinge stepped forward, and the person had already appeared on the roof.

"Why does the speaker have time to look for the little girl?" Mo Yinge is not restrained, she is quite familiar with the speaker, and Shao Zheng has no airs.


Shao Zheng laughed in a rare way, and continued: "I already know what happened. This is the best news I have heard in a while, although this itself is a story that should be sad."

"Thanks to you, you saved Beiyuan!"

Shao Zheng said quite seriously.

"It's within my ability." Mo Yinge said casually.

Shao Zheng shook his head on the other side, the little girl had something to say.

"Where are you? I want to see you in person." Shao Zheng asked.

"I'm in Fanxue Mountain, that is, here in Feiniao City." Mo Yinge told the truth.

"I know, I know, it happens that I'm in Shanghai, I'll be there soon, and I can have a meal together, just wait for me." Shao Zheng hung up the phone directly.

Mo Yinge also knew that someone would definitely come to ask her about Hu Fu's situation, but she didn't expect that Shao Zheng, who is the busiest and has no time at all, would come to her in person.

"Don't talk about it, Ning Xue, when Chairman Shao Zheng is coming, you can prepare a meal and entertain him." Speaking of which, Mu Ningxue is the owner of this place, and Mo Yingge can be regarded as a guest here.

When Mu Ningxue heard this, it was okay, that was the speaker of Shao Zheng, the heads of those big families couldn’t easily see each other, she, a young family who had just started, could let the speaker come in person, it was already a fledgling Bright, let alone this time.

You must know that those powerful people in Asuka City have been staring at her!

Ever since Feiniao City was selected as the base city, the land of Fanxue Mountain has become a piece of meat and potatoes, but there is the voice left by Mo Yinge here, so no one dares to act rashly.

But after all, Moyingge only represents herself. Although she is the sister of Mo Fan, another nominal owner of Fanxue Mountain, she has no sovereignty over this place, and she has not really announced that she will protect it, so many people still protest. Thinking about it, no one would be willing to give up this big piece of fat.

The Devil's City is really not far from here, but Mo Yinge didn't expect that Shao Zheng would fly over by himself without any followers.

"The chairman is so magical!" Mo Yinge laughed.

"It's far behind you!" Shao Zheng also laughed.

Shao Zheng came too fast, and Mu Ningxue was not ready to receive her, which made her very embarrassed.

"It's okay, I'm hungry too, let's cook some dishes and eat together, it's a common meal." Shao Zheng said with a smile, he gave himself a vacation, and lost all those secretaries.

"Well, Ning Xue, don't bother, go to your room, let's cook a few dishes." Mo Yingge stopped Mu Ningxue who was in a hurry to leave.

She could see that Shao Zheng was actually very tired, and there were too many things hidden in his eyes, presumably this was also his rare rest time, but he ran over to see her alone, there was no need to make a big fuss, just follow what he said about home-cooked food Bar.

Yes, Mo Yinge cooked the kitchen himself, and made two home-cooked dishes casually, um, absolutely no intention of fooling a certain speaker.

"Cucumber scrambled eggs and peanuts?" Shao Zheng didn't expect this girl to be so straightforward, but he just picked up a peanut and ate it.

"There are still a few dishes they are cooking, my Great Speaker, don't tell me you are just here to relax?" Mo Yinge added some water to his teacup.

"Did you see all this?" Shao Zheng joked.

Mo Yinge asked: "If you have anything to say, just say it."

Shao Zheng shook his head lightly, and said: "I really came here to relax. Seeing you, I feel as if I have seen the future, full of vigor and hope."

Seeing that Mo Yingge still didn't believe your nonsense at all, Shao Zheng smiled wryly, raised his head and drank the glass of water, and drank it as boldly as wine, and deeply sad.

"I haven't done enough!"

"The entire coastline of [-] kilometers, but I only counted [-] kilometers. Fortunately, you solved the crisis, otherwise I don't know what to do!"

The coastline rose by one or two meters, and not only one or two coastal cities were flooded, how many cities were directly destroyed, and how many cities became uninhabitable as a result.

"You have done enough, and you are more forward-looking than anyone else!" Moyingge said with sincere admiration.

"Not enough, not enough." Shao Zheng sighed, then he raised his head, stared at Mo Yinge seriously and asked, "What are you going to do about the northern border?"

"Me? About northern Xinjiang?"

Mo Yingge pointed at himself, feeling a little puzzled, and suddenly reacted, frowning and said: "Could it be that you want to hide the matter of the northern border?"

Indeed, the east is already troubled, so why bother to let people know that the disaster is over, wouldn't that only increase fear?

"Uh, why do you think so?" Shao Zheng was stunned, and the peanuts that had been caught on the chopsticks fell to the ground.

"Isn't it?" Mo Yinge was puzzled.

"Hahaha, why do you think so?" Shao Zheng suddenly laughed,
"Why do you want to cover it up? You have to know that you saved everyone in Beiyuan. This is an unimaginable reputation. It is bigger than the ancient capital. In this eventful autumn, we need a hero to stand up and tell everyone. People, our magicians in China can still hold on to the country!"

Moyingge saved the entire Northern Plains, how could she be asked to give up this incomparable prestige?

What's more, at this time, it is really necessary for someone to stand up and add confidence to everyone.

Mo Yinge is the most suitable candidate!
She was No.1 in the last competition of world universities. She already had a great reputation a long time ago. She has protected Song City and the ancient capital, and now she has saved Beiyuan. She is a proper hero template and is worthy of publicity. .

Her good name is widely circulated domestically and even internationally, and her image and temperament are excellent, and her background is even a blank slate. Ordinary people like this kind of grassroots figure most!

"Ah, this." Mo Yinge was a little stunned.

"Well, I understand. Although I don't know what power you used, we are definitely standing with you. In your opinion, should this matter be made public?" Shao Zheng then asked.

Mo Yinge: "..."

She doesn't seem to have said anything yet?
"Ah, don't you want to? It's true that I was abrupt, sorry." Shao Zheng shook his head and sighed.

Mo Yinge: "??!"

What's the situation, Mr. Speaker, why are you still asking and answering yourself?

"No, I haven't spoken yet!" Moyingge slapped the table and shouted.

"Oh? It's fine if you're willing. The interview will be here in the afternoon. You can prepare." Shao Zheng cooked a bowl of rice in a leisurely manner.

"Good guy, so you are waiting for me here!" Mo Yinge smiled, but did not refuse.

She is also very clear that in this crisis, what the people need is someone who can stand up and protect them, and she herself perfectly meets this requirement.

"It's just that you're not afraid that I'll overturn the car behind you?" But this meant that there was an inexplicable pressure on Mo Yinge.

The more honor, appreciation and support you get now, if you don't do well in the future, you will be blown up all at once.

"Don't worry, this is not some kind of god-making to flatter you, we will only tell the truth, the achievements you have made for Beiyuan should not be buried, it is you who protected them!" Shao Zheng said, "Of course we will follow your opinion .”

Mo Yinge pondered for a moment, and said: "Then wait for a while, when I really become a forbidden curse, I feel a little unbearable now. The power I used to repel Khufu did not come from myself."

"Similar to Mo Fan's demonization?" Shao Zheng asked.

"Almost, but much milder than his." Moyingo said.

"You can grasp it yourself, and I don't want to explore too much. I am looking forward to the day when you become a real forbidden curse. I believe it will not be too late!" Shao Zheng said.

"I think so too." Mo Yinge said with a smile.

"Oh, by the way, do you have a share of this Fanxue Mountain? It is now a part of Feiniao Base City. The two young people may be jealous of some people. If it were you, I believe no one would dare to hit it. It's my idea." Shao Zheng finally asked casually.

"No, this is their young couple's career. What's the big deal for me as a sister to get involved? But I want to see who doesn't have eyes and dares to reach out." Mo Yinge smiled like a flower, as if looking forward to it look.

"Then there is one more thing. I know you are also looking for totems. Now the coastline is in an unprecedented crisis. I hope you can search for some information about totem beasts on the way to pursue the road of forbidden curses. We need every copy that can be used. The power to protect the country!" Shao Zheng said.

"I was doing this, but unfortunately most of the totems have already passed away, and the surviving ones are too rare, and some of them are no longer willing to cause trouble." Mo Yinge sighed.

"There is also Leng Jue captured by your brother Mo Fan. It will be handed over to the Holy Inquisition Court. Do you want to pay attention to it?" Who knows that Shao Zheng stood at the door and said one after another.

"Stop stop stop!!"

Mo Yinge stretched out his hand and made a pause gesture, signaling the Great Speaker to stop talking.

 Thanks for the reward of 1000 coins from "His Highness Chen's Little Friends"! !love love love...*
  Bless the book friends, stay healthy and long!
(End of this chapter)

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