Full-time Mage, I am Mo Fan and his sister

Chapter 807 Three-Corner Dimensional Mirror, Summoning System Derived from Magic!

"I'm just a vagrant, Mr. Speaker, you can do it, the little girl can't afford so many things, and the councilor didn't see you do it like this!" Mo Yinge rolled his eyes.

"Hahaha, if you want to be a member of parliament, I will definitely support it with both hands!" Shao Zheng couldn't help laughing, and then said: "You wait, I will go back and give you a proposal in person, I believe no one will deny you Merit and great prestige."

Mo Yinge: Confused!
"Don't be so surprised. In fact, someone has already made a proposal. Even if you haven't settled down, you can talk about it together now. However, the councilor needs to have a resident. As for the Asuka City, it can just protect this villa." Shao Zheng suggested.

"You want to tie me here?" Mo Yinge understood what Shao Zheng said.

"Young people don't have to think so much. We are still good friends if we don't say it." Chairman Shao Zheng is also an interesting person.

Mo Yinge pondered for a moment, it would be fine if it was another city, Asuka City is a big base city in the future, the status of councilors here will be very high, and it is still in the early stage of construction, there are already countless people wanting to squeeze in Yes, this made her hesitate a bit.

The key is that Shao Zheng mentioned her itching point, which is that she can take care of Mo Fan and Mu Ningxue nearby.

"Hesitation means that your heart is already moved, so I will help you make a decision. You just need an official identity, hahaha, no need to give it away, I will go!" Shao Zheng patted her on the shoulder, turned around and disappeared He disappeared, as if he was afraid that Moyingge would go back on his word.

This made Mo Yingge somewhat dumbfounded.

"Sister, are you really going to become a council member of Asuka City?" Mu Ningxue and Ding Yumian didn't dare to intervene in their conversation, they hid in the kitchen and eavesdropped.

Seeing that Shao Zheng was gone, he came out and looked at Mo Yinge with admiration.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Is there a flower on my face?" Mo Yinge touched his face and asked.

"Sister, you are prettier than any other flowers!" Ding Yumian, the little follower, immediately offered words of praise.

"Hmm~ Xiao Yumian, you have learned to be naughty." Mo Yinge smiled and patted her little head, obviously very helpful.

"It's good to be a member of parliament. I don't have to worry about some things, and you won't be oppressed by others." Mo Yingge said to Mu Ningxue.

"Thank you." Mu Ningxue didn't know what to say.

She knew that Mo Yinge's hesitation was entirely because of Fan Xueshan, otherwise she would not have to be a member of parliament.

"Hey, the whole family doesn't need to do this." Mo Yinge chuckled lightly and said, "Oh, by the way, where is my land, has construction started yet?"

Mo Yinge asked about his piece of land, which happened to be separated from Fanxue Mountain by Asuka City. Compared with Fanxue Mountain, the area was much smaller, but because it was close to the southwest mountains, it was safer than being close to the sea. Some, so the land price over there has been skyrocketing!

"According to my sister's wishes, I just built a wooden loft and a three-story villa. The rest is just some greening, and there is no big move. Is my sister going to take a look?" Mu Ningxue asked.

"Well, let's go and have a look, maybe we will live there in the future." Moyingge said.

In the afternoon, Mo Yinge accepted some preliminary interviews, and then Mu Ningxue asked someone to tidy up the place. She was also careful and prepared, and the furniture could be used directly after being dragged from Fanxue Mountain.

Guaranteed to live with bags.


Standing on the waterside pavilion by the lake, Mo Yinge stretched out her perfect figure, causing Ding Yumian to look sideways frequently.

"It's a bit rough, Yumian, let's stay here for a while, I have some harvests that need to be sorted out." Moyingge said.

"Well, I also have a little gain." Ding Yumian said.

The water pavilions and pavilions were requested by Mo Yinge, and she liked the atmosphere.

One side of her territory is leaning against the West Mountain, and the other side is facing the Qiandong Lake. The flat area in the middle is enough to build a village. The location is quite superior. It is no wonder that Mu Ningxue took a fancy to this place first.

The three-kilometer lakeshore is hers, and a pavilion has been built on a slightly protruding peninsula in the middle as her retreat.

Walking up to the second floor, Mo Yinge sat cross-legged in the quiet room.

A long and narrow triangular rhombus vessel appeared in her hand. It was composed of two quadrangular pyramids with the same top and bottom, as if facing each other in a mirror. Lines, they can form a three-dimensional coordinate axis to open a super large teleportation.
It should have been exquisite and full of artistic sense, but now it is covered with fine and dense cracks, which makes people feel heartbroken.

"It's a pity that the real dimensional triangle mirror was broken by them. I don't know how much of the original magic can be maintained?"

Mo Yinge looked at this vessel carefully. According to some information she got, the energy required by this thing was somewhat evil, so it was dismantled.

If there is no accident, Mo Yinge can figure it out with the strands of hair, and nine out of ten it is using some "life force" to supply energy.

That is, as the saying goes, "sacrifice flow"!
In fact, this is a very normal thing. Many ancient items and even magic are like this. The ancients thousands of years ago did not have the moral values ​​of today's people. As long as things can be used, as long as magic has effects, all kinds of magic The schools are very confusing, dark magic is all about sacrifice, summoning magic is not much better, and the law of the mind has been forbidden for a long time.
For example, the ice crystal brake bow used by Mu Ningxue is actually a vessel made by Mu's ancestors using forbidden techniques.

"The evil of the utensil depends on the user. The vitality is actually not a kind of evil energy, but the process of obtaining it is too cruel. But if the vitality of the demon is used, can this item be classified as a forbidden object?"

In fact, someone in the Temple of Liberty once raised this conjecture, but unfortunately, the dimensional triangle mirror had already been disassembled at that time, and only a bunch of parts were left separated among different magic associations.

These days, the Magic Association is quite difficult to deal with. Your idea is very good, but no one knows how to install this thing. Now you can use the parts to do some research. What if it is completely broken? manage?
Second, if this thing can really be used in this way, who should have the final right to use it?

This is even more of a big problem!

Going around, this item was actually stolen by the guy from the Black Vatican in the end, and he didn't know how to put it together, and finally fell into the hands of Moyingge in a broken posture
"Xiaolan seems to have a method of offering sacrifices. Do you want to learn from her? Well, it's a bit troublesome, but I don't believe that this thing can only be used with vitality. The energy leads to the same goal. This thing combines the space system and the summoning system. The creations of the two major magics should not have clear attribute requirements, as long as the energy quality meets the standard, you should still be able to find a substitute." Mo Yinge thought.

She injected her own space-type magic energy, and she could see that the dimensional triangle mirror was actually responding, and the densely packed cracks were blooming with a silvery white glow.

Moyingge saw that there was something to be done, so he increased the injection of magic energy.

The silver light is getting stronger and stronger, but the dimensional triangle mirror has not been activated.

"The vitality is actually used to activate the power of the summoning system, right? Do we need to find another mage of the summoning system to inject magic energy together?" Mo Yinge thought for a while, and found that it was impossible.

"There will definitely be a conflict between the mana of two people. How about one person injecting these two kinds of mana at the same time? It doesn't seem to work. I'm afraid this thing can't be activated simply by injecting two kinds of mana. I seem to know why this thing It has been split, and it needs to mix the energy of the power of space and the power of summoning at the same time, no wonder it needs to be activated with vitality, this kind of sacrificial power is the simplest and most direct way!"

In addition, maybe the fusion magic she discussed with Feng Zhoulong also has an effect. If the space magic energy and the summoning magic energy are perfectly mixed together, it must be able to activate this ancient vessel.

Moyingge couldn't see it, so he injected his seven series of mana one by one. Although the dimensional triangle mirror is full of cracks, it is actually very strong. As long as you don't use magic directly, it won't be damaged.

The magic energy of other systems will be separated from the cracks as soon as it is injected, and the magic energy of the space system can be preserved. This thing is as high as two palms. It is not bad if it is used as a storage container for space magic energy. It is simply a super large space magic energy. diamond!
Thinking about it this way, Moyingge's mood immediately brightened!

Until she finally injected the magic energy of the order system, the entire dimensional triangle suddenly glowed with an extremely cold brilliance, just like the cold light cast by the cold moon.
"Order system!"

The cold glow rose straight up, but because of insufficient mana, it was only more than one meter high.

Moyingge tried to manipulate it, and two opposite horizontal and vertical lines appeared, forming a space coordinate system, marking the division of space!

"Summon teleportation."

A stone by the lake was marked by her, and then a stone similar to a projection appeared at the origin of the space coordinates. The next moment, the stone fell from the virtual reality to one of her hands.

"No wonder they can't analyze and use it. It turns out that there is a third magic system hidden in the dimensional triangle. It seems that the source of this thing is still on the American continent!"

The power of the order system can directly stimulate the dimensional triangle mirror!

This shows that the maker of this vessel is likely to be the mysterious woman in the different dimension space, the ancient master of the dimensional system.

But when Moyingge used the Dimensional Triangular Mirror again, he found that the order system did not work anymore
"What's going on here? Well, it seems that I still read it wrong. As a hidden power, the order system is actually used to combine the space system and the summoning system, that is, it can be used as a switch. I just stimulated It's just a little bit of power left in the dimensional triangle mirror."

This is very embarrassing, Mo Yinge thought he could get started and use it directly.

"Finally, let's try the power of the holy plane. When I use the power of holy brilliance, it can bless the power of all my departments, and can even compete with the emperor level. Maybe it can perfectly replace the energy needed by the dimensional triangle mirror. "

Moyingo launched the last attempt.

Pure holy radiance bloomed at her fingertips, warm and powerful.


The Dimensional Triangular Mirror was activated again, and the original cold glow of the moonlight turned into the glow of a warm sun, exuding a charming brilliance!
Using the holy brilliance of the holy plane as the energy and the order system as the switch, Moyingge really activated this ancient dimensional magic weapon again!

Her mental power swept across the lake water, imprinting the space on a swimming fish, and then the dimensional triangular mirror in her hand burst into brilliance, and at the coordinates, a lively fish suddenly jumped out.

The real usage of the dimensional triangle mirror is an ultra-distance space shuttle summoner, which combines the power of the space system and the summoning system, rather than the space system and chaos system used by ordinary dimensional vessels.

The core is the hyperspace call! !
A smile appeared on the corner of Mo Yinge's mouth, this treasure now completely belongs to her!
Then there was another trophy she got, which was the golden capstone on the top of the Pyramid of Khufu, like a miniature version of the pyramid, engraved with mysterious ancient Egyptian words and symbols.

"The sacred stone that reflects the dawn, the legendary Benben stone?"

But this thing is really too big, after thinking about it, Mo Yinge jumped down from the attic, and put out a golden dome on a gravel ground in the west mountain.

This golden capstone was nearly two meters high, and it was a perfect quadrangular pyramid, shining golden light. It was not damaged after being captured by Suzaku's shadow, and it should be the pinnacle masterpiece of this Pharaoh.

Of course, this thing also belongs to her now!

This thing was used by Khufu to receive and carry the brilliance, just like a signal receiver, so it was placed on the top of the pyramid.

A large signal tower belongs!
After losing this treasure, that old clapper of Khufu must feel distressed for a long time, right?
This thing has been sealed by Moyingge. She is very interested in the principle of this "signal receiver". Since it can project the dark radiance of the dark plane, can it also project the holy radiance of the holy plane? Woolen cloth?
Even if it doesn't work because of the material, after figuring out the principle, you can make one yourself!

In addition to these two items, the big boss Khufu also dropped a dilapidated desert gold boat, and a pharaoh's scepter that was broken into a large pile, and Mo Yinge only had time to retrieve some fragments.

It took Moyingge more than a month to cultivate, retreat and analyze these things.

During this period of time, she has raised the chaos system to high-level full cultivation, and the space system and sound system are becoming more and more perfect. These are simple things, and they can be done by practicing it every day. The most important thing is that Mo Ying Through comprehending the dimensional triangle mirror, Ge successfully completed the last of the four elements of the dimension—the summoning element!

Yes, her magic derivation method can already be declared a success, at least in her own body!
The summoning system stardust is still very small, almost invisible under the cover of several other star seas, but it really exists.

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