Full-time Mage, I am Mo Fan and his sister

Chapter 826 Fang Yu, Xeon Chaos System Forbidden Curse!

Chapter 826 Fang Yu, Xeon Chaos System Forbidden Curse!

Facing the devastating Xingluo, Fang Yu just uttered two words calmly.

All of a sudden, the thousands of calamity stars that were enough to destroy dozens or hundreds of kilometers outside inexplicably stopped in midair, and then flew back backwards.

The target is the strange blood tree itself!

After "abandoning" Mo Yinge and Zhao Jing, Yong Zun led his people away quickly.

Although he sacrificed Mo Yinge, he also lost his student, so in a sense, other people really couldn't say anything about her.

Of course, Lan Miaoyi and Ding Yumian are well aware of Mo Yinge's strength, and believe that nothing will happen to her.

It's just that she doesn't know why she took the risk to follow Kunlun Zuhu.

Maybe it's just to solve Zhao Jing in a legitimate way?
Hiss~ When did their Momo become so "cruel"?

But such a "killing and decisive" Momo is really cute!

The two little fans have automatically made up a lot of reasons for Mo Yinge in their minds
In fact, Fang Yu vaguely sensed Mo Yinge's true strength, so he didn't make a sound.

As for Yong Zun, he is now immersed in the pain of losing his best student.

"They died for all of us!"

"This is a necessary sacrifice!"

"In the Kunlun Mountains, we are nothing but a group of tiny ants. Avoidable fights should be avoided as much as possible."

Yong Zun still put aside that hypocritical statement.

In fact, he only accepted Zhao Jing because of the resources of their Zhao family.

It has to be said that having money can not only make the undead grind, but also invite the Forbidden Curse Mage to accept him as a disciple.

Yongzun used money to do things, and he did indeed hand over his skills to Zhao Jing.

But this is in Kunlun Mountains, and he said that this is a necessary sacrifice, so don't blame the teacher for selling you first.

Who told you to pay less money for filial piety after the card level!
Who can blame this?

Then they saw a shocking scene of a tribe of demons being swallowed by the Shenmu Well, and at a glance they confirmed that this was the root cause of the turmoil in Kunlun Mountains.

Even if the emperor-level monster wants to come out and have a tooth sacrifice, it won't be like this.

Then they were taken together and covered by the Shenmu well, and there was no time to escape.

They all walked to the cold lake, and then saw their own tragic death, everyone was shocked and inexplicable.

And Yongzun, relying on the special ability of the plant-type forbidden spell, was like a fish in water in the Shenmu well, and he actually let him escape.

After all, most of the dangers in the Shenmu Well come from the various disaster demon trees in it under normal circumstances.

Of course, the premise that he could escape was that Fang Yu and the others attracted a lot of Xieyi's attention, which made him escape in the chaos.

Otherwise, it would not be so easy to get out on his own.

It's no wonder that this guy doesn't have a good reputation outside. He liked to do this when he was young. Often all his teammates died, but he survived alone.

Although he didn't take the initiative to kill the person, but the ability to run away from battle can be said to have been practiced to the pinnacle, and it has been deeply rooted in his bones.

Therefore, it is "reasonable" for Yongzun to sell his students before, after all, it is an old skill of decades.

As the highest combat power on the surface, once Yong Zun ran away, the pressure on the others suddenly increased.

Fortunately, Fang Yu suddenly exploded with a strength far exceeding the evaluation of the outside world.

He is also a Forbidden Curse Mage!
After the space system was broken by him in his early years and he was unable to complete the transformation of the forbidden curse, Fang Yu had been looking for a remedy on the surface, but secretly he had already found another way to break through the forbidden curse with the second-cultivated chaos system.

He is also worthy of being a dimensional mage who was once praised by the world and had high hopes.

After putting all his energy on the chaos system, he integrated all the cultivation bases of the space system, summoning system, and sound system into the chaos system, and he has gone a long way on this road
Even he himself doesn't know how strong he is.

Anyway, in the outside world, he guards his small Ancheng, and the strength of the super-level full-xiu has surpassed a large area around him, which is enough to give the locals a great sense of security.

But right now he is facing a life-and-death crisis, especially Yong Zun, an unreliable guy who left his teammates and ran away, so he can no longer hide himself.

He, Fang Yu, is a forbidden curse of the chaos system, now he doesn't pretend! !
Whatever you want to do, my chaos system has myriad ways to deal with it.

In this way, Fang Yu led a group of people, forcibly tore open a hole in the Shenmu Well, and he cut down several strange plants he encountered.

As a result, Lan Miaoyi picked up a lot of good things, such as climbing vines, three-color cattail grass, and other shore flowers.
Including this seemingly more terrifying monster star blood tree, which was caught off guard by his own attack. Countless branches and leaves fell off one after another, and the whole tree was more than half bald in an instant.

It belongs to yes to give back to him in the same way.

"Chaos Slash!"

Using his hand as a knife, a dark and deep crack appeared suddenly, as if it could annihilate everything.

This cut is like a heavenly knife, like a god's axe, falling straight from the top of the crown of the disaster star blood tree, cutting to the trunk like a bamboo, and then cutting to the root, and falling into the depths of the earth without hindrance
The ancient evil tree as towering as a mountain was divided into two together with the earth. Under the chaotic rift, everything is unstoppable!
That calamity demon tree is worthy of being an ancient evil tree, it was cut into two and still had vitality, still swaying the calamity, wanting to take them away and destroy them together.

"Chaos shattered and annihilated!"

But as Fang Yu's voice fell, the space was instantly shattered and distorted, and everything disappeared without a trace!
The entire tree body was dismembered and wiped out, only two stumps remained in place.

Lan Miaoyi happily pulled up the stump, Fang Yu shook his head, and casually threw her a handful of pitted red spherical seeds.

"I just felt the fluctuation of the forbidden spell from outside. It should be that Yong Zun is in trouble." Fang Yu's mouth was smiling.

The sneer kind.

"It deserves it, tell him to abandon his teammates and be beaten to death!" Yang Yuxi said viciously.

Leaving this area, there seems to be nothing hindering them anymore.

"Which direction is the way out? We won't go back to the depths again, right?" Ding Yumian feels very bad here, she always feels that there is a kind of malice haunting her here.

Especially after seeing the reflection in the lake and his pale and sad death, I couldn't help but feel hairy.

It came from the most primitive fear, and Ding Yumian, as a spiritual mage, couldn't appease her heart.

"Sure enough, I'm still a different kind, but it's too ugly to die. Will Sister Mo not like it?"

Ding Yumian tried her best to recall the posthumous self, but that scene became more and more blurred in her mind, like a scene in a dream, gradually disappearing into consciousness, even if she used the power of her mind, she couldn't help herself recall it.

She only vaguely remembered that she closed her eyes at the end with tears in the corners of her eyes.
"Another forbidden curse is the forbidden curse of the fire element!" Fang Yu stopped and looked at the sky with serious eyes.

Even the branches in the Shenmu well could not completely block the radiance of the forbidden curse that fell like a great sun outside, and that round of golden new sun also illuminated the way for them who lost their way.

But who released this curse?

I haven't heard that Yong Zun has a fire element either.

"Is it Mo Yinge? She is a forbidden curse?" Fang Yu could only guess Mo Yinge.

He had been guessing whether Moyingge was a forbidden curse.

"Momo. She came back to find us!"

Lan Miaoyi's eyes lit up, and she said excitedly, that golden flame is undoubtedly Moyingge's Sun Jin Yan!

"Who is Sister Mo fighting with? She won't be fighting Yong Zun!" Ding Yumian widened her beautiful eyes, as if she wanted to see the fighting scene outside.

Because she had a bad impression of Yong Zun, two consecutive forbidden spells reminded her of a battle breaking out between them!
"No way, even if you touch him, you won't fight. This releases the forbidden spell. That old guy must be out of his mind!"

Lan Miaoyi stomped her feet angrily, a bright pattern flashed across her forehead, and under her snow-white skin, one could clearly see the red blood vessels.
"He might want to kill someone to silence him. After all, he didn't know that Fang Yu was a forbidden curse of the chaos system. Just when Moyingge came back, he didn't want to leave evidence when he met her. Who knew she was also a magician of forbidden curse." Lian Jiusheng conceived Said with quite malicious speculation.

"Don't think too much, what if they teamed up to deal with demons?" Yang Yuxi felt that this group of people seemed to be dazed, no matter how they thought, they wouldn't fight, could it be that they were throwing curses at each other? ?

Don't make a fuss, okay.

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't want an emperor waiting for us outside."

The corner of Fang Yu's mouth twitched, what kind of monster needs two forbidden curses to fall in succession?
These weird plants in the Shenmu Well are already half of the emperor level, at least their attack power has reached that level, comparable to forbidden magic!

The spatial exile of the climbing vine directly threw them one by one into the different-dimensional space. If he hadn't been a chaotic forbidden curse, he had studied dimensional magic for decades, and his teammates were also very reliable and had survived alone for a long time. get them back.

The three-color cattail grass is a field of dandelion flowers, but who would have thought that every floating dandelion floc would explode in an earth-shattering explosion, and at the same time, there were Moonlight Imprisonment and Blockade Barriers in that area, directly stuffing them in it, The power of the explosion is comparable to the superposition of several forbidden spells!
Fortunately, Fang Yu directly came to reverse time and space, using the supreme ability of the chaos system to reverse everything, otherwise no matter how hard the defense was, it would not be able to resist this level of attack.

If you can't beat it, knock it down and start again!

Exploding dandelions are all one-off. After Fang Yu and the others were bombed twice, he narrowed the range of the chaos torsion, and was able to resist the power of the explosion and break through.

As for the weirdest flower land on the other side, it is not his credit for being able to cross domains, but Lan Miaoyi used some forbidden technique to let them pass safely.

On the contrary, the disaster star blood tree is the easiest level, just cut it down.


And outside the Shenmu Well.

The half-crippled Yong Zun was struggling desperately in the Shenmu Well, just in time to see the half-crippled Zhao Jing who was also struggling.

The master and the apprentice looked at each other in blank dismay, speechless for a while, both were inexplicably surprised.

"Teacher, are you still alive?"

"You kid is not dead?"

Well, I can only say that it is worthy of being a master and apprentice. When seeing each other, the words that blurt out at the first time mean the same thing.
It is true that teachers, benevolent and apprentices are filial.

As soon as Zhao Jing ran down the mountain, he saw a big sun falling in the sky. He was so frightened that he wanted to run back, but he had already entered the Shenmu Well, so how could he escape easily.

But how to put it, misfortune and blessing depend on each other, but Shenmujing finally protected him.

If there was no Shenmujing to withstand a large amount of firepower, Zhao Jing would not be as tenacious as his teacher's vitality, and even the aftermath of the forbidden spell could easily destroy him.

His whole body was bloody and bloody, but fortunately Zhao Jing had eaten a lot of treasures from heaven and earth, and his physical strength was far superior to that of an ordinary magician. In the end, he wandered around the Shenmu Well and met Yong Zun again.

And Yong Zun didn't expect that his good apprentice didn't die!

It's okay for Mo Yinge to be okay, she hides her strength, it is a forbidden curse, it is not difficult to escape from the claws of the Kunlun ancestor tiger.

But how could Zhao Jinghe De come here safe and sound?
It's not that he looks down on Zhao Jing, it's that this incident is somewhat unbelievable.

"Good apprentice, come quickly and let the teacher protect you!" Yong Zun rolled his eyes, called Zhao Jing, and then pushed him behind him suddenly.

A large group of ground root evil blood vines entangled Zhao Jing's already bloody body.

"Ahh! Old guy, you dare to hurt me!!!"

Zhao Jing didn't expect his teacher to treat him as a scapegoat.

"You must die!"

Hearing Zhao Jing's cursing, Yong Zun's heart did not fluctuate. His body of forbidden curse is so noble. Isn't it reasonable to sacrifice a super magician to protect himself?
"Hehehe, Zhao Jing, you are still too young"

Yong Zun sneered, don't talk about the friendship between master and apprentice at this time, the relationship between them is just a transaction.

But just as he was about to leave, countless tree thorns suddenly fell from the top of the tree, piercing towards Yongzun like a spear of disaster!
The threat of death made Yongzun stunned.

"Hahaha, old guy, you really think I'm so kind, let's die together!!" Zhao Jing's wild laughter came from behind, extremely crazy.

Both of them are not good birds, one wants to let the apprentice die in place of death, and the other wants to let the teacher take the place of life, in this Shenmu well, a real show of filial piety between master and apprentice is staged!
Both the master and the apprentice were seriously injured, and they had no strength at all, and it was extremely difficult to deal with the attack of the revived Shenmujing.

But no one gave each other a little help, and even held each other back.

There was something wrong with the mental state of both of them, and their expressions were crazy, as if they regarded each other as life and death enemies.

That's right, one demon's heart almost collapsed, and the other was played wantonly by demons, so it's no wonder that there is nothing wrong with it!
"Tsk tsk tsk, it really made me cry." Mo Yinge squatted on the tree and watched the good show.

Lan Miaoyi couldn't help but rolled her big eyes, her body became unstable for a while and almost fell, but fortunately, Mo Yinge hugged her in time.

"Just looking at them and let them die here?" Lan Miaoyi asked.

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  (I'm sorry for being a bit emo yesterday, sorry friends. Qing Ya promises... I will definitely do it again in the future! Oh ho ho ho ho ~)
(End of this chapter)

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