Full-time Mage, I am Mo Fan and his sister

Chapter 827 "Master's kindness and apprentice's filial piety", humble survival,

Chapter 827 "Master's kindness and apprentice's filial piety", humble survival, the emperor besieged the god Mujing (more at night)

Thank you for your support. In the past two days, emo almost collapsed. After reading a chapter of Quanfa, I chatted with my group of friends about QAQ. I am grateful. Thank you for your support all the time. I hope I can continue to persevere.


Mo Yingge came out quite smoothly, and I don't know if Fang Yu and the others had completely cleared the level, or Shenmujing didn't want to pay attention to her at all, anyway, he simply rushed out all the way.

Just met Fang Yu and the others who were about to go out.

Then a group of people squatted aside and became the melon-eating crowd
Moyingge supported the weak Lan Miaoyi, and she didn't know what method she used to make herself into this weak and unbearable appearance.

She shook her head and said: "It's a pity to die here. Although these two people are not good people, there is no need to put some fertilizer on the Shenmu Well. Let's knock them out and take them away. Send them to plant trees in the northwest." is the best way home.

What's more, the crisis on the coastline is severe, and it is the time when there is a shortage of people. It is really impossible to pull out and fight a few sea monsters to die! "

Moyingge's face seemed to be rippling with holy light.

Does she feel that she is too gentle?
What does it mean to repay grievances with virtue?That's all right!

(*︶*).. .:*

Mo Yinge silently laughed with his hands on his hips.

The innocent Ding Yumian widened her beautiful eyes, with little stars shining in them.

Fang Yu and Yang Yuxi's husband and wife looked at each other. Although this girl looked like she was serving the country and the people, no matter how she looked at it, she seemed to be rushing with some malicious intentions.
What are you desperately fighting with the sea monster? I'm afraid it won't be used to catch the sea monster? ?


Breathing out a breath of flame, the sky fire burned the twisted ground vines, Fang Yu also stretched out his hand and crushed those sharp wooden spears.

"Why did you all come out?!" Yong Zun looked like he had seen the undead.

Mo Yinge was fine, even Fang Yu and the others came out safe and sound!
It's so out of line, why can they easily treat this Shenmu well, which is more terrifying than the black forbidden land, as nothing?

It's not magic at all!
"This is impossible." Yong Zun pointed at Fang Yu and called out, trembling as if unbelievably asking: "Are you also a forbidden spell??"

Fang Yu nodded sincerely, and finally couldn't hide it anymore.


Yong Zun vomited blood directly, and he didn't know if he was injured too badly or because he was in a hurry.

Good guy, Moyingge is a Forbidden Curse Mage, Fang Yu is also a Forbidden Curse Mage, and he, Yong Zun, is a fool, rushing to the front, thinking that he is the strongest, but he turned out to be a clown! !

"Hahaha, you guys are hiding so deep!"

Yong Zun collapsed on the ground with a smile, showing a look of letting others slaughter him.

"Come on, you can take revenge, but before I die, I hope he can accompany me!" Yong Zun suddenly pointed his finger at Zhao Jing who also fell on the ground.

Zhao Jing's pupils dilated for a while, this old man is insane, dragging him even to death?
These are the end of the calf, both of them are half disabled, and they have met a group of people who want to take revenge, not to mention that this is a dead end in Shenmujing and Kunlun Mountains!

"Hey, it's really touching, you guys." Mo Yinge sneered.

"No, no, I don't want to die!!" Zhao Jing rolled to Mo Yinge's footsteps. He knew that he was the fish on the chopping board. Judging from the bad things he did before, he would really be killed by Mo Yinge dropped.

It is even said that there is no need for Mo Yinge to do anything, as long as he is allowed to fend for himself here, there is basically no hope of survival.

"I'm rich, and I'm from the Zhao family. I'm guilty, I admit my mistakes, and I repent. I'm sorry Miss Mo, I shouldn't have done that before. I don’t want to die!!”

At this moment, Zhao Jing was so humble that even he looked down on himself.

But there is no way, he doesn't want to die here yet.

With his current injury, it is impossible for him to get out of Shenmu Well without someone taking him with him, let alone trek out of Kunlun Mountain.

There is only one dead end waiting for him!
Not to mention that there is an old man like Yong Zun who is looking forward to being buried with him.

"If you show a bit more backbone, I might be able to give you a final look." Mo Yingge looked down at Zhao Jing, frowning slightly.

It seems that it really can't be killed, so let's see if there is a chance to use it to catch sea monsters, shall we?
"Sign the dark contract, you are not allowed to do more evil in the future, and you have to spend the rest of your life to pay for the crimes you committed, otherwise your cultivation will be lost, your soul will fall into the dark plane, and you will never be reborn forever!" Mo Yinge took out a quality card. Extremely high dark contract scroll.

She bought it from Zhan Kong. Party A is empty, but it has the seal of the ancient king stamped on it.

Zhao Jing didn't expect Mo Yinge to be able to take out this thing casually, he thought it would be enough to make a verbal promise or sign a spiritual contract, but after a while he gritted his teeth and signed it.

Writing documents with spiritual power and using the soul as a contract, Zhao Jing is also a ruthless person, directly tearing off a corner of his own soul as a "signature".

"Hey." Zhao Jing grinned, his smile was extremely terrifying and cruel, and he stared at Yong Zun blankly.

"Teacher, please forgive me for not being able to bury you with you!"

With that look, I can't wait to tear him alive, and then eat his flesh and drink his blood!

"I, I, I can also sign a dark contract. I am willing to use the rest of my life to atone for my sins. I am a curse mage, and the value of living is even greater. Dying here can only satisfy your revenge. You can let me do anything , let me fight the sea monster, I don’t want to die here!” Seeing that his students could live after signing the contract, Yong Zun immediately gave up all his dignity.

He is already half-disabled now, and the Forbidden Curse Mage is still a human being after all, who doesn't want to live, even if he is a cow and a horse, it is infinitely better than being dead!

"Shame." Lan Miao leaned on Ding Yumian and hummed softly.

It seems that Yong Zun has lost face as a botanical mage.

"You made a very wise choice."

Mo Yinge unhurriedly took out the second dark scroll, and Yong Zun's face changed immediately when he saw it.

I didn't expect that there was a second dark scroll with such a high personality on Moyingge's body. Who did she know, and why did she carry so many such things with her?
Zhao Jing immediately showed a respectful look on his face, took the dark contract and went straight to his good teacher.

A genuinely happy smile on his face.

"Teacher, after signing this contract, we are still good masters and apprentices!"

Yongzun looked deeply at Zhao Jing. Just now he made that look of wanting to devour others, but was he actually trying to scare himself?
"You are very good, you are even better than I imagined, heck. What a pity!" Yong Zun smiled for no reason, and also tore off a corner of his soul as a signature.

It has to be said that the master and apprentice are in perfect harmony when it comes to trying to survive.

Dealing with that a little bit, now the problem they face is how to get out.

You must know that just now Moyingge and Yongzun issued two forbidden curses, but they shocked the unrivaled monster.

What's more, Shenmujing was moved to Kunlun Mountain for more than a month, which attracted many demon emperors, but it woke them up all of a sudden, and they cast their gazes one after another.

Lu Wu was paralyzed on one head of the Enlightened Beast, whose body was as huge as a mountain, and several pure-blooded Kunlun Zuhu squatted on the other heads, as if he was taking his little brother out for team building.

In the deep valley on the other side, a terrifying King Kong giant insect with thousands of joints and thousands of feet came out from the depths of the ground with scorching fire, and squeezed down the mountains on both sides.

Above the clouds and sky, a slender figure looms, and the eternal wind of Kunlun Mountains stops for it, just like a fairy in charge of the wind comes into the world.

Mo Yinge and the others hid outside the Shenmu Well and did not go out for a long time because they sensed that something was wrong.
Nima, there seems to be a lot of emperors blocking them outside!

Going out is a dead word!

"I will deal with one emperor at most, you guys"

Fang Yu thought about it, and found that he couldn't go out anyway.

He has the confidence to deal with an emperor. Whether he can fight or not is another matter. Anyway, he has never fought. Well, anyway, he will definitely not die for a while.

Well, Zhou Xuan, he is the best at this in the Chaos Department, maybe he will win if he can deal with Zhou Xuan.

The premise is singled out.

The problem is that there is far more than one emperor-level monster out there.

Not to mention these few of them, even the entire Western Guard can't stand it.

"I have a secret technique, and if it erupts, it can hold back at least one emperor, and it's not impossible for two!" Mo Yinge also said seriously.

Fang Yu was stunned, young people are so crazy nowadays, could it be that he is too old to keep up with the version?

But thinking about it, Mo Yinge would not make a joke of his own life.

But that's the case, going out is a narrow escape.

Lan Miaoyi knew that Moyingge wanted to use the power used to fight Khufu in northern Xinjiang.

She thought that Mo Yingge could only use that power once, but she didn't expect to continue to use it. But, what is the price?

"Sister Mo, can't we use the dimensional triangle mirror to transfer directly?" Ding Yumian asked suddenly.

Mo Yinge was taken aback for a moment, Fang Yu had led her thoughts to fight the emperor recklessly from the very beginning, so she really ignored this.

"In the Shenmu Well, space teleportation is seriously disturbed unless we go out. I don't know what magic equipment you have, but it is actually very unrealistic to carry out space teleportation in front of the emperor." Fang Yu threw them hard A basin of cold water.

Even if an emperor-level monster does not possess the power of space, that kind of existence is enough to cross the void physically without being destroyed. If you really want to, you can completely chase and kill them with the destructive power of the void.

At that time, the death will only be worse!
Mo Yinge thought about it for a while, not to mention that the biggest use of the dimensional triangle mirror is to carry out ultra-long-distance space summoning teleportation. She usually holds it in her hand but can be used as a medium for casting spells, similar to a staff to provide some boost. Teleporting out of the mountain doesn't work.

That requires someone outside to "summon" them.

This puts them in a dilemma, and staying in the Shenmu Well is also full of dangers. This is not a good place, but a hell that swallows people!
And when you go out, you have to face several emperors directly, which directly writes death on your face.


At this moment, a loud roar outside the Shenmu well shocked the forest.

It was an enlightened beast. Its nine tiger heads let out a roar at the same time, knocking back all the existences below the emperor level, and at the same time uttered the sound instead of Lu Wu, telling the King Kong worm to go back to sleep underground.

Of course the thousand-section ten thousand-legged vajra worm is not happy, you half-assed emperor, what the hell is it doing so loudly?
But as the Fengshen Diji in the sky moved, a wind cone shot out from his fingertips and wiped off one of its feet, and the faint growl from Lu Wu's mouth made King Kong worm Realize that these two guys are a gang!

Slipped away
There's no point in forming cliques. The huge King Kong worm slowly crawled back into the ground. If it hadn't been disturbed to sleep, it wouldn't come out to have a look.

Since there is nothing to see now, let's go back to sleep
The world is so beautiful, only sleep is the best!
Fairy Fairy of the Wind turned into a beam of light and landed beside Lu Wu, and ruthlessly brushed its tiger hair.

She looks like an ancient woman in Tsing Yi, quite elegant and timeless, with long wind silk ribbons surrounding her body, Feng Xu resists the wind and remains independent, just like a fairy in the legend.

Obviously it is familiar with Lu Wu, and helped Lu Wu drive away the Myriad Legged Vajra Worm who joined in the fun.

Lu Wu yelled in dissatisfaction, why do you always like to pluck its fur?
Patting the big brother under his feet, the Enlightened Beast carried it slowly towards the edge of the Shenmu Well.

This strange forest came to Kunlun Mountain a month ago. In fact, the emperors in Kunlun Mountain basically knew about it.

Shenmujing will go to Kunlun Mountain every hundreds of years, and it seems to be wandering among the forbidden places in the world.

It's not that there are no unlucky emperors who entered and didn't come out again, so these emperors in Kunlun are quite unimpressed with Shenmujing. Of course, as a matter of importance, they will also come to take a look at Shenmujing when it appears
Anyway, it's okay to nest in the mountains, so it's rare to find a reason to go out for a stroll.

So it is normal to cause some small turmoil.

That is to say, the extremely curious little guy like human beings likes to figure out everything, but forgets that there are actually many things in this world that don't need a reason.

"It's over, the emperor-level monster is here!" Lan Miaoyi's face turned pale.

Sacred radiance has already flowed from Mo Yinge's body, and Fang Yu has also set up the chaos reversal interval, ready to go all out.

The Enlightened Beast reluctantly pulled the Shenmu Well away. It failed to attack the emperor, and it couldn't even use its brain very well, but it could instinctively feel the strangeness and danger of the Shenmu Well.

"Wait a minute and don't shoot!"

Moyingge saw that he was an "old friend" and immediately grabbed Fang Yu.

Before she met the Enlightened Beast and the real emperor behind it, she was not hunted down, as if they had no malice towards her.

Encountered again now, it seems to be the same?

Lu Wu slowly leaned out from the head of the enlightened beast, as if to say, where are you going this time?
"We meet again haha."

Mo Yinge said with a bitter smile, she knew she was being missed by the tiger.

But why are these Kunlun Zuhu so narrow-minded, they can find them here?

Lu Wu slightly raised the tiger's head. Although it is only two or three meters in size now, the terrifying aura of the king cannot be faked.

 Note: This is just Qing Ya’s small rant, it may be a bit inconsistent, don’t care about these details, after all, it is the protagonist of the last book hahaha~
  Bless the book friends, stay healthy and long!
(End of this chapter)

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