Full-time Mage, I am Mo Fan and his sister

Chapter 838 Su Lu's Conspiracy, Astraea Begging For Mercy

Chapter 838 Su Lu's Conspiracy, Astraea Begging For Mercy

If she becomes a goddess, she should become her sister's favorite person, right?

And Asha Ruiya, let's see how she will compete with herself for her sister!
hum ╯^╰

Xinxia raised her small head, her determination to compete for the goddess was extremely firm at this moment.

Close the window and go to bed, and go to Irene tomorrow to discuss how to train the dragon!
Emmmmm, if Mo Yingge knew that Xinxia would think so, he would probably be a little bit dumbfounded, it would be a little childish.

Of course, if Asharuya knew, she would definitely be full of black lines.


In the middle of the night, the lights under the Parthenon gradually went out.

Two slender figures walked side by side and gradually left the Goddess Peak.

"Da da da~~~~~~~~"

There were a few light footsteps on the stone steps, and the sound of the footsteps was almost the same, and it was hard to tell that they were two people.

Asharuiya, who was wearing a black gauze dress, raised her head and glanced back at the moonlit Goddess Peak, her face was somewhat sad for some reason.

"Asharuya, you are very worried." Mo Yinge asked softly.

"Well." Asharuya bit her lip and said slowly: "I have a premonition that a big crisis is coming, but I can't stop it."

Mo Yinge slowed down his pace, saw a small pavilion on the cliff next to him, and led his hand away, pretending to listen.

"I have set up a sound-proof enchantment here, if you have anything to talk to me." She smiled softly, and greeted Asha Ruiya to sit beside her.

Asha Ruiya sat down, and said to her: "Do you still remember the Black Dragon Emperor we saw when we went to Tyrant Mountain? That is an emperor-level black dragon, the emperor of the real dragons, and it is also it Showed up in the temple dispute and sheltered me."

"I know. Could it be that the rumor is true and you can't drive it?"

Moyingge has heard rumors that Asharuya can't drive the unparalleled black dragon at all, but no one dares to try whether she can summon the real dragon. After all, the Black Dragon Emperor is indeed the god of Parthenon As the guardian spirit of the temple, it is reasonable for the goddess candidate to be recognized by it. Just like the original saint son Wentai, he was also recognized by the black dragon.

"The real dragon is so proud and noble, how can I drive it, it's just Austin taking care of me for the sake of my adoptive father." Asha Ruiya sighed softly.

Austin is the name of the Black Dragon Emperor. Of course, its other name, Ajiale Emperor, may be more famous in the history of Ouzhou.

"The existence of the Black Dragon Emperor is enough to deter all the young people, why should you worry about anything?" Mo Yinge said.

"It's true, but now someone has prepared an elaborate dragon-hunting ceremony for it. I can't stop them, and I can't persuade Austin's real dragon to be arrogant and arrogant. It won't leave Tyrant Mountain, let alone because of some news. Go care about us humans on the ground." Asha Ruiya said.

"The Black Dragon Emperor is not unusual among emperors, even the Archangel of the Holy City can't do anything to him." Mo Yinge said.

"Historically, there have been fierce conflicts between the Parthenon Temple and the Holy City. Austin's dragon claws have been soaked in the blood of angels, and the Archangel is not its opponent, but this is a frontal confrontation, and real dragons also have weaknesses. Yes, someone found a way to make it weak." Asharuya said worriedly.

Moyingge was silent for a while, looked at Asha Ruiya and said, "Do you want me to help you deal with them?"

Asha Ruiya was taken aback, laughed, and pulled her Rou Yi and said: "How is it possible, I just rarely find someone to talk to, let you deal with those people, sister Xinxia can't kill you Forget me, even if you can break through the Forbidden Curse Mage now, it is a class with a deep background and countless strong people, even Yi Zhisha dare not provoke him easily."

She still didn't know that Moyingge had broken through the forbidden spell.

"Then watch them murder the black dragon?"

Moyingge couldn't help frowning, the Black Dragon Emperor is the guardian spirit of the Parthenon Temple, and belongs to the Parthenon in name, and the person who wants to play the Black Dragon's idea, according to Asha Ruiya, should be a member of the Magic Association People, are those guys so fierce?
Do you really dare to engage in a real dragon, or an emperor-level black dragon emperor? !

There are more real dragons in the Summoning Plane, and they exclusively occupy one of the nine continents on the Summoning Plane. The continent is sandwiched by two huge mountain systems, like a huge valley, so people named it "Wanlong Valley" ".

A valley is a continent!
It is worth mentioning that the so-called summoning plane is not like the earth where human beings live. There is an ocean on the planet, and there are several continents on the ocean. It is composed of nine small planes that are connected to each other. of.

It's not that there are nine continents floating on the sea of ​​planes, but there are nine small planes that are collectively called the "summoning plane".

There is indeed an "ocean" around the nine continents, but it is not an ocean composed of water as humans perceive it, but a sea of ​​nothingness in the sense of a space dimension. Sometimes it can be easily crossed, and sometimes it will be lost for thousands of years.

For example, the summoning plane chosen by junior summoners for dimensional pets, in the field of super-level summoners, most of them call it the "land of ten thousand beasts". There are many kinds of creatures in it, only you can't imagine, without it What does not exist, is vast and complete, with all kinds of ecological niches, except for the lack of the most top-level supreme organisms.

Well, in fact, many of them are losers who can't get along in other continents. They come here because they can't compete. They can be regarded as the "trash cans" of the other eight planes. No emperor-level existence was born, and the major monarchs ruled one side.

Fortunately, those junior summoners didn't know about this, otherwise they might be "broken".

However, such as the Thousand Clan Elf Tower, Ten Thousand Dragons Valley, and even the most mysterious subjugated beast mound in super-level magic are all separate continental planes, and there are still many unknown places that have yet to be explored and discovered by humans.
Having said that, there are many real dragons in the Ten Thousand Dragons Valley of the Summoning Plane, the number far exceeds this world, and some real dragons who are relatively hip, in fact, are only great monarchs when they are adults, and it is very difficult to break through the supreme monarch. It represents a real ice-white dragon, which made countless top summoners wonder if the blood of this real ice-type dragon has deteriorated, and even once thought that the ice dragon was a "high-quality" subspecies of the silver dragon.

They are also the only true dragons that can be counted as "groups". The other true dragons are all solitary, so it can be said that each one is unique!
The Black Dragon Emperor of Tyrant Mountain is the emperor-level Heidian True Dragon. He is the supreme emperor among the true dragons. , is unimaginably strong.
With such an existence, the group of people who usually do nothing in the Magic Association dare to make plans with it, which in itself is enough to shock people's jaws.

"I will persuade Austin again that it will definitely not leave, and then I will ask it to take me to travel the world, maybe it will agree to me?" Asharuya said uncertainly.

"Are you not going to be a saint?" Mo Yinge could hear the meaning of her words.

"Without Austin's asylum, it would have been difficult for me to continue staying in the temple." Asharuya was very open-minded.

"Then it's too dangerous. They must know your relationship with the Black Dragon Emperor. If they find you, they will definitely attack you. At that time, no one cares about your identity, so they can't mobilize the power of the Parthenon to go Destroy their arrangement?" Mo Yinge asked.

"No one would believe that anyone would dare to attack the real dragon of the emperor. Besides, Austin is not the only real dragon in this world, and they have other choices." Asha Ruiya said with a sigh.

"And Yizhisha is expecting something to happen to me now, she is also very afraid of Austin, afraid that Austin will crush her to death with his claws."

After all, Yizhisha has the most power in the Parthenon Temple, and Asharuya herself is quite lonely. Even Wentai's old department who originally supported her ran to support Xinxia. After all, Xinxia is Wentai's own. Daughter, she is just an adopted daughter. After enjoying the halo for so many years, it is time to return the glory to its original owner.

Mo Yinge suddenly realized, yes, let’s not say that no one would believe that someone dared to attack a real emperor-level dragon, so what if they stopped this action?

They still have other choices, they can even capture another real dragon, and they will still be heroes in people's eyes, and they can come back at another time. There is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days in the world. .

"I don't think the situation is as bad as you imagined. After all, the Black Dragon Emperor is an emperor-level existence. Even if he is weakened by others, an emperor is an emperor, and even a few forbidden curse mages can't beat him." Mo Yinge said.

"That's right, so that person will definitely invite many Forbidden Curse Mages to go together to weaken the real dragon and set up a large formation. As far as I know, they have been preparing for many years, and everything is naturally well prepared. If it weren't for me After waking up Austin, I'm afraid they haven't acted in such a hurry yet." Asharuya said.

"So who is that person? I feel that you already know the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes, or else just kill him, wouldn't the matter be resolved?" Moyingge said surprisingly.

"Sister Mo, how dare you think about it!" Asha Ruiya was stunned. This is indeed a good way, but it is even more unrealistic.

She shook her head and said seriously: "I know who he is, but don't act rashly, or I won't tell you!"

"Yeah." Mo Yinge nodded his head.

"No, you have to make a soul contract!" Asharuya said seriously.

Mo Yinge had no choice but to agree.

After the contract was signed, Asharuya told Mo Yinge that the identity of the man behind the scenes was none other than Su Lu, the current Asian congressman.

"Su Lu, I seem to have heard of him, a very capable and cunning state-level congressman." Moyingge finally knew why Asharuya said that it was even more unreliable to directly kill people.

"He is a strong man of forbidden spells, and then he will use some high-sounding reasons to say that he will conquer the black dragon. With the help of his status as a state-level councilor, he will attract a large number of strong men. There are not a few forbidden spells, and he will fight against the weak head-on. It's not impossible to get a real dragon." The more Asharuya thought about it, the more desperate she became, her little face paled a lot.

She didn't wait for Moyingge to continue to ask, and then she continued to say: "Although Austin is the guardian spirit of the temple, it actually has no direct connection with the Parthenon. This name is because my adoptive father and son Wen Tai was passed on, and what it guards is only Wen Tai himself.

The relationship between me and it is even weaker, so even if Su Lu pulls the banner of eliminating demons and goes to Tyrant Mountain, he is actually a famous teacher, and no one can stop him. "

This is also a key point. Because of Wentai's relationship, the people in the Parthenon think that this is the backhand he left for Asharuya, but in fact there is no backhand at all, nothing more than the Black Dragon Emperor still recognizes Asharuya Sharuiya only.

Theoretically speaking, the Black Dragon Emperor is really an "ownerless" emperor-level wandering monster.
But Su Lu doesn't care about anything, anyway, as long as the black dragon is not contracted by someone, then he has the opportunity to enslave the black dragon, and he might be afraid of Yizhisha, but Asharuya is an insignificant person in his eyes. It's just a little girl movie, maybe she can communicate with the black dragon, but so what?
Anyone who dares to stop him can just be crushed to death. When he tames the black dragon and becomes a true dragon knight unparalleled in the world, who else is his opponent in this world?

At that time, the entire Asian Magic Association will submit to him, and even the Holy City will be courteous to him! !
Moyingge didn't know how to persuade Asha Ruiya, apparently she had decided to go, and decided to make a last-ditch effort to see if she could call the Black Dragon Emperor away.

But she felt that since Su Lu had prepared for so long, he would definitely not ignore the existence of Asharuya.

She is not very worried about Asharuya's life. Su Lu is a good teacher. He can hand over Asharuya who has lost his support to Yi Zhisha. It is not meaningful to kill her.

"Go back and rest first, the night is already deep, and things will get better." Moyingge took Asharuya back to Goddess Peak.

"I hope Austin can obey my request." Asharuya could only sigh softly, looking at Moyingge who was turning to leave, she suddenly reached out and grabbed her.

"I'm sorry to disturb my sister's rest. It's very cold at night. My sister can take a bath with me before resting." Asharuya suddenly blinked her charming eyes and said to Moyingge.

Looking at Asharuya who was gradually getting darker, Mo Yinge's heart softened, and she couldn't help but said, "Do you want to wash together??"

"Okay!" Asharuya answered very simply.

Mo Yinge suddenly felt that he had been tricked.


After some tossing, Moyingge wrapped in Asharuya's extravagant white silk robe and walked out of the extremely luxurious large bathroom.

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(End of this chapter)

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