Full-time Mage, I am Mo Fan and his sister

Chapter 839 Was caught by Xinxia QAQ...

Chapter 839 Caught by Xinxia QAQ (It's Late but Arrived! Added more updates for the Alien Whale to achieve the leader!)
"Sister Mo should wear more skirts like this, so that those men can't find their way." Asha Ruiya followed closely behind, still wearing a black silk robe, revealing some white and attractive Incomparable.

"What's so nice about the skirt, it's inconvenient at all!" Moyingge said with curled lips.

"My sister's figure is about the same as mine. I have some dresses that I haven't worn yet. Would you like to try them?" Asha Ruiya pulled Moyingge and went to her cloakroom.

Well, she has so many clothes that she can't fit in several rooms, the Parthenon is the richest power in the world!

"No, no, sleep!" Mo Yinge dragged her back to the room, threw her on the big bed several meters wide, picked up the quilt and wrapped her up for the beauty.

Who knew that Asha Ruiya came out directly as a shadow, lifted the quilt and reproduced Moyingge's operation just now.

Mo Yinge teleported in place, hugged Asha Ruiya, and prevented the girl from moving again.

"Take it easy, you hurt me." Asha Ruiya burst into tears.

"Okay, okay, go to sleep." Mo Yinge quickly let go, and put her on the bed.

Asha Ruiya was lying on the bed, ignoring the whiteness on her body, but pointing at Mo Yinge, the smile on the corner of her mouth could hardly be restrained.

"What are you laughing at?" Mo Yinge didn't understand.

"The belt fell off~" Asha Ruiya stared at her with burning eyes.

Moyingge looked down, quickly wrapped her skirt and robe, and stared fiercely at Asharuya, the instigator, don't think she didn't see the dark and corrosive atmosphere left on the clothes!

"Little girl, you are very brave!" Mo Yinge chuckled, and suddenly decided not to leave, and she wanted to teach this daring god-sister a lesson.

"What was I, Asharuya, afraid of?" Asharuya watched Moyingge slowly approaching, although she was a little nervous, she still proudly raised her chest and raised her head.

Who knew that Moyingge directly grabbed Asharuya's exquisite little feet, and started a "cruel and inhumane" tickling attack. Where did Asharuya experience such "horrible" mental devastation, she shed tears and begged for mercy Only then did Mo Ying let her go.

"Hmm, why don't you bark, little girl, you're too young to fight me!"

"Hey, stop making trouble, let's go to sleep."

"Good night."

"Good dream."

next morning
Mo Yingge quietly slipped back to Xinxia's palace, a strange feeling suddenly rose in her heart.

"Why do I feel like I ran out at night to steal the sun?"

She shook her head and laughed dumbly, and then couldn't laugh anymore.
"Xin Xin Xia?!"

"How will you be here?"

Looking at the expressionless Xinxia, ​​Mo Yinge was a little surprised, it was not very bright yet, why did Xin Xia wake up, and seemed to be blocking the door specially. Looking at her somewhat indifferent face, Mo Yinge But I don't know why I feel a little flustered.

"Onee-sama, your clothes and hair are still messed up~"

Xinxia said lightly, the meaning is obvious, that is, she has already found out that you went out to fool around at night, so don't try to quibble.

Mo Yinge quickly calmed down his emotions with the peak mental power of the ninth level, and tried to pull out a nearly perfect arc from the corner of his mouth, saying: "There is no chaos. Look at me, I am neat and tidy."

How could she run back in a mess, and the little girl was still trying to trick her?
"Really?" Xinxia glanced at her meaningfully, leaned on Mo Yingge and said softly: "It may be that Xinxia misunderstood, but why is my sister's mood a little disordered? It's Asharui. Didn't Ya take good care of my sister last night?"

Mo Yinge's heart trembled, when did her careful Xia become so powerful?This scared her almost QAQ
"Asharuya is pretty good, haha" Mo Yinge laughed dryly.

"That's good, sister, let's go wash up first, I've prepared clothes for you, and we'll go to the Victoria family in the morning." Xinxia also started talking about business.

"it is good!"

Mo Yingge breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and ran to take a shower and change clothes, but suddenly found that Xinxia had followed her.

Seeing her sister looking at herself, Xinxia said directly: "I haven't washed yet, can my sister help me, just like before?"

Mo Yinge naturally couldn't refuse, picked up Xinxia, ​​and helped her wash carefully.

"You got up so early, you just waited for me to help you wash it?" Mo Yinge suddenly thought of something.

"Yes and no." Xinxia smiled mysteriously, and said, "I still have a surprise for my sister!"

Mo Yinge didn't dare to speak anymore, don't be surprised, she was really worried about some kind of fright, restless, caressing Xinxia's smooth and smooth back like milk silk
"Sister, don't be shy, come out and let me be healthy!" Xinxia shouted outside the door, her soft voice unconsciously mixed with some orders.

"No. Why do you want me to wear a skirt?!"

In the room, Moyingge was sitting on the bed, wearing a red gauze dress, exuding an air of lovelessness.

It’s not that she hasn’t worn skirts. She remembers that during the Chinese New Year that year, she was dragged by Xinxia and Yumian to change into two antique skirts, but they were tightly wrapped, so they could still be regarded as winter clothes. Now she The clothes on her body are quite "revealing" in comparison, the style is more western-style, slim and bold, I don't know where Xinxia got the skirt, no matter how you look at it, it looks more like Asha Ruiya's style is right

Xinxia's voice came from outside, although there was no sign of urging, but Mo Yinge knew that she couldn't hide inside all the time, so she could only cover her face and face the reality.

"I'm coming."

Mo Yinge sighed, opened the door and walked out.

Looking at her sister who was wearing a red dress in front of her, Xinxia's eyes shone with excitement.

Her long-awaited wish finally came true!
"My lord, there are still shoes!" Xinxia smiled and took out a pair of silver high heels, laughing like a little fox.

Moyingge closed her eyes slightly, as if she had resigned herself to her fate.

The body control of the Forbidden Curse Mage is unquestionable. Mo Yinge was familiar with the suit after only two steps. Xinxia also asked her little maids to dress up her sister. All kinds of top accessories are fully equipped. , It's so beautiful!
"Da da da"

Mo Yinge walked to Xinxia's side again, although her body honestly felt that this body was really good-looking, but her mouth curled up and said: "Now you are satisfied, my holy lady!"

"Sister, you are so beautiful now, even I can't help but be moved!" Xinxia made a Xizi holding a heart, with little stars twinkling in her eyes.

 Unexpectedly, Little Crow exploded!
  Bless book friends, good health and long life! ! !
  (*︶*).. .:*

(End of this chapter)

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