Full-time Mage, I am Mo Fan and his sister

Chapter 857 The Stolen Tomb, The Disgusting Old Khufu

Chapter 857 The Stolen Tomb, The Disgusting Old Khufu

After meditating last night, Mo Yinge also fell asleep involuntarily.

Well, after sitting for a whole night, the "stingy" Blanche only gave her a small part of the quilt, which barely covered her lower body, and treated her like a big baby warmer, holding her thighs Make pillows.
Fortunately, Mo Yinge's physique is very strong, he stretched his waist, twisted his body, and exercised his muscles and bones. It was another day full of energy!
Under the covers, Blanche bit her lip and hesitated for a long time, not knowing what to say about what happened last night, she herself was quite puzzled why she lost her composure last night.
She remembered everything about last night, that's why when she woke up in the morning, she secretly went to observe her carefully while Moyingge was still awake.

"What happened last night." Brigitte felt that she couldn't just pass by in silence, she said with a sullen head.

"It's okay, Blanche, you have shown your cute side." Mo Yinge smiled.

"I may not be very good at expressing myself. Anyway, I hope you won't be frightened by my behavior yesterday." Blanche poked her head slightly, trying to make herself as calm as possible, but her face remained the same. Serve hot.

Although there are rumors in the school that there are some things that are more than friendship among the students, but Blanche never thought that this kind of thing would happen to her, but last night she seemed to be the one who took the initiative
Moyingge found that Blanche didn't seem to realize that she was drugged, she was too naive, so she couldn't tell the truth.

You can't tell her directly: You were abnormal last night because someone drugged you, right?
"Boom boom boom... boom boom boom..."

At this moment, a knock on the door came, breaking the calm.

Mo Yinge was slightly taken aback, and Blanche poked her head out keenly, her eyes widened, the two looked at each other, and immediately lifted the quilt.

"Who is it?" Blanche asked.

"Mr. Blanche, I'm Heidi." Heidi who was outside the house replied.

Blanche immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Oh no, why would she have such an idea?
"You go out and open the door, I'll go through the window." Moyingge said to her.

Having said that, even Moyingge herself felt that something was wrong, why did she hide?

Obviously, he came in with integrity.

Blanche grabbed her and asked, puzzled, "Why are you running?"

Mo Yinge slapped her head, yes, what is she running for?
She's not a man, so what's the point of telling the truth that she stayed here overnight?
"I can't help it." Mo Yinge smiled bitterly, she put on her shoes, and Blanche went to open the door with her slippers.

"Teacher, Teacher Jialan told me to pay homage to Youlai's tomb after arriving at the Holy Inquisition Court. I don't know the exact location. Do you know, Teacher Blanche?" Heidi asked.

"Yes, I'm going to change clothes." Blanche said.

She went back to her room and changed, um, the familiar nun's clothes.

"Mr. Blanche, I seem to have heard you talking to someone just now?" Heidi closed the door, went to the inner room, and then saw Moyingge sitting on the rattan chair beside her.

"Mr. Mo, are you here?" Heidi said good morning to Mo Yinge.

Mo Yinge smiled and said hello back.

"Yeah, I came to Blanche for something, and I came earlier than you." Moyingge said casually.

Heidi didn't suspect anything, but she didn't seem to see any other footprints in the snow outside just now, and she praised the friendship between the two teachers in her heart. She didn't expect that Teacher Moyinger came so early in these few days , The footprints were covered by the wind and snow!

But what puzzled her was why Teacher Moyingge's hair and clothes were a little messy, did she come too hastily?
"Mo, do you want to go with us?" Blanche naturally changed her clothes in front of them.

"Okay." Moyingge said.

At this time, Moyingge really saw the fullness hidden under the nun's dress of Blanche.

"Ms. Blanche has such a good figure!" Heidi praised from the side.

"Yes, yes." Mo Yinge also agreed.

Blanche's face flushed slightly, she knew very well that Moyinger and Heidi were beauties who were not inferior to her at all. To receive such praise from them, even Blanche, who had always been ascetic, couldn't help but feel a little happy.

Yulai's tomb is under an ice and snow cliff to the east of the Holy Inquisition, going out of the range of the peak sky screen.

The Holy Sepulcher will choose the location. This snow-capped mountain is full of uncultivated spiritual energy. Those ordinary mages who practice here will be blessed like a primary soul-cultivating magic weapon.

Walking on the road, Mo Yinge happened to see Mo Fan who had just come out for a walk after eating, and called him to accompany him.

Otherwise, it would be somewhat embarrassing for her to go to worship alone.

"It's okay. Speaking of this Yulai, I checked, she is the daughter of the former temple mage Pei Li who was going to attack me in New York, it seems that I have an intersection with her a long time ago." Mo Fan said .

Under an ice cliff, Moyingge saw crystal-clear ice shoots hanging down from the ice cliff. Under these ice shoots, there is a square tombstone, which has been covered more than half by snow.

Blanche cleaned the tombstone carefully, and then placed the prepared snow lavender flowers in front of the tomb.

She and Heidi stood there, with their hands folded on their chests, their heads slightly lowered, and they were reciting some commemorative words for the dead. It sounded like a whispering song, with a slight sadness.
Moyingge also lowered her head, silently feeling sorry for the wronged girl, it was hard to imagine her despair in not looking forward to the blooming of Roya flowers after she drained all of her blood in the end.

Only Mo Fan was pulled over to do nothing, and looked around, unexpectedly found something.

"The ice and snow here should be more than five meters thick?" Mo Fan asked after seeing that they had finished their commemoration.

"At least." Blanche said.

"Then what's going on with the frozen soil, it seems to have been turned over not long ago." Mo Fan pointed.

Moyingge also noticed this, and thinking about it now, suddenly felt something was wrong.

The ice layer here is thick and solid, and it is definitely not something that any wild beast can dig through, and this is also the periphery of the Holy Secrecy, so it is even more impossible for monsters to come here to die.

These messy permafrost may be covered by ice and snow in a while, but at this moment, Moyingge only needs to make a random calculation to know that it will take less than a month or two to be turned up from the bottom.

"You mean that Yulai's body might have been stolen?" Moyingge said in a deep voice.

"I don't know, but I think it's necessary to verify it." Mo Fan continued: "It's disrespectful to dig it up hastily, and there are no necromancers in the Holy Inquisition, so find someone to come and walk to know what's going on below. "

Blanche really knew a Necromancer of the Holy Order. After calling the old man in charge of sorting out the files, she found out that Yulai's body had indeed disappeared, which made Blanche and Heidi very angry!
They even had no way to recover the corpse, because there was no trace left here.

"Hey, calm down, let's go have breakfast first." Mo Yinge took the two girls to have breakfast, but Blanche and Heidi didn't have any intentions to eat.

Mo Yinge ate something by herself, and then was called away. She really wanted to know why she was summoned here.

"It's you?"

In the hall, Mo Yinge unexpectedly saw the middle-aged man he had met before again. He was still expressionless, as if there was nothing in the world that could move him.

"I was called to be about you?" she asked bluntly.

"No, it has nothing to do with me." The middle-aged man cherished words like gold.

Mo Yinge frowned, do you think she believes this?

"A Forbidden Curse Mage specially came to wait for me, saying that this matter has nothing to do with him, who would believe this nonsense? But if you leave now, I might still believe a little bit." Mo Yinge thought silently in his heart.

The arrival of an old holy mage proved that it was not the middle-aged man who did it.

He watched Moyingge leave, his eyes turned into deep thought.

"Is she Gabriel? Why can't I feel the existence of the Book of the Holy Word? Is it because we haven't returned to the Holy City, or is she not Gabriel at all?"

He was very puzzled. Regarding the Archangel Gabriel, he also knew that Gabriel was holding the book of the Holy Word and that it must be a woman. Before returning to the holy city, he was still a mortal.

Even his behavior of sneaking over to confirm Gabriel's identity has already violated the Holy City Treaty.

The seven archangels inspect the world. According to the admonition left by the heavenly father, they should be independent from each other, and they can only recognize each other after returning to the holy city.

"But who else would she be if she wasn't Gabriel, the pure divine power in that soul will not be faked."

The holy judge brought Moyingge to a small hall, and under the witness of several holy judges, he asked Moyingge a question.

"Someone reported to us that you used the forbidden technique in the northern plains of Huaguo, which severely damaged the land there. The traces left behind have not even disappeared. You need to explain this."

Moyingge's eyes widened suddenly, because this is why you came to me? !
"You also take care of things that are so far away?" Mo Yinge asked back.

"We have the right to ask about all things about magicians. The Holy Order represents the highest judgment place for all magicians. No matter where it happens, these inquiries are just routine." The old Holy Order said.

"I'm really puzzled, how did you know this, and you specially summoned me here." Mo Yinge asked.

There are not many people who know about the northern border, and among them, there are even fewer people who know that she repelled Khufu in the end. It is impossible for Mo Fan and the others to do such a thing, let alone those guarding mages. Chairman Shao Zheng knows who is showing off his power, and he even sent someone to interview her, but he also promised that these will be released at the right time. Besides, the only person she can think of is maybe someone A guy who is not human at all.

"Please note that this is the Holy Order, and we are asking you." An obviously young female Holy Order said impatiently.

The old holy inquisitor stretched out his hand to stop the young man's actions and words. They were just asking for a routine question. As far as he knew, the woman in front of him had a remarkable cultivation level and had been listed as the seed of the forbidden curse. He is even preparing a "key" to the forbidden spell for her!

The Holy Inquisition Court is not afraid of the Forbidden Curse Mage, but their Holy Inquisition Mage can't afford to provoke a future Forbidden Curse Mage. For such a thing that has no evidence at all, there is no need for them to smash others, which is good for everyone.

"Ah, yes, I was indeed in the northern border of Beiyuan at that time, but I don't know what happened in the end, and I can't even talk about the surgery you mentioned." Moyingge directly denied it.

She didn't believe that the people of the Holy Inquisition could produce any evidence. As long as she didn't admit it, who would know who was the one who finally repelled Khufu.

Oh, unless that old clapper Khufu climbed out of the pyramid to accuse himself.

Thinking of this, Moyingge's eyes couldn't help narrowing slightly. Hufu, an old clapper, has been here for thousands of years. If he said that he has no lackeys in the human world, Moyingge would not believe it. This time it is very possible. It was that old clapper of Khufu who asked someone to report him.

Although it didn't have any practical effect, Mo Yinge was really disgusted. After all, if she didn't happen to be in the Alps Academy, she would have come here specially.

After being questioned for a while, Mo Yinge left.

She glanced outside, and the mysterious middle-aged man had disappeared.

They rested in the Holy Sepulcher for another night, and they were going to go down the mountain the next day. The Holy Sepulcher was too cold, so they could only come and see it for a fresh look. It was not suitable for long-term residence. It was more isolated than the Alpine Academy, so they continued to stay here It doesn't make sense either.

On the contrary, Mo Fan originally wanted to invite his friends to have an exciting fight against landlords at night, but who knows that he couldn't find Mu Bai, so he had to break up in a lack of interest.

And Mu Bai secretly went to find his god-sister. He recognized it at the Alps Academy. The woman who served him beside Hekasa was the person he was looking for when he came to Ouzhou. The last relative in the world, although there is no connection between them.

Mu Bai wanted to take her away, but was rejected. His sister Yan Qiu didn't want to make troubles, and she said that she would be able to leave safely in a few years. Mu Bai had no choice but to obey her.

"I said, Mu Bai, what did you do last night? Lao Zhao and I searched for you for a long time but couldn't find you. Did you go somewhere to hook up with a girl?" Mo Fan teased.

"Women in the Holy Sepulcher are all roses with thorns. Mu Bai, you really hooked up in one night? Lover, I rely on you!" Zhao Manyan yelled strangely.

Mu Bai didn't talk to these two guys, they first went back to the Alps Academy, and Blanche needed to inform the academy of the theft of Yulai's body.

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(End of this chapter)

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