Full-time Mage, I am Mo Fan and his sister

Chapter 858 Heading to Aiji, the plane made an emergency landing

Chapter 858 Heading to Aiji, the plane made an emergency landing

Back at the Alps Academy and stayed for another night, Mo Fan and Zhao Manyan didn’t know where to find their little sister to have fun. Now they won’t be inexplicably hostile. They will be surrounded by a group of female students when they walk in the academy. It also assisted the Alpine Academy to find the murderer.

Of course, it's impossible for them to mess around here. At most, they just go to the coffee shop and tell some jokes to attract these ignorant girls hiding in the mountains.

Mu Bai didn't mess around with them with his concerns, and went to the snow mountain to watch the stars silently.

Li Yuye, who has been mingling in the team like a little transparent, went to find her little teacher. She and Amyla are very good friends. It will be really difficult to meet each other if we part again this time.

On the contrary, the teachers and students of Pearl Academy had already left, their academic exchange ended hastily, and they took the students to have a look at the Holy Inquisition before returning home.

Hearing the cheers and laughter, Blanche couldn't help sighing: "It's nice to be young!"

Mo Yinge couldn't help but glanced at her, poured her a cup of coffee, and said helplessly, "My dear Mrs. Blanche, you are not much older than them, are you?"

Blanche was slightly taken aback, and then said: "I heard that outside, three years old is a generation gap, and there is already a generation gap between me and them!"

"You are really cute, Blanche, I really like you more and more." Mo Yinge covered her mouth with a light smile, and bought herself a cup of coffee by the way.

"What do you mean?" Blanche was a little puzzled. Is there something wrong with her understanding?
"It's nothing, it's just that you are going to go down the mountain to practice next?" Mo Yinge gently waved his hand, quietly passing this topic.

"Well, I think I have been derailed from the outside world for too long, and Heidi, she is now in a bottleneck period of cultivation, and needs some adventures and life-and-death experience before she can hope to enter the super-order." Blanche said .

Heidi, who was sipping coffee at the side and showing a comfortable expression, could not help turning her head when she heard someone calling her name, blinking her big eyes.

"It's good for you to have someone to take care of you together." Moyingge said.


"Sister, where are we going?"

It was already at the airport, Mo Fan asked belatedly.

"I'll take you to experience it. The wind and the sea here in Ouzhou are calm, and there is nothing to go to. Let's go to Aiji for a stroll. I heard that there is a war of undead over there." Moyingge said casually.

Well, these words are just for Mo Fan and the others. Mo Yinge has another bold idea... Don't forget whose hometown is Ai Ji.

She was summoned by the Holy Inquisition Court, and she was sure that it was that old clapper Khufu who disgusted her, and even that mysterious Forbidden Curse Mage might be because of this will appear.

So she also went to Ai Ji for a stroll, and finally found a chance to dig up the grave of Old Clapper Khufu again! !

"Why are you undead again!" Mo Fan complained.

From the ancient capital to the northern border, now Ai Ji is here again, he is inseparable from the undead, right?
"Why, you don't want to go?" Mo Yinge gave him a sideways look.

"No, no, how is that possible? Isn't it just fighting the undead? I, Mo Fan, am the best at this thing!" Mo Fan patted his chest, full of confidence.

The spirit explosion rate of the undead is much higher than that of other monsters, and there are a lot of them, and they like to get together, just to satisfy the appetite of the little loach.

"Is the undead scary?" Heidi asked like a curious baby.

"It's not scary, it's ugly and smelly." Moyingge said.

"Are we going to participate in the undead war?" Blanche also asked.

"Yes and no." Moyingge nodded and shook his head again, and said, "Bringing you to Aegis is naturally to participate in this undead war, but let's form a hunter team or mercenary team and act independently, and you You don’t want to be ordered by someone, do you?”

After crossing the Mediterranean Sea, you will arrive at Aiji. I am afraid that only this inland sea is still calm.

"Dear international passengers, I am sorry to inform you that our flight will land in New Sioux City ahead of schedule. International passengers are requested to adjust their journeys." The aviation broadcast suddenly rang, and they woke up in a state of rest with their eyes closed. Moyinger.

Mo Fan, Mu Bai, and Zhao Manyan were really asleep, and the three of them stared at each other in a daze.

Blanche and Heidi also looked at each other in blank dismay.

However, the Aiji people on the plane just wailed, but they didn't react too much, as if these things were just commonplace to them.

"It is estimated that a full-scale war has already broken out. When I came here, I saw that the situation was very tense." Moyingge said.

"Dear international passengers, we are sorry to inform you that the new Sioux City has been occupied by demons, and the flight will return to the original route. Sorry for the inconvenience caused." But within a few minutes, another new broadcast came.

At this moment, all the passengers couldn't be too calm. Many people got up and leaned over to the windows to look down.

In fact, they have already arrived outside Xinsu City, but the plane is very high, and they can only see the small square-like city being infested by black stream-like things.

Before everyone came to their senses, the plane's announcement sounded again. Simply put, the plane was out of fuel, and they couldn't go back the way they came. They had to make a forced landing in Xinsio City, and there would be a guard guard to protect them from retreating.

"I'm convinced too." Zhao Manyan said.

"I hope they can be more reliable, and don't need us to fight a way by ourselves." Mo Fan complained.

"Can you say something nice, don't wait for the crow's mouth." Mu Bai said suddenly.

There was a sudden confusion on the plane, some people were cursing, some even wanted the captain to make an emergency landing in the desert.
"Is it such a mess outside?" Blanche finally spit out such a sentence after a long time.

Heidi is also like her, showing the same confused eyes.

"You have stayed in the Alpine Academy for too long, and you may think that the whole world is so quiet and beautiful, but wars like this are happening all over the world every day, especially in recent years, crises have erupted frequently, This is the reason why I brought you to Aiji, to experience for yourself what cruelty is!" Moyingge gave a lecture.

Blanche and Heidi struggled to digest these shocking facts.

The plane is flying sideways and descending, and you can already see the scene below, all kinds of scorpions, snakemen, hybrid vipermen, and countless snake monsters.

The general level of scorpion people is close to that of a commander, the lowest level of snake people is a warrior, and the level of viper people can be strong or weak, and those of the servant level are only worthy of being called viper monsters.

These low-level femme fatales will also split and grow a deformed crawler, the number of which is countless. A single basic magic can kill a large number of them, and ordinary people can trample a few to death. These things are alive The biggest mission is to poison an object larger than it.

"Heidi, why is your face so ugly? Don't worry about it. With our strength, it's a bit difficult for us to have an accident." Moyingge suddenly noticed that Heidi's expression became quite tense, and he was a little puzzled.

"That...she has a reptile phobia." Blanche said in a low voice.

Mo Yinge was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, his eyes became sly, and he said to her: "As a magician, you really need to overcome this symptom."

"I see." Heidi replied in a muffled voice.

She held onto Blanche's hand tightly, like a little girl peeking at something, poked her head out of the window for a moment, then retracted her head quickly at random, buried her head in Blanche's arms, and then forced herself Take another look.
Heidi felt that just a few glances were more powerful than the spiritual impact and improvement brought about by her one-month cultivation under the Great Falls of Faerun!
The plane began to approach the ground, and the passengers stopped swearing uselessly and prayed one after another.

"Get ready to fight. The captain seems to have chosen the wrong runway and drove directly into the monster pile." Sitting peacefully like a mountain, Mo Yinge even took time to close his eyes to rest. Now he opened his eyes slightly and said to Mo Fan and the others. .

She can perceive what happened a thousand meters below with her eyes closed, and an ordinary magician of the music system can also hear the sound, but Moyingge's nine-level spiritual power is so majestic, listening to the sound and identifying the position directly becomes After taking a CT scan, he built up a whole picture of the new Sioux City in his mind little by little with his eyes closed.

When the plane landed on the runway, it crushed a group of crawlers to death, but the strange smell emitted by these crawlers after death would attract more companions. Before the plane stopped completely, the entire runway was surrounded to death !

"What now?" Heidi asked.

"Open the hatch and evacuate. You try to protect these people as much as possible. I won't take action. We'll see your performance next." Mo Yinge was still there, and didn't even intend to get up.

Nonsense, if she, a Forbidden Curse Mage, is required to deal with these demons who are at most commander-level, then Mo Fan and the others should turn around and go home immediately!
Mo Fan was very reckless, when he heard Mo Yingge's words, he kicked open the hatch in front without saying a word, and followed him with a loud roar.

The captain also opened the door of the emergency hatch, but up to now he has not seen the mage Wei who agreed to respond, if he doesn't run away, none of them will survive.

The others are not brain-dead, they don't care about their luggage anymore, anyway, the airline will definitely pay compensation in the future, so let's save their lives first, and follow Mo Fan down.

Mo Fan waved out a piece of power grid, and those crawler bugs immediately turned into coke. Zhao Manyan and Mu Bai took more than 30 people out from the emergency slide. One controlled the water ribbon to protect these passengers, and the other stepped on On the ground, the icy ring suddenly spread, freezing a large area of ​​these cold-blooded crawlers, with a range of 200 meters!

Heidi still hadn't overcome her psychology for the time being, so Mo Yinge sent her a voice transmission, telling her to find where the guardian mage who was supposed to come to meet her was.

There are also some mages among the passengers. Although their strength is average, it is still possible to fight a few creepers.

"A big thing is coming!" An old light mage shouted.

This is a very conscientious old mage who didn't run away first, but has been helping those younger people and women. Although his ability can only purify the air for his fellow travelers, it is already commendable.

Under the disaster, there are always some people who are willing to stand up, even if their strength is low.

"They can't protect so many people." Blanche said to Moyinger, and then cast her magic.

There are more than 100 people on the plane, except for the first 30 people who went out early, there are nearly 80 people left. If the people are concentrated enough, as Blanche is a super mage, one person is enough to protect them.

But under such chaos, it is obviously impossible to do it.

Protection is always much more difficult than destruction!
"Forbidden Grass!"

Blanche squeezed out some magic grass flowers exuding a strange luster with her fingers, and let them fall on the ground so casually. After touching the ground, the ground magic grass flowers began to grow crazily, instantly covering the hard track. Turned into a land of blue magic grass!

The creepers quickly shuttled among these magic grasses, seemingly in peace, but once they had an attack intention on anyone, those magic grasses would suddenly swell and grow, turning into thick and powerful wild beasts. vines, tying them with precision, and dragging them underground.
Although there were a lot of creepers, the ground grass planted by Blanche was also spread all over the surrounding area. Under the protection of these ground grass, more than 80 passengers were not harmed at all, and their out-of-control emotions began to stabilize.

Blanche escorted these people to transfer quickly, and couldn't help but look back at Moyingge who was still on the plane, and found that Moyingge was still showing a big smile to herself by the porthole of the plane.

"Sister, are you still leaving?" Mo Fan yelled, sticking his head into the plane.

"Isn't this giving you a chance to show off?" Mo Yinge said, and finally got up.

"Got it!"

Mo Fan understood, jumped on the plane, and began to draw his own moon-white constellation.

White mighty wolves rushed wildly from another world, and each one was no lower than this plane. Mo Fan summoned more than 40 white giant wolves, crushing those snakes and scorpions with fighting power. Under the leadership of the wolf, they drove straight in, killing those femme fatales and banshees who ran away with their tails between their legs!

"Labor and management like to fight in groups!" Mo Fan grinned.

The demonic wolves are indeed mighty, and the high-level summoning group is the most suitable for this kind of situation, but Mo Fan's summoning system is not perfect enough. The seemingly large number of demonic wolves can only be regarded as reluctant in Moyingge's eyes. Just pass.

The Feichuan wolf rushed far away in one breath. It is a commander-level existence. It is not a random killing if it does not meet the same level, so it can't help but run wild.

"Aww!! Aww!!"

It's a pity that it is just like its own master. It always appears handsome for less than three seconds, and before it has time to kill the Quartet, it also ran back with its tail between its legs, as if it had seen some terrible creature.

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(End of this chapter)

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