Full-time Mage, I am Mo Fan and his sister

Chapter 893 Invincible Black Dragon, Poison Curse Forbidden...

Chapter 893 Invincible Black Dragon, Poison Forbidden Curse. (The last day!)
Huge, majestic, and black scales give people a sense of inviolable majesty, terrifying dragon claws, sharp dragon horns, and thick dragon tail looming in the sea of ​​clouds.

This is an ancient black dragon, and now it has truly awakened!
The sea of ​​clouds in the nine heavens is churning endlessly, agitating boundless clouds and waves.

In the sky above the dome where day and night alternate, a black giant dragon spread its frightening fleshy wings. It was like a part of the night, covering all the magicians on the mountain range. The majesty of the sky and the earth is enough to make the souls of the tiny human below tremble!
The dragon's wings cover the stars and the moon, and the dragon's body dominates the sky. The supernatural power in people's concept is no longer enough to describe this powerful body. It seems to come from another universe. Such a creature is just showing its true self Tolerance makes people feel unable to contend.

Indescribable, irresistible! !

Is it really the right choice to fight against such a mythical creature?

Suddenly, the black dragon let out a roar, as if an asteroid roared into the world, landslides and earth cracked, and storms raged!
Since the warning is fruitless, then these provocative humans will stay here forever.

Black dragons are not evil dragons, but they are definitely not good people either.

Those who disturb the dragon's sleep will surely be given eternal sleep!
Opening the dragon's mouth, the destructive light condensed at the throat. As the black dragon spat out, the dragon's destructive light appeared in thousands and millions. The destructive light penetrated the sea of ​​clouds, creating countless cavities, which were disturbed badly.

At a higher place, thousands of destructive lights impacted down, forming a fairly wide-ranging impact, destroying the tyrant mountain range unscrupulously.

The mountains of the Tyrant Mountains are huge, with peaks connecting peaks, and almost every black destructive light that falls can break these peaks. For a while, the majestic and steep Tyrant Mountains seem to be flattened a bit!

The power of each dark destructive light far exceeds that of super-level magic. If an ordinary super-level mage steps into the Tyrant Mountain Range at this moment, if he is accidentally hit by this destructive light, he will definitely be wiped out.

The space-type spell-forbidden Leonel from South America has tried his best to save people, but he is not a god, and he can't take care of everything under the sudden blow of the Black Dragon Emperor after he wakes up.

No one expected that the Black Dragon Emperor would amplify his moves as soon as he appeared on the stage.

Fortunately, Xi Zhe is a forbidden curse of the light system, and there is a curse-forbidden person in the team who is also from North America. Inevitably.

Su Lu's eyes never wavered. All this has just begun, and he tried his best to keep the super-level team just to attract the attention of the black dragon. A few people died, which is insignificant. Anyway, there are many more, and Su Lu can afford it!
"What a perfect creature, you will be mine after today!"

"Only such a creature is worthy to be my Su Lu's mount!"
After solving the four people blocking the way, Moyingge and Asha Ruiya were unable to step into the battlefield between the Black Dragon Emperor and Su Lu and others.

The battle of the emperors has already begun, and if they step into them now, they may be attacked by Su Lufang's digital forbidden spell. Maybe this will create an excellent opportunity for the black dragon, but Moyingge himself can't stand it.

"Su Lu, you have crossed the line!"

"The Black Dragon Emperor is the guardian dragon of our Parthenon Temple, you have no right to come here to harm it!" Asha Ruiya shouted loudly.

With the help of Moyingge sound system magic, her voice spread far away, Su Lu and others could hear it, but they definitely didn't have the time to answer.

"Nidor and the others failed so quickly? What a bunch of trash!" Su Lu said dissatisfied.

"The woman next to her is amazing. It seems that she has mastered the divine talent of the forbidden curse when she was half-forbidden. It is normal for Nidol to be unable to resist." Xizhe said as he propped up the protective light shield.

At this time, Su Lu also heard Asha Ruiya's shouting, and said disdainfully: "Huh, I don't have this power? What a joke, what a cute little girl, whoever can contract with the black dragon is who, you don't have that share Who can blame the strength?"

"The same is true for that idiot Wentai. He would rather fall into hell than let the black dragon come to save him when he was judged. He is extremely stupid. Since none of you Parthenons want it, let me, Su Lu, get it!"

The condemnation is meaningless, because after Wentai died, there was no contract on the black dragon, and there was only an ancient agreement with the Parthenon.

And as long as Su Lu contracts with this ancient black dragon emperor himself, then he will have supreme strength and power. Will anyone in this world dare to question him?
The Black Dragon Emperor also heard Asharuya's call. Although Asharuya had already said that this was a trap for it when she woke it up, the pride of the real dragon did not allow it to retreat without a fight!

The Black Dragon Emperor saw that it was difficult for Asharuya to approach the battlefield, so he waved his huge wings to meet them. In its eyes, Asharuya was a fragile porcelain that was easily damaged, so he had to protect her.


Looking at the black dragon with the empty door wide open, Su Lu blasted the lightning curse in his hand towards the back of the black dragon without hesitation.

A seemingly light lightning ball flew towards the black dragon, instantly arousing thunder sparks hundreds of kilometers away, and in an instant, the thunder sky and heavenly catastrophe descended!

But this kind of heavenly punishment and thunder ring can't bring much damage to the black dragon emperor. The black dragon's dragon scales are extremely strong and have strong resistance to elements. A powerful forbidden curse hit the black dragon's scales, and finally showed The formidable power of super magic is often not much stronger than super-order magic, and super-order magic is like scratching the itch for emperor-level creatures.

Heavenly Tribulation hit the black dragon, but it only caused its pangshan body to glide down for a certain distance, without even breaking a single dragon scale. Obviously, such an attack was not enough!
The scales on the back are also the hardest part of the black dragon's body, so Su Lu took it for granted that he chose this place to release the forbidden spell.

Of course, Su Lu is definitely not an idiot, he only did this to verify the true strength of the black dragon.

At the same time, Xi Zhe also completed his forbidden spell of light.

"Heavenly Sad Rainbow!!!"

The rainbow light is like silk, leaking from the nine heavens.

More and more rainbow filaments leaked down from an incomparably huge gate of heaven, forming hundreds of water-falling altars.

Each water-falling altar is composed of thousands of pearls and rainbows, streams of light and waterfalls, and mountains and mountains. The rare rainbow after the rain seems to be the most common embellishment in the altar of heaven.

There are hundreds of water-falling altars, filled with the holy light rainbow, falling down like a waterfall of light curtains.

The Black Dragon Emperor is now under the water-falling altar, as if a dark beast accidentally broke into the sacred hall.

When the rainbow waterfall fell, hundreds of millions of light threads formed the altar of heaven, and the real forbidden spell fell, and time and space became weird and distorted.

The vortex of the forbidden curse is tightly tied to the Black Dragon Emperor, but the black dragon is too tyrannical. The dragon's claws hit the sky, and it actually tore open the gravitational vortex of the forbidden curse violently, trying to attract Asharuya.

But Xi Zhe's Heavenly Sad Rainbow was not released at the black dragon itself. He is far from being upright on the surface. The target he locked is Asharuya, forcing the black dragon to protect them, so that he can find more opportunities !

Unpredictable, but effective.

The Black Dragon Emperor suddenly opened his wings, and used his wide fleshy wings to forcibly receive the curse of light. The real dragon's fleshy wings are actually covered with fine dragon scales, but these scales are obviously not as hard as the dragon scales on its back. What's more, Xi Zhe has been preparing for this move for a long time, and the chance to find it is very good, so the first time the black dragon was injured.

"Austin, are you okay?" Asharuya hid between the claws of the Black Dragon Emperor and asked with concern.

The Black Dragon Emperor raised his head to the sky and let out a roar. It's okay to get some damage to the wings. The self-healing ability of the real dragon is also extremely powerful, and it will heal itself in a short time.

It was this long-lost pain that caused the blood of the Black Dragon Emperor to surge, and his passionate fighting spirit was scattered in the sky!

The Black Dragon Emperor let out a loud snort, and just leaked some breath, and then turned into a group of dark ancient dragon flies, flooding and terrifying in number!
These substantive aura dragon flies cover the sky and cover the entire Tyrant Mountain Range, and the magicians hiding in them have nowhere to escape. The aura dragon flies have a strong ability to corrode and gnaw, and they can move tens of kilometers away in an instant. All the creatures living in it were reduced to dry bones.

The dragon's tail turned into the sky, and the space shattered. The target was Xi Zhe, who had just released the forbidden spell of the light system.

Xizhe's face changed drastically. The Black Dragon Emperor just swung his tail with all his strength, and the destructive power he produced might not be worse than the forbidden spell he released. He used his most powerful defense method with all his strength, but he only persisted under the dragon's tail for half a moment. Shattered, if it wasn't for the interstitial forbidden spell Leon to respond, I'm afraid it would be difficult for him to retreat completely.

Even so, more than half of the extremely expensive magic armor on Xizhe's body was cracked, as if it had been scrapped.

A life-saving treasure, but it can only be held for a while under the hands of the black dragon? !

The Black Dragon Emperor stands on the top of the cloud cliff, its majestic body is like a black lacquered Tianshan mountain range, even just standing there can give people a strong spiritual shock!

The Black Dragon Emperor suddenly fluttered its wings. Its speed was also extremely terrifying. It could be seen that the airflow near it directly turned into a wind hole with anti-phagocytic power.

A huge body often means a clumsy body, but this law does not hold true for the Black Dragon Emperor!

Even without using any skills, just relying on the monstrous brute force erupted from a strong body, that power is enough to rival the forbidden curse, and it is by no means something that can be easily resisted.

Seeing that Xi Zhe was easily defeated, Su Lu's face changed slightly, and he was about to distance himself from the Black Dragon Emperor, but the Black Dragon Emperor was extremely fast, and the exaggerated Tianlong horn was close at hand, so Su Lu didn't have much room to dodge.


The dragon's horn breaks the sky, and a black light suddenly bursts out from the soaring dragon's horn, smashing the sky into pieces, and Su Lu streaks across the sky like a meteorite, flying towards the far end of the mountain range.

The Black Dragon Emperor is indeed unparalleled in bravery, so strong that it is outrageous. Mo Yinge seriously suspects that Su Lu chose to deal with the Black Dragon Emperor because of his brain.

However, Su Lu had prepared for this matter for a long time after all, and he came back intact not long after, but his hair was a little messy.


Seeing that these humans dared to come back, the Black Dragon Emperor immediately became furious. He raised his head, and the position of the dragon's belly and dragon's cavity began to agitate.

The air flow began to reverse, and the sky seemed to appear as a huge vortex cavity, and all objects were sucked into it.
"Dragon's breath, it's about to spit out dragon's breath!!" A superman mage from the Magic Association yelled out in panic.

He was a little closer to the Black Dragon Emperor, and the suction power of the prelude to the dragon's breath captured him, and his body was sucked into the violent air current, and he disappeared after a while.

Human beings are too small under such a breath of inclusiveness. I don't know how big the Black Dragon Emperor's lungs are. There are no less than a dozen mountains in his stomach, but he seems to be able to continue breathing!
"Come on, use your most powerful dragon's breath to annihilate me!" Facing the strongest breath of the real dragon, Su Lu was still laughing wildly.

Asha Ruiya reacted at this time, Su Lu and the others used the heart of the Titans to solve the black dragon's breath, and his actions at this time proved one point, that is, this ceremony requires the black dragon to prepare to send out the dragon's breath. Finish!

"Stop! Stop Austin, don't breathe! Don't breathe!!"

Asharuya shouted with all her strength, but there was no contractual relationship between her and the Black Dragon Emperor, and her voice was so small, drowned in the black dragon's terrifying breathing.

Mo Ying grabbed Asharuya who almost stumbled and fell into the dragon's claws. She knew that it was too late now, and the black dragon's breath had been brewed.

But she also wanted to see, what kind of ceremony did Su Lu and the others prepare for the black dragon?
Under the cloud cliff on the top of the mountain, a thin white-haired old man was holding a black vessel, from which dark green gas floated up, forming a worm-like shape, which did not disperse even under the powerful breath of Heiner.

The worm-like gas was quickly sucked into the Black Dragon Emperor's stomach, and it can be seen that this strange dark green color suddenly appeared in the chest cavity.

"Jie Jie Jie, so what if it's a real dragon, the Titan Heart Poison I configured is specifically for dragon's breath!" The sunken-eyed old mage in white robe looked excitedly at the Black Dragon Emperor.

He has a tall figure, as if a gust of wind can blow him down, but he is one of the most dangerous spell-forbidden people in the world, and the holy shadow follows him all the year round.

There is no other reason, because he is the only recorded Poison Curse Forbidden in this world!
He promised Su Lu to work for him. On the one hand, it was his lifelong pursuit to prepare this kind of poison. On the other hand, he also wanted to get the Water of Life that Su Lu promised him, which was a treasure that could naturally prolong his life.

Don't ask why he didn't use some more "deviant" methods, the question is that there are people from the Disciplinary Court who have been watching him all the year round. If he finds out that he dares to use some forbidden and sorcery, someone will come soon!

 Bless book friends, good health and long life!Almost forgot to update QAQ
(End of this chapter)

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