Full-time Mage, I am Mo Fan and his sister

Chapter 894 Purification of the holy words, the stubborn dragon!

Chapter 894 Purification of the holy words, the stubborn dragon! (Happy New Year!!)
After Haina, it was the dragon's breath that ushered in. In fact, no one has ever seen the real dragon's breath, nor heard of anyone who can survive from the dragon's breath.

Even a Forbidden Curse Mage will be wiped out by a dragon's breath!

From inhaling to spitting out, the Black Dragon Emperor seemed to have completely turned into a round of black sun, which was approaching this continent, venting out the flames of destroying the world! !
"It's Long Yan!" Mo Yinge was also held in the palm of the Black Dragon Emperor, although it was for protection, it also restricted their activities.

The power of the real dragon dragon flame will never be inferior to any big heavenly species, it can burn mountains and boil seas!
Dragons master different magics, especially black dragons. Black color is just an appearance, and it does not mean that it is a dark creature.

In fact, black is the combination of seven bright colors. Black absorbs all light, so it appears black.

The power of the black dragon lies in the fact that none of the seven major elements have much effect on it. Its scale armor can be immune to most elemental damage, and immune to all elemental magic under forbidden spells, even if it is forbidden spell-level elemental magic, the black dragon The emperor's dragon scales are also immune to many!
Therefore, no matter how powerful the elemental forbidden curse falls on the black dragon, it will only become an ordinary forbidden curse at most, and it will not have much impact on the black dragon, which is already an extremely powerful emperor-level creature.

In fact, the Black Dragon Emperor also possesses the magic power of the seven elements. According to legend, it is one of the origins of magic, but it doesn't bother to use it at all. After all, the most powerful forbidden curse method for human beings is just one of its full strength. Just wave your claws!
Why spend energy constructing magic when you can do more damage with a wave of your hand?

What's the difference between that and taking off your pants and farting!
It's just that now the Black Dragon Emperor only wants to use his dragon's breath to vent his anger and completely wipe out the human beings who dare to disturb his slumber. For many years, human beings seem to have forgotten the power of the real dragon.

The brilliant dragon flames burst out from the sharp teeth of the dragon, which is a sign of the real dragon's breath.

The breath of a real dragon is also divided into several types. Different dragon breaths bring different destructive effects. Among them, the dragon flame is equivalent to the fall of the evil sun. , Healing pits and molten pools! ! !
The Black Dragon Emperor stretched out his flesh wings to his heart's content. It merged with the dawn and night, and the sky seemed to be a little darker, covering all the magicians on the mountain range.


Suddenly, a roar swept across the surroundings, as if the sky trembled and the stars shook.


An old mage with six pairs of wind wings didn't realize that the prelude to the dragon's breath was already a terrifying force. He was too close to the breath of the black dragon Haina, and his body was also involved in this frenzy.

"Save me! Save me!!" the wind mage shouted.

However, there are a few mages who can guarantee that they are safe and sound. What they are facing is an ancient black classic dragon!
No one dares, and those who want to do meritorious service will often end up like this wind mage.

People are too small in front of the black dragon.

"Our chance has come!" Su Lu laughed.

There were two more forbidden curses around him. If you add the space forbidden curse who has been hiding himself and the poisonous curse under the valley, the power of forbidden curse brought by Su Lu this time will reach as many as seven ! !

Seven forbidden spells, three are from the Asian Magic Association, one is from North M, one is from South M, one is from Bharat, and one is from the southeast region. By.

This force can easily wipe out some small countries, and even go directly to crusade against a certain demon emperor, but now they gather together, but they dare not have any presumptuous thoughts about the Black Dragon Emperor, and can only reluctantly take a defensive position, waiting for a certain one who is strong enough Time to turn the tide of battle!
But now, the black dragon is about to launch its most destructive attack. At this time of its strongest, the black dragon itself will ignore some things, because nothing can continue to exist under the dragon's breath. The black dragon is very clear about this.

These human forbidden spells are also very clear, but this is precisely their best time.

Now is the time!
The most terrifying thing about a real dragon is its breath. The breath of the dragon sweeps across the earth, and no one survives. Even the curse mage will fall under the breath of the dragon. This is why the real dragon cannot be touched! !

"Starting today, I will deprive you of your dignity as a dragon!" Su Lu said angrily, pointing at the Black Dragon Emperor in the sky.

How could the Black Dragon Emperor listen to the curse and clamor of an ant?

The real dragon's breath is far beyond the power of human forbidden curses, let this arrogant person be completely annihilated under its wrath!
"The breath of black magic, those green gases are probably their trump card against the black dragon!" Moyingge said, wrinkling her nose, she is very sensitive to the breath of dark magic.

Asharuya's complexion changed, and she said with some discomfort: "Although my fourth element has also awakened the blessing element, it is far from being able to relieve this poison. No, Austin, you leave here first!" "I have a light element, try to see if I can purify it a bit." Moyingge said while constructing the star palace.

Even the dragon claws of the Black Dragon Emperor couldn't cover up the bright purifying radiance, and the endless glowing holy light floated into the air little by little, like a ribbon wrapped around the body of the black dragon Pangshan.

The power of this kind of magic did not touch the edge of the forbidden spell. The Black Dragon Emperor would not even take a look at it. It didn't care who released the magic at all.

But it is this "inconspicuous" light magic, after encountering those strange green poisonous gases that are also flying, it miraculously purifies and neutralizes part of it.
"This is impossible!!"

At the bottom of the valley, the poison-type curse from Bharat cried out in shock.

Although he is old and his magic cultivation is declining, his eyes are not blind.

A super-level light magic can actually purify part of the titan's heart poison that I carefully arranged and released through the forbidden spell method? ?

Is it because he can't keep up with the times, or is this world too magical!
Is there any comparison between super magic and forbidden magic?

After jumping in anger, he had no choice but to run up and fix a forbidden curse on the black dragon. Su Lu only gave him this material, and it has nothing to do with him.

"Forget it, the water of life should have arrived, let's go first, my old bones can't stand tossing."

What does Su Lu's success have to do with him? Now that his task has been completed, he should go back and think about how to prolong his life.

The holy light fireflies were also sucked into the lungs of the dragon by the Black Dragon Emperor. They neutralized the dark green strange insect gas before, and purified it little by little, although it often takes ten holy light fireflies to " Kill" a green creepy gas bug, but the effect is still there.

The Black Dragon Emperor's preparations were finally completed, and the time actually passed only a few moments, and everything was in the blink of an eye.

At the moment when Longyan breathed out, the dark green gas in the cavity of the Black Dragon Emperor quickly turned into condensation, and the condensed liquid slowly turned into a semi-liquid form, and they looked more like a star. A tiny fly egg.
Dragon flames surged from the dragon's cavity, and the dragon's source of power also gathered in the dragon's cavity, and these dragon's sources of power seemed to be the most perfect nourishment for the fly demon eggs. They were trembling excitedly on the dragon's lung wall one by one, One after another, the eggs broke out and attached themselves to the dragon's throat.
The number of magic flies is increasing, and their size will also become larger with the accumulation of the dragon's source power. It can be said that while absorbing the dragon's source power, it is blocking the dragon's throat!

It’s just that Moyingge purified a considerable part of it, making it less dense, like a person with phlegm stuck in his throat, but it’s not very serious. After coughing hard, he still spit out snot and thick phlegm.

Countless flames spewed out from the crevices of the Black Dragon Emperor's dragon teeth, but the most powerful dragon flames flowed down like a trickle.

It came out, but it didn't come out completely, and the dragon's breath stopped abruptly after less than one kilometer.

That mouthful of Long Yan, which was about to destroy the world, was inexplicably choked in half, which made the Black Dragon Emperor feel uncomfortable for a while! !

"Damn it! I should have thought of it a long time ago. It turns out that they wanted to use the toxin from the heart of the Titans to block Austin's throat. That weird toxin will be impossible to remove in a short time. This is a means specially used to deal with real dragons." !" Asha Ruiya said nervously.

But fortunately, Mo Yingge took action, and a lot of toxins have been dissolved, so the Black Dragon Emperor was only stuck in a mouthful of "old phlegm", and it was uncomfortable, and he was not suffocated internally.

"Even if you can't use the dragon's breath for the time being, the black dragon is still a supreme real dragon, as powerful as it is unparalleled, Asharuya, can you communicate with the black dragon emperor and let him leave temporarily?" Mo Yinge asked calmly road.

Asha Ruiya used the vessel left by Wen Tai to communicate with the Black Dragon Emperor, but the Black Dragon was extremely arrogant. This time, it was overshadowed by someone, but it completely aroused its anger. It would never kill these nasty guys. left.

"Well, it's really a stubborn dragon!" Mo Yinge felt helpless.

If the black dragon is willing to leave, even if it does nothing, it just flaps its wings and flies to an altitude of [-] meters. There are not many mages in this world who can fly to such a height.

Presumably Su Lu also understood the temper of the real dragon very well, so he was not worried that the Black Dragon Emperor would run away halfway through the fight.

Of course, just to be on the safe side, he made corresponding preparations.

If you want to subdue a real dragon, you must first seriously injure it!
Su Lu is standing here today, not to slay the dragon, what he really wants to do is to take this real dragon under his command!

His last contract, which had been vacant for a long time, was prepared for the Black Dragon Emperor.

"It will be in pain for a while, get ready for the curse ritual!"

"Lionel, activate the air-forbidden array, let the black dragon fall down, don't let it run away!"

"Xizhe, protect me, I'm going to curse the magic circle!" Su Lu shouted loudly.

It's just that Su Lu didn't seem to notice that the black dragon was actually not as uncomfortable as he imagined, and he didn't suffer internal injuries from his own dragon's breath.

But this can't be blamed on him. After all, no matter how much preparations have been made, it is the first time for everyone to really face the Black Dragon Emperor. It is normal to be a little ignorant.

In his opinion, without the deadly dragon's breath, they would have a chance to knock off the black dragon's scales little by little. The seven elemental magics can't do anything about it, but the curse and poison can still hurt the black dragon. Su Lu also He is still a shadow mage who has mastered a lot of forbidden techniques. Combined with the method of cursing and offering sacrifices, he can suppress the dragon soul of the black dragon, and then weaken another wave of black dragon emperors.

Abolishing the dragon's breath, cursing the dragon's soul, and pulling out the dragon's scales. As long as these three things are done, then he, Su Lu, can use a dark taboo contract to forcefully sign a contract with the black dragon, so as to reversely complete the breakthrough of the summoning system!

At that time, he will have an emperor-level true dragon summoning beast, even if the summoning system itself has not really reached the level of the forbidden spell, but who can say that he is not a summoner of the forbidden spell level?

This is the dragon catching ceremony prepared by Su Lu! !

The super-ranked person and the semi-forbidden curse top person tried their best to attract the hatred of the black dragon. Under the cover of other forbidden curses, Su Lu still completed his curse method, weakening the true dragon soul of the black dragon emperor little by little. .

At the same time, the technique of darkness and withering is also eroding the strongest dragon scales of the Black Dragon Emperor. Some forbidden spells that do not belong to the elements continue to fall, and many forbidden techniques are mixed in them, causing a lot of damage to the already weak Black Dragon Emperor. !
The Titan Heart Poison abolishes the strongest destructive breath of the real dragon, bringing the gap in strength within reach; the space ban makes it impossible for the black dragon to escape easily, giving them a chance to wear down the power of the real dragon; the dark curse weakens the power of the real dragon's soul, Pull the difference in strength to the same level.
All that's left is to pry off the strongest dragon scales on the real dragon's body bit by bit, and then you can use forbidden curse magic to destroy the mighty power of the Black Dragon Emperor! !
The Black Dragon Emperor had been forced to land on the ground, but one of his dragon claws was still tightly held, firmly protecting the two girls.

Asha Ruiya is communicating with the Black Dragon Emperor. The Black Dragon seems to be forced to land, but in fact it hides murderous intentions!
The Black Dragon Emperor is extremely intelligent, it's not a stupid beast, it's just that the real dragons are too lazy to use their brains most of the time.

It is not in good condition now, so it pretends to land, just waiting for another chance to kill with one blow, and also to adjust its own state. After all, it is suddenly stuck in the throat by "phlegm", it is really uncomfortable!
This landing area was also set up in advance by a magic circle. The terrifying dark aura almost drowned the body of the black dragon, and then a gray cloth spine magic circle appeared, exuding a strong sense of ominousness and containing a terrible curse. .

"This style looks very similar to the creation of Ai Ji!" Mo Yinge exclaimed after seeing it through the gap between the dragon's claws.

It turns out that Su Lu is also cooperating with the old thief Khufu. Also, it is not so simple to successfully seal the dragon soul of the real dragon. The general curse magic is not enough. Only an emperor-level shot like Khufu can have hope do it!

 Bless book friends, long-term health and happy 2023!

(End of this chapter)

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