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Chapter 181 Receiving Gifts Again


Leswell Peake's screams resounded throughout the dragon lair, and then echoed back and forth in the cave.

Alduin, with a wingspan of six to seven meters, was already a top beast, and the dragon flames that spewed out continuously were even more shocking, but this did not interrupt the enemy's attack.

On the crooked and mutually supporting walls of the Dragon Cave, nearly a thousand Peck soldiers wearing plate chain armor, plate armor and other relatively good armor were climbing up, and many of them pulled out from their backs after standing firmly on their feet. Take out a crossbow or a full-length bow, and start aiming at the already huge dragon.

Other enemies waved their weapons and intercepted the Crab Claw Peninsula First Men soldiers.

"Which family is this soldier? How dare you betray the dragon family?"

Bennard Brun held Lannister by the collar like a chicken, and climbed up flexibly.

Although the situation is very unfavorable, he believes that as long as the dragon is sent away, the ancestors of crab claws can be regarded as fulfilling the task given to them by the king.

The little devil took a closer look and recognized the orange-bottomed three-black castle coat of arms on the enemy, and then reminded Brun:
"This is the Peake family in the Reach. Look, his family's coat of arms is three castles, symbolizing their past..."

Bennard Brun embraced Tyrion with his left hand, and waved a half sword with his right hand. After beating an enemy, he saw the coat of arms of the three castles on his chest.

"Then they must be a wealthy family in Hewan people? Three castles, I dare not let the Dragon King reward me with so many castles."

He whispered to himself.

Although the ancestors of the Crab Claw Peninsula were unusually loyal to the dragon family, they still expected something in return.

The rewards don't need to be too much, golden dragons, food, and women are fine. It would be even better if there are fertile land and a strong castle.

Tyrion hugged Bennard's neck tightly, and said in a trembling tone:

"No, the Peake family has repeatedly supported the Blackfyre Rebellion, and has been reduced to a viscount family by the Iron Throne. Most of its territory and castles have also been taken away, leaving only Star Shuttle City near Dorne."

After the Dance of the Dragons, the Peak family was once in power.During the war they joined the Green Party and supported King Aegon II Targaryen.Although the Green Party did not win, after the war, Lord Urwin Peake, then Lord of Star Shuttle City, also became a member of King Aegon III's regency.

Later, the courtiers joined forces to drive away the lord of Star Shuttle City, and the Pei Ke family calmed down a bit.

The House was historically active again during the Blackfyre Heresy.Lord Gormon Peake led an army to join Daemon Blackfyre, and he surrendered to the royal family after the Battle of the Red Grassland. At the same time, the Peake family lost two castles other than Star Shuttle City.

During the second Blackfyre Rebellion, Earl Gormon once again supported the Blackfyre, Duke Bloodraven quickly quelled the rebellion and beheaded the Earl.At the end of King Maekar I Targaryen's reign, House Peake rebelled again.

King Mekar, who had no designated heir, was killed in the attack on Star Shuttle City. The Duke of Bloodraven, the Hand of the King, convened a grand council to decide the king's candidate in order to prevent another Dance of Blood Dragons from breaking out.

This is the historically famous Great Council of Nobles in 233. Aemon Targaryen became a bachelor of the Night's Watch, and Aegon V, the "King Who Shouldn't Be King", came to the throne.

This historical knowledge was quickly skipped in Tyrion's clever brain. He then thought of the rumors that the Golden Group landed in the storm, and suddenly understood why the Peak family took action at this time.

"The Golden Group and Peake will always be supporters of the Blackfyre family. It seems that Aegon VI is a descendant of a certain Blackfyre."

The imp came to his own conclusions.

Bennard couldn't tell the difference between Blackfyre and Peake, but he knew something was wrong with him.

In order to make the wedding go smoothly, the king transferred two thousand soldiers of the Crab Claw Peninsula ancestors, so Sir Brune only had nearly 800 people.

The enemies who have climbed up have surpassed their own visually, not to mention the people who are still staying in the street outside the dragon's lair.

Although the dragon continued to spew dragon flames and moved quickly to avoid the arrows shot at it, a large number of enemy soldiers moved towards the area where the dragon was located.

It's definitely not the way to go on like this.

"Kuhei, Huimiba."

Among the soldiers following him, Bennard ordered two senior officers of the ancestors, and ordered:

"Both of you, take someone to the Red Castle to report that the Peake rebellion, thousands of soldiers attacked the dragon's lair, go from that flea house."

It has only been a month since he came to King's Landing, and he only remembers the approximate street names.

Although he was not very familiar with Sir Brun, Tyrion still reminded him:
"The flea nest is a must pass from here to the Red Fort. They must send someone to guard it. Why don't you run from the Silent Nun Street in the southwest to the King's Avenue, and then turn to the Red Fort."

The King's Road extends from the Gate of the Gods in the northwest into the city of King's Landing, all the way to Bellerian Square in front of the Red Castle.

Although there must be a sea of ​​people around the Red Keep, as long as the news is conveyed to the Tully soldiers patrolling near Aegon High Hill, it will reach the ears of the king and courtiers layer by layer.

"Excellent, let's do it."

Benard issued an order resolutely, instructing Kuhei and Huimiba to lead people away to the north where there were few enemies, and then lead his subordinates to rush towards the enemy.

At the same time, he kept urging, and asked Gendry, who was familiar with the dragon, to drive away His Royal Highness Alduin.

Gendry, who was above them, tried to get close to the dragon Alduin, but the dragon became playful and kept spraying dragon flames with its mouth wide open.

Tyrion, who was being hugged, asked in a low voice: "Sir, can you put me down, I am small, and it is safe to hide in a corner somewhere."

Anyway, the dragon's lair was big enough, and he believed that hiding in a corner would prevent the enemy from finding him.

"What are you thinking? You are a walking fifty thousand golden dragon!"

However, Bennard remembered the king's instructions to him, and did not dare to let the dwarf out of his sight.

A few minutes later, the main forces of the two waves of soldiers met near Alduin's perch, and on the ruins hundreds of meters away, the two sides began to fight.

Peak soldiers are good at patrolling, and they are familiar with their own equipment and comrades, and they can cooperate in combat.

The soldiers of the Crab Claw Peninsula's ancestors were slightly better in morale. Although many of them hated each other, when they were fighting for the dragon family, they could temporarily put aside their hatred and join hands to defend against the enemy.

And Alduin, the dragon, nimbly disappeared behind a broken wall somewhere, and flew up from behind unexpectedly, spitting viciously.

There were a total of more than [-] soldiers on both sides, and the battle with Yilong was still spectacular and fierce. Due to the abnormality of the battlefield, it was not feasible to fight in formation, so the soldiers began to fight each other.

The sounds of clashing swords and axes, the screams of people burned by the dragon flames, and the groans of wounded soldiers increased rapidly.


Red Fort, Gardens.

Dozens of long tables were placed in the open space, and the tabletops were piled full of fruits, barbecues, and expensive pastries. Of course, wine jugs were a must. Since the Redwyne family was loyal to the Iron Throne, the wine in the arbor was enough.

More than [-] invited nobles participated in the wedding banquet. Most of them sat at the table according to the arrangement of the Red Castle, while some nobles with higher status walked back and forth between the banquet, talking loudly about irrelevant gossip.

Queen Sansa, who was dressed in a red and blue robe, was surrounded by a group of river nobles, and some of the female relatives were talking eagerly with the queen.

"Although Sir Brynden did not send anyone to attend the wedding, we believe that the Tully family can see the situation clearly."

A middle-aged woman from the Vance family said.

Queen Sansa has the blood of the Tully family, the lord of the river, and her brother Robb has accepted the allegiance of most of the governors of the river, so this group of people naturally recognized their backers.

And Queen Stark herself, at the suggestion of her maid, wore a red and blue dress.

Her current maids are all commoners of Harrenhal and Harren Town, so they are naturally close to the people of the river, so it is recommended that the queen wear the typical color scheme of the Tully house,

Since her husband was about to marry another wife, Sansa also felt the crisis, so she began to get close to powerful nobles.

Originally, the Northern Territory was her biggest backer, but the Yankees were still fighting among themselves and had no time to support Fengjun's daughter at the king's wedding, so Sansa set her sights on Hejian.

Coincidentally, because her husband was born here, the combined power of the Hejian courtiers and the Longdang family was only slightly weaker than the supporters of the Rose family.

"I hope my uncle won't do anything stupid!" She had already heard that her uncle announced that Linden Tully was going to launch Riverrun's army to take back Raventree City for the Blackwood family.

The castle is currently in the hands of Rosso of House Frey.

One is her natal family, the other is her husband's strong vassal, Sansa is also a bit conflicted.

At this moment, Willis Mandler, who was late, finally squeezed into this small circle.

"Slow down, you're so fat!" A Vance knight complained when he saw Mandalay squeezed into his wife.

Willis smiled awkwardly, and then opened the section with the topic of the northern border.

"Winterfell is about to be recovered, should we find a way to keep the castle, and not be burned to ruins by the soldiers who abandoned the city and fled like last time?"

He suggested to many Hejian family governors.

Earl William Mooton, who had rushed to King's Landing City, was standing in the crowd. He cleared his throat, "I heard that Lord Amber joined Old Skinner. The Phat fighters will switch to us."

The higher-ranking House Governors of Hejian were all surrounded by the king, so Earl William Mooton here became the leader instead.

Willis thought for a while, and agreed: "The earl is talking about the 'whore nightmare' Heather Amber! He is indeed Stark's loyal minister."

"Why is it called Ji Yan?" A noble lady asked.

Just as people in the North don't care much about southern affairs, the people in the river are not familiar with the story of the Yankees.

Mandalay had no choice but to tell the story of Amber to the southerners.

Heather Umber is the youngest son of Rime Umber, former castellan of Last Hearth.Believing in his potential to become a maester, his father sent him to study at the Citadel of Oldtown around 250 A.D.

While in Old Town, a Chang prostitute tries to steal from him.As a result, Hoser eviscerated the man, earning him the nickname "The Whore Nightmare".

This scary story was never discussed aloud because the Chang whore was a man.

The noble lady who asked the question blushed, but Sansa remembered something else.

"Lord Mooton is right. I remember my father once mentioned that the Amber family is indeed one of Stark's most loyal vassal families. We should, and must, contact this Lord Hother Amber."

If there is no accident, Winterfell will become her private property independent of the royal family, so Queen Sansa is very concerned about this matter.

"Hother Umber's elder brother, Lord Crow Eater, is in our White Harbor. I will let him send someone to contact the whore. In addition, there are quite a few civilians in Winterfell who are loyal to the Stark family. Please Miss Sansa Make a token so that those servants can do things for us?"

Although the force is not good, Willis's head is still smart enough, and he proposed a small detail.

And this detail is one of the sources of the Bolton faction.

On the main seat farther away from the Hejian people, the king was sitting upright, receiving gifts from his vassals one by one.

Of course, the people in Hewan were the first to give gifts.

Given that he paid most of the wedding expenses himself, the Duke of Metz only gave him a golden wine glass.

Arthur remembered that at the purple wedding, Mace gave Joffrey a gold goblet with seven sides, and the pure gold goblet in front of him had three sides, that is, a triangular cup.

"Thank you. It looks very beautiful. I'm sure I won't drink from it. Pod, remember to remind me to build a cupboard in the king's bedroom. I will put this golden cup in it."

Arthur's expression was exaggerated, as if Mace had given him some peerless gift.

In fact, the little rose that loves to spray water is indeed a rare gift in the world.

Lord Inflatable Fish shrugged, he couldn't control what his son-in-law was doing in his room.

Next came Lord Paxter Redwyne, who had presented the king with a model of a longship.

"Your Majesty, a large ship a thousand times larger than this is being intensively built on Qingting Island. Perhaps in a few months, you will be able to see him in Blackwater Bay."

Arthur picked up the model of the long ship and looked at it for a while, "It looks like it's a foot long. If it was a thousand times that, the ship you gave to the royal family would be a thousand feet long, which is more than 300 meters. A wooden ship can't reach this length. Bar!"

He remembered that the [-]-ton giant ship in his previous life was only a few hundred meters long, and the long ship of Quanyou World should not be so long.

At most, it is tens of meters.

Earl Paxter said in a tactful tone: "Your Majesty, the value of a long ship ranges from a thousand gold dragons to tens of thousands of gold dragons. A considerable part of the millions spent by Robert was spent on rebuilding the royal fleet. .Only in terms of length, my ship may be one of the longest warships in the entire world, and it can be sold for twenty to thirty thousand gold dragons in any free trade city."

Instead of mentioning the length, he emphasized the value again.

Arthur nodded, not embarrassing Mace's cousin and brother-in-law any more, and waved him away.

The gifts from the next few families were very ordinary, but the Merry Weiss family in the long table hall gave a fun gift.

The family sigil is a golden horn of abundance on a white background overflowing with apples, carrots, plums, onions, leeks, turnips and fruit of every color, and their family motto is See what I give.

Correspondingly, Orton Merryweather sent a hundred carts of fruits and vegetables to the royal family.

"Your Majesty, these items are being collected in my territory, and they will be sent to King's Landing City immediately."

Arthur smiled and thanked, "This is indeed the simplest but most practical gift, and I accept it."

Some of the Hewan family governors were still imprisoned by the Westerners, so some families did not give gifts. To express their apologies, Margaret gave her husband a big gift in the name of these families.

This is also the gift that attracts the most attention from both the host and guest at the beginning of the whole wedding banquet.

A complete set of gold plate armor made of dyed steel.

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