Take the ride to dominate the game

Chapter 182 The Girl Riding a Dragon

Unlike the ordinary silver plate armor that Arthur wore before, this armor was much more refined.

The iron helmet is a standard pig-mouth helmet, but the sharp corners are made into the shape of a dragon's mouth, and spikes are added on the top and sides. From a distance, the iron helmet actually looks a bit like a dragon's head.

The breastplate, armguards, hanging legs, iron boots, etc. are embossed with large patterns. In addition to the three-headed dragons marked by the Targaryen family, there are also patterns of various giant dragons.

"I love this golden armor so much," Arthur announced loudly, giving his wife Margaery a deep kiss.

Lord Dondarrion had promised him a set of golden plate armor to match Arthur's great red horse's, but the Lord Berry was dead.

The king's mood set off the atmosphere of the wedding banquet, and many people raised their glasses to celebrate.

"My dear, as long as you like it."

The bright and charming Margaery smiled coquettishly at her husband, as if the two had a deep relationship.

The next thing is the normal gift-giving process. The Hejian people, the northern nobles of the Stormlands, and the Dorne delegation all sent their own gifts, ranging from rare books, gorgeous clothes to old wine, and pure gold ornaments. Among them, the most worth mentioning It was a gift from Sunspear, a gilded spear from them.

Prince Oberyn, who was dressed in a yellow brocade robe, caught the spear in front of the lord, "Your Majesty, originally we wanted to make all the spears gold, but gifts for the king should not be decorations, so we made them gold-plated." .This gun can be used as a normal weapon."

The Prince of Dorne has a melancholy and affectionate face, and he looks like a person who is emotional.

Princess Arianne of Dorne followed behind him, and when she saw Arthur talking to her own uncle, she winked at her lover.

Arthur didn't care about the plump beauty who came to his room every night for supper, but got up and walked down the main seat, taking the long gun with his own hands.

"The friendship between the Iron Throne and Dorne is like a gift from you..."

Arthur just wanted to use this gun to make a fuss, but found that it was not auspicious to use a weapon as a metaphor for friendship, but he couldn't think of a good word, so he dawdled for a long time and started the conversation with another matter.

"You came at the right time. Most of the seats in the Imperial Council have been confirmed. I managed to reserve a seat for you Dornish people."

Prince Oberyn, nicknamed the Red Viper, nodded, "I don't know what Your Majesty wants me to do for you?"

Since the Targaryen family married Martell, Dorne has always been a loyal supporter of the Iron Throne, and there must be a place for them among the courtiers.

"Minister of the Exchequer, I want the Prince to settle the score for us."

Arthur's real idea is to let Tyrion, who is good at calculation, be the chancellor of the exchequer, which is also one of the ways to win the hearts of the nobles in the western border.

So the position left for Prince Dorne is only Chief Intelligence Officer, but this position has a bad reputation, so we can't say it directly.

"As we all know, under the influence of the evil bachelors, the vast majority of nobles are not quiet about counting. The difference between them and the common people is that they can barely count the number of golden dragons. I heard that you once built several bachelors in the academy city. Necklace ring, presumably would be up to the job."

Arthur explained with a smile.

This is the truth, the entire aristocratic class is not very willing to settle accounts, they think this is what bachelors and servants should do.

The former Chancellor of the Exchequer, Littlefinger Petyr Baelish, was appointed as a courtier because of his good accounting and being recommended by Duke Jon Arryn.

Otherwise, with Uncle Finger's background, it would be difficult to be a customs supervisor in Seagull Town.

"Let me settle accounts, why not let me take charge of the King's Landing garrison. At least I am very happy to manage Littlefinger's property. I heard that his accounting institute costs a hundred gold dragon coins at a time. I just want to see if the women there are diamond-studded Or gold-plated ass."

The Red Viper took the wine glass offered by the servant, took a sip and replied.

This person is also fond of drinking and drinking, and visits the Design Institute whenever he has nothing to do. He should have a lot of common topics with the little devil.

As for Petyr Baelish's property, it includes most of the accounting institutes in King's Landing City, although only one accounting institute named Shataya belongs to the Baelish family in name.

"But the commander of the King's Landing Garrison has already been selected. Earl Tristan Legge of Willow City is happy to manage the group of soldiers of the ancestors. I don't think you are familiar with them?"

Arthur I pretended to be embarrassed.

The Red Venomous Snake smiled evilly, "Your Majesty, just say that there are still some seats that don't need to be settled. I think I can do it even if I am a bachelor, as long as the Cardinal of the Academy City agrees."

Seeing him like this, the king replied: "That is the chief intelligence officer, although the reputation of this position is not very good."

Prince Oberyn nodded, "As the chief of intelligence, it's normal for me to go to the Institute of Accounting and Inquiry, right?"

He laughed at himself, that's how the Dornish people's seat was decided.

Then the Red Viper turned around and introduced his beautiful niece to Arthur I, "Although I think you two are already familiar with each other, I still want to introduce you. This is the first heir to Prince Dorne, Arianne Nameros Martell."

Princess Dorne cooperated with her uncle, pretending to meet the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms for the first time.

"Long life to you, Your Majesty! I am Arianne."

Then the Red Viper continued: "As we all know, the Targaryen family has always had a close relationship with our Martell. Since you have already married two wives, you don't care about marrying another one. If my niece is willing, you can still marry me." You can proceed to the next wedding."

Arthur looked back to confirm that Little Rose was not too close, and then whispered: "Although I am willing, but Arianne once told me that she wanted to inherit Dorne. If Prince Doran is willing to let me be my wife If Arianne inherits the Prince of Dorne at the same time, I will actively cooperate with you."

Among the three women that Arthur has now, Sansa is the most loyal to him, Margaery is because of her status, and Arianne is only together because of pleasure.

Moreover, Arianne often drinks moon tea, a contraceptive drug, and has a strong sense of self-management, which is much easier to serve than Sansa and Margery.

So Arthur still has a little affection for her.

Arthur would not mind marrying her if the Dornishmen would recognize her as heir.

But if the Martell family feels that the married woman cannot inherit, the king will not delay Arianne's affairs.

At most, let go after working for a few years, maybe you can continue to be a lover in the future.

Prince Oberyn glanced at his niece and asked, "Is that what you mean?"

Princess Dorne in a pale yellow dress nodded lightly, "That's right, I am the future princess of Dorne first, and the Martell family's marriage partner second."

Her interest in being queen came second to succeeding the prince of Dorne.

The Red Viper nodded, "I understand, this is up to my brother, wait for his order."

After the seats in the Imperial Council and Arianne's marriage were preliminarily finalized, the Red Viper left with her niece.

Of course, Arianne kissed the king face-to-face before leaving, and pressed her child canteen tightly on the king's chest.

"Your bride probably won't last long. I'll still come to you at night to relieve Queen Margaery's worries."

Princess Dorne said so.

Next came Melisandre and the representative of House Baratheon, Ser Axell Florent.

Since the king didn't want to deal with Baratheon and Storm's End in such a formal occasion as the Royal Council for the time being, he only received the couple during the gift receiving part of the wedding banquet.

Melisandre is a middle-aged beautiful woman who still has a charm, with a heart-shaped face, red eyes, copper-red hair, and a hot wave exuding from her body.

The red-robed witch does not need to eat like a mortal, and only the Lord of Light can satisfy the energy needed.She claims to have spent "countless" years developing her abilities, so it's possible she's older than she looks.

"I wonder what Lady Selyse, who is here, thinks of the Iron Throne and House Baratheon. Does she think her late husband, Stannis, is still king?"

Arthur I asked the two.

Axel Florent, who represents the Baratheon family, has already expressed the attitude of the forces he belongs to on the flag.

The burqas worn by the soldiers he brought had been replaced by the banner of the leaping stag from the crowned stag head banner of the flaming red heart.

The Durandon family of the Storm Kingdom used the crowned stag banner, and later Orys Baratheon inherited the coat of arms of Storm's End and the family, that is, the Baratheon family used the crowned stag banner.

But the crown has a very strong meaning. During the Targaryen Dynasty, the Baratheon family was the most powerful Dragon Party family, and they were close to the Iron Throne. Then there will be problems with the Crown Bucks.

So Axel, who came here on behalf of Storm's End, changed the flag to a leaping stag, and the place where the crown was located became two large antlers.

"Your Majesty, under my persuasion, Mrs. Selyse no longer thinks that Stannis is the king. The Lord of Light reminded me in the flames that the king with black eyes is the real king, and he will weaken most of the gods. , to enhance the power of the Lord of Light."

R'hllor, the Lord of Light, often bestows prophecies on believers in the flames, and the precious prophecies become clearer with the precious things burned.

The fire in which the Black-Eyed King shed the blood of the gods was made by burning a weirwood.

The weirwood of Storm's End has survived for more than 8000 years. It has been planted in the godswood forest of the castle since Brandon the "Builder" built Storm's End.

The weirwood is the source of power for the old gods, and such an 8000-year-old weirwood might give the Lord of Light as much power as burning the blood of a king.

Unlike other red-cloaked monks with prophecy ability, Melisandre completely believed in her own interpretation of the prophecy. She had always firmly believed that the picture R'hllor showed her was about to happen.

Among the recent kings, only Arthur I had black eyes, so the red witch took it for granted that the Lord of Light was reminding herself that Arthur was the reincarnation of the savior.

Coincidentally, the owner of the Iron Throne happens to have a dragon, which corresponds to the dragon in the awakening stone of Azor Ahai.

Axel Florent on the side echoed: "It's like this, our Duchess has realized the mistake of her late husband and sent us to surrender to the Iron Throne."

Arthur, who had returned to the main seat, shook his right index finger, "Sending someone to show submission is not enough. The Baratheon and Lannister families behaved the worst when they were usurpers. You must accept the punishment of the Iron Throne .”

The king pondered for a moment, he hadn't figured out how to punish Storm's End, but now he really wanted to make a statement.

The sudden news relieved Arthur I's embarrassment.

Earl Randall Tarly and Lord Tristan Rigg, commander of the King's Landing Garrison, walked quickly to the main seat, and the latter whispered to the king:
"The Peake family has launched a rebellion. Given your wise decision, they cannot do anything near the Red Castle. They can only attack the Dragon's Lair. It seems that they are planning to capture or kill His Royal Highness Alduin."

Arthur I stood up abruptly, and said loudly: "I knew that something would happen at the wedding, so I summoned the soldiers to overthrow the rebellious family."

What should come is still coming, as long as there is no accident in the Red Castle, the king will be very satisfied.

The Peak family has only [-] soldiers, and they can't afford any big waves.

Although the nobles who participated in the wedding banquet were surprised by this explosive news, a large number of adult men expressed their willingness to put on armor and fight for the king.

Whether they are willing to fight is one thing, and it is another thing to express their opinions in front of the king and courtiers.

The nobles who are good at acting will naturally not let go of the opportunity to make the superiors remember themselves by just talking about it.

So the nobles present and the soldiers inside and outside the Red Castle began to act.

Arthur also put on the golden plate armor given by Margaery on the spot, and he ordered his personal servant Medan to fetch the golden cloak that Sansa had given him, together with the golden broadsword, he formed a set of emperor's attire, ready to quell the rebellion .


In the south of the continent of Essos, in the east of Volantis.

The Eastern City is surrounded by a [-]-foot-high oval wall.When Volantis was little more than an outpost of the Freehold, the Black Wall was built by Valyrians, a type of Valyrian blackstone architecture.

The walls were so thick that six carriages drawn by four horses could drive abreast.

The inhabitants of the Blackwall call themselves "Old Blood," for their ancestry dates back to the days of Old Valyria.No Gentile, freeman, or foreigner was allowed inside the Black Wall unless invited by the inhabitants living within.

At this moment, hundreds of white-haired Volantis nobles were gathering in the square in front of the Executive Yuan, and at least three times as many slaves were carrying the nobles. The tradition of Volantis was that nobles should not touch the ground.

In the sky above the group of people, three magic dragons are hovering.

"Gods, the glory of Valyria can finally be restored."

"The reappearance of a giant dragon that has not been seen for more than 100 years means that our free fortress will rise again."

"These should be the three dragons of Daenerys, the mother of dragons, right? I heard that she abolished slaves, but she is not the same as us."

"As long as the dragon is in hand, it doesn't matter what she stands for. Besides, wouldn't it be better to have a beautiful female dragon king? She is an excellent marriage partner."

After this group of people heard that a giant dragon appeared in the sky, they came out in various vehicles to watch and exchange views with each other.

Finally, under the expectant eyes of this group of ignorant harbor nobles, three dragons began to land on the ground one by one, and then, a beautiful woman with purple eyes and silver hair climbed down from the back of the largest dragon.

The woman's face was so beautiful that the nobles of Volantis ignored her dusty face and the burden on her hands.

"I am Daenerys Targaryen, Stormborn, Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Breaker of Shackles... Freedman, King of the Andals, First Men and Rhoynar."

With no handmaiden, Dany had no choice but to declare the long list of titles herself.

Then she saw the slaves carrying the nobles, and ordered: "I order you to provide me with some food and fresh water as soon as possible."

She wanted to order the nobles to free the slaves now, but she thought that she didn't have many soldiers around her, so she held back.

A few minutes later, a nobleman who was carried by ten slaves came out and introduced himself to Dany:
"I am Dophas Pennymeen, one of the Archons here, and I welcome the Dragon Queen to the greatest city in the world, Volantis."

He waved his hand lightly, and the four servants who followed him offered large bags of food and cowhide water bags.

"Although I don't know why the Dragon Queen came here, we generously fulfilled your request. I wonder if the Dragon Queen can give me a face and go to our Consulate to meet the ruler of Volantis?"

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