Chapter 104
Chapter [-]: The Curtain on Pingshan

"Go ahead and take it. But don't bring back some messy things."


The five ghosts disappeared into the ground.

Seeing it in his eyes, Xu Rui's heart moved slightly.

From oneself to others.

"In the future, we should set up formations to protect the valley. Otherwise, if we meet someone who can carry the five ghosts, wouldn't we let him pick up my Yangluo?"

However, such a large formation covering several miles is rare.

Even if there is, it is not easy to understand, and can only be left for later.

Looking at the corpse on the ground.

The head was intact, and the limbs were not lost, but the chest and abdomen were full of wounds, especially the chest, where a hole the size of a teacup ran through the back.

Broken heart, bleeding to death.

Looking at Kunlun's angry eyes, he sighed from the bottom of his heart.

With his strength, coupled with the two supernatural powers of steel and iron bones and innate divine power, if he hadn't been shot head-on by the bed crossbow, he would not have died at all.

And if it wasn't for saving Chen Yulou, he wouldn't have been shot by the bed crossbow.


If you don't die, with Kunlun's aptitude and understanding, it's not difficult for you to be born with martial arts.

"Although you are dead, it is a waste of money to let this body decay with you."

When chatting with Miss Hong at night, he happened to mention Kunlun, and he suddenly remembered that he hadn't refined his natal puppet yet.

And Kunlun, who has extraordinary blood and amazing aptitude, is the best choice.

Only then did the five ghosts bring his body out of the urn city of Pingshan Palace.

Generally speaking, if the physical body is damaged like this, it cannot be used to train the natal puppets.

But he has a golden finger, so he can try one or two.

However, if you want to sacrifice your natal puppets, you also need to draw and write amulets with spiritual blood.

Spiritual blood is tempered from demon blood.

So he also needs a demon.

Of course, he could also use the blood of the Nuqing chicken, but he was reluctant to get a spirit bird to guard the house after a long time.

"Remember there is a white ape in this bottle mountain."

In the drama version, Pingshan collapsed, and the purple gold coffin of the corpse king pressed the white ape, so he didn't bother to search.

Resist Kunlun's corpse into the Dan cave, and paste the corpse-resisting talisman.

The corpse-suppressing talisman can suppress the corpse and ensure that the corpse does not rot.

After finishing these, I went to the outside room to meditate, quietly waiting for the Pingshan landslide.

But there are others waiting for the landslide like him.


More than ten miles away from Zanguan, there is an unknown short mountain with luxuriant foliage.

On the top of the mountain, nearly a hundred soldiers wearing woolen military uniforms, with pistols in their waists, and soldiers made in Hanyang behind their backs stood guarding all around.

Wearing a general's uniform, a middle-aged man with a thin face and an eagle-eyed wolf was standing in the center.

Next to him was a young man in a navy blue robe, with his head tied in a bun, a dharma bag around his waist, and a wooden stick in his hand.

"Mr. Su, isn't it time yet?"

"Don't worry, Commander. This time, God is going to give him a fortune, but if the Commander acts without authorization, the fortune will inevitably be compromised."

"In order to do my best, I hope that the commander-in-chief will be safe and calm. When the time comes, if the commander-in-chief does not waste his efforts, he will be able to get the treasure that Luo Laowai came from the tomb after so many hardships, and he can also take the opportunity to destroy this opponent. The forces have penetrated into western Hunan."

Xiong Qixun had already experienced the power of the mage next to him, although he was anxious, he didn't dare to do anything wrong.

"Since Mr. Su said so, then Commander Ben will wait a little longer."

Time passed little by little, and the east had already turned pale.

Xiong Qixun was about to fall asleep.


It's like a nine-day thunderstorm.

The whole earth is shaking.

Su Tie suddenly opened his eyes and looked into the distance.

The once sloping Pingshan Mountain has disappeared, and mud and dust have risen into the sky.

My heart became excited instantly.

"finally come."

The officers and soldiers guarding around had already blown up the nest, and Xiong Qixun also ran out of the tent in a hurry.

"Is there an earthquake?"

"Marshal, the time has come, attack quickly. If you are late, you will change."

Xiong Qixun, who obeyed him, turned around abruptly.

"Adjutant Li, Adjutant Li?"

Lieutenant Li ran over with a flustered expression and a crooked hat.

"Send me an order to prepare to attack."


Accompanied by the Charge, all the troops hiding in the valley behind ran out, and rushed towards Zanguan under the leadership of their respective officers.


Xu Rui, who was meditating and practicing Qi in the valley, suddenly opened his eyes.

The red girl practicing martial arts in front also stopped.


"Earthquakes that are easy to calm down so quickly."

He knew that this was the collapse of Pingshan.

Leaving the red girl to look after the house, he left the valley alone along the passage he had opened up long ago.

The last time I came down from the cliff, I just wanted to pretend to be a B in front of my own woman.

It's a man's fault.


After being rescued by a group of thieves, Chen Yulou looked at the collapsed Pingshan in shock.If the Partridge Whistle hadn't reminded him in time, he would have been smashed to pieces with those brothers who were still stealing treasures in the Pingshan Palace.

Looking at the disciple Xiling who was injured by the rocks and howling, he frowned.

"Kidnap, let the brothers save people."

The disgraced Hua Maguai hurriedly beckoned the living to come forward.

Soon, Partridge Whistle appeared under the cliff with Hua Ling on his back.

Everyone rushed to rescue them.

The two of them lost their souls, the old foreigner died in the landslide just now.

Chen Yulou was in no mood to comfort the other party.

His Xiling disciples suffered heavy casualties, almost none in ten.

Suddenly, there were soaring shouts of killing and gunshots like fried beans.

"what happened?"

Chen Yulou, Partridge Whistle, and Hua Maguai hurriedly looked in the direction of the sound.

"Don't worry, it's a museum."

There was panic in Hua Maguai's tone.

That was the place where they camped and rested, and all the treasures stolen from the bottle mountain were placed there.

Of course Chen Yulou knew that it was Zanguan, but what he was wondering was who had the guts to provoke them?
"Send two people to find out the news."

Hua Maguai personally ordered a few Xiling disciples, and ran towards Zanguan.

Not long after leaving, he ran back with a large group of people.

There are people from Xuetang and Luo Laowai's defeated soldiers.

Chen Yulou's eyes turned cold, and he cursed inwardly.


This directly exposed his whereabouts.

"Young leader, it's the Qian Army. They rushed out suddenly, and we and Luo Shuai's army were defeated by them without checking for a while. At the critical moment, Adjutant Yang turned his back on the water. Zanguan has fallen, and now they are coming here , let’s run away quickly. If we are caught by them, it will not be settled due to the grievance between us.” Hua Maguai said hurriedly.

Looking at the distraught, there were no more than a hundred teams left, and looking at the Qian army approaching in the distance, Chen Yulou's expression was extremely gloomy.

Seeing that he was about to rob the Yuan Tomb, he didn't expect to fall short at this last moment.

"Kippler, you lead someone to bring the injured brother, and I will lead someone to stop them for a while. Let's fight and retreat."

Hua Maguai leads the way and leaves.

"Brother Partridge Whistle, come with us."

"Thank you for your kindness, you guys go first."

Moving the mountains, searching for Muchen Bead for thousands of years, now that hope is in front of him, of course he will not give up.

In normal times, Chen Yulou would not have to persuade him, but now, escape is the most important thing.

"That being the case, let's say goodbye to you and me. If Brother Partridge Whistle arrives in Star City anytime, we will meet again."

"It's easy to say, don't take care of your head."

"Take care of yourself."

Chen Yulou was also a decisive person, and decided to leave without any delay.

Say goodbye to the Partridge Whistle, greet the surviving disciples of Xiling and Luo Laowai's defeated soldiers, and rely on favorable terrain to block the Guizhou Army step by step.

With his joining, everyone also had a backbone, and quickly stabilized their position by virtue of the terrain.

However, with the previous landslide and the defeat just now, the army of Xiling disciples and Luo Laowai suffered heavy losses.

It is also impossible to defeat the thousands of Guizhou troops in front of them.

After Hua Maguai rescued all Xiling disciples who survived the landslide.

Everyone retreated while beating, and gradually went away.



"let's go."

The partridge whistle led the flower spirit and ran straight to the place where the bottle mouth rolled down.

The two of them had very small goals.

The chasing officers and soldiers all went after Chen Yulou, but they didn't notice them.

But when the two found the sarcophagus that rolled out, a tall figure had already appeared there.

"It's you?"

Chen Yulou frowned.

"Master Xu?!"

Hua Ling exclaimed.

He tied the seriously injured White Ape with a silk rope, pasted most of the corpse-preventing charms on the coffin, and waved to the two of them with a smile.

"Brother Partridge Whistle, sister Hualing, we meet again."

Partridge made a dodge, and blocked Hualing behind him, holding guns in both hands, and his eyes were alert.

"We moved the mountains, and we have never had any grudges with you."

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you in the past few days, Hua Ling took care of Hong Gu."

After the words fell, with a wave of his hand, five thick yin qi flashed past.

The purple gold coffin and the white ape disappeared instantly.

At this time, the sky was just brightening, the sun was thin, and the five ghosts could still haunt.

Seeing the partridge whistle, he instantly thought of a long-rumored Taoist method.

Looking at the two people on guard, Xu Rui wanted to be polite, but he quickly dismissed the idea when he heard the gunshots getting closer.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

"I know you are looking for Muchen Bead, and coincidentally, I know its whereabouts. If you want to know, come with me."

As soon as the words fell, he stretched out his arms, rushed up like a big bird, and landed several feet away in a blink of an eye. After a few ups and downs, he was already far away.



The partridge whistle did not hesitate.

The Pingshan Treasure and the Yuan Tomb Treasure are both in Xu Rui's hands, and he also said Muchen Bead, so no matter whether he lied to them or not, he has to chase after them to find out.

Not long after the two left.

A figure came in a hurry.

It was Tu Feng who was the left rudder of the Xuetang.

Looking left and right, the ground was in a mess, but there were no traces of the purple gold coffin and the partridge whistle.

After looking around and finding no other clues, he left unhappy.

Not long after he left, Cycad, who was honored by Xiong Qixun as a guest of honor, came in a hurry with a group of soldiers, found nothing after searching around, and directly blasted the remaining Yuan tomb with a grenade, sweeping away all the valuables inside.

Xiong Qixun was anxious to take over the troops and territory left by Luo Laowai, and did not stay here for too long.

The bandits and villages around who have been coveting the treasures of the Yuan Tomb, after these giants left, like maggots, drained the last valuable things from the Yuan Tomb and Pingshan.

The once-beautiful Pingshan Mountain was left with nothing but rubble.

(End of this chapter)

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