The heavens start from the bottle mountain

Chapter 105 Qingcheng Yufang Jue

Chapter 105 Qingcheng Yufang Jue
Chapter [-] Qingcheng Yufang Jue

Let's go back to Partridge Whistle and Xu Rui.

Take the two of them to a sunny valley full of rocks.

Let the five ghosts put down the purple gold coffin and bring the white ape back to Qinglin Valley.

That is, the valley where he settled temporarily, and it is a commemoration of his first residence in Xiling.

"You two are here?"

Looking at the galloping figure with leisure.

"How do you know Muchen Bead?"

Before the partridge could catch its breath, it asked eagerly.

Since he was born, he has shouldered the heavy responsibility of finding Muchen Beads for the ethnic group. Over the past few decades, this responsibility has weighed on him, making him almost breathless.

He desperately wanted to find this treasure, lift the curse on his clansmen, and unload the mountain-like burden.

"You don't need to know the reason, all you need to know is that I know."

Taking a deep breath, he looked at Yuan Tingyue Zhi, a man with a strong breath in front of him.

"Do you really know the clue of Muchen Bead?"


The partridge whistle suddenly became short of breath.

"But in this purple gold coffin?"


His eyes narrowed.


"The Muchen Beads you saw in the Pingshan Underground Palace and the murals are just fakes used by the ancient Dian Kingdom to fool Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. The real Muchen Beads are in the tomb of King Xian."

Seeing the certainty of what he said, Partridge Whistle was also shaken in his heart.

"Brother, be careful that he deceives us."

Hua Ling said vigilantly.

Xu Rui smiled, but didn't take it seriously. He looked at the sky and saw that it was still early, so he sat down beside him.

Over a hundred Zongshi Talismans were pressed down, and it was daytime again, and the old zongzi inside did not dare to come out.

"When the time comes, open the coffin and decide whether it is true or not."

Partridge Whistle took a deep look at him, pulled Hua Ling, walked to the side and sat down.

not long time.

A series of cooing sounds sounded.

Hua Ling's pretty face flushed, and she clutched her stomach in embarrassment.

She didn't eat breakfast, and spent the night traveling through mountains and mountains, and the little food she ate at night had already been digested.

Partridge Whistle took out a cold steamed bun from his pocket and handed it over.

"Thank you, brother."

He took it happily and started eating with the water in the kettle.

Seeing her cheerful appearance, partridge whistle had a touch of distress in his eyes.

Hua Ling was only 17 years old, and he traveled all over the world with him, and suffered countless hardships.

Seeing her thinking of the old foreigner who had died in Pingshan, a touch of sadness appeared on her face.

Seeing the lonely partridge whistle, Xu Rui could somewhat understand his mood.

But being able to live a flower spirit has already changed the original plot, otherwise from now on we will be alone.

Time passed little by little, and soon the sun was hanging high.

Xu Rui didn't waste time, when he was meditating cross-legged, he had been comprehending the newly acquired 'Qingcheng Yufang Jue'.

As a mid-level sixth-grade Qi refining method, its subtlety is not as exquisite as the Sun Manual, which I major in, but it is already considered a rare way to reach the sky.

Moreover, the whole exercise is divided into two parts: general outline and yin and yang.

The general outline talks about dual cultivation methods, Yin and Yang complement each other, Wuji generates Tai Chi, and the Yin-Yang Dao of endless life.

The two divisions of Yin and Yang are the Pure Yang Meridian and the Tai Yin Meridian.

The two exercises can be practiced separately or combined.

Therefore, although "Qingcheng Yufang Jue" is one exercise, it is actually three.

Double repair method 'Yu Fang Jue'.

Qingcheng Chunyang Chapter and Qingcheng Taiyin Chapter.

This is definitely the Qingcheng faction's direct method, which suppresses the existence of a family of luck.But for some reason, it fell into the hands of Taibao Guanshan.

The reason cannot be traced back, and he did not intend to delve into it.

Unfortunately, this is just a residual formula.

The Yufangjue and Taiyin chapters are complete, and only part of the Chunyang chapter remains.

Fortunately, what he needs most and is also the most critical double cultivation method 'Yu Fang Jue' is complete, it doesn't matter if the rest is there or not.


The sun shone warmly on her body, and Hua Ling, who hadn't slept all night, fell asleep quickly.

Although Partridge Whistle was also very sleepy, he was afraid that Xu Rui would move the purple gold coffin away, so he didn't dare to sleep.

Xu Rui was too lazy to say more.


There was a crashing sound from the coffin behind him.

Xu Rui's heart skipped a beat.

"Is this old rice dumpling going to run out?"

Maybe it was the suppression of hundreds of corpse suppressing charms, but there was no movement inside.

To avoid surprises.

Take out the golden light mirror from the dharma bag and put it upside down on the coffin, and use the power of this pure yang magic weapon to suppress the inner and outer coffins.

Under the scorching sun, streaks of blue-black corpse aura were continuously refined by the scorching sun.

Speaking of which, this old rice dumpling was also unlucky.

If Pingshan didn't collapse, in the dark tomb, with a body of steel and iron, it would be no better than a six-winged centipede.

However, Pingshan collapsed, directly exposing him to the sky.

And today is still sunny.

Under the scorching sun, it only takes one noon head to cripple nearly half of his strength, and if he stays in the sun for three days, the zombie can also become a mummy.

"This Yuan will be able to live until now. He must have been a corpse in bronze armor back then. If it wasn't for the end of the world, I would never dare to provoke him."

At this moment, a gust of bad wind suddenly hit, flying sand and rocks, which was frightening.

Partridge Whistle stood up abruptly, drew out the two guns around his waist, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

"Brother Partridge Whistle, don't be nervous, it's Xu's captive-bred two idiots who brought food here."

While speaking, two yellow lightning bolts galloped from the mountains.

At the beginning, it was still far away, but within a few moments, it was already in front of me.

Hua Ling exclaimed.

"Brother, what a big tiger."

The partridge whistle nodded vigilantly.

He has traveled far and wide, and has seen many monsters and ghosts, but this is the first time he has seen these two tigers that look bigger than buffaloes.

Obviously, even if they are not monsters, they are still at the level of spirits and monsters.

No wonder he can manipulate Gangfeng.

After looking at the purple gold coffin next to him in horror, he put down the gazelle in his mouth and arched his big head to Xu Rui.

He fed two pills and patted their heads.


With a low growl, the two tigers turned around and galloped away, disappearing quickly.

"Brother Partridge Whistle, I was fortunate enough to see your cooking skills when I was in the restaurant last time. It's really extraordinary. I wonder if you can show off a little this time?"

It's fine if you're alone, but look at Hua Ling.

Stand up.

"It's ugly."

The partridge whistle grabbed two gazelles and walked towards the distant stream.

Wash and peel off.

First marinate with the condiments you carry with you.

Then he took Hua Ling to find some firewood and roast the gazelle.

Under his skillful craftsmanship, the tempting smell of meat came out after a while.

Hua Ling, who only ate cold steamed buns in the morning, almost drools.

After half an hour.

"All right."

"Let the brothers and sisters enjoy one, and how about the rest?"

Partridge Whistle nodded.

Xu Rui took the larger one, removed a leg of lamb, and wrapped it in kraft paper from the pouch.

With a movement in my heart, a black spot in mid-air seemed to be falling like a meteor, and suddenly rushed down.

Before it got close, the howling wind had already blown up.

With the previous experience of the tiger, the partridge whistle did not draw its gun again this time.

But looking at Hai Dongqing with a wingspan of more than two feet, he couldn't help showing surprise.

Xu Rui stretched out his arm and let it fall.

Touched its head.

"Give something to your mistress."

Hai Dongqing turned her head and glanced at him, her wings fluttered and she soared into the sky.

Xu Rui threw the mutton in his hand, Hai Dongqing caught it accurately, and flew towards the east with wings.

"I didn't expect Hall Master Xu to be so good at controlling beasts." Partridge whistled.


He tore off a leg of lamb and put it in his mouth to chew.

"Brother Partridge Whistle's barbecue skills are really extraordinary."

After a faint smile, he tore a few lamb chops and gave them to Hua Ling.

Lamb chops are obviously more flavorful than thick lamb shanks.

"Thank you, brother."

"Eat quickly."

Xu Ruifeng ate all the meat and bones like a cloud.

After his martial arts cultivation base was advanced and his marrow was washed, his digestion ability was greatly improved again.

There is really a trend of iron teeth and steel teeth.

After the two brothers and sisters finished eating, Xu Rui looked up at the sky.

The sun is high.

The hot golden light sprinkled all over the earth.

It is the third quarter of the noon, the time of the day when the yang energy is at its fullest.

"Brother Partridge Whistle, how about opening the coffin together?"

Partridge Whistle, who had already guessed his intention, nodded.

"Flower Spirit, step back."

The corpse aura inside the purple gold coffin is strong, and it is not easy to mess with. The flower spirit is not strong enough, and it will be dangerous if it gets too close.

"Actually, it doesn't have to be."

After speaking, Xu Rui took out the Xuangui Bagua Token.

A reminder of mana.

The four-sided gossip order falls on the four elephants respectively, and a layer of tough enchantment separates the flower spirits from the outside.

"The treasure of Xiling's town faction 'Xuangui Bagua Token'?"

Partridge whistle recognized it at a glance.

Xu Rui smiled and didn't explain much.

Stepping forward with a palm, the coffin lid was blown away.

Accompanied by the strong corpse aura, a majestic figure in armor with a black complexion rushed out of it like lightning.The sharp black nails pierced Xu Rui's throat.

This guy was afraid of the flames of the sun, so he didn't dare to come out, and kept hiding in the coffin.

Now seeing that he couldn't hide, he had no choice but to fight to the death.

Xu Rui seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and when he made a stab at his heart, he came first.


The huge force exploded and kicked the zombies away.

With the addition of more than a dozen marrow washing points, his physical strength has been continuously strengthened, and he is no longer in the state of the first marrow washing.

The physical strength is not inferior to the general who has been in the sun for a long time and his strength has been greatly weakened.


Exposed to the sun, the general seemed to have been greatly hurt, and howled in pain.

Wisps of corpse gas dissipated from the body.

Xu Rui pinched his fingers.

The corpse-suppressing talisman that was originally attached to the coffin rose into the air and flew towards Yuan Jiang like lightning.

Its speed was extremely fast, and it avoided most of them. Even if the rest fell on him, it would be quickly destroyed by his corpse aura.

After all, the inferior corpse-suppressing talisman of the ninth rank is not good enough.

The partridge whistle saw it, and just about to go up, Xu Rui had already descended like a tiger, grabbing the middle palace, and slapped his chest and abdomen with his palm.

A pair of fleshy palms tear the air and make a whistling sound, which shows the majesty of power.

This general is not weak either.

Although the body is stiff, the reaction is dissatisfied.

Without dodging or dodging, he hit Xu Rui's palm.

"Beware of corpse poison."

The partridge whistle quickly reminded.


The two palms collided, as if a drum was roaring.

Xu Rui was sent flying.

Yuan Jiang took several steps back and almost fell.

"How are you?"

The partridge whistle asked quickly.

"Hey, it's okay. The corpse poison can't do anything to me."

(End of this chapter)

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