The heavens start from the bottle mountain

Chapter 106 Killing the Corpse General

Chapter 106 Killing the Corpse General
Chapter [-] Killing the Corpse General

He is least afraid of poison.

Of course, the six-winged centipede's natal poison light is an exception, which is not poison, it is simply concentrated sulfuric acid.

"I'll hit the front, and you restrain him from the back." The partridge whistled.

Xu Rui nodded.

The partridge whistle took out the diamond umbrella and rushed up.

His martial arts cultivation has reached the level of exchanging blood. Although the vajra umbrella is heavy, it is as light as when he swings it. Moreover, he is proficient in martial arts, and can often vent the huge power of Yuan Jiang's body.

With one step, Xu Rui came to behind it like lightning, urged Fuhu Palm, and slapped it directly on the back of the heart.

Yuan Jiang's cultivation base was once a bronze armor corpse equivalent to Jindan. Although he has fallen, his physical body is still strong.

Xu Rui slapped it up with his palm, as if on steel, but his mana was hot and masculine, and Yuan Jiang howled miserably when he spit out the power of his palm.

He was not greedy for merit, and retreated instantly after hitting a palm.

And the partridge whistle came up again holding the diamond umbrella.

With the tacit cooperation between the two advancing and retreating, coupled with the Zhiyang firepower at [-]:[-] in the morning, General Yuan's strength became weaker and weaker, and he was blocked by the barrier every time he tried to run.

The body energy is getting less and less, and the strength of Yuan Jiang is also declining.

Seeing that the time had come, Xu Rui shook the spirit blood of the tiger demon.

Subduing Tiger Spirit Palm.

Accompanied by the huge roar of the tiger, the huge golden palm, the size of a water tank and almost as solid as a substance, slapped it on the head.


Yuan Jiang was shot directly into the soil like a thick wooden stake.

With a wave of the left hand, he took out a corpse nail.

Lightning stepped forward, just as he was about to completely kill the general, suddenly a strong sense of danger hit his heart.

Secretly said 'not good', and quickly retreated.

But it's too late.


The surrounding soil exploded, and a huge black figure rushed out like a tiger descending a mountain.

The speed was more than several times higher than before, and the broad blue-black palm patted.

The air is torn apart.

Xu Rui quickly crossed his arms in front of him.

Accompanied by the muffled drum-like collision sound, I felt a surge of unfathomable and tyrannical force like a mountain and an ocean.

The whole body was blown away like a ball.

He slammed into the barrier hard.

Wow, a mouthful of reverse blood spurted out.

The pain in both arms was splitting, and I couldn't exert any strength at all.

I didn't care about the diversion, and quickly added a marrow washing point, and a lazy donkey rolled.

Accompanied by the strong wind, Yuan brushed the thick soles of his feet across his head.

Xu Rui, who was highly concentrated, quickly took out the golden mirror from the dharma bag.

As soon as the mana was urged, the hot pure sun and golden light poured down like a waterfall.

Accompanied by the roar of pain, the general, whose physique was strong twice, covered in long black hair tangled like armor, his muscles knotted, his fangs exposed, his eyes red, and his body full of shocking corpse aura, quickly stepped back a few steps.

This guy's strength has suddenly increased several times.

Obviously, this is a supernatural power similar to the six-winged centipede's natal poison light.

After a large amount of corpse energy was evaporated by the golden light mirror, General Yuan roared in pain, his huge body comparable to Kunlun, and rushed towards the barrier of the formation.

Thinking of its astonishing strange power, Xu Rui's expression changed, and he quickly activated the powerful magic formation.

At this moment, a figure rushed forward like lightning.

The open steel umbrella covers the whole body.

The running yuan will directly bump into it.

The violent force directly knocked the partridge whistle into the air.

But this obstruction inevitably slowed down its speed.

Xu Rui gritted his teeth, threw away the golden light mirror, and rushed forward like lightning, clasped Yuan Jiang's waist with his legs, and wrapped his arms around his neck tightly. Ear drums.

In pain, Yuan Jiang scratched frantically, trying to pull him down.

The sharp nails, like a razor, scratched his arms and back to bloody flesh.

The pain behind him caused his adrenal hormones to soar rapidly, his dantian mana was output crazily, and the continuous roar of the tiger directly tore Yuan Jiang's eardrum.

Gradually, his scratching movements became slower and slower, his huge body shrank slowly, and he knelt down on the ground without a sound.

Xu Rui lay on the ground like a drowning person, breathing heavily, sweat and blood all over his body churning together.

He felt like he had never been in pain.

There was hardly a piece of good flesh on his back, and even the spine was torn off. If it hadn't been repaired three times with marrow washing points in the middle, he might be the one who couldn't hold it first.

After the fourth repair with the marrow washing point, he stood up again intact.

He took out the corpse nail, and after killing General Yuan with one last breath, he walked to Partridge Whistle.

The Vajra Umbrella was completely deformed by General Yuan, who was knocked back by the huge force and fainted.

The tiger's mouth was broken and blood flowed horizontally.

Fortunately, there is no serious problem.

Take out a Yin Yang Hui Xin Pill and give it to him, pinch him to wake him up.

He hurriedly struggled to get up, but after seeing Xu Rui and Yuan Jiang who fell to the side, he was relieved and fell down again.

"You killed him?"

"How do you feel?" Xu Rui asked after nodding.

Feel it in the body.

"I was knocked out of breath, it's okay."

"That's good. You get some rest."

Turn around and walk to Yuan Jiang's side, urging Goldfinger to refine it.

"Beheading a fake alchemy iron corpse, refining it can get six marrow washing points."

Xu Rui thought about it.

The six-winged centipede is also a fake pill.

"So, the fake alchemy period is because of the lack of spiritual energy in the world, and fell from the golden alchemy state. It is higher than the foundation but not a state of the golden alchemy?!"

He took the purple gold belt left by General Yuan in his hand, nothing else, but the two talismans of copper ghost and bronze man on it are treasures.

"Bronze Ghost Talisman (residual), ninth-grade medium."

"Bronze Man Talisman (residual), ninth-grade medium."

In Ghost Blowing Lantern, there is a treasure that is even more amazing than Muchen Bead-the Guixu Ding Ding.

It is written in the novel that this object is a treasure cast by King Mu of Zhou at the request of the country of ruins. It is made by firing dragon fire from the South China Sea. There is also a mirror on the bronze tripod with four talismans on it, which are dragon, human and ghost. , fish, representing different spatial orientations.

When the mirror and the four talismans are complete, you can perform the legendary "candle mirror divination", which is similar to the deduction secrets such as Mai Shenxiang and Ziwei Doushu.

Later, at the end of the Western Han Dynasty, the tomb of King Mu was destroyed by thunder and fire, and the bronze tripod was shattered. The fragments were re-refined and made into an alchemy furnace, which was placed in the Pingshan Underground Palace. Now it is in Xu Rui's pocket.

The bronze dragon talisman was placed in Huang Xiangu's tomb, and was used by Lao Yangpi to become a fairy. Although it failed in the end, it can be seen that the dragon talisman is extraordinary.

The fish talisman and hexagram mirror were lost in the sea, and were picked up from the South China Sea by Audio-Technica.

Of course, now is not decades later, the whereabouts of the fish talisman and hanging mirror, only God knows.

The two talismans of copper ghost and bronze man were supposed to fall into the hands of Chen Yulou, but after some manipulation by Xu Rui, he succeeded.

In fact, he didn't intend to touch the things in the Yuan Dynasty general's tomb at first.

One is that zombies are not easy to mess with, and the other is that there is not enough time.

Even if he wanted to intervene later, he only planned to snatch the white ape and run away.

But he never expected that Cheng Yaojin would come out halfway and scare Chen Yulou away.

Since the meat has been fed to the mouth, there is no reason not to eat it.

Two ninth-grade medium puppet charms were pasted on it.

Xu Rui instantly understood the usefulness of the double-faced copper talisman.

Bronze ghost talisman, you can ask ghosts in the nether world.

Bronze human talisman can distinguish people's hearts and know people's good and evil.

It has nothing to do with deduction.

However, looking at the word 'remnant' at the back of the golden finger appraisal result, you can know that these two hexagrams, most likely along with the end of the world, the aura declines, falls to the rank, and loses most of its power.

But it doesn't matter, he doesn't know how to deduce.

Knowing the usefulness of the two talismans, he finally knew why Na Yuan would wear them on his body.

With the Bronze Man Talisman, people who have malicious intentions towards themselves can feel it when they get close, and the safety is greatly improved.

Copper ghost talisman, as long as you know the birth date, you can directly talk to the ghosts in the underworld.

Either one is useful.

Xu Rui put it in his arms unceremoniously, feeling it carefully.

The partridge whistle has no malice, only vigilance.

Glancing at him, he walked towards the Zijin coffin.

The latter was inexplicable to him, but he cared more about Muchen Bead than he did.

In the huge copper coffin, a large number of gold and jade artifacts were buried.

But these mortal treasures are of little use to Xu Rui.

Of course, he doesn't despise everything.

Take out the jade pillow that the zombie used to sleep on.

The tentacles are cold, but the jade quality is excellent.

Put it in the sun, you can see the shadows and shadows inside, there are many things.

He took out a corpse nail, and used the sharpest part to scratch a circle on the jade pillow.The wax layer that acts as an adhesion is destroyed.

After taking off the cover, a space of forty centimeters long, twenty centimeters wide, and twenty centimeters deep appeared before him.

Inside are two small and one large and three jade boxes.

The two small ones are on top and the big one is on the bottom.

The jade box is also tightly pasted with a layer of wax.

Xu Rui picked up one and opened it.

A tree root appeared in front of my eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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