The heavens start from the bottle mountain

Chapter 109 Chunyang Iron Pavilion, open.

Chapter 109 Chunyang Iron Pavilion, open.


However, whether the double-barreled shotgun "Judgment" or "The Secret Record of the Corpse" is just a dessert before the meal, the real feast is Chunyang Tiege.

With one step, the ground seemed to shrink into an inch, and he came to the Chunyang Iron Pavilion of the "Blue Dragon Position" like lightning.

There was a lot of anticipation in his eyes.

He found the clue to open the Chunyang Iron Pavilion from the dharma bag of Guanshan Taibao.

With hands in mudra, he muttered something in his mouth.

After a while.

Drink it in your mouth.


A ray of spiritual light flew into the iron pavilion.


With a dull sound, the closed door cracked a thin crack.

In Xu Rui's excited eyes, it rumbled and opened to both sides.

"Finally opened."

He has been looking forward to it for more than two years, and now he finally opened it successfully.

Inside are many treasures accumulated by the royal family of the Song Dynasty in the Pingshan Underground Palace.

Can't wait to fly in.

The entrance is a space of about [-] square meters.

There were some futons on the sides, but they were rotten.

On the opposite side is a table like a counter, with pens, ink, paper and inkstones placed on it.and some copybooks.

It's all ordinary stuff.

There are only some borrowing records in the copybook.

"Is this a study?"

Turn your head and look to the left, there is a closed iron door there.

Fortunately, there are no restrictions on it.

After pushing it in, a space with thousands of square meters appeared in front of you.

Compared with the Chunyang Tiege Pavilion, which seems to occupy an area of ​​only fifty or sixty square meters from the outside, the inside is much larger.

"I didn't expect to use the method of space."

There are no pillars in the space, and a soft golden-red aura is sprinkled above the head, and a faint warmth fills the surroundings.

Rows of iron frames made of elite hardware are neatly placed.

There are tables and chairs in the middle of the room, apparently for borrowers to copy.

Go to the nearest bookshelf.

Randomly picked up a book.

"Jiayou Supplementary Notes on Shennong Materia Medica".

This is volume three.

There were nineteen more volumes on the shelf.

Xu Rui has never studied alchemy, let alone medicine.I don't know how valuable this medical book is.

After looking through it, it was all some incomprehensible herbal medicine knowledge.

After putting it back in place, continue backwards.

"Supplements to Prescriptions of Thousand Gold".

in the future.

"Su Wen", "Lingshu", "Nan Jing", "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber", "Mai Jing", "On the Origin and Symptoms of Various Diseases", "Qian Jin Yi Fang", "Wai Tai Secret Yao" .

Three columns and twelve rows, on 36 iron frames, are all such ordinary medical books.

There are more than a dozen different versions of "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" alone.

But they are all ordinary medical books and prescriptions.

It is worth a thousand gold to ordinary people, but it has little effect on practitioners.

Across the transcription desk in the middle, there is another row of twelve iron shelves on the opposite side.

But most of them are empty.

Xu Rui walked over.

Feel free to pick up one.

"Longhushan Danjing".

Goldfinger reacted too.

Evaluation Qipin is superior.

With a shock in my heart, I opened it.

The first page is 'Shaoyang Pill'.

Xu Rui looked at the records, and found that this is a low-grade panacea of ​​the ninth rank similar to 'Xuelian Yuchan Pill'.

There are nineteen kinds of the same level behind.

There is 'Shaoyin Pill' for cultivating Xuanyin exercises, 'Qingmu Pill' for Aoki attribute exercises, and 'Blood Enrichment and Qi Pill' for Healing Blood, etc.

There are nearly [-] kinds of elixir of the other nine ranks of medium and nine ranks of top class.

Even the Seventh Rank Spirit Pill has twelve types.

It fully shows the background of the Daoist sect of Longhu Mountain.

But after the seventh rank, there is no one.

Everything came to an abrupt end.

Obviously, it wasn't that there wasn't any, but that Longhushan didn't give it at all.

That is their true background, even if the emperor ordered, they did not show it.

After roughly flipping through it, I picked up the second book.

"Shen Xiao Pai Dan Jing".

The situation is similar to the previous "Longhushan Danjing", only up to the seventh grade.

Afterwards, "Maoshan Pai Dan Jing", "Louguan Dao Dan Jing", "Wutai Mountain Manjusri Guan Dan Jing", Xu Rui has never heard of the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism, and there are nearly a hundred sects of Dan Jing here.

But almost all of them are incomplete versions.

Only up to the seventh rank, none of the above.

Obviously, in front of Emperor Zhao Song, all sects remained in agreement.

Of course, not all alchemy books here are like this.

There are still many remaining copies.

For example, he is now reading this "Three Psalms of Meng Hougong Asking Dan".

Why three articles?

Dan Furnace, Dan Fang, Dan Jue.

It records more than a dozen methods of cultivating alchemy furnaces, and the top-notch alchemy furnace is as high as the fifth grade.

The Taiyi Yinyang Furnace is also listed among them, the seventh grade is medium.

There are more than 100 kinds of Danfang in the catalog, but most of them are lost, and less than a quarter of them are intact. Fortunately, there are still three complete sixth-order Danfangs.

Dan Jue, this is a set of Yin Jue to control the temperature of Dan Furnace and adjust the civil and military fire.

It's a pity that it is broken.

However, other remnants also have complete alchemy formulas.

The only pity is that, apart from medical books and alchemy books, there are not half a book of cultivation methods and techniques.

"It's the little girl of Cheap Hualing, she must like it here."

But this girl is a long-term worker he has signed, and he will be the first to enjoy the elixir that will be refined in the future.

Seeing that there was nothing else to gain, Xu Rui walked out.

Come to the White Tiger's seat Chunyang Iron Pavilion.

The method of opening the ban is generally the same as that of the Azure Dragon, and even the internal layout is very similar.

However, what is placed on the shelf is no longer Dan Shu, but jade boxes of various sizes.

There are labels on the jade boxes.

Ginseng, Poria cocos, Ganoderma lucidum, Dendrobium candidum, Snow lotus, Iron core grass, etc.

Xu Rui looked at each box.

After the word Buzz Grass came into view, his eyes lit up, and he hurried over to open the jade box.

The empty situation disappointed him greatly.

"Not at all!"

Buzzgrass is one of the main spiritual materials for refining the Hunyuan Tower, and it is also the only spiritual thing he lacks now. As long as he finds it, he can start refining the Hunyuan Tower.

It's a pity that until now, he still has no clue.

The reason why I keep comprehending the restrictions in the Chunyang Iron Pavilion is that I hope to find them here, but I didn't expect it to fail in the end.

Sighing heavily, he picked up his mood and began to check the rest of the jade boxes, but most of them were empty.

Hundred-year-old ginseng, ganoderma lucidum, and human-shaped fleece-flower root each have more than a dozen of them.

The most precious of them all reached 500 years.

With the protection of the Chunyang Iron Pavilion and the jade box itself, the medicinal properties were not lost much, which is a great harvest.

The mood that should have been happy, because of the lack of Buzzweed, wiped out most of it.

Then go to Zhuquewei Chunyang Tiege.

After the urging seal was opened, an old man with scabs and slumped appeared in front of him.

Xu Rui's heart was shocked, and he quickly became alert.

Taking a closer look, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Two jade tendons were hanging down from the old Taoist's nose, and he didn't feel any vitality in his body, obviously his body had been dissected for many years.

He walked over, walked around the old road, and reached out to touch it.

Goldfinger manifests.

"Remaining slough, the ninth grade is the best, refining can get 4 marrow washing points."

Those who are eligible for autopsy are at least at the level of Yuanshen, so the slough of such a great master is at least the seventh rank.

But over the past thousand years, most of its spirituality has been lost.

But Xu Rui didn't dislike getting 4 marrow washing points for nothing.

After urging the golden finger to refine, the Taoist robe on the old Taoist body fell down.

Dilapidated and decayed, even if it used to be a magic weapon, it is useless now.

Ding bang.

A hosta and a copper bracelet fell to the ground.

Xu Rui reached out to pick it up.

The jade hairpin is one foot long, green all over, and engraved with a flying crane soaring with its wings outstretched, lifelike.


Goldfinger manifests.

"Flying crane hairpin, ninth grade medium (disabled)."

Xu Rui took out a puppet charm and pasted it on.

Instantly understood how to use it.

After making a seal formula, under the urging of mana, Feihe Hairpin instantly sprinkled a tenacious aura of Cui Yingying to protect him in the middle.

Lingguang is tenacious, although it is not as good as Xiling Great Seal, but it is quite good.

"It turned out to be a protective magic weapon."

The second brass bracelet.

It looks as if it is tempered brass, with engraved spirit patterns on the surface.

Goldfinger manifests.

"National Bracelet, Ninth Grade Medium (Disabled)."

I breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately it wasn't the first class of Jiupin, otherwise I wouldn't be able to eat it.

The difficulty of Lingbao puppetry was beyond his original imagination.

I thought it would take a year or two to advance to the blue talisman stage and draw a ninth-grade puppet talisman, but I didn't expect that after more than two years, my qualifications have been improved several times, and it is still difficult to break through.

Therefore, the treasure of Taiyi Yinyang Furnace is still quietly placed in the Dan Cave.

With a heart move, a puppet seal flew from the dantian into the Nawu bracelet, and everything inside was reflected in the bottom of my heart.

"Three cubes?"

A mid-level Ninth-Rank bracelet has three times the internal space of his Ninth-Rank Supreme dharma bag.

The only thing that can be explained is that the spiritual material used to refine this Nawu bracelet is far better than the dharma bag in his hand.

Even if it's only the middle class of ninth grade, the space is still above the dharma bag.

But although the space is large, there are very few things inside.

There is only a magic sword full of cracks and a stack of jade books.

Take out the magic sword first.

Two feet long and two fingers wide, the whole body is green and green, like a piece of fine jasper.

Under the auspicious cloud-shaped swallow mouth, there are two simple seal characters, dim and dark.

Goldfinger manifests.

"Qingyang sword, rank nine middle (disabled)."

Even though it was only incomplete, the residual biting sword intent was still extremely captivating.

With the immersion of spiritual consciousness, only two restraints are intact, but there are six broken restraints. It is certain that when it was at its peak, it was once a seventh-rank middle-level magic weapon.


Subconsciously wanted to try its power, but looking at the cracks, as if they were about to break in the next moment, Xu Rui pressed his thoughts.

Carefully put in the storage bracelet.

Take out the remaining jade books.

After a look, 'Teng' stood up.

On the title page of the jade book, it was written impressively.

"Lingbao Puppet Art!"

This time it is no longer an incomplete version, but a complete, top-ranked secret technique.

Xu Rui cherishes this spell that he got the first time, but the evaluation of the eighth grade makes him somewhat worried.

Complete now, no more worries.

After watching it over and over again, it was hard to calm down.

Looking forward to the other two iron pavilions.

The layout of the Chunyang Tiege in the Phoenix position is also the same as the previous two.

Thousands of square meters of space are placed with shelves.

But the top is empty.

I don't know if it was originally like this, or it was taken away.

However, there is no most disappointment, only more disappointment.

In the Chunyang Iron Pavilion of Xuanwu, there is no hair at all.


It looks like it has been cleaned up in advance.

Although a little disappointed, but thinking of the harvest, he quickly calmed down.

Among other things, the complete "Lingbao Puppet Art" alone is enough.

Compare your wrists.

Taking a slight breath, the muscles in the broad palms were sunken and gradually became thinner.

After being born with martial arts, he has completely controlled every muscle and bone in the body, so it is not difficult to do so.

If there is a bone shrinking secret method.

It is not difficult for a seven-foot man to become a child.

Wear the Nawu bracelet on your right hand, and everything will return to its original state.

After nothing was missed, he turned around and walked out of the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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