The heavens start from the bottle mountain

Chapter 110 The natal puppet, Kunlun Mole

Chapter 110 The natal puppet, Kunlun Mole

With the participation of Partridge Whistle and Flower Spirit, Gu Zhong was also alive.

And two strong laborers joined in, of course they should be used well.

Partridge Whistle was very powerful, and when he was not practicing, he wandered all over the mountains to gather the herbs that Xu Rui needed.Occasionally, they would go down the mountain to purchase daily necessities such as oil, salt, and bedding.

Everyday things are fully arranged, which saves him from worrying about Muchen Bead all the time.

Hua Ling knows how to refine medicine and medical skills, and she was given the task of cultivating a medicine garden, feeding chickens, and taking care of two tigers and two sea dongqings.

Miss Hong is reluctant to do it alone, so she helps out most of the time.

The two girls made some flowers and plants, embellishing the valley more beautifully.

As for Xu Rui, in addition to training, washing the marrow of the red girl with magic power is enough, so how can he still work?
"Hua Ling, it's not bad, this vermilion fruit was really planted by you."

Xu Rui was a little pleasantly surprised to see the greenery becoming more and more obvious, and the vermilion root that had sprouted the size of a grain of rice.

Hua Ling, who was wearing a blue double-breasted blouse and a ball head, turned around with a smile on his face.

"Brother Xu."

The red girl planted the Jiulong plate in her hand and turned her head.

"Hey, Lao Cai, the landlord, is finally willing to go down to have a look?"

"Anyway, it's my own land, of course I have to take a look."

Xu Rui walked into the medicine garden with his hands behind his back.

Looking left and right, in the medicine garden with a size of two or three mu, many elixir were planted by category.

Ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, Poria cocos, Angelica dahurica and so on.

"Brother Partridge Whistle is really diligent. It's only been half a month, and our medicine garden in Qinglin Valley has already begun to take shape."

"Partridge Whistle will never forget Brother Xu's kindness in passing on his merits. For small things, you should do your best."

While speaking, Partridge Whistle strode over and put down the medicine basket on his back at the same time.


Hua Ling ran over to take the medicine basket, and as soon as she tidied it up, she screamed.

"What a big ganoderma."

As he spoke, he carefully took out a purple Ganoderma lucidum from the bottom of the medicine basket, which was slightly larger than the mouth of the bowl.

A smile appeared on Partridge Whistle's face.

"Today was lucky, I found it on the cliff west of Old Bear Ridge."

Xu Rui took it over and took a look, then nodded in satisfaction.

"The medicinal properties are very strong, and it has not been less than 300 years. Brother Partridge Whistle is really lucky."

"Thanks to the 'cane' you gave me, otherwise I might not be able to take it down."

In order to make it easier for Partridge Whistle to collect herbs, Xu Rui lent him the rattan stick temporarily.

"Meet something?"

"A Coral Snake that has become a climate, I have already fed Zuo Guardian."

Left Guardian and Right Guardian are the names of the two Costin.

The two tigers also have names.

Generals before and after.

When it was the Nuqing Chicken's turn, Miss Hong took away the naming right and named it 'Red Sleeve'.

A rooster with such a name can only be done by the red girl.

Seeing Miss Hong and Hua Ling happily planting Ganoderma lucidum, Xu Rui took out a porcelain bottle from the dharma bag and handed it over.

Partridge Whistle looked suspicious.

"The blood essence of the white ape has been refined by me. After you succeed in building the foundation and comprehend the blood pattern technique, you can condense your first blood pattern."

He took it over with a solemn look.

"Thank you."

He waved his hand.

"It's just an exchange of equal value."

When he passed the Lingyang Dengzheng to Partridge Whistle, the latter, grateful, gave him the secret 'Soul Shaking Technique' of the Qianshan School.

It was also the spell that the three Partridge Whistles used when they broke the old raccoon's circular light technique and rescued Chen Yulou and others.

Goldfinger evaluates Bapin as medium.

Xu Rui was very interested in this Taoism that directly pointed to the soul, so he exchanged it with the blood pattern technique.

Patted his shoulder.

"Cultivate well, and don't ask me if you don't understand."

The words fell, turned and left.

Partridge Whistle looked at the distant figure with a smile on his face.

Although the other party behaved like a thousand miles away, he cared enough for him.

Whether it's the 'Lingyang Dengzhen Jue' or the 'Blood Pattern Technique', the secrets are explained in great detail, and you can just practice according to it, and you don't need to ask too much at all.

Back in the cave, after some tidying up, there were changes from the beginning, especially the practice room.

The four Chunyang iron pavilions are arranged according to the order of southeast, northwest, respectively.

In the middle is a lotus altar with a diameter of one meter and a height of one foot.

Feishen sat down on the altar.

Looking around at the four iron pavilions, he couldn't help but sighed.

In order to rearrange the 'Four Elephants Promise Formation', a powerful Xuanyin Magical Artifact is necessary to balance the yang qi of the four pure yang iron pavilions.

But the only Xuanyin Magic Artifact in his hand 'Hundred Soul Banner' is only rank nine inferior.

Even with the addition of the Five Ghosts, it is far from the four Chunyang Iron Pavilions.

It is impossible to form an array at all.

Fortunately, there is a complete method of cultivating the 'Hundred Soul Banner' in the "Book of the Five Poison Gus", and he also has a ninth-grade high-grade '300-year Yinhun Wood' in his hand, which is just used to sacrifice and practice the Hundred Soul Banner.

But refining weapons is not a trivial matter, and he can only do it after he has completely penetrated the restriction of the Hundred Soul Banner.

This takes a lot of time.

What he lacks most now is time.

Take out the golden light mirror from the dharma bag and start to comprehend the prohibition in it.

True orthodox monks are basically multi-skilled.

Versatility, you must know a little about alchemy, weapon refining, ghost slavery, and beast control.

One major, one must be proficient in one hundred arts of practice.

Xu Rui considered his own situation and decided to specialize in refiners.

After all, he has golden fingers, and as his aptitude continues to improve, the speed of his practice will also increase. With the help of pills, it is the icing on the cake, and it will not be a hindrance if he does not have it.

The array is also good, but he is not too interested.

Only the refiner is the most suitable.

He is also most interested.

As for concurrent training, after thinking about it, I finally forgot it.

Not that much energy.

Time passed bit by bit, and the golden light mirror flashed a golden light from time to time, which was extremely miraculous.

After a long time, he opened his eyes and frowned slightly.

"I just 'know it, don't know why'. It is still too difficult to practice the third restriction."

The golden light mirror is an extremely rare pure yang magic weapon, which matches the mana of his Sun Sutra, and if it can be practiced, the third prohibition can be obtained.

This treasure will become the most powerful magic weapon in his hand.

In the future, if you go to the worm valley, the safety will be improved a lot.

Recalling the content of the Sun Sutra, it only talked about the method of cultivation, and did not mention any method of cultivation of spells, let alone the method of sacrifice and training of supporting magic tools.

Everything can only depend on himself.

"Do you want to add some marrow washing points?"

After adding more than a dozen marrow washing points in the Pingshan Underground Palace, he obviously felt that his comprehension had improved a lot.

The speed of refining spiritual energy has also increased several times.

It can be called a great creation.

He hesitated for a while, but still didn't dare to move.

The marrow washing point is a life-saving thing.

"Forget it, it's not in a hurry."

Put away the golden light mirror, jumped down from the altar, took a few steps forward, and patted the closed iron door, still motionless.

Up to now, I haven't drawn the first-class puppet symbol, and I don't know what treasures are inside.But he is not in a hurry, anyway, the meat is already in the pot, so he is not afraid of it flying.

There are two passages on both sides of the practice room, step forward and walk to the right.

Passing through a 20-meter-long stone road, my eyes shine.

A large hole with a diameter of 30 meters and a height of ten meters appeared before his eyes.

The surrounding oil lamps were faint, making the entire cave shrouded in a haze.

In the middle of the big hole.

Kunlun's body lay there quietly.

It's been three months and everything is ready.

After taking a slight breath, he sat cross-legged.

Meditate on the eight great divine mantras of Taoism.

Purify the mind, purify the mouth, purify the body, and secure the land.

again and again.

Adjust your own state to the best.

Then he took out the Ziyang Talisman Pen and the refined White Ape Spirit Blood.

Dip the blood with a pen, and quickly draw mysterious runes on the ground.

Xu Rui concentrated his attention.

Never dare to make a mistake.

Once he made a mistake, all previous efforts would be wasted, and he would have to search for the demon blood to re-train it into spiritual blood, which took a lot of time and energy.

Therefore, even though he had practiced dozens of times, he still didn't dare to be careless.

Gradually, a trace of sweat seeped out from his forehead.

The runes also slowly covered half of the cave floor.

After a long time, he stood up.

Looking at the spiritual blood that was about to bottom out, he nodded in satisfaction.

Put away the spiritual blood and the talisman pen.

With one step, the whole person floated up and slowly landed on the top of Kunlun's corpse.

In order to restore the best condition, a marrow washing point is directly added.

Then move Zhou Tian.

Put your right hand on Kunlun Baihui Point.

At the same time, it intends to sink the dantian.

In the twelve-foot-long dantian, the golden-red scorching sun mana occupies a shallow layer.

Lingbao puppet technique, eagle eye technique, blood pattern technique, iron chewing technique, void step technique, soul shaking technique, five ghost transport technique, the fundamental talisman transformed by seven spells, shining like seven planets.

As the most time-consuming spell, Lingbao Puppet Art is the most dazzling.

The rich aura is divided into two parts.

One part is the root talisman of Lingbao Puppet Art, and the other part is the 'Lingbao Puppet Fundamental Amulet' with only one-tenth of its light.

The mother and child go up and down, like a spiral.

Beside the two, there are more than 100 points of light, like satellites, revolving around it.

Under Xu Rui's urging, the puppet's basic talisman quickly left its original position, and along the meridian, merged into the Kunlun Sea of ​​Consciousness like lightning.

With both hands making a formula, complex and mysterious incantations sounded from his mouth.

The talisman arrays drawn around were bursting with auras of aura.

The incantation is getting faster and faster, and the seal formula in the hand is also getting faster and faster.

The talisman array disappeared into Kunlun's body like flowing water.


A pale white fluorescent light appeared between Kunlun's eyebrows.

Xu Rui clearly felt his connection with it.

However, this is not the end.

Hastily opened the golden finger panel.

Sure enough, he saw Kunlun's attributes under his attributes.

Looking at the qualifications for the first time, a small plus sign appeared behind it.

Not daring to be negligent, I quickly added a marrow washing point.

Visible to the naked eye, the granulation sprouts from the wound on Kunlun's body grew and quickly healed together.

Boom boom boom...

The heart began to beat, the scalding blood began to activate the organs in the body, and the stiff muscles regained their activity.

The thick qi and blood dispersed, and a person who had died was resurrected again.


The corpse must have been revived.

Kunlun's soul has already returned to the underworld.

He took off the corpse-suppressing talisman on his head, and with a sudden jerk, Kunlun stood up.

The tower-like body is filled with an indescribably powerful oppressive force.

(End of this chapter)

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