The heavens start from the bottle mountain

Chapter 111 Planning the Way Ahead

Chapter 111 Planning the Way Ahead

The four eyes met, and a strange feeling appeared in the bottom of my heart.

One mind and two uses.

Simultaneously move the two bodies without interfering with each other.

A move in my heart.

The two punched each other at the same time.

Xu Rui's body was directly blown away.

Even after washing his marrow, his strength is still far behind Kunlun.

Fit better, elbows and knees against the enemy.

The two hit each other quickly.

The dull crashing sound showed the powerful strength between each other.

No matter who saw this scene, they couldn't tell that it was a person.

A common way to do two things at once.

Fight left and right.

After fighting for nearly a hundred moves, Xu Rui stopped with excitement on his face.

He looked at Kunlun who also stopped his hands with fiery eyes.

He was very grateful that he chose Kunlun as his natal puppet. Only when he mastered it could he truly understand how great potential this physical body contains.

Especially strength, nearly twice as much as him.

And the other party has two supernatural powers.

This kind of power derived from blood did not disappear with Kunlun's death.

However, the strange thing is that the core of Kunlun's power is not in the Dantian, but in the Tanzhong point near the heart.

This place is full of pure blood.

In the viscous mercury-like blood, there are two spirit patterns, one red and one black.

Red represents 'natural power', and black represents 'reinforced iron bones'.

A move in my heart.

Stimulate the supernatural power of 'reinforced iron bones'.

A faint blackness diffused from the body surface.

Xu Rui instantly felt an indescribable force emanating from deep within his body.

He clenched his fists.

Although it cannot be measured specifically.

But the strength has at least doubled.

Then urge the 'natural power'.

If the increased strength of the steel and iron bones just made him feel strong, then this time it can be called wild.

The tyrannical and unparalleled power rolled in the body, like a scalding stream of heat, and he couldn't spit out fast.

At this moment, he really felt that even if a mountain stood in front of him, he could smash it into pieces.

"This force is too strong."

Xu Rui was amazed.

It is said that one force can drop ten meetings, and Kunlun really has the ability to drop ten meetings with one force.

Rejoice again in my heart.

With such a powerful natal puppet escorting him, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to die in the future, it will be very difficult to die.

However, apart from Kunlun's abilities, his attribute panel also has many things worth noting.

Kunlun Moller
Qualification: Acquired Spirit Body 19% (74%)

Bloodline: Giant Spirit Divine Blood (Tier 2 top grade/concentration [-]%/unawakened)
Body Refining: Longyin Iron Cloth Shirt (Ninth Grade High/Marrow Cleansing Realm/Progress 91%)

Supernatural powers: 1. Innate supernatural power (lower rank eight)

2. Reinforced iron bones (eighth grade medium)

Two progress bars appeared behind the qualification 'Acquired Spiritual Body'.

One is his and the other is Kunlun's.

Think carefully and understand.

Qualifications generally include physical and spiritual.

Now the spirit in Kunlun's body is him, so the progress of his aptitude is the same as his aptitude progress, which is 19%.

Kunlun's physical body still maintains its original strength, so it is 74%.

Also, the blood pattern technique that Kunlun originally practiced disappeared.

It is also understandable that a person's spiritual power is contained in the magic root talisman.When a person dies and his spiritual power disappears, the fundamental talisman naturally also collapses.


"The natal puppet is different from the original real Kunlun."

A move in my heart.

The root talisman of the blood pattern technique in his dantian, following the connection in the dark, went to the Tanzhong acupoint in Kunlun.

"Sure enough."

While feeling joyful in my heart, I started to try other root symbols.

The result is the same.

All the fundamental talismans can be transferred between his and Kunlun's two bodies.

After a brief try, he found out.

The blood pattern technique was used in Kunlun, and its power was obviously greater than his own; but the power of the puppet technique, eagle eye technique, and five ghost transport techniques was not as powerful as his own.

Obviously, the blood pattern technique is a technique that favors qi and blood; while the latter is a technique that favors mana.

Thinking of this, he also began to think about his future path.

Kunlun is undoubtedly the top talent in martial arts, and he will continue to do so in the future.

In this way, there is no need for him, the deity, to continue to practice martial arts, or to say that he no longer focuses on martial arts.

In martial arts practice, there is more than strength, but not enough flexibility.

Practicing Qi together can make up for this shortcoming.

"If Kunlun were to practice martial arts, it would be too disadvantageous in a purely physical situation. Practicing various techniques would be at the expense of the basics. Only the blood pattern technique cannot be given up."

For the blood pattern technique, as long as you continue to contract various spiritual blood, you can get spells, and the price/performance ratio is the most suitable.It can make up for the shortcomings of Kunlun.

He can also use it at critical moments.

On Kunlun's side, martial arts plus blood pattern technique.

On his side, of course, Qi training is the main focus, and martial arts is the supplement.

The marrow washing point itself has the function of strengthening the body, which can greatly shorten the training time of martial arts. Under such favorable conditions, it is a pity to give up martial arts.

Since martial arts are auxiliary.

In terms of Qi training, you also need to plan.

There is no doubt that Lingbao puppetry should be placed first.

Next is Bloodline.

Kunlun is just a puppet, and he still needs to comprehend the blood pattern technique.

Then there are iron chewing techniques, soul shaking technique, five ghost transport technique and eagle eye technique.

After all, he still lacks a powerful attack spell that can be finalized.

There is nothing suitable at hand, so I can only find a way later.

In terms of magic weapons, there are golden light mirrors, silk ropes, and double-barreled shotguns for judgment, all of which are mid-level ninth-rank, and their power is not bad.It's a little bit far from the final word.

"By the way, there is also a golden sword talisman in the 'Danyang Zihua Basic Talisman', which can be enlightened a little bit."

"In addition, the blood pattern technique is strengthened for Kunlun, and I still need an escape method."

It just so happens that he has a 'Stepping Void Art' that was found by Yuan Jiang, which is inferior to the seventh rank, higher than the blood pattern art.

The other two were obtained from Guanshan Taibao's 'Guanshan Finger Puzzle' and 'Scattering Beans into Soldiers', although they were ranked seventh-rank middle and sixth-rank low respectively, but he was not very interested.

The art of throwing beans into a war is essentially a kind of Taoist art.

Use the prepared dharma beans in advance to absorb the souls of the soldiers, and then continue to practice with aura and incense. The longer the time, the stronger the power.

Sprinkle out when needed and form an army against the enemy.

Power is stronger than many spells.

However, this spell requires a lot of time to conceive.

"Honggu is really suitable for practicing this technique."

The red girl has a bold and bold personality, with a heroic spirit and courage that are rare in women. She usually likes the female generals of the Yang family the most.

I often lament that I was born in the wrong age.

Let her practice this skill of turning beans into a weapon, it will be like a treasure.

After summarizing.

Xu Rui ranked the spells he practiced.

The Lingbao puppet technique is the first, the blood pattern technique is the second, the iron chewing technique is the third, the virtual stepping technique is the fourth, the golden sword charm is the fifth, other eagle eye technique, five ghost transport technique, and various basic symbols are tied together.

The last is to delve into the art of refining weapons.

After thinking about the future, he transferred the root amulet of the blood pattern technique into Kunlun's body.

After planning the way forward, and having a new powerful arm, I was excited.


Another half month later, in the training room, Kunlun's legs were bent, and he was wearing an iron sand vest that weighed five hundred catties, and he was firmly gaiting.

The tyrannical qi and blood made his whole body red, and the heat wave rolled within a foot.

After a long time, he straightened up.

Xu Rui beside him sighed in disappointment.

He had given Kunlun all the power-enhancing panaceas in his hands.

But his physical body is too strong, eating dozens of 'Snow Ginseng Jade Chan Pills' only raised his physical body to 98% of the marrow washing state.

It is still two points away from being complete.

"There's no time, but this Kunlun is strong enough."

Only he himself truly understands how powerful Kunlun is now.

"With the right set of weapons and armor, he would be even more invincible."

Shaking his head, he can only think about it for the time being.

After packing up his things, he took Kunlun out of the valley.

Although the relationship between him and Xiling was just mutual use, Chen Yulou treated him well, and he also received a lot of favors. The treasures in the Pingshan Palace had no owner, so he snatched them without any psychological burden.

But the favor of Xiling and Chen Yulou has to be repaid.

Otherwise, he would not feel at ease even if he left like this.


Chen Yulou had a very unhappy time.

Not to mention nothing gained from the trip to Pingshan, it also damaged hundreds of brothers in the Xiangyin branch, as well as many elite disciples directly under him.Even the elder brother Luo Laowai died.

If it weren't for the completeness of the people in Xuetang, he would have almost become a bare-bones commander.

Such a heavy loss wiped out his previously accumulated reputation.

After escaping in embarrassment, he became the laughing stock of the gang.

Although no one dared to say it in person, the nickname of "tiger father and dog son" has been faintly spread in private.

Hua Maguai walked in at this moment.

Chen Yulou showed hope on his face.

But the look of the latter made his heart sink slowly.

"My dad refused?"

Hua Maguai nodded, "I always let you think about your mistakes behind closed doors, when you repent, when will you go out again."


The table instantly fell apart.

Hua Maguai looked calm, as if he didn't see it.

Chen Yulou was shocked and took a deep breath.

"Any news about Xu Rui?"

"The gang has been searching secretly, but there is no news yet." Hua Maguai nodded and said.

"Where's that Liu Changfan from the Ni'er Club?"

"After returning from Pingshan, he never appeared again."

After waving him to go down, Chen Yulou took out an envelope from the dharma bag.

It was written in neat handwriting.

"Chen Yulou, the young master, personally entrusted him." '

After opening, there is very little content on the white paper, but if it is exposed, every word on it can set off monstrous waves in Xiling.

Even with his personality, he has not dared to bring it to his father for a long time.

Just when he was hesitating, hurried footsteps came.

Putting the letter in the dharma bag quickly, the excited Hua Maguai hurried over.

"Don't worry, Kunlun is back."

Chen Yulou was shocked in his heart.

"Who? Kunlun?"

"It's in the hall outside." Hua Maguai nodded repeatedly.

Chen Yulou hurried out.

If he lost anyone during this trip to Pingshan, it would be Kunlun.

Among all the masters around him, Kunlun is like a pinnacle of calming the sea. As long as he is around, Chen Yulou doesn't have to worry about anyone.

Even if it is his father's Longtang.

(End of this chapter)

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