Chapter 112

Hurriedly coming to the front yard, Chen Yulou was excited when he saw the extremely familiar, strong and muscular figure.


Turning around, a simple and honest smile appeared on the familiar face.

Walked over with strides, knelt on one knee, clasped fists with both hands.

Kunlun can't speak, but the meaning is already obvious.

"Get up."

Raise your hands.

Looking at the number one general under his command, Chen Yulou was excited.

"How did you survive the Pingshan Palace?"

Kunlun cooperated with both hands and made a collapsed posture.

"Pingshan collapsed, did you survive?"

Kunlun nodded.

"Why are you coming back now?"

Kunlun unbuttoned his clothes, revealing the scar on his chest.

Originally, there would be no scars left after repairing the body with marrow washing points, but in order to win the trust of Chen Yulou, he had to add some flesh wounds to himself.

Chen Yulou looked at the location of the wound, and it was mainly concentrated in the upper abdomen. If he was lucky, it was not fatal.

"You came back after recovering from your injury?"

Kunlun nodded.

Patted his arm.

"Thank you for your hard work. After driving such a long way, you are also tired. Go down and rest first."


Chen Yulou took out a porcelain bottle from his dharma bag and handed it over.

"There are nine 'Yin Yang Hui Xin Pills' in it, which are the most effective for sword wounds. You take it back and take it once every three days. It can't be too much or too little."

Kunlun took it with gratitude in his eyes.

"Okay, let's go. After you recover from your injury, you and my brother will create a great cause together."

Kunlun nodded.

"Tu Feng?"

"Keep your head off."

Tu Feng, who had been in charge of guarding Chen Yulou, hurried over.

"Prepare food for Kunlun and send it to his room."


After the two left, the joy on Chen Yulou's face gradually disappeared, and he stepped into the courtyard, climbed up to the roof a few times, and watched Kunlun's back in silence.

"He still remembers where he lives." Chen Yulou whispered.

"Stop doubting Kunlun?"

Hua Ma turns the road.

"Back in the Wengcheng, even though thousands of arrows were fired and the soldiers were in chaos, I clearly saw that Kunlun was shot in the chest by a bed crossbow. With such an injury, it should be impossible to survive."

"Could it be that the light is dim, don't look at the wrong head?"

After reminiscing, Chen Yulou shook his head.

"But when I saw Kunlun just now, there was breathing and heartbeat, just like before. Whether it's holding a corpse or possessing a soul, it won't be so vivid."

"There are so many extraordinary skills in the world of practice, how much can us ordinary people know?" Chen Yulou said.

"Then you plan to...?"

Gazing at the peaceful house in the distance.

"Observe secretly first, whether he is really not dead or controlled by others, it will be useful to us."

Hua Maguai nodded in agreement.

"come here."

He walked into the study with Hua Maguai and picked up a pen to write.

After finishing writing, review it and give it to Hua Maguai.

"Let Tu Feng prepare according to this menu, and then ask the servants to bring over the leftovers."



After closing the door, Xu Kunlun breathed a sigh of relief.

Thanks to when I was still in Xiling Mountain Villa, I used puppetry to control birds and found out Kunlun's residence and some behavior habits.Otherwise, I had to reveal my stuff just now.

He inherited Kunlun's physical body, but not his memory.

Turning around and looking at the house, the furnishings are very simple, from the bed to the chairs, to all kinds of living utensils, all of which are a few sizes larger than ordinary people.

There is a huge cowhide sandbag in the empty space next to it.

From the traces of friction, it is obvious that it has been used frequently.

Kunlun's major skill is Longyin Iron Cloth Shirt, which is also included in the thirteen martial arts skills given to him by Master Chen, so he can continue to practice.

Not long after, Tu Feng walked in with a few servants carrying a large plate of meat.

Just the stewed beef weighs seven or eight catties.

Others include chicken, several dishes and a large bowl of rice.

bang bang bang.

The table is full.

"Kunlun, do you see enough of this?"

He nodded and clasped his fists as a thank you.

"You're welcome, just ask if you need anything."

Tu Feng also wanted to find out how the damned Kunlun survived?

But the strange eyes were too obvious.

Kunlun stood up, his huge body revealing a strong oppressive force.


The dull nasal voice is amazingly deterrent.

The generous palm pointed out the door, and there was a wordless warning in the deep eyes.

A sense of fear rose unconsciously in Tu Feng's heart.

It was like a strong and terrifying bear standing in front of him with bared teeth, ready to swallow it in one gulp at any time.

His usual indifferent cheeks tugged, and he slowly backed away.

Seeing him leave, Xu Kunlun smiled coldly.

"I'm not here, he has completely taken my place."

But it's impossible for my own deity to go back to Xiling again, and it doesn't matter what the blood hall is.

Looking at the food on the table, he moved his index finger.

I ate it in big mouthfuls.

The strengthened stomach is like a meat grinder, crushing all the food swallowed and turning it into energy for the body to consume.

The meals enough for seven or eight people were eaten by him within half an hour.

However, it is only [-]% full.

Call someone in to take away the leftovers.

However, these servants did not take the remaining dishes to the kitchen, but came to Chen Yulou's residence.

Frowning slightly, he looked at all the leftovers.

"Have you eaten all of this spicy fried tofu?"



The servants generally knelt down, looking panic-stricken.

"Give me ten guts, I wouldn't dare to lie to the young master."

"Get up."

Only then did the servant get up trembling.

"Clean up here and go down."

The servant hastily cleaned the floor and retreated carefully.

After the room became quiet, Chen Yulou's eyes narrowed.

He has been with Kunlun for many years, and it is clear that he never eats tofu.

That thing is too brain-like.

Kunlun is powerful, and when he hits people's heads, his brains can often burst, leaving sequelae.

"If you are not Kunlun, then who are you? What is the purpose of coming to Xiling?"

There was a hint of thought in his eyes, and he didn't rush to kill.

"Kunlun's physical strength is tyrannical, but it is a big killer. If it is eradicated at this point, it will be a waste of money."


After all, Xu Rui is not a fortune teller. Although he used birds to observe Kunlun's behavior and habits when he was unloading, he never saw what he ate and what he didn't eat.

A simple negligence exposed himself.

And all this he didn't know.

bang bang...

A huge crash shook the entire courtyard.

Kunlun, who was more than two meters tall, slammed into the iron pillar by the wall like a black bear.

Chest, back, shoulders.

Tieshan relies on fighting, and its strength is tyrannical.

The huge iron pillar with a diameter of more than one meter and buried deep in the ground was crumbling by him.

After hitting the whole body red, he walked to the side of the astonishingly large sandbag, and his thick thighs were whipped up like a whip.


Several layers of rough cowhide were sewn, filled with iron sand, and the sandbag weighing two thousand kilograms swayed violently.

One foot, two feet.

After lifting the left leg, switch to the right leg.

After kicking the legs, it is the fist and arm whipping.

Thick sweat flowed down the muscles, unconsciously soaking through the trousers.

After nearly two hours, it stopped.

Walking to the side, there is a row of sealed gourds here, and when the plug is opened, a medicinal fragrance radiates.

After pouring, an amber, viscous ointment flows from it.

This is a medicated oil made from precious medicinal materials, which is specially used for the cultivation of Longyin Tiebushan.

A gourd is worth one tael of gold.

If there is no support from Xiling, just a dozen gourd medicinal oils here are enough to drain a wealthy family.

It is no wonder that there are few people practicing hard skills such as iron cloth shirts.

Too much money.

Put the medicated oil on your body.

A cool feeling extinguished the original hotness, and an indescribable comfort permeated my heart.

"Really good stuff."


When Xu Rui expressed the generosity of others and practiced hard.

Chen Yuntian also received the news that Kunlun was "resurrected from the dead".

"Are you telling the truth?"

"It's true."

Ma Changan said respectfully.

As the helmsman of the right hall of the blood hall, he couldn't gain trust from Chen Yulou, so he took the initiative to seek refuge with Chen Yuntian.

ponder for a moment.

"What did Yulou say?"

"Young master is very excited, Kunlun is the martial arts genius he relies on the most."

Ma Changan emphasized the word "reliance".

Chen Yuntian is an old man, so of course he understands what he means.

In the past three months, the forces under his command have suffered heavy losses, and Chen Yulou has also been honest for three months.Now that Kunlun is back, his strength has recovered a lot, and according to Chen Yulou's restless character, it is estimated that he will take some action again.

Chen Yuntian took a deep look at him, and Ma Changan instantly felt that his whole body was seen through.

An unspeakable pressure filled my heart.

"You were also in Pingshan back then, but Kunlun is really dead?"

After heaving a sigh of relief, he quickly replied: "Back to the boss, I was in charge of guarding Zanguan at the beginning, and I did not enter the underground palace urn with the boss, so I have never seen it in person. Buried in quicksand, hundreds of people went in, only five or six people survived including the head, and the rest died."

After a pause, he observed Chen Yuntian's expression.

"So, from the point of view of my subordinates, although Kunlun is powerful in martial arts, he is a body of flesh and blood. It is really impossible to survive the triple blow of arrow rain, crossbow array and quicksand."

"Do you think someone secretly dug up Kunlun's body, resurrected it with the help of magic, and sneaked into our Xiling Mountain to plot evil?"

"This... This subordinate is young and shallow, so he dare not make a judgment lightly."

Glancing at him, Chen Yuntian looked thoughtful, and tapped the square table evenly with his fingers.

"You go back first, pay more attention to Kunlun during this time, and see what he is doing. If you find anything, remember to report it in time."

"Yes, my subordinates retire."

Seeing him leave, Chen Yuntian pinched his eyebrows wearily.

Bai Wushuang, Xie Dahai, Chen Laogou, Gui Lao, Shi Taoist, five masters died in Xiling in a row for more than half a year.

Moreover, the Xiangyin sub-rudder, which was originally in the forefront of the nineteen rudders, lost more than half of it in Pingshan this time and suffered heavy losses.

Even if the Xiling family has a big business, they can't stand this kind of loss.

(End of this chapter)

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