Chapter 114


And the one in front of him is Hu Fengli, the 'Black Robe Great Immortal' whose status and strength are still above the eighteen generals.

"It seems that Qin Erye knows the old man."

Qin Zhen took a breath.

"Hu Daxian went to Sanxiang in person, did he want to start a war with me?"

"War? Of course not. The old man has no free time. It's just that someone has what the old man wants, and if he wants to get it, he has to pay a price."

"Qin's head?" Qin Zhen said coldly.


"Who is instigating you behind the scenes?"

"No comment."

"Catch you first, and see if you say anything."

Qin Zhen let out a loud cry, his blood burst out, his beard and hair stood on end, his huge body nearly 1.9 meters high, like a furious giant bear, his speed increased to the extreme within a few steps.

The huge palm spread, the powerful force directly tore through the air, and slapped Hu Fengli's chest acupoint with astonishing momentum.

Although Qin Zhen is old and his blood is beginning to decline, he is a strong man in the realm of exchanging blood.

The power that erupted from raising his hand was truly astonishing.

Hu Fengli didn't dare to neglect, and made seals with both hands.

The shape of his face changed suddenly, as if he had turned into a fox.

With a jump of his legs, he moved like a rabbit.

Directly avoided this palm.

With hands like claws, he turned over and grabbed Qin Zhen's back.

The fingers are curved and the nails are sharp, like animal claws.

If you really want to get serious, you must be ripped apart.

Qin Zhen's reaction was not slow either. He lowered his body, and his right thigh was like a scorpion's tail, and he lifted it up like lightning.

Hu Fengli turned over like a kite, his body seemed to be twisted, rolled over, and fell to the ground six or seven meters laterally.

Grabbing the palm, accompanied by screams, blood splashed, and a bright red heart appeared in the hand.

The unlucky gambler fell to the ground, twitched a few times and then stopped moving.

Put it in your mouth three or two times and finish eating.

Hu Fengli's aura instantly became fierce.

A pair of ears became pointed and long, and the fox's appearance became more and more obvious.

The mouth was dripping with blood, mixed with the residue of minced meat, it looked ferocious and evil.

"What a horse fairy, Qin wants to learn today, to see the trick."

Qin Zhen stepped forward, and the thick floor tiles instantly cracked.

dong dong.

As if a crazy bison rushed up.

Hu Fengli's fists moved lightly, his speed was extremely fast, his feet were like a spinning top, and he dodged Qin Zhen's heavy punch like lightning.


Another heart is in hand.

The remaining gamblers and croupiers will be scared to death.

Frantically fled towards the doors and windows.

But even Qin Zhen couldn't break through that tough barrier, so how could they get out.

Seeing that Hu Fengli's breath became stronger and stronger after he devoured the hearts one by one, Qin Zhen's eyes turned cold, and he stopped chasing and beating him, turned around and beat the remaining gamblers to death with one punch.

"Eat, eat, eat, let me see how you eat."

The berserk force is like a siege cone, and those who hit it will die immediately.

In less than a quarter of an hour, more than 30 dealers, gamblers and thugs who remained in the casino all died in their hands.

Broken arms all over the ground, and the bloody smell soaring into the sky, like a Shura field.

Hu Fengli squatted on the blood-stained counter and swallowed the heart in his hand.

At this moment, his eyes were blood red, and his vertical pupils were full of ferocity.

The ears stand up high, the mouth is pointed and long, and the teeth are sharp; the fingers are like claws, extremely sharp, and a big furry tail behind the buttocks swings from side to side.

From head to toe, it is covered with short black hair.

Compared to a human being, he is now more like a big black fox.

Qin Zhen sneered.

"The bullshit is a horse fairy, and it's not like being a dog for a beast. The surname Hu, tell you Grandpa Qin, how much ass did you sell to that coquettish fox?"

A powerful hostility rushed from Hu Fengli's body suddenly.

"Slaughter him for me, I will use Yin Huo to concoct his ghost, and put him in a dilemma."

The voice was sharp and harsh, completely different from Hu Fengli's.

"You angered the Great Immortal. Originally, you only wanted your life, but now your soul is also kept."

"Hmph. I'll talk after you win first."

Qin Zhen shook his hands, and slipped out two short crutches made of fine steel from his sleeves.

Judging by his cautious expression, he was obviously serious.

A phoenix nodded three times.

The iron crutch in the right hand seemed to be divided into three sections, pointing to the eyes, throat and chest respectively.

Hu Fengli jumped lightly, and his body had already risen into the air.

The speed is faster than before.

The person is still in mid-air, with his long mouth open.


A cloud of pale yellow mist billowed out.

As the second master of Longtang and Chen Yuntian's confidant, Qin Zhen has more than just the iron crutches in his hands.

A move in my heart.

The jade pendant around his waist flickered with aura, and a jade-colored shield protected his whole body.

"Sao Fox, your coquettishness can't help you, Grandpa Qin."

"watch out."

Stepping on the chain, the short crutches as thick as goose eggs, with a whining sound of breaking through the air, knocked down Hu Fengli on the head.

Hu Fengli was extremely fast, jumped suddenly, and avoided it again.

With a wave of the paw, with sharp vigor, he made a chi-chi sound, and flew towards Qin Zhen like lightning.

The latter didn't dodge either, and with the protection of the jade pendant, he hurried forward two steps, and hit the iron crutch in his hand again.

Qin Zhen is powerful and physically strong, relying on the jade pendant for protection, and opening and closing the iron crutch in his hand.

Hu Fengli's speed was astonishing, and after turning around, afterimages appeared on his body.

When the claws are swiped, the strength of the claws pierces through the air, sharp and impenetrable.

Of the two, one is strong and the other is fast.

For a while, no one could do anything to anyone, and it became a stalemate.

However, as time passed, Qin Zhen's expression became more anxious.

Although the jade pendant around his waist is good, it is constantly consuming his energy.

If the jade pendant is withdrawn, the faint yellow mist permeating the room will invade the nose and nose in an instant, and then everything will be over.

"It can't be delayed any longer, otherwise it will really be folded here."

The mind is set.

Stretching out his hand into his bosom suddenly, he shook his hand and punched out.

A golden aura flew out like lightning, the speed was so fast that it seemed to teleport, and the distance of several meters was crossed in an instant.


The violent sound of gold and iron mingling sounded.

A black iron shield blocked the inch-long golden dagger.


Qin Zhen was shocked.

His 'Golden Sword Talisman' is a top-ranking spiritual talisman of the ninth grade, the treasure at the bottom of the box, and there are not many pieces in Xiling.

Its power is so strong that even a monk who has advanced to the middle stage of foundation establishment cannot block its blow without a defensive magic weapon.

Hu Fengli breathed a sigh of relief.

This top-ranked 'Wujin Shield Talisman' is unparalleled in defense. It is a magic talisman that he specially asked for from the fox fairy after reading the information given by Yang Sihai.

Now it really comes in handy.

The two talismans, one for attack and one for defense, are of the same grade.

After a moment of stalemate, it slowly disappeared into the air.

"Hey, Qin, use whatever means you can. If you die, you won't have a chance."


Qin Zhen took out all the dozens of talismans he was carrying.

For a moment, golden light and raging fire filled most of the room.

Hu Fengli was not bad either. He typed out all kinds of lower and middle grade talismans with shaking hands.


The fierce collision sound resounded throughout the room.

But the power of the low-level talisman is limited, and it is impossible to kill the opponent at all.

Qin Zhen didn't expect them to do anything, so he took advantage of the opportunity to confuse his sight, summoned all his strength, and stabbed Hu Fengli with his right crutch like a sword.

Under full strength, the speed is amazing.

The distance of more than ten meters was left behind almost instantly.

As expected, Hu Fengli did not evade this time.

The fox's tail flicked behind him, and the air surged with water vapor.

A washbasin-sized, dark blue water polo hits at an astonishing speed like a heavy artillery shell.

Qin Zhen's complexion suddenly changed, and he activated the aura of the jade pendant to the maximum.


It exploded suddenly, and the impact was terrifying.

The surrounding walls and ground were all shot into a sieve by the scattered water.

Qin Zhen was directly lifted by more than a foot, and the aura formed by the jade pendant trembled violently.

Get up in a hurry.


A mouthful of inverse blood was spurted out, apparently the inner abdomen had been injured by the powerful shock force.

His pupils constricted, his face full of shock.


Such a powerful power cannot be used by people who have not yet completed foundation establishment, or spirit monsters.

"Hey, thanks to your bad mouth, otherwise the old fairy would not have lent me this supernatural power."

But this water polo obviously consumes a lot.

In particular, Hu Fengli is not the fox himself, so he consumes even more.

After the blow, he didn't use this move again, and continued to consume Qin Zhen's energy with his astonishing speed and sharp claws.

Gradually, his movements became slower and slower.

In order to block the water polo, he spent too much energy.

The light of the jade pendant became dimmer and dim, and Qin Zhen's face became paler and paler.


With a flash of inspiration, the jade shield that had been surrounding Qin Zhen disappeared.

The dim yellow mist that filled the surroundings rushed up.

Qin Zhen's eyes instantly became dull.

Hu Fengli was very cautious. He didn't come to reap the fruits of victory right away. Instead, he waited for more than ten seconds until the poisonous miasma fully took effect, and then stepped forward. With a wave of his palm, the sharp claws flew straight towards Qin Zhen's neck.


A big head flew up.

But the strange thing is that the blood in the chest did not fly out.

Hu Fengli was shocked, and flew back instantly.

But it was too late.


Qin Zhen's body seemed to be stuffed with more than a dozen catties of explosives, and it exploded instantly.

In a sealed space, the power is extraordinarily large.

The scraps of meat, like a hurricane passing through the border, roared and swept across the entire casino, and the tables, chairs and benches inside were directly torn to pieces.

The casino with brick and wood structure, which could withstand the impact of this level, collapsed directly.

The formation barrier also trembled violently.


Powerful power is transmitted.

Liu Changfan, who was holding the French flag outside, was almost not shaken.

His eyes were wide open, his hands were clenched tightly, and he grasped the French flag so tightly that he almost suffered internal injuries.

I only felt that after exerting all my breastfeeding strength, I managed to survive this wave of strong shock.

He let out a long breath.

Subconsciously looked towards the casino shrouded in white clouds.

His cultivation base is limited, and he can't see the situation inside at all.

There were many thoughts, and a worried look appeared on his face.

"Second Elder, don't lose."

Just when his attention was drawn into it, a spiritual light flew over from the darkness like lightning.

The speed was astonishingly fast, before Liu Changfan could turn around, it was already submerged into his body.

(End of this chapter)

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