The heavens start from the bottle mountain

Chapter 115 Flying head down, black fox

Chapter 115 Flying head down, black fox (one more chapter, please subscribe)

In the room, blood stains and yellow mist were mixed together, making it smelly and disgusting.

In the corner of the room, a cocoon made of black hair squirmed slowly.

The hair gradually shortened, revealing the miserable Hu Fengli on the inside.

His limbs and chest were dripping with blood, his face was pale, and it was obvious that he had been seriously injured.

Staring at ten meters away, floating in mid-air, his eyes opened, revealing a head of hatred, and his tone was disbelieving.

"Flying head down?!"

In the brochure Yang Sihai gave him, it didn't mention that Qin Zhen would lower his head, otherwise how could he not guard against it?
"No, you failed."

The experienced Hu Fengli suddenly discovered an abnormality. He was trained as a flying head-down wizard. His head was as hard as steel, and most of his body's energy was gathered, full of evil spirits.

The strength is no less than that of a monk who has established a foundation.

But although Qin Zhen's head was alive, its aura was much worse than when the body was intact.

Hearing this, Qin Zhen's eyes became more hateful.

His martial arts cultivation was advanced slowly after the exchange of blood, and after half a century, his physical body began to decay, and the way to build a foundation for martial arts was considered dead.

But he was unwilling to give up his practice just like that. After thinking hard for a long time, he made up his mind to start practicing the head lowering technique.

Especially flying head down.

As long as it is refined, it has a lifespan of 200 years.

The temptation is too great.

But it is not easy to practice flying head drop.

There are seven stages before and after, and each stage needs to absorb 49 [-] days of spiritual blood.

Each time a stage is completed, the head is freed from one of the major organs of the body.

When the seven stages are completed, the head will be able to completely get rid of the body and become an independent existence, possessing the coveted mana, and gain the flying ability only available in the golden core stage.

As long as you continue to absorb spiritual blood in the future, your strength will continue to improve.

There is even the hope of achieving the golden core in the future.

However, this technique is too cruel.

The so-called spiritual blood is the blood of the baby.

Because only the blood of this kind of baby, who has just been born and has not eaten whole grains, contains the innate energy that the head descendant wants.

Therefore, everyone who practices flying head drop is a demon who has given up his humanity.

However, Qin Zhen's flying head drop was not completed, and he still had both lungs.

Now that he has no physical body, he will never be able to fly his head down.

"Hu, don't even think about it if I die."

With infinite anger, the head slammed into him like lightning.

Hu Fengli didn't dare to neglect, he mobilized all his energy, and with a wag of his tail, a water-blue light ball the size of a washbasin struck like lightning.


There was a huge earthquake.

The blood that filled the sky was mixed with water vapor, flying in all directions like sharp arrows.

The entire room was directly shot into a hornet's nest by the remaining energy.

After everything dissipated and Qin Zhen's aura was completely gone, Hu Fengli heaved a long sigh of relief, and the characteristics of a fox on his body gradually dissipated.

His face was pale, his body swayed, and he almost fell down.

Although he succeeded in killing Qin Zhen, he himself was seriously injured.

After hastily taking out a few pills from the dharma bag and taking them, there was some blood on his face.


He reached out and took the jade pendant and Qin Zhen's dharma bag from before.

Before he had time to look at it, after stuffing it into his bosom, he made seals with his hands, and a flash of spiritual light flashed.

The surrounding enchantment dissipated in an instant, and a triangular spiritual flag with a strong aura flew into his palm.

Liu Changfan quickly ran in, leaned over with his head down, and reached out to support him.

Hu Fengli, who was seriously injured, was extremely exhausted, but he didn't notice any abnormalities.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, go quickly..."

Before he finished speaking, his eyes widened suddenly, and he slammed Liu Changfan away with a slap.

"You... dare to plot against me."

Face full of disbelief.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

The sharp knife in the chest has pierced the heart, and the gods cannot save it.


Hu Fengli knelt down on the ground, the light in his eyes dimmed.

at this time.

A black shadow flew out from his waist like lightning.


A tough barrier blocked its way.

The powerful anti-shock force made it turn a few times before stopping.

But before he recovered his senses, a golden rope, like a poisonous dragon coming out of its hole, was struck by lightning.

The black shadow quickly dodged.

But the golden rope is getting longer and longer, as if a big golden net rushed directly towards it.

Although the black shadow is fast, the space is getting narrower and narrower, and finally it is tied tightly.

The tall Xu Rui strode in from the outside.

Seeing the blood all over the floor, he frowned slightly.

Turning his gaze, he looked at the black fox trapped by the silk rope.

"Are you the family immortal enshrined by Hu Fengli?"

The black fox spoke out.

"Hu Silang from the Hu family outside Xiaguan, I also hope that fellow Taoists will give me a way to survive. The Hu family must have a good reward."

Smile lightly.

"Great report? Okay."

The black fox was overjoyed, and before he could be happy, he felt infinite pressure squeezed from all directions.

Before he could beg for mercy, he was squeezed into meat sauce by the silk rope.

"You eat people's hearts, and you still want me to spare you?"

Stimulate the golden finger to refine.

The black fox is not a demon, it's just a monster that has been cultivated for many years, and it has obtained 0.4 marrow washing points by refining it.

Hu Fengli and Qin Zhen were as different in strength, if Hu Fengli hadn't taken the lead and had the help of the black fox, Qin Zhen might not have died.

Both of them have 0.4 marrow washing points.

Counting the previous ones, there are already 14.2 marrow washing points in reserve.

Reach out.

The dharma bags and dharma tools left on the two of them flew over together.

Dharma bags are all inferior to rank nine.

Qin Zhen has only one magic weapon on him.

"Guarding the jade pendant, rank nine is medium."

Hu Fengli is also one, which is the command flag that blocked this place earlier.

"Yunjie Banner, rank nine medium."

Take out two ninth grade medium puppet charms and stick them on.

Instantly understood the functions of the two instruments.

The former is a simple defensive magic weapon, while the latter is an array flag, which is similar in function to the 'Xuangui Bagua Token', but less powerful.

After all, the Xuangui Bagua Token is a mid-level token of the Four-Face Nine-Rank.

There is only one spirit flag here.

What surprised him was that the black fox had two magic weapons?

"Scattering plague banners, rank nine inferior."

"Shui Lingzhu, rank nine medium."

The former can poison people into a coma, and the latter can send out powerful water balls.

Playing with two instruments.

"The Hu family outside the pass seems to be quite powerful."

After searching, he stepped out of the casino, stretched out his hand, and the ghosts and gossips all around fell into his palm like a tired bird returning to its nest.

In addition, he also found the box that Yang Sihai gave him from Hu Fengli's dharma bag.

Inside is a piece of warm jade the size of an adult's fist, with a red body all over.

"The 300-year-old Wenyu of the ninth grade, no wonder it can make Hu Fengli work hard."

Put it in the dharma bag, and after seeing that there was nothing missing, he turned and left.

Not long after he left, Da Geng passed by and saw that the gate was open and the inside was pitch black, so he bravely stepped forward to take a look curiously.

Stepped in, the feet were sticky.


The lantern moves to the next move.

A bloody human head came into view, and those round eyes stared straight at him.

"Oh, my dear mother...!"

He ran out rolling and crawling.

"It's dead!"

The shrill voice echoed far away in the dark night.

Soon the whole Xieling was shaken.

 Good condition today, one more chapter, please subscribe!
(End of this chapter)

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