The heavens start from the bottle mountain

Chapter 421 Another chapter in the present world

Chapter 421 Returning to the present world again

Although with the continuous growth of aura, Jindan monks have appeared in the practice world, but the sum of them does not exceed the number of two palms.

And all of them have practiced for many years, or have experienced the existence of more than a dozen spirit worlds. He knows Xu Rui, who has the shortest training time and the least experience in the spirit world, but has achieved Jindan genius.

"Congratulations, Brother Xu."


"Brother Xu, please come inside."


The two strode in.Unconsciously, Gu Tiejun's attitude was much more respectful than before.

Xu Rui, who has been here a few times, is already familiar with this place, and soon came to the VIP room of the association.

The two sat down and ordered their secretary to serve tea.

"How many talismans does Brother Xu plan to sell this time?"

"Spiritual talisman?" Xu Rui shook his head, "This time we don't sell talismans, only spiritual tools."

"Spiritual artifacts are good. The best-selling and most valuable are spiritual artifacts in the market right now." After a pause, "I wonder how many spiritual artifacts Brother Xu plans to sell."

"Eleven low-grade spirit artifacts of the eighth rank, five middle-grade spiritual artifacts of the eighth rank, and one high-grade magical artifact of the eighth rank." Xu Rui said calmly.

As soon as this remark came out, Gu Tiejun was instantly stunned.


The pen in the hand of Secretary Liu, who was taking minutes of the meeting next to him, dropped to the ground.

The sound was not loud, but it awakened Gu Tiejun who was also in shock.

He swallowed his saliva, his voice trembling.

"Brother Xu, are you... telling the truth?"

Xu Rui smiled slightly, "When I came to see President Gu, when did I ever tell a lie?"

Gu Tiejun nodded subconsciously.

The two parties traded more than a dozen times, and every time Xu Rui produced genuine spiritual materials and medicines, no matter how unbelievable it seemed to him, the other party could produce all of them, and the quality was good.

But there are more than a dozen spiritual weapons, including high-grade spiritual weapons, which is really amazing.

Since the establishment of the Demon City Practitioners Association, no one has been able to produce so many treasures at one time.

No, to be precise, looking at the whole country, Xu Rui is also the first person who can produce so many treasures.

After taking a deep breath, Gu Tiejun tried his best to calm down the shock in his heart.

"Brother Xu, this is a big deal. I can't preside over such a big transaction by myself."

"Understood. I came here today to have a breather with President Gu. I will come back at eight o'clock tomorrow morning. I hope you can prepare early."

"Brother Xu, don't worry, tomorrow we will do our best to provide you with a list of all the treasures that can be traded." Gu Tiejun said solemnly.

Xu Rui nodded and stood up, "Then I'll take my leave first."

"I'll give it to you."

After personally sending Xu Rui out, and watching him go away.

Gu Tiejun turned around abruptly, "Secretary Liu, go and inform President Liu and President Xie that I will wait for them in the conference room."

There are seven presidents of the Association of Practitioners of the Demon City, but not all of them are present.

After all, they are also cultivators, and they will also enter the spiritual world to practice.

After leaving the Taixuan Building, Xu Rui did not return to the dojo, but jumped up, and when he reached the mid-air, he turned into a three-legged Golden Crow and flew towards Changsha's hometown.

Although he already has the ability to fly after advancing to the Golden Core, but the speed of flying with a human body is far behind the three-legged Golden Crow Fashen.

Standing in mid-air, Xu Rui instantly felt that after entering the Jindan Advanced Stage, the flying speed of the three-legged Golden Crow Dharma Body increased by more than ten times.

It used to take an hour to go back to my hometown from Shanghai, but now it takes less than a quarter of an hour to return to my hometown, Elephant Trunk Nest.

His parents were not at home, and Xu Rui didn't intend to disturb them.

After all, in the impression of his parents, he had just left his hometown not long ago.

After a brief look around, he urged the escape method to come to the back hill of the elephant trunk nest, and flicked it with his fingers.

On the originally empty stone wall, a stone cave with a diameter of Zhangxu suddenly appeared.

After striding in, after walking no more than a hundred meters, he came to a stone cave with a height of two hundred square meters and three feet high.

In the very center of the cave, stands this light yellow hill with a height of one zhang.

Rich spiritual energy flew from all directions and was swallowed by the hill.

This is exactly his Qingyundongtian.

The body turned into a spiritual light and flew away, the closer it was to Yushan, the smaller the body became, and it gradually disappeared into a spot of light.

The next moment, a magnificent cave world suddenly appeared in front of him.

The topography of this world is undulating, with beautiful mountains and rivers, stretching endlessly; strange peaks and rocks, layer upon layer of mountains.

After passing through several mountains, a lake appeared in front of him. On the island in the center of the lake, a big banyan tree was flourishing.

Under the banyan tree is a simple thatched cottage.

A stone path connects the thatched cottage with the gazebo by the lake.

At the bottom of the pavilion sat a six or seven-year-old boy with an open iron umbrella on his head.

A streak of lavender lightning fell from the iron umbrella, filling the boy's body before dissipating slowly.


A ray of black light flew out of the pavilion like lightning, and stopped three feet in front of Xu Rui.

The light dissipated, revealing a wooden puppet of the same size.


Inside this wooden puppet is the consciousness of the 'Green Snake', a mirage dragon soul whose aptitude is not inferior to that of the 'Ghost Wood Jiao'.

After slightly nodding his head, he walked to Xu Buzhou's side to feel for a while, the devilish energy in his dantian hadn't been completely eliminated, but it was coming soon.

Reach out.

The Thunderbolt Umbrella flew into the palm of his hand. He simply felt a thing or two, and couldn't help shaking his head. The Thunder Dao Spirit Artifact, which was once very strong, now seems to be much worse.

"This time, let's see if I can buy a piece of eighth-grade middle-level Thunder Dao spiritual material."

After returning the Thunderbolt Umbrella, Xu Rui pondered for a moment, and left the Bull Demon Horn and Xuanwu Sword behind.

With these two spirit weapons in the formation, relying on the power of Qingyun Dongtian, even if Jindan late stage comes to him, there is no need to be afraid.

After leaving Xu Buzhou to practice on his own, Xu Rui found a valley and planted a mid-level seventh-grade flame sycamore tree.

As for the seven-colored heart pomegranate, it was still left in the backyard of Qinglinju and did not bring it over.

I sneaked home at night, fed some earth vein spiritual milk to my parents, adjusted their bodies, and then turned into a three-legged golden crow body and returned to the capital.

Early the next morning.

All the monks who came to Taixuan Building to do business found several people standing side by side at the entrance of the main hall on the first floor.

As a person who often comes here to trade, I am familiar with them.

Liu Changan, the president of the Demon City Cultivation Association and a perfect foundation monk.

Xie Ning, the vice president of the Demon City Cultivation Association, a monk in the late stage of foundation establishment, presides over the safety of the entire magic city practice world, and is known as the 'Iron Bread Lord'.

The vice president of the Demon City Cultivation Association, the late foundation monk who presides over all the official transactions of the Taixuan Building, the 'Golden Abacus' Gu Tiejun.

The remaining two are even more famous, 'Feihe Zhenren' and 'Yuhu Fairy', both of whom are newly promoted Jindan monks in China.

"Is there any important person coming? Can you actually get the three presidents of the Demon City Practitioners Association, Qin Feihe and Zhou Yuhu, to come?!"

"I haven't heard that any great power is coming?"

"I'll find out soon after I have a look."...

More and more people were holding such thoughts, and soon gathered in front of Taixuan Building.

Seeing the surrounding situation, Liu Changan frowned.

"There are too many people. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, let's go in first and leave someone here. When we find Xu Rui coming over, we will notify you as soon as possible, and we will come out when the time comes."

After everyone nodded, they were about to go in.

Gu Tiejun's eyes lit up, and he suddenly said, "Here comes the man."

Everyone subconsciously looked into the distance.

Soon, a tall figure walked over as if changing shape.

At first glance, it was still a hundred meters away.

After taking two steps, he arrived in front of him.

The swift speed shows excellent agility.

Gu Tiejun hastily greeted him.

"Brother Xu, you are finally here."

"I don't think I'm late." Xu Rui smiled.

"Hehe, of course. Come, let me introduce you."

Seeing Liu Changan, Xu Rui smiled and said, "President Liu, we meet again."

"Mr. Xu gave us a huge surprise this time."

Xu Rui came to Taixuan Tower to trade, and met Liu Chang'an several times, and they are still familiar with each other.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, they simply shook hands.

"This is Xie Ning, vice president of our Demon City Practitioners Association."

"I've heard the name of Mr. Iron Bread for a long time. President Xie, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"I've heard Mr. Xu's name from Lao Liu and Lao Gu before, and I thought it was a bit exaggerated before. When I saw it today, I realized that Mr. Xu is indeed a talented person, which is admirable."

Xu Rui originally thought that he would not be good at words, but he did not expect such a high EQ.

It's not the same as the "Iron Bread Man" in his impression.

But he didn't have any intention of exploring, after all, he didn't plan to have a deep friendship.

"Thank you, President, for your praise."

Looking at the last two people, Xu Rui could clearly feel the surging Golden Core mana on them, obviously they had just broken through.

Of course, Xu Rui could feel the mana on them, and they could also feel the golden core breath on Xu Rui.

And obviously much stronger than them.

'Feihe Daoist' and 'Yuhu Fairy', who were still a little skeptical at first, felt a little more friendly in an instant.

Being in the same demon city, they may enter the same spiritual world one day.

Now that we have formed some kind of good relationship, we can have many helpers when we encounter danger in the spiritual world.

After everyone exchanged pleasantries for a while, Xu Rui walked into the Taixuan Tower surrounded by five people, leaving endless guesses for everyone around.

Come to the specially prepared conference room.

After the guests and hosts were divided into seats, and after drinking some tea, Liu Chang'an couldn't wait to say: "Mr. Xu, can you take out your spirit weapon and let me have a look?"

"of course."

Xu Rui responded happily.

With his strength, he is not afraid of others snatching things from him.

If there is such a person who is not afraid of death, he can also earn some marrow washing points.

A shot of Jiuxian gourd.


Eleven streaks of light flew out.

Golden Wolf King's 'Blue Wolf Banner'.

The 'Nine Petals White Lotus' and the 'White Lotus Wusheng Sword' of Our Lady of the White Lotus.

Nether Patriarch's 'Ghost Chain'.

Sheng Xuanhuai's 'Jinhu Brush'.

Suo Tu's 'Ba Dao'.

Dorgon's 'Dharma bag'.

This is also an inferior spirit weapon of the eighth rank, with an internal space of nearly nine feet, but Xu Rui can't use it, so he simply sells it.

In addition to these trophies, there are also the 'Shaking Soul Bell', 'Black Turtle Armor', 'White Tiger Axe' and 'Golden Lion Talisman Pen' that he has already eliminated.

(End of this chapter)

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