The heavens start from the bottle mountain

Chapter 422 5 Lines of Spiritual Materials

Chapter 422 Five Elements Spiritual Materials

With the continuous improvement of the way of refining weapons, refining magic weapons can be exchanged for more cultivation resources.

So Xu Rui didn't spare any more time to comprehend the Dao of Talismans.

Too much to chew.

Only by concentrating more time on superior projects can it generate greater value, so he sold the 'Golden Lion Talisman Pen'.

As for 'Xuanguijia' and 'White Tiger Axe', they are no longer suitable for Kunlun and can only be refined again.

Seeing the eleven spirit weapons shining in mid-air and full of aura, everyone except Xu Rui became excited.

They have all seen the spirit weapon, but the collection of eleven spirit weapon hedgehogs feels like eleven J-20 elephants strolling.

Powerful and domineering, full of amazing charm.

Seeing them, the 'Feihe Immortal' and 'Yuhu Fairy' who were still a little suspicious at first became rejoiced in an instant.

If they don't come this time, I'm afraid they will miss the opportunity to buy a spirit weapon that suits them.

Xu Rui patted the Jiuxian gourd and took the spirit weapon back.

After coughing and drawing everyone's attention, Xu Rui smiled.

"Everyone, how is my spirit weapon?"

After Liu, Xie, and Gu exchanged glances, Liu Changan was full of admiration.

"From these eleven spirit weapons, we can see the depth of Mr. Xu's cultivation and his strength. But..." The conversation changed, "I heard from the old man that besides low-grade spirit weapons, Mr. Xu also sells five pieces A middle-grade spirit weapon, a top-grade spirit weapon?"


"Then why didn't we see it just now?" Liu Changan asked.

Xu Rui smiled faintly, "You have to take one bite at a time, and you have to take things step by step. After these eleven low-level spiritual artifacts are all traded, it won't be too late to talk about other things."

"Hehe, what Mr. Xu said is true." Liu Changan continued, "I wonder what Mr. Xu wants to exchange these spirit weapons for?"

"A low-level spiritual weapon can be exchanged for a medium-level spiritual material of the eighth rank. There is no limit to the type, as long as it is a medium-level spiritual material of the eighth rank." Xu Rui said.

Last night, he had already paid attention.

Sell ​​these low-level spiritual tools, replace them with medium-level spiritual materials and practice them into medium-level spiritual weapons, and sell them at that time.

All the proceeds are purchased for panacea and precious medicine.

He and Kunlun are both big consumables for practicing martial arts. They don't collect more elixir. If they want to break through the soul, they don't know that they have to wait until the year of the monkey.

"Mr. Xu, I wonder if the two of us can participate?"

'Feihe real person' asked quickly.

"As long as there are medium-level spiritual materials, there will be no problem."

What Xu Rui wanted was spiritual material, as long as he had spiritual material, it didn't matter who he exchanged with.

"Thank you."

"Mr. Xu, these spiritual weapons of yours, minus the two Daoist friends Feihe and Yuhu, we will eat all the rest. The spiritual materials will be given to you by then." Liu Changan Immediately make a decision.

Refiners who can refine spirit weapons are scarce, so the most lacking thing in the entire practice world is spirit weapons.

As for the spiritual material, Xu Rui didn't limit which kind of spiritual material anyway.

They still have quite a few of the eighth-rank medium hardware heroes.With some relatively less scarce five-element spiritual materials in the middle, it is easy to get what Xu Rui wants.

"Then let's get started."

Xu Ruidao.

Liu Changan nodded, "Two fellow Taoists, please first."

After Daoist Feihe and Fairy Yuhu thanked each other, they all looked at Xu Rui.

Understanding what they meant, Xu Rui slapped the Jiuxian gourd and released all the previous spiritual weapons again.

As a result, Fairy Yuhu exchanged a piece of 700-year-old spiritual wood for the 'nine-petal white lotus' that originally belonged to the Virgin of White Lotus.

Immortal Feihe exchanged the 'Soul Shaking Bell' with a piece of [-]-refined hardware hero.

Their vision is good, whether it is the nine-petal white lotus or the soul-shaking bell, they are relatively speaking, spiritual weapons with stronger aura.

Of course, they added Xu Rui some pills to make up the price difference.

The transaction of the next nine low-level spiritual weapons also went smoothly.

After the end, Liu Changan continued with a smile: "Mr. Xu can continue now?"

"of course."

After answering, Xu Rui slapped the Jiuxian gourd.


Five auras flew out.

Canglang Water Sword, Yiqi Chunyang Mirror, Green Wood Sword, Green Jade Staff, and Blood Sword, totaling five pieces.

Among all magic tools, magic sword is the most popular existence. After all, most monks have a dream of going to and from Qingming.

And the lethality of the magic sword is almost at the forefront.

In Xu Rui's place, three magical swords suddenly appeared, instantly making everyone's eyes light up.

In addition, pure yang instruments are also in short supply in the market.

Especially the pure yang magic weapon of the eighth grade medium.

After being stunned for a long time, everyone calmed down.

Master Feihe and Fairy Yuhu looked eager but couldn't help shaking their heads.

Things are good things, but unfortunately, even with the backing of the Demon City Practitioners Association, they can't afford this level of spiritual weapons.

"Mr. Xu, what treasure do you want to exchange?" Liu Changan tried his best to suppress the excitement in his heart.

Once these five spiritual artifacts are successfully traded, his political achievements will definitely be recorded in a rich and colorful stroke.

"Golden wood, water, fire, and earth, five pieces of eighth-grade high-quality spiritual materials."

He had already considered what to exchange.

The Immortal Formation of the Five Elements is amazingly powerful and has a huge room for improvement.

Coincidentally, he happened to have Xia Houjian, Feng Sanlang, Chen Yuntian, Aixinjueluo and Qingjiao here, the five congenital ghosts.

There are five main arrays of them, and five spirit swords.

Not to mention dominating the entire Maoshan spirit world, at least he has the qualifications to dominate one side and be fearless.

For this purpose, he sold all his pure sunglasses.

However, his weapon refining ability has not yet broken through to the level where he can sacrifice high-grade spiritual weapons, but this does not prevent him from making preparations in advance.

At that time, it will save time to collect materials.

Liu Changan nodded and looked towards Gu Tiejun.

He, the big housekeeper in charge of trading, knows the family background of the Modu Practitioners Association best.

"Mr. Xu, we may need some time to adjust." Gu Tiejun said.

As the two largest cultivator associations in the country, the Demon City Practitioner Association can produce five pieces of eighth-grade superior spiritual materials.

But every piece of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth needs to be allocated from other practitioners' associations.

"Okay, come to me when you get all together."

Gu Tiejun hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

He originally wanted to trade a few pieces first, and wait for the rest to be traded.But when Xu Rui spoke, he couldn't refuse.

Who made them a big dog.

Xu Rui patted the Jiuxian gourd and put away the five spiritual weapons.

The next moment, everyone looked at him with anticipation in their eyes.

They already knew from Gu Tiejun that one of the spirit weapons that Xu Rui agreed to trade was a high-grade spirit weapon.

There is no doubt about the preciousness of high-grade spiritual weapons. In the entire practice world, there are no more than ten high-grade spiritual weapons that appear on the market.

And every time it appears, it can cause a huge sensation.

Even if Daoist Feihe and Fairy Yuhu have achieved golden elixir, they have never seen the first-class spiritual weapon.

Seeing the urgency in everyone's eyes, Xu Rui didn't hold back.

With a pat on the Jiuxian gourd, a golden lotus flower flew out.

The five branches of the Great Immortal Formation of the Five Elements, the earliest Xuanwu bit formation, were violently destroyed by him.

The Suzaku bitmap, refined with the spirit root of the flame phoenix tree, was also destroyed by her on her own initiative.

After the unicorn array map was broken by him with the array-breaking talisman, Liu Bowen left behind a dragon-slaying sword energy as high as the seventh rank, which was completely destroyed.

So there are only two left in the complete branch array.

One is the 'Nine-Petal Golden Lotus' on the White Tiger's seat, and the other is the 'Green Dragon Slaying Soul Monument' that is still in his hand.

He is willing to sell both as long as the price is right.

However, high-grade spiritual artifacts were too scarce, even if they were sold, they might not be able to exchange for the treasures he wanted.

Might as well talk about it later.

Or make a move in Maoshan Spirit World.

Feeling the strong dao rhyme from the golden lotus blooming in the air, everyone's faces became shocked.

No matter how many times you look at the superior spiritual weapon, it is so dazzling and unforgettable.

Fortunately, they were all big figures who had practiced for many years or held power, and they calmed down quickly.

Liu Changan took a few deep breaths.

"Mr. Xu, may I introduce one or two?"

With his cultivation base, he couldn't figure out the reality of a Lingbao just by looking at it.

After Xu Rui nodded, "This treasure is called 'Nine-Petal Golden Lotus', but it is actually an array called 'Seven-Star White Tiger Killing Array'. Once it is laid out, the array will be full of evil spirits and its power will be infinite."

While speaking, Xu Rui flicked his fingers.

With the sound of '嗡', a strong spiritual light bloomed, and everyone felt a powerful evil spirit pervading in an instant, and the alarm bells were ringing in their hearts, full of sense of crisis.

Seeing that they were nervous, Xu Rui pinched his fingers, and the formation quickly calmed down.

Without the sharp sword hanging around their necks, as if they would die at any moment, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Sitting in the back taking minutes of the meeting, the secretaries with low cultivation levels hastily wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads, with lingering fear on their faces.

The breath just now was really scary.

"What do President Liu think of this treasure?" Xu Rui asked with a smile.

Surprised by the ferocity of this formation, his expression became excited.

Arrays, especially high-grade killing arrays, are top-notch scarce items.

After taking a deep breath, he stabilized his mood.

"What does Mr. Xu want in exchange?"

"Nature is a seventh-grade thing."

This answer was expected by Liu Changan and others.

He opened the prepared tablet and handed it to Xu Rui.

"This is the list of all seventh-grade spiritual materials in the country. Mr. Xu can take a look."

Xu Rui took it and looked at the quantity first, and there were only seventeen pieces.

That's not all, he's sure.

It is only the number of seventh-grade spiritual materials that can be traded with high-grade spiritual weapons according to the National Association of Practitioners.

Many of the more precious items of the seventh rank are of astonishing value. Even if he uses a top-grade spiritual weapon, the country is not willing to exchange it.

Turn back page by page.

Soon Xu Rui's eyes lit up.

He came across something he was interested in.

"A drop of Jiaolong's blood essence, water attribute, rank seven inferior."

The third transformation of Kunlun's "Nine Transformations of the Heavenly Demon" has not started to practice, the reason is that he lacks a drop of blood that he is satisfied with.

The 'Xuangui Essence Blood' obtained from 'Xuanwu Broken Back' this time has only a fifth-grade bloodline, which is really poor.He is not very satisfied with the supernatural power.

So it has been useless.

 Thank you book friend '20220718235105827' for rewarding 100 starting coins, thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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