The heavens start from the bottle mountain

Chapter 423 Flood Dragon Essence and Blood

Chapter 423 Flood Dragon Essence and Blood

"I just don't know if this dragon's essence blood is a spirit seed or a dao seed? What's the grade of the bloodline? Is the supernatural power strong?" Xu Rui thought in his heart.

After secretly remembering the dragon's blood, he continued to turn backwards.

Basically, they are some of the most common spiritual materials, such as Qianlian Hardware Hero, Taiyi Colorful Spiritual Water, etc.

In addition, there are several seventh-grade elixir plants.

It's a pity that they are all immature seedlings, otherwise he wouldn't mind exchanging them.

It quickly turned to the last page.

Except for the 'dragon's blood' in the middle, there is nothing that can make his eyes shine.

It has to be said that as he got more and more good things, his vision became higher and higher.Seventh-rank inferior spiritual materials have become common.


Just when he was about to choose one at random, his eyes lit up and he stopped.

From the screen alone, it's an olive-shaped gray seed.

After pulling right, there is little interpretation about it either.

The reason why Xu Rui was interested in it was because he saw the rating of at least the seventh-rank superior spiritual root in the few notes next to it.

He also has the seventh-grade superior spiritual roots, such as the 'Colorful Spirit Heart Grape' bought from Jintaifang City, Maoshan Spirit World.

It's a pity that the higher the level of spiritual root, the more spiritual energy it needs. After it was in Xu Rui's hands, it hasn't grown much yet.

Noticing Xu Rui's eyes, Gu Tiejun next to him explained: "This seed is not something from our cultivator's association, but is sold for a Jindan Daoist. If Brother Xu is interested, I can arrange for you to meet Let's talk."

No matter what circle, those who have really reached the top are very few people.

In the practice world, Jindan cultivators are the top circle. The high-level spiritual objects and spiritual weapons they need rarely appear on popular auction platforms, but are sold in a small range through the internal platform of the "Practitioners Association" .

This olive-shaped seed is an example.

Xu Rui nodded and asked: "President Gu, do you know what treasure this fellow Taoist wants to exchange with this seed?"

"A high-grade killing spirit weapon, preferably a sword."

Xu Rui nodded.

"Please ask President Gu to contact you for me. I am very interested in this seed."

"Wrap it on me. Then these spiritual materials...?"

"A thousand-refined hardware hero, plus this drop of 'Dragon's Blood'." Xu Rui said directly.

"Brother Xu, there's only one top-ranked array map, I'm afraid it's missing." Gu Tiejun said.

"Of course it's more than that. I also have some innate spirit species here, the blood essence of the ancient spirit beast 'Spin Turtle', and this formation map should be enough."

Xu Rui patted the Jiuxian gourd on his waist, and a jade bottle emerged, slowly flying towards Gu Tiejun.

After the latter took it and opened it, with a urge of mana, a drop of blood the size of a longan's eye, crimson with blue light flew out from it.

Soon, a phantom of a giant beast with the head of a bird and the body of a turtle with four legs and claws appeared in front of him.

Under the silent roar, a powerful aura permeated the air.

"Sure enough, it's the ancient spirit beast Tortoise."

Taoist Feihe exclaimed.

Gu Tiejun's eyes lit up and he nodded.

Although the spirituality in these blood essences is a bit weaker, they are still at the top of the eight ranks, their aptitudes are also at the innate level, and more importantly, there are enough of them.

The activity of blood is also extremely strong.

By exchanging on the platform of the Practitioners' Association, you can exchange for more pills or spiritual materials than the inferior 'Dragon Blood' of the seventh grade of Nadi.

"Brother Xu, we agreed to your terms."

Liu Changan and Xie Ning also nodded in agreement.

Although they were not in charge of the transaction, they could tell that they did not suffer from this exchange.

Xu Rui nodded with a smile. To be able to cultivate to the Yuanshen Jiaolong, the aptitude must be extraordinary, and the growth should be higher than that of the tortoise.

This is also what he values.

"Brother Xu, wait here, I'll go and get the two treasures you want." Gu Tiejun said.

If you want to take out the seventh-grade spiritual materials from the treasury, you must go to the Demon City Practitioners Association, and at least three presidents must go at the same time.

Therefore, Liu Changan and Xie Ning also stood up.

"Wait a minute, three."

After stopping the three of them, Xu Rui slapped the dharma bag, and a beam of sword light flew out.

Seeing the sheathed sword floating in front of them, everyone's eyelids jumped.

almost at the same time.

"Another medium spirit sword."

"I also plan to sell this Jade Tiger Sword, please get me a copy of the nine-hundred-refined hardware hero." Xu Rui laughed.

Since the person with the spirit seed wanted a first-class killing spirit weapon, he naturally had to make preparations early.

With his current refining ability, there is no way to refine high-grade spiritual weapons.Therefore, the transaction can only be completed by repairing the broken spirit weapon.

Gu Tiejun glanced at him with complicated eyes, which contained admiration, disbelief, and even a trace of jealousy that was hard to hide.

He took a deep breath and took it.

"Mr. Xu and the two rest here for a while, we will come as we go."

After Liu Changan finished speaking, he left with Gu Tiejun and Xie Ning.

The room became quiet.

After Taoist Feihe and Fairy Yuhu looked at each other, the former said with a smile, "Dare to ask Fellow Daoist Xu if he knows how to refine weapons?"


Xu Rui straightforwardly admitted that he no longer draws talismans, and just points at the refining tool to earn resources for himself, of course he will not hide it.

Taoist Feihe's eyes lit up, and he said hastily: "No wonder Fellow Daoist has so many spiritual weapons, so he is a master craftsman, I admire, admire."

After a pause, he continued.

"I don't know if Fellow Daoist Xu will accept the order for the refiner?"

"Of course, but I only refine spirit weapons."

Refining a ninth-grade magic weapon is no longer a challenge for him, and it can't exchange many resources. He doesn't want to waste time on it.

The eyes of Feihe and Yuhu became brighter.

The latter hurriedly said: "I don't know how fellow Daoist Xu will charge you?"

"Customers need to prepare two sets of materials, one for refining, and the rest for labor costs. If the refining fails, the labor costs will not be refunded." Xu Rui said calmly.

Having mastered the most high-end technology, others have no room for bargaining with him.

Of course, his price is not too outrageous, it is basically the industry standard.

After Taoist Feihe and Fairy Yuhu looked at each other, they felt that the price was acceptable.

However, they are short of cash, and they don't have any spiritual materials that need to be sacrificed for the time being.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, where can I practice Taoism?" Fairy Yuhu asked with a smile.

Glancing at her, Xu Rui shook his head, he didn't want to have a deep friendship with her.

"There is no fixed place to live, and the world is home."

Hearing this, the smile on Fairy Yuhu's face froze, she was not a fool, of course she could hear the alienation in Xu Rui's words.

Since she became Jindan, it was the first time she encountered such a disrespectful person.

She didn't dare to offend him, considering that the other party's cultivation was no less than her own, and her superb crafting skills.

After smiling awkwardly, he didn't say any more.

Taoist Feihe saw it and didn't say anything more.

For fear of offending this eccentric master craftsman.

For a while, the atmosphere in the room became strangely quiet.

About two quarters of an hour later, the three of Liu Chang'an came back.

Everyone carries a box in their hand.

Although both the nine-hundred-refined hardware hero and the thousand-refined hardware hero are made of the same material, one is eighth-grade high-grade, and the other seven-grade low-grade.

The internal aura is ten times worse.

They are completely different levels of spiritual materials.

Xu Rui checked and found that the size and quality were as he expected.

Fully meet his requirements.

"Brother Xu, this is the 'Dragon Essence Blood' you want."

Gu Tiejun opened the wooden box in his hand, took out a jade-colored porcelain bottle from it, and handed it over.

Eyed eyes took it with expectant hands.

Goldfinger manifests.

"Flood Dragon Essence and Blood.

Cultivation level: seventh grade inferior.

Qualification: Innate Spirit Seed (958‰);

Bloodline: True Dragon Bloodline (fourth-grade top grade, concentration 47%);
Supernatural powers: Overwhelming rivers and seas (first-class sixth rank), soaring through the clouds and riding fog (medium sixth rank). "

Xu Rui was somewhat disappointed to see that he was not an innate Taoist.However, the aptitude of 958‰ is not too far from the Dao Seed, and he will be willing to use marrow washing points to upgrade in the future.

The fourth-rank superior bloodline is a grade stronger than Xuangui, and generally speaking, it is quite satisfactory.

The wine fairy gourd that puts the porcelain bottle in his waist casually.

"Brother Xu, don't you want to open it?" Gu Tiejun asked in surprise.

"I believe in the character of the National Association of Practitioners and the three presidents."

After he found out the details, he didn't mind giving Gu Tiejun and the others a high hat.

And looking at the joy in the eyes of the three, one knew that his words were not in vain.

"Please rest assured, Mr. Xu, none of the spiritual materials and precious medicines traded from us is shoddy." Xie Ning said.

"Iron Bread's guarantee is worth a thousand gold."

Xu Rui smiled and continued.

"The transaction is over, and it's time for me to take my leave. The rest of you will use this talisman to notify me when the rest of you have gathered what I want, and Xu will come by himself when the time comes."

As he spoke, he took out a bright yellow sound transmission talisman from the Jiuxian gourd, and handed it to Gu Tiejun who was closest to him.

"We must gather the spiritual materials Brother Xu wants as soon as possible."

After Xu Rui nodded, "There is also the Taoist friend who wants to hold the spiritual seed, and then I will also make an appointment with him."

"Brother Xu, don't worry, everything is on me."

Gu Tiejun patted his chest.

After smiling and nodding, Xu Rui was sent out of Taixuan Building by a group of people.

Looking at the distant figure, Liu Changan turned his head to look at Taoist Feihe and Fairy Yuhu.

"Can the two of you get something?"

"As President Liu expected, this Fellow Daoist Xu does have the ability to refine spirit weapons."

"I knew it."

Liu Changan looked excited, "For an ordinary person who doesn't know how to refine weapons, even Jindan would not be able to accumulate so many spiritual weapons."

"President Liu, don't get too excited. This person said that he only forges spiritual weapons, not magic weapons. Moreover, if he fails to refine one spiritual tool with two shares of spiritual materials, the spiritual materials will not be returned." Yu Yu Fairy Hu said.

Hearing this, the excitement on Liu Changan's face gradually calmed down.

It is great to have a refiner who can refine spirit weapons in the cultivation world of the magic capital, but the price of refining spirit weapons is also high.

In particular, the spiritual materials in the Practitioners Association belong to the state, and he is only responsible for keeping them.

If you can successfully refine the weapon and increase the value of the spiritual material, this is of course a political achievement.But if it fails and causes national losses, it is a fault.

"We still need to think about the gains and losses." Liu Changan said in his heart.

 Thank you book friend '151218023350293' for rewarding 233 starting coins, thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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