Chapter 428 Cuiyun Building

Chapter 420 Eight Cuiyun Building

After the blood of the arm-armed ape in his body completely calmed down, Xu Rui subconsciously looked at the 'Dragon Transformation'.

With a concentration of 958‰, he is only 42 points away from consummation, and the marrow washing points he has accumulated are enough.

But after hesitating for a while, he endured it.

The supernatural power of the sixth rank is enough for him who is only a golden core now.

There is no need to waste precious pith washing points here.

After suppressing the impulse in his heart, Xu Kunlun stood up and found the residence of the Shi family in Jintaifang City. After asking, he found that Shi Yun was not here.

After leaving his contact address, he rushed to the 'Cuiyun Tower'.

Strutting in, it's still the same as when you left last time.

However, his arrival instantly attracted the attention of most people around him.

"Hey, this guy is so majestic, he looks like a giant."

"It's impossible for a human race to have such a stature. It's almost ten feet tall. It must be a monster race."

"Impossible, this person doesn't have any monster aura, how could he be a monster?"

Amidst the discussions, a young man in green clothes walked over cautiously.

Although Kunlun tried his best to restrain his blood, his strong and powerful body was too oppressive.

"Guest officer, what do you want to buy?"

After shaking his head, Xu Kunlun looked to the innermost place, sitting high on the counter, eating melon seeds comfortably, and staring at his "Neon Clothes Fairy" Zhang Hongling.

When you come to Jintaifang City, you have to come here for a visit.

Taking two steps forward, Kunlun cupped his fists and saluted under the watchful eyes of the boys around him.

"Xu Kunlun, the god of giant spirits, has seen Fairy Nishang."

Looking at this giant man with a menacing aura, Zhang Hongling didn't dare to take a big shot, so she floated down from the high chair and returned a salute.

"Fellow daoists are polite. I don't know why you came to our Cuiyun building?"

"I was ordered by my senior brother to come here on business, and I will visit you two by the way."

"Senior brother?" Zhang Hongling quickly understood, "Your senior brother is Xu Zhengyang?"


Zhang Hongling couldn't help but looked up and down the giant man in front of him. She could hide the fact that the man's cultivation had definitely reached the first level of Jindan.

Secretly marveling, he hastily said: "Xu Zhengyang said earlier that he has a junior with excellent talent and amazing martial arts. When I saw him today, I knew that what he said was true. Fellow Daoist Xu really has peerless talents."

"Fellow Daoist praises it."

With a clap of the dharma bag, he brought out some spiritual fruits that had been prepared in advance.

Relatives visit, not empty-handed.

"I came here in a hurry, and I didn't bring any gifts. I hope that you don't want to be disgusted by Zhang Daoyou, who has a few spirit fruits."

Seeing that they were all ninth-grade spiritual fruits, Zhang Hongling accepted them politely, invited Xu Kunlun to sit in the backyard, and ordered his servants to serve them tea.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, do you know where senior brother Ling and my second sister are now?"

Xu Kunlun shook his head.

The underground dragon veins in Wen County are too involved, and the less people know about it, the better.

"Senior brother left after handing over the spiritual weapon to me, without saying where they are."

Zhang Hongling stared at him, and couldn't tell whether he was lying or didn't want to tell.

Considering that the other party is powerful and has no direct relationship with his Zhang family, it is not easy for her to press him.

"Xu Daoyou came to Fangshi this time, when will you leave?"

"It depends on the situation, it may take a while."

Zhang Hongling nodded slightly and then said with a smile: "You and I can barely be considered relatives, and we will have to move around more in the future."

"It's natural."

After a brief chat, Xu Kunlun stood up and said goodbye.

Zhang Hongling held back for a while, but didn't insist.

Three days passed quickly.

Except for Zhang Hongling and Wei Huacun who came here occasionally, no one else came again.

But on the fourth day, Zhao Wuji came.

Invite him into the cave.

The two sides divided the guests and hosts into seats.

"Does Fellow Daoist Xu still have the habit of living here?"

"Thanks to the host's hospitality, everything is fine."

"That's good."

"The Lord of the Temple came, but I don't know why?"

Zao Wou-ki didn't let it go either.

"Brother Ling, do you still have time to refine the weapon?"


"That's good."

Zhao Wou-ki slapped the dharma bag, a wooden box flew out, and the mana brought it to Xu Kunlun.

With a wave of his hand, the sealing symbol on the surface of the box flew up, and the lid of the box opened automatically, revealing a red stone the size of a basketball inside.

"This 'Red Sun Flame Stone' is something I have worked so hard for, and I hope Fellow Daoist Xu will take it and give it to Senior Brother Ling to help me refine it into a spiritual weapon."

The Red Sun Flame Stone is a rare eighth-grade medium spirit stone, suitable for refining pure Yang or fire attribute spiritual weapons.

After looking at it twice, Kunlun turned his head.

"The Lord of the Temple should know the rules of my senior brother."

After Zao Wou-ki nodded, "Half of the Chiyang Flame Stone will go to Senior Brother Ling, and the rest of the refining weapon, as for what type of spiritual weapon, Senior Brother Ling can also decide on his own."

"Then I will accept it for senior brother."

With the previous several cooperations, the trust between the two parties has been thoroughly established.

"Please also tell Senior Brother Ling that I'm not in a hurry this time, just get it within half a year." Zhao Wuji said.


Soon, Zao Wou-ki brought out three pieces of eighth-rank low-grade spiritual materials.

Xu Kunlun took them all.

And agreed delivery within two years at the longest.

Just when Zao Wou-ki was about to leave, Xu Kunlun stopped him.

"The lord stay here, I have something to ask."

"Please say."

"The entire practice world knows that the temple master is good at cultivating spiritual roots, and the green leaf spirit bamboo is even more famous. So I want to know if the temple master has any low-grade wood-attribute spiritual materials in his hands."

"Seventh grade inferior?" Zhao Wuji was stunned for a moment.

"That's right. If the temple master has it, I'd like to exchange it with a seventh-rank low-grade thousand-refined hardware hero."

Zhao Wou-ki narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at it carefully and then said with a smile: "I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Xu to have such a precious spiritual material."

"It's just a coincidence, it's nothing compared to Guanzhu." Xu Kunlun said indifferently.

After smiling, Zhao Wuji said: "Fellow Daoists use martial arts to achieve Taoism. If it is for refining magic weapons, the thousand-refined hardware hero is more suitable. Why do you want to exchange green wood spiritual materials?"

"My lord, this is my private matter."

Xu Kunlun said calmly.

"Hehe, since it's inconvenient for fellow daoists to say so, that's fine. I'll go back and have a look, and if there are any, I'll bring them to fellow daoists."

Ever since the spiritual ape became advanced and awakened the supernatural power of 'distinguishing blame', Xu Rui's innate spiritual sense has become extremely sharp.

Judging from Zhao Wuji's reaction, he was sure that the other party had what he wanted.

After a little thought, I had an idea in my mind.

"You don't need to force the Lord if you don't have one. I'll go to Jinchanfang City or Little Penglai to ask about it. Based on my brother's face, if I want to come to Jinchan Patriarch and Little Penglai Shuangxian, I probably won't refuse."

Zhao Wuji's face changed slightly.

He is not a fool, of course he can hear the threat in Xu Kunlun's words.

If he refused, the chances of inviting Xu Zhengyang to refine the weapon would be slim.

His face trembled, and after he squeezed out a smile, his face was stunned.

"I just remembered, I do have a 'Thousand-year Mahogany Heart' of lower grade [-], I will bring it to Fellow Daoist tomorrow."

A smile appeared on Xu Kunlun's face, "Then I would like to thank the master of the temple. I will urge my brother to try to let him refine the spiritual weapon of the master of the temple as soon as possible."

"Hehe, it's easy to say, easy to say. Then I'll take my leave first."

"I will see the Lord off."

After leaving the cave and returning to Baiyun Temple, Zhao Wou-ki no longer suppressed his temper, and slammed out a palm, and the surging sword energy instantly tore through the atmosphere.

A white air column with a width of several feet and a length of more than ten feet appeared around.

After hitting several palms in succession, Zhao Wou-ki finally calmed down after venting his anger.

For many years, since he was in charge of Jintaifang City until now, he has never been threatened like this.

For a moment just now, he wanted to turn his face directly.

But in the end he endured it again.

There are two refiners in the entire practice world who can refine eighth-grade medium spirit weapons.If Lu Miaozi, the "Shengong Daoist" of Longhushan, failed in the closed-door training, then Xu Rui would be the only fruit left.

Of course, this is not the whole reason for Zao Wou-ki's patience.

Xu Zhengyang was able to refine medium-level spiritual weapons at a young age, and it is very possible to refine high-level spiritual weapons in the future.

Unless there is no shortage of spiritual weapons for such a promising craftsman, no one will easily offend him.

Zao Wou-ki does not lack spiritual weapons, but Jintaifang City lacks them.

In the future auctions of Yuxu Pavilion, if there is no spiritual weapon to hold the lineup, the influence will become smaller and smaller, which he cannot tolerate.


"Forget it, after all, I didn't suffer."

The previously mentioned 'thousand-year mahogany heart' was taken from the treasury, and it took three days before it was given to Xu Kunlun.


Kongming precious tree cave to the sky.

Xu Rui looked at the three-foot-long, thick-armed mahogany heart in front of him, and was a little surprised in his heart.

"I thought Zao Wou-ki would keep a part of it, but I didn't expect him to be very upright."

He took off the 'Jiu Xian Gourd' from his waist, and threw it into the Taiyi Yin-Yang Stove together with the thousand-year-old mahogany heart.

Manipulating the green spirit fire, squeezed out the green wood spirit energy from the peach wood bit by bit, and then was quickly absorbed by the Jiuxian gourd.

The latter's breath gradually expanded.

Time passed little by little.

The aura of Jiuxian Gourd quickly reached its peak.

After three days of stalemate.


The dazzling green wood aura bloomed like a blue sun.

The seething Aoki inspiration can be clearly sensed through the Taiyi Yin-Yang Furnace.

After about a quarter of an hour, the aura of Aoki slowly dimmed.

With a strong force of swallowing and sucking, the remaining thousand-year-old mahogany heart was swallowed in one bite.

Xu Rui's expression was serious, and his hands quickly formed seals.

A series of spirit patterns flew into the Taiyi Yin-Yang Furnace.

Although his refining level is not yet able to refine the magic weapon, even if it is only a low-level magic weapon, but on the basis of the original restriction, it can still be done by repairing one or two.

About half an hour later.

Xu Rui's last spirit pattern fell.

humming sound.

Accompanied by the more powerful Aoki inspiration, one, two, a total of seven restrictions slowly bloomed from the Jiuxian gourd.

Feeling the strength in it, Xu Rui couldn't help showing excitement on his face.

The breath of the magic weapon level Jiuxian gourd is more than ten times stronger than that of the spirit weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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