The heavens start from the bottle mountain

Chapter 429 Re-chapter Jinchanfang City

Chapter 429 Returning to Jinchanfang City

Thanks to the advancement of Jiuxian Gourd, the last two broken restrictions have also been restored to a certain extent on the original basis.

"Repair the last two restrictions, and the wine fairy gourd will be completely restored."

Although I think so, it is estimated that it will not be possible in the short term.

The best treasure in a spirit world is actually its luck fetish.

The Dragon Slaying Sword is at the middle level of the seventh rank, so the top spiritual material in Maoshan's spiritual world, that is, the lower rank of the seventh rank, can never surpass it.

Therefore, to truly restore the Jiuxian gourd, only a new and stronger spirit world is possible.

Stretching out his hand, the Jiuxian gourd flew out of the opened Taiyi Yinyang Furnace, and first cooled down in the big jade sea in Dushan Mountain, before flying in front of Xu Rui.

The size has not changed, but the surface of the semi-jade gourd has some beautiful moiré patterns, which looks like an exquisite work of art.

After holding it in his hand for a while, his spiritual consciousness soaked in.

Two huge spaces are reflected in the bottom of my heart.

The first one is thirty feet in diameter, and the second one is hundreds of feet.

There is a lotus flower inside each of the two spaces.

The lotus in the space of thirty feet is golden.

The lotus in the Baizhang space is blue.

After careful understanding, the golden lotus has the ability to seal; the blue lotus is still brewing.

However, without adding any elixir, it takes half a year to brew a drop of seventh-grade inferior spirit wine.

Although the efficiency has dropped, the quality has increased by more than ten times.

As for the sealing ability, there is a high probability that he will not be able to use it.

After holding it in his hand for a while, he hung it on his waist again.

While he was refining the Jiuxian gourd, Xu Xuandu also carried the sword box and rode Qingluoye beast towards Jinchanfang City.

More than half a year has passed, and Qing Luo is no longer the spirit beast that has just entered Jindan.

Its mana has become more powerful, and it has been longer for it to motivate the spirit turtle.

Starting from Wen County, it only took half a day to cross half of the country and reach the outskirts of Jiuyi Mountain.

"I am back again."

Looking at the familiar mountains in the distance, a feeling of being closer to the hometown and more timid appeared in my heart.

Strictly speaking, the time he stayed in Jinchanfang City was the real starting point of his practice.Here, it greatly made up for his lack of vision and knowledge.

Therefore, Jinchanfang City has a different meaning to him.

Shaking his head, after calming down the redundant thoughts in his mind, his legs pinched Qing Luo's back.

The Qingluo Ye Beast raised its light and flew towards the periphery of Jiuyi Mountain.

After arriving at the place, he patted Qing Luo's head and lowered his light.

Silently recite the Proverbs.

In a moment, the soil three feet away seemed to be boiling water, and it swelled rapidly.

Soon, a three-legged stone frog about the size of Zhang Xu emerged from the ground.

After it completely appeared on the surface, an invisible breath bloomed, and the three-legged stone frog seemed to have life, "shua", opened its eyes, and bloomed with human brilliance.

Seeing Xu Xuandu in front of him, especially Qing Luohou who was sitting down.

"Huh? Foundation Establishment cultivator, golden core mount, interesting. Which school or school is the little fellow daoist?"

Xu Xuandu sat on Qing Luo's back and cupped his hands.

"Junior Xu Xuandu, Daoist name 'Beiming', is here to pay a visit to Master Dachan by order of senior brother."

"Senior brother? Who is your senior brother?"

"My senior brother's surname is Xu, and I taboo Zhengyang."

"Iron Palm Immortal Xu Zhengyang?"


Patriarch Jin Chan looked at the young man in front of him in surprise.

"I didn't expect Xu Zhengyang to have a junior with such profound cultivation."

Xu Xuandu said 'thank you' calmly.

Over the past six months, with Xu Rui's sufficient supply of pills, Xu Xuandu's cultivation has skyrocketed, from the middle stage of foundation establishment to the late stage of foundation establishment in just half a year.

Now it is only one step away from the completion of foundation establishment.

"Is there something important that your brother asked you to visit me?"

"Senior brother said that the refining notes and the green spirit fire given by the seniors were of great help to his way of refining, and he has kept it in his heart for many years. Now he has achieved a little success in the way of refining, so he specially ordered me to come to Fangshi , if senior is interested, he can refine the spirit weapon on his behalf."

The eyes of the ancestor Jin Chan lit up instantly.

"Brother Ni can refine spirit weapons?"

Up to now, Xu Rui has only refined spiritual weapons for Lingxu swordsman Baiyun Guanzhuo Zhao Wuji and Shi Yun, the head of the Shi family, so the news that he can refine spiritual weapons has not spread.


Xu Xuan nodded affirmatively.

In fact, the reason for letting Kunlun go to Jintaifang City and letting him come to Jinchanfang City is the same.

It is to refine spirit weapons and collect cultivation resources.

"My senior brother has already refined spiritual weapons, even middle-level spiritual weapons, for the master of Jintaifang City, Zhao Wuji, and the master of the Shi family, Shi Yun. If you don't believe me, senior, you can ask them face to face."

Ancestor Jin Chan's eyes flashed, seeing Xu Xuandu's confident expression, he believed it a little bit.

Both Zhao Wuji and Shi Yun are well-known Golden Core cultivators in the practice world, if they are not absolutely sure, it would be 'stupid' to use them as evidence.

"Young fellow daoist come to stay in Fangshi first, how about I come back to find you when I go back to get the right spiritual materials?"

"Yes. But this junior is here for the first time, and he is not familiar with the place, so I hope that senior can bestow a house."

"It's simple, I'll let someone take you there."

"Thank you senior."

The stone frog nodded and spit out.

After the aura fell to the ground, a stone archway slowly emerged from the ground.

After bowing his hands as a salute, Xu Xuandu drove the Qingluo Ye Beast and walked in.

The light flashed, and when it reappeared, it was already the central square of Jinchanfang City.

Seeing the familiar three toad towers around again, there was a flash of memory in his eyes.

Suddenly, a ray of light fell in front of him.

The light dissipated, and a tall figure in a blue robe became clear.

After a quick look at him, the visitor cupped his fists and saluted.

"My name is 'Hada', and I am the patriarch who sits down and attends me. Dare to ask, is Xu Xuandu Xu Daoyou in front of me?"


Xu Rui had seen Heda a long time ago, so of course he was no stranger to him.

"I am ordered by my ancestors to take my fellow Taoists to Jinchanju to settle down. Please come with me."

"Excuse me, Fellow Daoist, lead the way."

After Ha Da nodded, he strode ahead.

Xu Xuandu pinches Qingluo and follows behind.

Hada subconsciously probed Xu Xuandu's cultivation with his spiritual sense, but before he touched it, he was overwhelmed by Qing Luo's huge magic power.

"Jin Dan, how is it possible?"

My heart is full of shock.

He never thought that the other side's seemingly ordinary mount was actually a golden core-level beast? !

"It's no wonder that the ancestor attaches so much importance to it, he is actually a Golden Core cultivator."

Thinking of this, Ha Da quickly put away all his small thoughts and obediently led the way.

From the street on the left side of Jinchan Tower to the back, neatly built courtyards appeared on both sides.

All the courtyards are typical Jiangnan style.

Small bridges and flowing water, flying eaves and bucket arches, everything is very delicate.

But there are not many such places.There are only seven or eight seats in total, and it is obviously a place where the ancestor of Jin Chan specially entertained distinguished guests.

"Fellow Daoist, please accept this token. If you need anything, you can use it to contact me. If you leave, you can also use this token to switch the prohibition here."

Xu Xuan took it over and took a look. It looked ordinary, only the three-legged golden toad was embossed on the front, and the words 'Golden Toad ranks first in the third' were engraved on the back.

"Thank you."

"Fellow Daoist, you are welcome. If there is nothing else, I will go back and report to my ancestor."

"Fellow Daoist, do as you please."

After the sound of 'farewell', Hada turned and left.

After he left, Xu Xuandu slapped the Jiuxian gourd on his waist, and took Qing Luo into it.

Because Xu Xuan needed Qingluo to travel, Xu Rui temporarily handed over the Jiuxian gourd to him.

Turn around and go out, go straight to the Dragon Inn.

It was still as bustling as it was back then, all kinds of monsters were sitting in the lobby drinking and chatting, and Jia Sanniang was doing accounts at the counter, but Si Mu was not seen.

Seeing him come in, the little guy from the human race greeted him.

"Guest officer, please come in."

After Xu Xuandu strode in, he walked straight to the counter.

Jia Sanniang noticed something different, and subconsciously looked up.

Seeing in front of him a handsome young man wearing a black robe, holding a sword on his back, and stern eyes, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Guests, are we going to eat or stay in a restaurant? We're here..."

Xu Xuandu interrupted: "If you dare to ask, is it 'Jia Sanniang'?"

"Exactly, Your Excellency is...?"

"I'm Xu Xuandu, Xu Zhengyang is my elder brother."

Jia Sanniang's expression changed instantly, "Is Xu Zhengyang your senior brother?"


"Where is he now? Is our second lady still with him?"

"I don't want to say anything about the whereabouts of my senior brother. As for Miss Zhang Jie, she should be regarded as my prospective sister-in-law now."

Jia Sanniang was stunned, of course he understood the meaning of the words 'prospective teacher's wife'.

After being stunned for a moment, he suddenly cursed.

"Xu Zhengyang, a hypocrite, was ignorant of our second young lady at the beginning, but now he is rushing to pursue her."

The corner of Xu Xuandu's mouth twitched, seeing others scolding him with his own eyes, he couldn't answer back.

"Is this a small shortcoming of the natal puppet?"

After erasing the boring thoughts, he quickly changed the subject.

"Senior brother said that Taoist Master Simu is his best friend, I wonder if he is here?"

"He went back to the dojo, and he won't be back in a few days."

After nodding clearly, Xu Xuandu took out a sound transmission talisman from the dharma bag and handed it over.

"If the four-eyed Taoist priest comes back, please inform me with this talisman."

After taking it over and looking briefly, "You can find a place to stay, if not, I still have quite a few rooms in this inn."

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Jia, I'm temporarily staying in Courtyard No. [-] of Jinchanju."

"Golden Toad Residence?"

Jia Sanniang looked up and down in a little astonishment. She has lived in Jinchanfang City for many years, and of course she knows where Jinchanju is.

It's just that he didn't expect this person who called himself Xu Zhengyang's junior brother to have such a big face. He was only able to live in the Golden Toad Residence, which was only open to Jindan monks, even though he was only building a foundation.

"Fellow daoist, please remember to inform fellow daoist Four Eyes that Xu Xuan is leaving."

After clasping his fists, he turned and walked out the door.

Looking at the distant figure, Jia Sanniang thought to herself.

"This Xu Zhengyang's fellow sect is also an extraordinary person. I just don't know what kind of sect can cultivate so many geniuses?!"

(End of this chapter)

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