The heavens start from the bottle mountain

Chapter 432 Chapter Jiuquan Town

Chapter 432 Returning to Jiuquan Town


Lin Fengjiao didn't expect that there were these things in the middle, and secretly sighed after Xu Xuandu was unlucky.

"Why don't fellow daoists live here for a while now, so that you don't have to go back to Jinchanfang City, and Brother Simu runs out again to find you, and you miss it again."

Xu Xuan nodded, "Then bother Daoist brother."

"Brother Ni and I are life and death friends, so there is no need to be so polite."

Xu Xuandu smiled, slapped the Jiuxian gourd, and a golden book was carried by mana and flew to Lin Fengjiao.

"This is a gift that Senior Brother asked me to bring to Brother Lin Dao."

Lin Fengjiao took it over and took a look, her expression changed.

"This thing is too precious, I can't have it."

What Xu Rui gave was a book of exercises that he had practiced before.

"Buxu Shu", the seventh grade escape technique.

At the auction, it can be exchanged for eighth-rank spiritual materials or spiritual weapons.

"Brother Lin Dao, don't refuse, otherwise I won't be able to explain to senior brother when I go back."

"It's absolutely impossible, this is a seventh-grade escape method, it's too precious."

Of course there is no lack of escapism in the Maoshan sect, but even direct disciples cannot learn it at will.

The original intention of the sect was to fear that the disciples would not be able to eat too much, but it did hinder the growth opportunities of some talented disciples.

"Senior brother said that no matter how precious it is, it is not as precious as the friendship between him and Lin Daoyou. If you refuse to accept it, it means that you don't want to make him your friend."

"This..." Lin Fengjiao hesitated for a moment, "Then I'm ashamed to accept it."

"Hehe, my mission is finally complete."

After a pause, Xu Xuandu continued: "Brother Lin Dao was in the restaurant just now, did you see that Miao Jiang wizard?"

Lin Fengjiao's expression became serious.

"This person is full of evil, not a good person."

"Brother Lin Dao doesn't know him?"

After Lin Fengjiao shook her head, "Today is the first time I've seen you."

Xu Xuan nodded, it's fine if he can't figure out the origin.

With his current cultivation base, as long as he is not in the middle stage of Jindan, he will basically not be too much of a threat.

The two chatted for a few words, and after lunch, they arranged for Xu Xuan to stay.

Originally, he wanted to do it directly at night, but this place is located in Lin Fengjiao's ashram. Xu Rui helped arrange it himself at the beginning, knowing that in addition to formations, there are also various Taoist gods invited by Lin Fengjiao under the prestige of Maoshan.

Even Jindan cultivators couldn't get in and out silently.

That being the case, Xu Xuandu didn't do anything again.

It's always rude to kill someone else.


At the same time, in a luxurious mansion in Jiuquan Town.

The Miao Jiang wizard who had seen Xu Xuandu frowned slightly and looked at Mr. Shi opposite him.

"Aside from Yimei, are there other cultivators in Jiuquan Town?"

"never heard of that."

Shi Gongzi touched the black hair growing on the mop, and shook his head.

"Really not?"

Mr. Shi had a flattering face, "No, how dare I lie to Uncle you."

Seeing how cowardly he is, Miao Jiang wizard has no doubts.

"How is the matter I told you going?"

"I've already looked for it again, but it's really hard to find the Sanyin boy in the cloudy year." Shi Gongzi looked puzzled.

"If it's not easy to find, you have to look for it, otherwise you won't be able to get my medicine in the future."

"Don't do it, uncle." Mr. Shi was in a hurry.

On this three-acre land in Jiuquan Town, his historian family was not considered a wealthy family.If it weren't for the medicine in the hands of this cheap uncle, which can make a man so powerful, attract countless people to pursue him, and earn a huge amount of wealth, how could he have the current glory.

"If you want medicine, just do it for me."

"Don't worry, uncle, I won't let you down." Mr. Shi assured, patting his chest.

Nothing is as important as your own wealth.

"I'll give you another seven days. If you can't find it, you don't have to come to me again."

After leaving these words, he strode away under Mr. Shi's hospitality.

Go straight into the historian's backyard.

A giant piebald python with a length of two feet swam over from the darkness.

While the snake core was hesitating, a pungent fishy smell permeated the air.

Seeing the old man come in, the fierce light in the giant python's eyes dimmed.

The old man patted its big head and walked into the room.

There are no tables, chairs and benches in the living room, and a Dharma platform is placed in the center.

There are some sealed clay pots enshrined on it.

The old man sat cross-legged on the futon in front of the altar.

After pondering for a moment, he took out a bronze mirror the size of a washbasin from the dharma bag and placed it in the center of the altar.

With both hands, a ray of spiritual light shot into the Dharma Mirror, accompanied by ripples, the image gradually became clearer.

Soon, a figure shrouded in darkness appeared in the eyes of the old man.

He didn't dare to look too much, and quickly bowed down.

"Nova pays respects to the great wizard."

"How did you go about what I told you?"

An old and cold voice came from it.

"The subordinates are already searching with all their strength, and I believe there will be good news in the near future."

"It's better to be like this. The clue of the soul boy was calculated after a huge price was spent by the family. If you can't find it, don't blame me for not supporting you."

"Don't worry, Grand Wizard, Nova will never disappoint your expectations." The old man said respectfully.

"It's good if you have confidence." After a pause, "Did the Maoshan disciple make any changes?"

"Not yet."

"It's good if there is nothing. Now is the critical moment when the universe is reversed, the negative yang is born, and the heaven and the earth are revived. Finding the soul boy to revive the Holy Master is a major event for our 'Lishan Clan'. Everything must make way for it."


Nova originally wanted to talk about Xu Xuandu, but stopped here and held back.

One thing more is worse than one thing less, so as not to be taught a lesson.

"Okay, I've said everything I need to say, as long as you know what you have in mind."


After giving instructions, the influence in the mirror gradually disappeared.

With a single move, Mana took the mirror back and put it in the dharma bag.

The old man named 'Nova' had a thoughtful look on his face.

"Tomorrow, I will tell that boy Shi An to avoid provoking Lin Fengjiao's disciples."


Xu Xuandu was practicing when he suddenly heard noises coming from the courtyard.

Frowning, he got out of bed, opened the door and walked out.

Looking at Fei Bao and Xiao Hai, who were filled with righteous indignation and a little uneasy, and Lin Fengjiao who was full of anger, Xu Xuan couldn't help laughing and said, "Brother Dao, what's going on?"

"It made these two bastards so angry. They actually violated my Maoshan ancestral precept and made friends with ghosts." Lin Fengjiao said angrily.

"Master, Xiao Hong is a good ghost. She stayed in the human world to fulfill her filial piety, and she never harmed anyone." Fei Bao explained.

"Yes, Master. Miss Xiaohong is a good ghost." Xiaohai echoed.

"Good ghost? A good ghost would go to the women's room at night and do things like this?" Lin Fengjiao said angrily.

"Master, it's not her fault, I let her go." Fei Bao said hastily.

Lin Fengjiao was even angrier, "How dare you exorcise ghosts and harm people?!"

Fei Bao shrank his neck in fear, and whispered: "That Mr. Shi is not a good person at all."

In fact, it was Xiaohong who was grateful to him for not revealing her ghost's identity in front of her mother, so she decided to repay her gratitude and wanted to play tricks on Mr. Shi so that he would stop seducing Fei Bao's sweetheart.

He never thought that things were not done well, and he was self-defeating. Not only did he almost get raped by Mr. Shi, but he was also caught by Lin Fengjiao.

If it wasn't for Fei Bao and Xiao Hai's protection, Lin Fengjiao would have caught her at that time.

Seeing Master's angry look, Fei Bao didn't dare to say more.

"Brother Lin Dao, I think there must be a reason for this incident. It's better to bring that female ghost over to ask about it." Xu Xuandu said.

Lin Fengjiao nodded, raised her sword eyebrows, "Tell me, where is that female ghost?"

A Bao and Xiao Hai looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

Just as Lin Fengjiao was about to get angry, Xu Xuandu stopped her.

"Brother Dao, be safe and don't be impatient, just leave this matter to me."

Seeing his confidence, Lin Fengjiao gave Fei Bao and Xiao Hai a hard look, then looked at Chen Xuandu.

"There is a fellow Daoist Lao."

Xu Xuan smiled, "It's a trivial matter. But brother Dao, please let go of the dojo's legal restrictions for the time being."

Lin Fengjiao nodded.

With a flick of the fingers, a spiritual light flew into the air.

In the mid-air that was originally nothingness, a light red mask appeared.

Soon, the mask fell in all directions like a peeled onion.

Xu Xuandu's heart moved, and an indigo aura flew out of his body, landing on the ground and turning into an old man in a blue robe.

Sensing the aura on his body, Lin Fengjiao who was beside her was shocked when she saw the other party's completely solid body.

"See the Master."

"Wooden ghost, can you feel the ghost aura from these two people?"

Chen Yuntian, the innate wood ghost, glanced at Fei Bao and Xiao Hai and nodded.

As an innate ghost spirit at the Golden Core level, his sensitivity to ghost aura is far better than that of ordinary monks.

"Find the owner of this ghostly aura, and bring her and her relatives here. Remember not to hurt the other party's life."

"Respect the law."

Chen Yuntian stretched out his hand to grab it, and after being grasped by Fei Bao and Xiao Hai's remaining ghost energy, they turned into auras and disappeared into the night sky like lightning.

After taking a slight breath, Lin Fengjiao asked, "Fellow Daoist Xu, was that your bodyguard spirit ghost just now?"


"I think its cultivation base should have reached Jindan?"


Seeing him admit it, Lin Fengjiao couldn't help feeling envious.

A Dharma protector spirit ghost at the Jindan level, even a direct descendant of Maoshan like him, does not have such treatment.

This also made him more curious about the master behind Xu Xuandu.

It's a pity that no matter whether I asked Xu Rui in the past or asked Xu Xuan now, the other party refused to tell.

What can I do.

Amid Lin Fengjiao's envy and Fei Bao and Xiao Hai's anxiety, time passed by.

About half a quarter of an hour, a cyan aura flew over like lightning.

The figure of Chen Yuntian appeared on the ground.

With a wave of the sleeve robe, a beautiful young female ghost in a long white dress and a white-haired old lady appeared in front of everyone.

"My lord, fortunately I did not disgrace my life."

"Good job, come back."

Chen Yuntian turned into spiritual light and merged into Xu Xuandu's body.

Without Chen Yuntian's restraint, both the female ghost and the old lady regained their freedom.

The former panicked and quickly stood in front of his mother.

Fei Bao and Xiao Hai hurried forward to protect her.

"Master, uncle, Miss Xiaohong is a good ghost, please don't hurt her."

Xu Xuandu took a look, smiled and said to Lin Fengjiao: "It seems that they are not lying. This female ghost has a clear body and no evil spirit at all. It is indeed not an evil spirit."

Lin Fengjiao nodded.

Looking at the two unfilial disciples, he glared, "Why don't you get the hell out of here?"

Both Fei Bao and Xiao Hai are smart people, and one can guess it from the expressions of Master and Xu Xuandu.

Obediently back away.

After Lin Fengjiao glanced at the female ghost, she said solemnly, "You are Xiaohong."

Xiaohong glanced at Lin Fengjiao and Xu Xuandu tremblingly, the aura of the two of them made her feel deeply depressed.

Suppressing the fear in his heart, he pulled back his skirt and saluted.

"Bai Xiaohong met the two priests."

"You don't see evil spirits on you, and you haven't done anything evil, so I won't let it go. However, it's wrong for you to miss the human world as a ghost." Lin Fengjiao said.

"The Taoist priest said, it's not that the little girl misses the world, but I feel sorry for my mother. If I go to reincarnation, she will be left alone in the world with no one to take care of her. As a child, I really feel sorry for her." Can't bear it."

After speaking, weeping and weeping are extremely sad and moving.


Just as Fei Bao and Xiao Hai were about to speak, Lin Fengjiao stared back.

"Your filial piety is commendable, but ghosts are things that gather yin energy and are cold and evil; let alone an old lady, even a normal middle-aged man will die if he gets in touch with her for a long time. So, you stay by your mother's side, Not to help her but to harm her." Lin Fengjiao said.

"No wonder my mother is always sick, it's all because of me."

"Xiaohong, mother doesn't blame you. Just die. It's meaningless for my widowed old woman to live alone in this world. It's better to go to the underworld with you."


Looking at the mother and daughter who were hugging each other and crying, Lin Fengjiao couldn't help shaking her head.

He hated this scene the most.

After the two of them calmed down a bit, Xiaohong knelt down in front of Lin Fengjiao and begged, "Master Daoist, please show mercy and save my mother."


Lin Fengjiao lost her mind for a while.

Seeing Xu Xuan standing beside him all the time, he smiled and said, "Brother Dao, the ghost energy in this aunt's body is not deep yet, so it's not difficult to get rid of it."

"Having said that, it's a symptom, not a cure."

The ghost aura is easy to get rid of, but if Xiaohong continues to follow the old lady, after a long time, the ghost aura will inevitably haunt her.

Xu Xuan smiled.

"It's easy, leave it to me."

"Oh? What's the best way for fellow daoists?"

"Just refine a magic weapon to cover the ghost energy in this little red girl and prevent them from leaking out."

Lin Fengjiao's eyes lit up, "Fellow Daoist, do you know how to refine weapons?"

"Know a thing or two."

Xu Xuan nodded with a smile.

If it's just to cover up the ghost energy, he only needs to refine a grain of dharma beans. With his refining ability, he can get it at his fingertips.

"If that's the case, the matter can be resolved satisfactorily."

"Thank you sir."

After Xiaohong heard Xuanyin, she quickly thanked Xu Xuandu.

The old lady followed suit.

After waving his hand, Xu Rui looked at her.

"Little red girl, right?"


"I'm curious, how did you die?" Xu Xuandu asked.

"Sick and dead."

"Ill and dead?"


Xu Rui frowned slightly, "Since you died of illness, why didn't your mother know you were dead?"

"Returning to the Taoist priest, the little girl was married, and after giving birth, her body was weak, so she died and was buried by her husband's family."

 I'm in a bad state today, and I've only finished writing [-] words until now. I'm really sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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