Chapter 433

"What, are you married? Have children?"

Xiao Hai exclaimed.

Fei Bao was also full of pity.

As a man, he still has certain thoughts about beautiful women, even female ghosts.Although it was just an idea, I didn't expect any results.But now that he suddenly learned that the beautiful woman has become someone else's wife, he felt quite uncomfortable.

Feeling ashamed, Lin Fengjiao glared fiercely at the two apprentices.

"Xiao Hong, as a ghost, you have a special status, so you are not suitable to stay outside. Until Fellow Daoist Xu solves your problems, you can stay with me temporarily."

"Thank you sir."

"Fat Bao, it's getting late, you should go back and rest."

Unlike Xiao Hai, Fei Bao is a native of Jiuquan Town. Although his parents died young, they left him a little property, so he doesn't live in Yizhuang.

"Yes, Master."

Fei Bao turned and left.

"Xiao Hai, you arrange their mother and daughter to live in the West Wing Room."

"Yes, Master....Come with me."

Xiaohai left with his thankful mother and daughter.

Lin Fengjiao turned her head as she looked at the back of the person going away, "Did you find anything unusual?"

Xu Xuan laughed and said, "I think Daoist Lin has also discovered it."

After Lin Fengjiao nodded, "Generally speaking, even if you become a ghost because of your obsession, it is just a low-level wandering soul. But this little red, listening to what she said, has not been a ghost for a long time, but she is already at the foundation level. Even though it's just a fledgling ghost, it's already unbelievable."

Xu Xuan nodded.

"This is exactly where I am puzzled. Something unusual must have happened in the middle."

"Let them stay here first, and it won't be too late to ask about it after a few days." Lin Fengjiao said.

Xu Xuandu had no objection either.

"By the way, are you sure about what Fellow Daoist said just now?"

"That Xiaohong is just an ordinary ghost, and her ghost aura is not that strong. It's enough to refine a magic weapon to isolate her ghost aura."

"Fellow Daoist, do you know how to refine weapons?"

"I don't understand, but my senior brother understands. Just let him do it when the time comes."

Lin Fengjiao nodded, but didn't ask any further questions.


With Xu Rui's continuous improvement in Lingbao puppetry, now he can do nine things with one mind.

What happened to Xu Kunlun, Xu Buzhou and Xu Xuandu, the natal puppets, can be shared with him in real time.

He also knew what happened in Jiuquan Town immediately.

With his current refining level, refining a magic weapon that can block Yin Qi can be called a piece of cake.

He turned around and walked out of the Artifact Refining Hall, and came to a valley with his escape light.

Some spiritual roots are cultivated here.

The most precious of course is the "Colorful Heart Grape" of Qipin.

Secondly, there is also the eighth-grade spiritual root 'Green Leaf Spirit Bamboo' obtained from Zhao Wuji, the master of Baiyun temple, the swordsman of the spirit void.

Xu Rui pinched a bamboo leaf.

With a move in my heart, Dao Dao Ling Wen quickly generated a brand.

But after a while, a bamboo-leaf artifact that looked like sapphire took shape.

The level is not high, the ninth rank is medium, it is enough to block the ghostly aura of an ordinary ghost.

After returning to the Artifact Refining Hall, he made a formula with both hands, and a vortex quickly formed.

Xu Rui threw the refined bamboo leaves in, and soon Xu Xuandu received them.

"With this 'Kongming Treasure Tree', everything is much more convenient."

Xu Rui thought.

Looking at the blazing Taiyi Yin-Yang Furnace, the spiritual material put into it had already turned into a mass of slurry wrapped in flames.

"The heat is almost over."

After taking a slight breath, his hands moved like the wind, and one after another spirit patterns flew towards the refining furnace.

Everything went well in the beginning, but the later it got slower and slower.

Xu Rui frowned, and formed a seal with both hands.

But the atmosphere in the refining furnace suddenly became active.

His face changed.

"not good."

Before he could suppress it.

With a bang, accompanied by a loud bang, the refining furnace vibrated for a moment and then stopped.

Xu Rui sighed and stretched out his hand.

A black light flew out.

Looking at the dharma sword that had been twisted into a twist in his hand, his face was full of pain.

Thanks to Goldfinger's help and the superior refining furnace, he has a high success rate in refining medium-level spiritual weapons, but failure is still inevitable.

Basically, for every three pieces refined, one piece will collapse.

Although this success rate is already considered high, it hurts him a lot to not see eighth-rank middle-level spiritual materials being abolished.

With the infusion of spiritual consciousness, the broken spirit pattern has been completely mixed with the spiritual material, and it can no longer be used.

Shaking his head, flicking his fingers.


A loud bell rang outside the door.

Not long after, a ray of spiritual light flew over, and a puppet made of spiritual wood appeared on the ground.

He looks similar to a human, but his body is full of ghosts.

"Ghostwood Jiao has seen the master."

He casually threw the disused spirit sword over.

"Old rules."


Ghost Wood Jiao flew out holding the dharma sword.

Although the abolished dharma sword can no longer be used against the enemy, the spirituality in it has not disappeared.After being crushed and ground, it can be used to promote the growth of the Kongming Treasure Tree.

Although the effect is not outstanding in a short period of time, the accumulation of a small amount will always yield results.

With a move of the left hand, a wooden box next to it flew over. After opening, the spirit material inside was taken out and put into the Taiyi Yin-Yang Furnace.

After sharing a portion of his spiritual consciousness to control the refining furnace, he turned and left Kongming Treasure Tree Cave.

In the courtyard of Qinglinju, Zhang Jie was sitting under the pomegranate tree, and Yue Qiluo, who had been completely controlled by Xu Rui and had modified her memory, waited on her side.

After more than half a year, Zhang Jie's lower abdomen has undergone certain changes.

The figure is also a bit rounder, and there is also a maternal brilliance on the alluring face.

Hearing the movement, Zhang Jie turned her head and looked over.

"Why didn't you go to rest?" Xu Rui laughed.

"It's enough to lie down."

Zhang Jie said lazily.

Now she only eats and sleeps. No, practicing, it was okay at the beginning, and it will be enough after a long time.

Moreover, Qinglin has limited space to live in, so I am already tired of staying.

Although the turtle resting place outside has a larger space, it is just a dark and damp cave with no scenery at all.

As for Wen County on the surface, the aura is thin, so it's okay to take a look occasionally, but it's not suitable to stay for a long time, otherwise it will affect the growth of the fetus in the womb.

When she became a mother, she focused on her children in everything.

"I'll take you to a place." Xu Rui said.


"You'll know when it arrives."

"It's still mysterious."

After getting along for a long time, and having a child, the relationship between the two has also improved by leaps and bounds, and now they finally have the taste of an old couple.

Obediently stood up and let Xu Rui grab his right hand.

The latter waved his sleeves, and a gray vortex suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Zhang Jie's eyes widened with surprise on her face. Before she could ask, Xu Rui had already led her towards the vortex.

I felt a blur in front of my eyes, and when it reappeared, it was no longer the aura-rich but empty, lonely and dark underground of the place where the turtle sleeps.

As far as the eyes can see, there are endless green and green colors; Daidaiqingshan is stacked with mountains; looking at the blue sky from a distance, the scorching sun is scorching; overlooking the flowing water, the rivers and lakes are continuous.

Zhang Jie, who had been underground for more than half a year, couldn't help but sink into the beauty in her eyes.

Xu Rui didn't bother her either.

After a long time, Zhang Jie came back to her senses.

"where is this place?"

"A hole in the law world."

Zhang Jie turned around with a face full of surprise.

"Dharma realm of the cave? Where did the realm of the cave come from?"

"I just mastered what Master left behind in the past few days." Xu Rui lied.

Originally, he didn't intend to tell Zhang Jie about the "empty cave", after all, he would not be able to stay in Maoshan Spirit World for a long time in the future.

If he left and the Dharma Realm was taken away by him, it would be difficult to explain to Zhang Jie.

What's more, if Aunt Hong also comes in in the future and the two women meet, it will be troublesome.

But as he deepened his grasp of the Kongmingdongtian Dharma Realm, he found that he could divide the Dharma Realm into several parts that do not interfere with each other.

Except for him, the master of the cave, others can only walk within the area he has designated.In this way, his biggest worry was saved.

Moreover, he also considered that being underground all day, although the aura is rich, the environment is not good.Zhang Jie is a pregnant woman again, if something bad happens, it will be too late to regret it.

"Your master is really powerful. He even has such legendary existences as Dongtian Dharma Realm."

Zhang Jie praised.

"Do you know which one of the various sects has a cave?" Xu Rui asked.

"I don't know." Zhang Jie shook her head, "This kind of secret matter must only be known to a very small number of high-level officials, and it will never be revealed."

Xu Rui nodded and changed the subject.

"In the future, let's live here."

Zhang Jie really likes this place very much. Although the aura is not as good as that of the place where the turtle sleeps, it's not too bad.The more difficult scenery is beautiful and friendly, and it is much better than almost a dark and damp underground cave.

"Does it fit?"

Zhang Jie asked.

Seeing her expression, Xu Rui could also guess what he was thinking.

"Don't worry, the juniors won't have any objections."

"Then live here."

Zhang Jie said happily.

Seeing her like this, Xu Ruixin also let go.

Back to the place where the turtle sleeps, he took Qinglinju back, but he still left a sign here.

The abundant aura here is very suitable for retreat and penance.

Moreover, with the sufficient supply of elixir, Xu Xuan's cultivation base has improved rapidly, and it will not be long before he will attack the golden elixir.This is the most suitable place to break through.


Go back to Jiuquan Town.

Early the next morning, Xu Xuandu found Lin Fengjiao and handed over the magic weapon.

After simply feeling for a moment, there was a touch of surprise in his eyes.

"You made this?"

Xu Xuandu nodded, "It's just a medium-level magic weapon, and you don't need to bother senior brother."

Hearing it in her ears, Lin Fengjiao couldn't help asking: "I don't know how far Fellow Daoist Xu Zhengyang's weapon refining ability has reached?"

"My senior brother has been able to refine medium-level spiritual weapons."

The categorical words made Lin Fengjiao, who was always calm, instantly dumbfounded.

"Medium... spirit weapon?!"

As a direct descendant of the great faction, he knows the meaning behind these words.

Xu Xuandu smiled and said: "My senior brother has already refined two medium-level spiritual weapons for the master of Jintaifang City, the master of Lingxu swordsman Baiyun Temple, Zhao Wuji, and one medium-level magic weapon for Shi Yun, the head of the Shi family. Now Lord Dachan, the owner of Jinchanfang City, is also my brother's client."

 Thanks to the book friend 'Shenwei Ruyu 88' for rewarding 500 starting coins, thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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