The heavens start from the bottle mountain

Chapter 455 The Haunted County

Chapter 455 The Haunted County


"Shopkeeper, I'll give you more money, five silver dollars for one night."

"Five dollars really?"

Another mature voice came out.


'Squeak', the closed door opened a gap, a nervous face.

After seeing him, his pupils shrank, and he was obviously more nervous.But when he saw the two children behind him, he relaxed a lot.

Slowly opened the door, revealing a young man in a blue-gray coarse cloth blouse, and a rich middle-aged man in a mandarin jacket.

There were a few servants following behind the two of them.

A group of people looked alert.

Looking at their posture, they are like guarding against thieves.

Xu Rui didn't bother to explain much, so he just took five silver dollars and threw them over.

"Prepare an upper room."

Money can make Mo Tui ghosts.

When the store owner saw the money, his eyes lit up instantly.

"Open the door, open the door quickly, and let the distinguished guests come in."

After kicking the waiter, he hurriedly opened the door.

Let the father and son come in. As for the Ghost Wood Jiao, as a ghost, it will naturally not be seen by ordinary people.

The shop owner personally took the three of them to the upstairs room.

Nice environment.

It was cleaned very well.

"Is your guest satisfied?"

"That's right, that's it."

"Hehe, as long as you are satisfied. Do you want the guests to finish their meal? We have the best Huadiao wine here, and the most famous delicacies in Hongya County, especially the squirrel mandarin fish."

"Have a jug of wine, and serve a portion of meat and vegetables. The amount should be large."

Xu Rui casually threw five silver dollars over.

The shop owner's mouth was so excited that it almost cracked his ears. He hadn't encountered such a big customer for several months.

"Don't worry, I'll fix it for you."

After Xu Rui smiled lightly, "Shopkeeper, did something happen in this county? Why is it that the time of the year has not passed, and every house is closed, and the streets are so deserted?"

"Your guest is an outsider. I don't know that our Hongya County is haunted by ghosts."

When he said the word 'haunted', he deliberately lowered his voice and looked even more nervous.

"Uncle, where are the ghosts? I, Little Heavenly Master Xu, are the ones to catch ghosts, and I guarantee that people will get rid of ghosts." Xu Changan assured, patted his chest.

Seeing that he was no more than four feet tall, with small arms and legs, and his horns were pierced, he looked childish.

The store owner couldn't help laughing.

"Young master, don't be joking. That ghost has already killed dozens of people in the entire Hongya County. It's very vicious. It's too late to escape, and there are still people who are rushing up."

The words fell and turned his head.

"Guest, if you hear something at night, you must not open the window, let alone respond."

"Thank you for letting me know."

The shop owner cupped his fists and saluted, then turned and walked out.

The door was closed, Xu Rui flicked his fingers, a flash of spiritual light flashed, and the sound and breath inside and outside were completely isolated.

"Father, let's catch ghosts." Xu Changan begged.

Although Xu Pingan didn't speak, there was desire in his eyes.

At their age, it was the time when young people were passionate and eager to slay demons and demons to be respected.

"Go after dinner."

This time I came out with the intention of letting Er Xiao increase his knowledge and broaden his horizons, so Xu Rui didn't intend to stop it.

Because there are not many people staying in the store, the store serves the food very quickly.

Plates and bowls filled the table.

"Guest officer, here is the Huadiao wine you want."

The shopkeeper put the mud-covered wine jar on the table.

After opening, the mellow wine aroma hits the nostrils.


"Hehe, this Huadiao wine is our shop's signature, but it has a strong aftertaste, so don't drink too much."

"Understood, go down, I will call you if something happens."

"Okay, eat slowly."

The shopkeeper said goodbye and left, closing the door by the way.

Xu Changan took a few bites with his chopsticks, "Father, these dishes are far worse than those at Grandpa's."

Xu Pingan nodded in agreement.

The Zhang family's thousand-year-old family has accumulated countless good things. Even the dishes they usually eat are mostly spiritual plants raised by spiritual energy.

The taste is naturally not comparable to ordinary dishes.

"If you don't want to eat, go catch ghosts."

Xu Rui didn't force it either.

Xu Changan's eyes lit up, and he dropped his chopsticks.

"Father, I'll go first, you eat slowly."

"Father, I won't eat either."

Xu Pingan also dropped his chopsticks and flew out of the window with his brother.

A cyan shadow followed like lightning.

Xu Rui glanced at it, then looked away, took a piece of fish with chopsticks and put it in his mouth.

I frowned, the taste was indeed much worse.

"It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal. The old saying is true."

He was used to the delicious delicacies rich in Zhang family's aura, and it was indeed difficult to swallow these ordinary meals.

But since it is ordered, it cannot be wasted.

Opening the mouth, the strong force of swallowing and sucking, swept away all the food.

Although the fundamental talisman of the Iron-Chewing Dafa has been given to Xu Kunlun, with his current martial arts practice, even without the Iron-Chewing Dafa, he can still eclipse the sun.

He picked up the wine jar next to him and took a sip.

Nod slightly.

"This wine is really good."

With a flick of his fingers, two water mirrors appeared in front of him, in which Xu Changan and Xu Ping'an appeared respectively.

This water mirror technique, which he has not long comprehended, is not very advanced, but it is definitely enough.

Seeing the two little guys catching ghosts, Xu Rui felt like watching TV.

They are all at the pinnacle of foundation building, and they are one step away from breaking through the cultivation base of Jindan. Coupled with the spiritual weapons they gave, they can deal with a few ghosts with ease.

After watching for a while, Xu Rui found a clue.

There are indeed quite a few ghosts in this town, there are more than a dozen of them.On the scale of a county, it is indeed a little too much.

It should be known that it is not easy for ghosts to take shape.

The right time, place and people are indispensable.

Hundreds of people die without a single ghost appearing.

Besides the excess in quantity, the quality also differs.

These ghosts are full of sinister energy, and they are all fierce ghosts who have cultivated for many years. Although they are not enough for Xu Changan and Xu Ping'an, they are not enough for ordinary foundation cultivators to deal with.

There were more than a dozen base-level ghosts popping up all of a sudden, and there wasn't even a single ordinary wandering spirit, which was obviously abnormal.

Xu Rui patted the Jiuxian gourd, and a black jade chain flew out of it.

The jade chain seemed to be tangible and intangible, and it easily penetrated the wall of the inn, quickly stretching towards the distance.The 36 Tiangang Soul Locker, which has absorbed the Yaksha skull and achieved the seventh grade inferior, has covered the entire county in the blink of an eye.

None of the ghosts touched by it escaped.

Xu Rui's heart moved, and the chain retracted like lightning.

There were eight ghosts who came back with them.

With a flick of the fingers, eight puppet seals flew into the bodies of these ghosts who didn't seem to be kind at first glance.

"Tell me, where did you come from?"

A short, thin, and somewhat clever ghost said quickly.

"Master Qi, we were originally fierce ghosts in the nether hell. It coincided with the opening of the ghost gate on the Ghost Festival. Lord Yan authorized us, lonely ghosts, to return to the world to enjoy incense. The mage here is merciful and returned to us People worship lonely souls and wild ghosts and arrange a ghost show."

"The villain has not listened to the play for a long time, so he is a little fascinated. But for some reason, the group of ghosts was suddenly frightened and fled in all directions, and the ghosts did not come out to stop him. The villain escaped with the group of ghosts and came to this Hongya because he was greedy for the prosperity of the world. Settle down in the county seat."

Xu Rui understood, "How many ghosts have you escaped?"

"The villain hasn't counted them in detail, but there are always two or three hundred."

"you sure?"

"Just more or less."

After Xu Rui nodded, he asked other ghosts and ghosts, and he got the same conclusion.

After temporarily imprisoning them in Guhunsuo, Xu Rui touched his chin.

"Who is so bold that he dares to release these lonely ghosts privately?!"

Not long after he fell into deep thought, Xu Changan and Xu Pingan, who had no ghosts to catch, also returned.

"Daddy, daddy, look, I caught four ghosts."

Xu Chang'an, who was jumpy, was the first to fly in through the window.

Xu Ping'an, who was wearing a small white dress sewn by Zhang Jie herself, followed quietly.

Coming in front of Xu Rui, Xu Changan patted the small gourd on his waist, and the spiritual light sprayed, and the four ghosts suppressed by the ghost-suppressing talisman rolled to the ground like gourds.

"Look, Dad, I caught these."

Xu Rui took a brief look, and after urging the soul-detaining lock to take the four ghosts away, he touched Xu Chang'an's little head with an appreciative expression on his face.

"Yes, yes, our 'Golden Egg' is getting better and better."

"I hate it, Daddy can't call me by my nickname outside." Xu Changan said frantically.

I didn't know it when I was young, but I realized how funny the name was when I was older.From then on, Xu Chang'an started the mode of "good friends without nicknames".

Xu Rui smiled, stopped teasing his son, and turned to look at his daughter.

"Ping An, how many did you catch?"

"Daddy, I caught three."

Xu Ping'an patted the pouch on his waist, and a black pennant with a purple border flew out. Ping'an grabbed the spiritual flag and waved it, and three ghosts flew out of it.

After Xu Rui also took it away with the soul lock, he patted his daughter's head.

"Peace, Daddy is proud of you."

The smile on the little girl's face instantly became stronger.

Xu Rui, who comes from modern times, has also inherited the modern concept of children's education, focusing on praise.Unless the two little guys made a principled mistake, he would not speak up to teach them a lesson.

"You guys did a good job tonight. You successfully saved tens of thousands of people in Hongya County from ghost disasters and protected the safety of one place. You have made a lot of contributions. Daddy alone will reward you with three yellow bud pills."

"Long live Daddy."

"Thank you dad."

The two little guys cheered happily.

Huangya Pill is an inferior panacea of ​​the eighth rank, and it can greatly strengthen the cultivation base of those who have not yet achieved the Golden Pill.

Xu Rui patted the Jiuxian gourd, and the six elixirs flew to the young lady and brother respectively.

Seeing their joy, Xu Rui smiled.

These panacea were originally prepared for them, but they didn't give them all the brains.

"Okay, let's put away the elixir first. It's not early, so let's rest for a night first, and tomorrow we have to leave for your Uncle Lin."

"Got it, Dad."

The two little guys climbed onto the bed, chose a side, and sat down cross-legged.

After silently reciting the mind-purifying mantra, his expression gradually calmed down, and his breathing became longer.

Xu Rui took a look and didn't bother.

He sat down on the chair next to him, took out a Daoist book and began to enlighten himself.

With his current state, he no longer needs to sleep or meditate to recover his energy.

(End of this chapter)

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